Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 07/18/2024

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Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR! We talked about Orange Man down and only 950,000 or so EeeeeeVeeeees to go:

07-17-24_EP on KMED_WEDNESDAY_6AM     

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    • Remember arch Neocon Victoria Nuland (married to Neocon Kagan) predicted Nordstream would fail? She engineered the 2015 Maiden Coup in Kiev.

      VIDEO: BEFORE Trump Assassination Attempt, Victoria Nuland Hints that Trump Won’t be A Problem

      Did she know about the then-unexecuted assassination attempt against Trump?

      In the interview, posted on July 11th, two days before the attempt on Trump’s life, Victoria Nuland, former US Deputy Secretary of State and a neocon warmonger, was asked how the war in Ukraine will be affected by Trump winning in 2024.

      Nuland assured the Ukrainian TV host that “I think Putin is in for an unpleasant surprise,” suggesting that she believed Trump wasn’t going to win the election.


      Trump promises to cut funds off to Ukraine, so Zelensky put Trump on his kill list. No shit.

  1. Transcript of Trump’s RNC speech tonight:

    Trump actually calls it the “Green New Scam” LOL – will that trigger a million more assassins? How dare you say our scam is a scam!

    “I will END the Electric Vehicle Mandate on Day One — thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration, and saving U.S. customers thousands of dollars per car.

    I will bring auto jobs back to our country, through the proper use of taxes, tariffs, and incentives, and will not allow massive auto manufacturing plants to be built in Mexico, China, or other countries, where they send the product back to the United States, and steal our jobs, creating a hopeless situation for our companies and autoworkers.

    We have long been taken advantage of by other countries, often being considered our allies. We lose jobs and revenue, they gain everything, and wipe out our businesses. I stopped it four years ago, and I will stop it again. We will not let countries come in, take our jobs, and plunder our nation.

    The way they will sell their product in America is to BUILD it in America, and ONLY in America. This will create massive jobs and wealth for our country.”


    I have no desire to be the naysayer, Trump’s speech was uplifting and I agreed with much of it, I agreed with almost everything Eric Trump also.

    But here is the problem (you can put your hands over your ears and say lalalala)

    Trump is in bed with the Jew destroyers, how can you end illegal immigration when 130 Jewish organizations are making it happen? Jews, like Mariam Adelson gave Trump 100 million – for what? Her Israel plans.

    Ending the green new deal means ending the WEF, and the whole globalist agenda – so surely they will send more hitman. Think of the movie John Wick, as we speak, every high level hitman is getting the calls from Ursula von der Leyen and Klaus baby. Vee must stop Trump at all costs, all our beautiful dreams of total domination are being destroyed.

    Putting up super high tariffs is the recipe for another huge economic depression. How many books have I read that raising tariffs caused the Great Depression.

    If Trump boycotts all Chinese stuff, why would China buy US Treasuries? They will sell them right when we are running 1 trillion deficits every 90 days.

    Good luck Mr. President, and never take off your kevlar vest.


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