John Gill Returns


Tonight – supposedly – the man who supposedly (and suddenly) decided he was not up to the rigors of campaigning for president will appear on TeeeeVeee to explain what was supposedly his decision, even though it clearly wasn’t.

For weeks prior to last weekend, the man insisted he was the nominee and would remain so. He pointed out – accurately – that Democrats had voted for him in the primaries. Not for Kamala Harris. Yet – just like that – we are expected to believe Biden decided on his own to quit the race he assured us he was in to win.

We were informed of this decision – which was almost certainly not his or at least, not one he made freely – via an image of a letter Tweeted by  . . . someone. Followed by a strange recorded phone call.

None of this makes any sense if the premise is Biden acted on his own – and not under duress. It makes complete sense, on the other hand, if he was obliged to step aside (and under duress). We’ll soon see – or at least, we’ll catch a glimpse of the truth.

Biden is supposedly going to tell us all about it, tonight at 8 p.m. Will it be like John Gill in the Star Trek episode, Patterns of Force – in which a drugged-up, senile “Fuhrer” is presented Live! to explain how it is to the people of the Ecosia?

Or will he glitch? Maybe lose control and depart from the script? After all, he must be an exceedingly angry man – having been very publicly forced out after being very publicly humiliated on live TeeeVeeee. All his friends have abandoned him. They were only his friends for as long as they thought there was some advantage in being his friend. Or at least, pretending to be. Once the advantages waned, so did the friendships. One almost –  briefly – feels a little sadness thinking about an old man in decline, stabbed in the back by everyone he imagined to be a friend.

Including his wife.

Maybe, the Fuhrer will rally. Maybe he will denounce the traitors unserer mitte! Just like that scene in the Man in the High Castle.

Wouldn’t that be something?

Regardless, we are in for a show – and it won’t end after the Fuhrer’s address to the nation this evening.

It is just beginning.

Biden will almost certainly be obliged to step aside – as Fuhrer. So that Kamala can take his place, in the literal sense. She – and those backing her – will do the soon-to-be-former Fuhrer what has already been done to him – again. If he cannot be the party’s candidate he cannot be the country’s leader (which is what it means to be a Fuhrer). It would be like allowing a guy who can’t be permitted to fly a Cessna being put in the left seat of a 747.

Envision the angry old Fuhrer being escorted out of the White House.

The envision the new stellvertreter – Deputy Fuhrer – that will be appointed by Kamala to take her place.

Neither of them chosen by the Party rank-and-file, who may bristle at this affront to “democracy” by its putative defenders.

Good times. And we’re just getting started!

. . .

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  1. There’s more to “Patterns of Force” and the Academician and Contact Specialist John Gill:

    1. To say that Gill “went rouge” and “native” is a vast UNDERSTATEMENT.
    2. Likely indeed, as McCoy later, in banter with Spock, realizing he had some relatively unsophisticated folk (Volk?) in the Zeons and the Ecosians, indeed decided to play “God”, or more simply, his ideal of a “Benign Despost”, or FUHRER. No different than, in the Star Wars ‘verse, Anakin Skywalker, now the freshly-minted Darth Vader, having slaughtered both Jedi younglings and apprentices, and now the leadership of the Trade Federations/Separatists, betrayed, of course, by Palpatine (“Lord Sidious promised to leave us ‘peace’! NO! He said to leave you in PIECES!”), tempts Padme to join him in betraying ‘Palpy’ (it IS the way of the “Sith”) and they ruling as the Galaxy’s First Couple. We could forgive the heavily pregnant Senator from the Chommell sector if she momentarily considered her husband’s proposal.

    3. When this episode was aired, it didn’t seem evident just HOW this dumpy little bookworm managed to become the FUHRER of an entire planet. At some point, he became one HELL of a salesman! And, like the OTL Nazis, he must have gotten RESULTS.

    4. One line I don’t buy into is the Zeon underground member Isok, who runs into Kirk and Spock as they’ve freshly beamed down, being chased by Nazi SS-men, and his assertion that the Zeons came with simple benevolent intent. Why, in their ARROGANT sense of moral superiority, they PRESUMED to “civilize” the “savage” Ecosians. Shit, where HAVE we heard THAT bullshit before? No, I say, the Zeons came with whatever self-interest in mind they might understandably have, whether it’s to develop a market or otherwise exploit them, economically, or simply control them enough to keep them from becoming a strategic threat. I can guess that whatever resentment the Ecosians have built up towards Zeons had well-preceded this neo-Nazi movement that Gill artificially introduced, and maybe to a great degree, the Zeons “earned the hate”! I might also point out that though the Ecosians are inexplicably using copies of German WWII-era small arms, especially a lot of MP40s, they also acquired an interplanetary range guided missile with a thermonuclear warhead. Even if the Zeons introduced atomic power to Ecos, it’d still quite a stretch to develop a weapon w/o enormous capital investment, which likely only the ZEONS could provide…or, indeed, STILL HAVE.

    5. Gill, for all his supposed academic achievements, is seemingly naive and not necessarily a good strategist. As was said in “The Godfather”…keep your friends close, and enemies CLOSER, but the professor probably didn’t realize which was which! Melakon obviously grifted his way into power, and likely knew Gill’s “terrible secret”…that he was from neither world, but to them, is an ALIEN. Could be that Melakon “honey-trapped” him, maybe with the lovely Daras, who grew up worshipping him? It could also be that Melakon got ahold of Gill’s Earth history texts, read of the real Nazis, and decided he could succeed this time. But he’s a smart enough man to realize that a controlled, DETACHED, somewhat “divine” Fuhrer is far more useful to him than a DEAD one, at least until Gill is helped out of his long-term trance (more of a low coma) by McCoy and Spock’s “Vulcan VooDoo”. Also, could Chairman Eneg, secretly a part of the Underground resistance, although he could just shoot the out-of-control Melakon (implying their security is for shit!), what of Melakon’s supporters? No, rather than they just renounce Naziism and go about living peacefully, Ecos would likely be plunged into a civil war!

    However, the lesson is CLEAR…don’t look to the FIGUREHEAD, look at who BACKS him. That’s where the REAL power is, and the ones you ought to scrutinze.

    • >One line I don’t buy into is the Zionist [Zeon] underground member Isaac [Isok], who runs into Kirk [Shatner, HTBJ] and Spock [Nimoy, HTBJ] as they’ve freshly beamed down, being chased by Nazi SS-men, and his assertion that the Zionists [Zeons] came with simple benevolent intent. Why, in their ARROGANT sense of moral superiority, they PRESUMED to “civilize” the “savage” Ecosians.

      You don”t buy it? Shame on you, Nazi war pig! 🙂
      Strange, the recitation of Earthly “Bad Guys” omits the two largest mass murderers of Earth’s 20th century, namely Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong. I wonder why their names are omitted.

      Germany is hardly a “tiny” country. Luxembourg is a tiny country, and so is Monaco. Germany? Hardly. The plastic imitation Stahlhelms just look silly, which I expect is the intent.

      BTW, I was a great admirer of he late Mr. Nimoy, who was a talented actor. Mr. Shatner, not so much. JMO.

      • Germany: 138,070 square miles in area.

        Montana: 147,040 square miles.

        One million Montanans, 83 million Deutsche.

        It takes three days to drive through Montana if you go through Glacier, takes a while to get to Whitefish.

        Glendive to Sandpoint in Idaho is going to be 12 hours, all day drive, 747 miles. Gotta go through Libby.

        Start out in Wibaux and have some IPA from Beaver Creek Brewery.

        The US Postal Service use MT to abbreviate Montana.

        They chose the correct two letters.

    • Hi Abe,

      Well-said. There is no leave me (and others) alone option at the ballot box. It’s a battle involving hyenas over the carcass of a gazelle. The gazelle being us.

      • I don’t recall who said, but typically an election is the auctioning of STOLEN GOODS.

        We Libertarians are in the naive and inherently contradictory position of voting for those that will steal NOTHING for us, but try to stop the THEFT of OUR stuff. Trouble is, not only, “Cui Bono”, but wherein doth it PROFIT a man?

  2. It is true that nobody likes Kamala Harris but supporters just LOVE Kamala Harris-D.

    A proper Democracy: Two people vote to steal my wallet and I will kill at least one of them.

    • She, like the others in the party of the Jackass, sell their ideas with the implied notion to the gullible dipshits that back them: “we’ll get you things you won’t have to EARN for yourselves, and SOMEONE ELSE will pay!” As “Winston” pointed out, it goes off the rails when the supply of other peoples’ money runs out.

  3. “Politics is show business for ugly people” – Paul Begala

    Back in the day, if the President was going to give a primetime speech you had two choices, watch the speech or turn off the TV and read a book. The President had total control of the television spectrum. Tonight I thought about tuning in (it was live-streamed on YouTube), but then again, why? I have literally millions of hours of alternatives available, and that’s just YouTube.

    The days of mass media are over. The days of presidential fireside chats and wise old newsreaders are over. Live television from Olympische Sommerspiele (sorry… Jeux olympiques d’été de 2024) doesn’t have the same impact as it did when it took 3 satellites and millions of dollars of equipment to deliver.

    Getting attention in the new normal media requires a new way of thinking. Keep ’em worried, wondering and above all whining. Everything is an extensional crisis, every election the most important, every opponent is Hitler.

    Poor ol’ Joe (if that’s actually him), is the last old guard President. It was a good run, just about 100 years, give or take. The old Edward Bernays style propaganda might not be as effective but at least it’s easy to just pay off people with viewers with product or cash. Eventually politicians will figure out how to spread the cheddar to the podcasters. Probably just in time for the next big thing in entertainment to take hold (going outside? Sitting on the front porch? Spending time with your family?), but no matter. Just continue playing the wrong game at the wrong time spreading the wrong message.

  4. Still not voting. Imagine, a county so unserious that the two main candidates for its head of state are Trump and Harris.

      • At least McCoy’s SS uniform with the medical arm patch was correct. Kirk made a slight mistake: McCoy would be in the SS Medical Corps, NOT the Gestapo. Not even as a forensic pathologist.

  5. I’m getting a bad feeling about Heels Up’s odds in November.

    First it was my sister-in-law raving on the phone with my wife about how wonderful Kamala is and what a great leader shes going to be. My wife bit her tongue it’s no use arguing with the SIL. Next up her best (conservative) friend calls, same drill with a group of her friends six total. ALL the same attitude, the conservative friend knows it’s no use arguing these brainwashed morons, they are all in for Kamala.

    Then my conservative daughter calls, the lib mother-in-law all in for Kamala as well.

    Note these are all college grads, 50 to late 60 year olds.

    The local news cast this morning on and on about all the campaign money Kamala raised in just a few days. All female news crew just beaming about Kamala.

    Can’t count on attitudes from 5 years ago, looks like a 180 swing to today’s opinions. I see a repeat of the 2020 national election. Republican leadership thinks more poll watchers is the fix, nope. All they’ll be watching is fraud ballots run through a counting machine, woo hoo. I don’t see how Trump will get the landslide numbers to counteract the school teachers, cat and wine box crowd, avocado toast eaters, etc.

    Not that it will matter much, “Unelected Technocrats…”

    • Hi Sparkey,

      There are nine women in my family. We took a poll yesterday. Seven votes for Trump, one vote for Kamala, and one (me) who refuses to participate. I met with one of my clients today. She has also stated there will be no voting for Heels Up Harris.

      Don’t give up on women yet. Not all of us are a lost cause.

          • Some rabbi turned Bibi into a schmuck.

            Every kike’s schmuck is in the schmuck foreskin cemetery. A toxic waste Mother Nature must endure, such a shame. Mother Nature has to tolerate and make sure they are the Chosen. Mother Nature is getting tired of it all.

            Kamala is not all that attractive, but I guess I could get used to it.

            Hillary is a no-go zone.

            No worries, Melania would be there to be first in line.

            Pardon the boldness of the candor.

        • Eric,

          Both my wife and I lived in SF for a while in the 90’s. She met Kamala Harris when she was serving as the DA while volunteering as a Big Sister. My wife’s assessment? Same as it ever was!

        • I’m a woman and like RG I refuse to participate in this “selection.” Not that it matters. No matter who is selected, the “selection” results will be the same.

        • Hi X,

          I saw that clip elsewhere of Drew Barrymore begging for Kamala Harris to be our national “Mommala” & “Protector”, and it was creepy as hell. It’s about as creepy as when people were BEGGING Hillary Clinton to do the same when she ran for President in 2016.

          • Hi John,

            Yup. Shades of our beloved fuhrer... who was right about his followers (male and female) being profoundly feminine in their adoration of him.

    • A 29-year-old woman, Harris had a romantic relationship with a 60 year old man…gets well paid jobs….

      According to Politico, “Harris had dated Brown, who was investigated by the FBI when he was speaker of the California Assembly and as mayor was dogged by conflict of interest, and she had benefited from his political patronage.”

      Indeed, it said, “As the speaker of the state Assembly, Brown had named Harris to well-paid posts on the California Medical Assistance Commission and Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”

      Furthermore, “As mayor of San Francisco in 2003, Brown was supportive of her district attorney campaign although they were no longer dating. Critics — including her opponents — were bemoaning cronyism at City Hall.”

      In other words, as a 29-year-old woman, Harris had a romantic relationship with a 60 year old man who gave her government jobs and later came under scrutiny from federal law enforcement.

      As we have learned in recent years, federal investigations do not always mean that someone has committed a crime. Thus, for present purposes, any hint of impropriety matters less than the manner by which Harris launched her political career.

      • Ah, but she’s a “strong” woman…like the “Wizard of Oz” telling the gullible four that slew the Wicked Bitch of the West for him to “ignore that man behind the curtain!”, the Dummycrats and Feminazis implore you to IGNORE that Harris “urrned” her political good fortune the “OLD FASHIONED WAY” that so many women have…ON HER BACK, HEELS UP. At least she put that “twinkle’ in Willie Brown’s eyes.

        • Hi Douglas,

          Yup. I hope I’m wrong but my gut instinct is that a lot of women will support Heels up Harris just because she’s a woman (and half-black). I think she may beat Trump for exactly this reason. We lost a good friend when Biden was forced to step aside… the old grifter was not as appealing to women, especially young women – because he is an old man. That is to say, a patriarch – like Trump.

          They want gurrrrllll pwr….

  6. I want everyone to be sure to understand how these Trump assassination theories evolved.

    There are 3 main theories on the assassination attempt:

    1. The Lone Gunman theory – that will be pushed by gov’t shills and public dupes who can’t imagine the gov’t would assassinate it’s own player.

    2. Trump survived a government plot to kill him. Most people believe that Trump turned his head at the last second and dodged a real bullet which clipped his right ear, causing him to bleed.

    3. The whole thing was faked except the bystanders who got shot. Trump was in on it, an actor who feigned injury.

    I never believed #1 because of the JFK lone gunman bs. I initially believed option 2 until I learned about how Trump faked it.

    Since the attempted DJT assassination I have searched for clues, real, fake, staged, who was in on it. I now agree with Dr. Kevin Barrett and others that it was staged and Trump was in on it, the third theory, and the ultimate conspiracy.

    Most Trumpers are never going to believe option 3. So when I write I will just write as if theory #2 is real, when I do not really believe that to be the case. The reason why I do not believe it is for a couple of reasons, for one thing the bullet would of caused huge damage, and now Trump has his bandage off you can not see any major wound.

    And Trump, in his RNC speech, lied about having blood on his hands, when he had no blood. I explain this over at Unz that Trump is lying about the blood because that is what was supposed to happen after he did the magician’s trick of getting everyone to look at the big immigration chart while he grabbed the blood pack on the podium with his right hand then smack his right ear. You can watch this in slow motion, one frame at a time to catch this fakery.

    When Trump pointed at the chart that was the “cue” for the first gunshots. Trump was a reality TV show actor and participated in big time wrestling events where these blood packs are used frequently to simulate carnage. Then at the RNC we even had Hulk Hogan, the most famous Big Time Wrestler tear off his shirt and say “enough is enough” – which is on the illuminati playing card of Trump dodging a bullet. All of this confirms Trump FAKED it.

    • Interesting observations. I really do not want to believe Trump was in on this especially noting his very believable comment that he was not supposed to be there. That said, it bothered me that there was no visible blood on his hand, and it irritated me even more after he told the story and described there being so much blood. When what I observed was to the contrary, there was an amazing lack of blood on and about him. I found myself wondering how he could make that statement knowing he was on multiple cameras and the scene has been replayed in closeup and slow motion countless times.

    • Interesting theories, Jack. I don’t think we can rule out #3 in its entirety, but that means a lot of people were in on it. A lot. The Secret Service, the staff at Butler Hospital, the rallygoers, etc. It would help if the hospital or the Trump campaign released the medical records regarding his ear and the damage related to it.

      • Plus, real people died. Collateral damage? I guess if you want an omelet, you have to scramble some eggs. After the millions of deaths worldwide because of government actions during the covid me-too-freakout, nothing is impossible with these narcissists.

    • First Photos of President Trump’s Ear without Bandages after He Survives Attempted Assassination

      from the comments….

      The Secret Service executed THE STAND DOWN perfectly & successfully, and allowed Snipers (multiple shooters) to move into their positions (2nd Floor Open Window, Rooftop, Water Tower) without any resistance whatsoever, and get clean shots on Donald Trump.

      Trump would have been killed, except for the fact that he luckily turned & tilted his head (both necessary) at just the right moment — with the bullets already in flight.

      The Assassination Operation was a stunning success, and similar to Dealey Plaza.

      The only difference was Trump by his own movements saved himself .. whereas JFK’s driver braked the car (deliberately) and left him helpless in the ambush.

    • Ears are not the melons the anti-gun crowd love to show us all and most .223 loadings would punch a nice clean hole in an ear. Had it hit solid tissue, it would have had a more spectacular “splatter pattern”. And my first action, if I had blood on my hand would be to wipe it off on my pants. Have you looked there? I do not like the man, close to despise the man, but I do believe “someone” tried to put him down and he happened to survive.

  7. I still don’t think that they will force Biden out before the end of his term. I know most people disagree and they use similar logic as given in this article.

    The flaw in the logic here is that politics is where we depart from actual facts and logic into fantasy land. How do people not get this by now??

    I’ll bet you $5 (or a beer, etc.) and maybe I’ll lose but I don’t think so.

    My rationale is as follows: politicians NEVER EVER admit that they were wrong about anything ever. Period. They just don’t, no matter how obviously wrong they are/were.

    They’re not saying that Biden can’t fly the plane NOW. They’re saying he won’t be able to fly the plane for FOUR MORE YEARS. That’s a huge difference.

    People are saying, “if he can’t run for the next term, then he can’t keep the job now.” Baloney! Keep in mind that he does FUCK ALL (aka nothing) for the job in the first place.

    They might force him out. I doubt it. What they’re saying is that he can’t do the entire next term but is fine for the rest of this one.

    Watch! Bet me!

    • Hi XM,

      I will take that $5 bet. I believe they will force him out sometime over the next six months, because she cannot win the Presidency (at least without stealing it and even those odds don’t look good). Unless, there is a coup over the next month it looks like Kamala has the Democratic nomination. Right now the polls do not look promising for her. People don’t like her – she is losing suburban women, black men, and adults under the age of 35. PA, MI, and WI will not (s)elect a progressive Californian to national office. Plus, let’s face facts…she is dumb. Real dumb. Yes, she has the ability to read a teleprompter better than Biden, but in one on one interviews or in the midst of a press conference….ugh! She also has an staff turnover rate of 92%. Seriously, if 92% of your top people have left you in three years you stink as a boss and a leader.

      The Asses will have to acknowledge the fact that she will lose the Presidency, but “history” is important to them. Forget country…we have DIE (dangerous/inept/egregious) policy initiatives that must be met, damn it! The Asses may accept defeat this November, but they will have the first black/Asian/woman as Commander in Chief before they hand over the keys.

      • Hi RG,

        OK, you’re on! 😊 I hadn’t really thought about that “history” thing but still, I don’t think they will force out the old windbag. They are also arrogant and probably think they can cheat Kamala into the office with the right number of trucks full o’ ballots in the wee hours!

        We’ll see soon enough! 🍻

      • In these days of the deep fake, I suspect her stupidity and rank viciousness will be pretty easy to hide. Joe Biden is a communist puppet dictator and so will she be.

        With the advent of AI and advanced deep fakes (which have been getting better and better for decades), nothing is predictable.

        There is an old adage I got from my great grandfather- believe nothing that you hear and half of what you see. Today it has to be amended to half of what you see in person and nothing that you see in any media.

    • Kamala is on the internet begging for a five dollar donation.

      What do the Democrats need money for?

      Trump does the same thing. Why does Trump need another five dollars?

      They are attention whores, obviously.

      Who in God’s name votes for any of them?

    • I think you’re right. If it was this hard to step aside well after it was obvious he had to, it would be even harder to quit outright.

      The only reason I see for him to resign is if it would give Kamala a huge bump, which now is the wrong time to play that hand.

      I’m not 100% that she will actually be the nominee – which I think is predicated on the idea that she is the only one that can use the Biden/Harris campaign funds. This might not turn out to be the case. But alas, the field seems to have been cleared at this point.

      No matter what, the show is a good one.

      • Everyone seems to be overlooking that a good “natural death” also vacates the office. Even better, a shot from an aggreived right winger.

  8. The killers and murderers will be applauding the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Ukrainians too in a very short time. Good for them, the fools that they are.

    An average dose of lysergic acid diethylamide was administered to all 535 congress creatures about an hour ago.

    Those guys drink any kind of kool-aid, make it the good stuff.

    It’ll be mayhem from the Lincoln Memorial to the Supreme Court Justice building.

    Might as well get a good laugh at the madness.

    The ultimate kool-aid is the indoctrination they have all fallen for.

    You can pray… that they all end up in hell where they belong.

    • “An average dose of lysergic acid diethylamide was administered to all 535 congress creatures about an hour ago.”

      I am betting maybe 8 or 10 spit it out.

      • Not when it is already in the kool-aid, you can’t be shaking hands with Netanyahu and multiple standing ovations. Just despicable they would cheer a madman who has been committing thousands of murders.

        At that point, they might as well be on acid.

        They certainly behave like somebody on acid.

        It was an orgy of madness, a dark side of history.

        Shame on them all.

        Gaza is becoming an ossuary for Palestinians, almost getting wiped out.

        One sad chapter in world history.

      • >“An average dose of lysergic acid diethylamide was administered to all 535 congress creatures about an hour ago.”
        Alternative History Stories:
        What if Grace Slick hadn’t been busted by Secret Service, and had been allowed to attend Tricia Nixon’s party? Having been admitted to the party, what if she had managed to slip the 500 mics she had under her fingernail into Tricky Dick’s drink?
        Nixon on acid. What a concept. 🙂

  9. I imagine Brandon’s handlers will be ready on the kill switch if he goes off script, and probably already have a video queued up to start when the switch is thrown. While I would love to see him go on one of his temper tantrum tirades, I doubt they will let that happen. Probably a 10-30 second delay so they can implement such a bypass.

  10. Anyone with a lick of sense and a conscience will avoid politicshuns, they are all bought and sold, you pay the price.

    If you vote, you endorse the corruption and financial chicanery.

    If you vote, you vote for more discord and war, which is fomented by the powers that shouldn’t be.

    It has to stop, so just stop.

  11. Is Kamala Harris really a man, born Kamal Aroush? Apparently many internet sleuths think so, and if she becomes (installed) as the new president, she will have beat Big Mike to the job. Or perhaps Kamal will pick Michael as her running mate. Just imagine, a tranny president and vice president. If Big Mike gets jealous, maybe he will strangle her like their cook out at Martha’s Vineyard property, you know the one at sea level.

    • Kamala Harris is a man, born Kamal Aroush

      Bitchute – DARK OUTPOST 10-19-2021 KAMALA HARRIS IS A MAN!

      David Zublick, internet presenter, put together a very good expose, he starts off (skip ahead to 13:30) exposing Michelle as a man, then exposes Kamal at 18:00

      And don’t forget, Biden could be dead and they will bring out a body double in a rubber mask. First SATAN will speak to Clowngress tonight, then Biden is to address the nation.

      What I am looking for is clues to who tried to kill Trump, how Bibi blames Iran, will the war in Israel increase, if any of our elected whores fail to clap, or even shout out some obscenity at the butcher of Gaza. Will any of our elected whores grow a spine and stop putting up with this Ziogenocide shit? You should be ashamed of your nation which endorses and funds genocide.

      No one should applaud Netanyahu, all should be seeking his arrest. Netanyahu has lobbied for 20 years for Amerika to wipe Iran off the map, they say he is near the end of his political career, and he is absolutely going to try to get us to attack Iran before he is retired. This is his last chance, and he has huge control over our politics.

      Tonight is the big night. I will not be surprised if Biden makes his resignation speech like Richard Nixon. No worries, he ain’t in control of jack shit anyways – and will be soon forgotten having served his masters well. The Zionists manage to steal at least 300 billion of our money under him, who knew Biden would fund 2 big wars? I did. I knew when he stole the election that they had something big planned for old pedo Joe (a compromised POS). And now he is out, so now they have to bring in fresh meat for a new play to fool us again with their endless scams.

      Amerikans have a short attention span, what ever was so urgent in the moment will soon be forgotten. What can be unburdened by any facts.

    • Wayne Allen Root, an accurate political insider and commentator predicted Trump would pick JD Vance. Listen to what he says now about Obamas vs. Kamal.

      I’ve Been Right About EVERYTHING So Far. Kamala’s the Worst Candidate in History. I Pray She is the Choice. But Democrats Aren’t That Stupid. There is a Surprise Coming.

      outakes: Kamala is “the new Walter Mondale.” She is the worst candidate in US political history.

      She has already proven herself the worst candidate in 2020. In a terribly weak field, she dropped out before getting a single delegate. As the only black candidate, she couldn’t get any black support in the Democrat primary. That’s really saying something.

      Then she topped that performance by becoming the most mocked and despised Vice President in history. She was consistently more unpopular than her boss Joe Biden. And that’s a nearly impossible achievement.

      Trying to claim Kamala is their best shot is like that old saying- “Democrats are putting lipstick on a pig.” They have -0- chance with Kamala. Zero. Zip, Zilch, Nada.

      But I can’t help thinking Michelle Obama is still the plan.

      As I’ve predicted for two years now- I believe she’s always been the plan. There are three “tells.”

      First, the Obamas did not endorse Kamala over the weekend.

      Second, there are reports many of the biggest Democrat biggest donors were at Obama’s DC mansion over the weekend. Obama is plotting something.

      Third, why is the convention in Chicago? I believe they’ve always planned on coronating Michelle at the last second in her hometown as an emergency backup plan.

    • Jesus, Jack, give it a rest. Kamala is not a man. She is freaking 5’3″! Not everybody on Earth was born a man. Plus, you are not helping the patriarchy by insinuating that every woman in some position of power (Michelle, Hillary, Taylor, Kamala) were born men. That just means men are in charge of everything and the world is a mess because of them.

  12. lt’s a Ziocracy and the Ziocrats are in charge.

    One rich target beginning a 2:00 PM EDT.

    The criminal in charge of the district of criminals will talk of war and nothing else.

    Another rabid dog, has to be taken out.

    There is no hope, just the way it is.

    I would be 1000 miles away from that evil place. I’m more than that.

  13. Send in Shatner to wake up our John Gill.

    I saw Shatner at a convention recently. He gets around on a scooter, but, at 93, is way more coherent than Biden.

  14. I wish Peter Doucey would ask the DEI representative the following questions:

    Did Brandon withdraw due to health issues?

    “No, we have been saying, the president is healthy as an Ox”, then follow up question:

    Then Brandon surveyed the current situation with Trump surging in the polls and decided he had no path to victory …correct?

    “Yes, the president felt he was going to win until Trump’s recent polling….blah, blah.” Then follow up question:

    Trump is surging in the polls because of the assassination attempt and his heroic survival. Brandon’s decision was made in the wake of the assassination attempt of Trump, in that case it seems obvious that Brandon would still be running if the assassination attempt was successful, and Trump was no longer running. Therefore, Brandon was going to gain politically if Trump was assassinated, agree?

    “No comment.”

  15. Since we’re on Hitler themed movies with respect to Biden, in “Look Who’s Back” style, perhaps Slow Joe can team up with the chick the WSJ fired last week. They can produce & upload YouTube videos, develop a feature film, and tour America –Joe’s dementia notwithstanding.

    Joe might have a similar potty mouth moment to Hitler, here:

    The full movie is on YouTube, btw.

  16. I saw a meme the other day of Kamala Harris with the caption “I’m with her”. IIRC, that was the slogan Hillary Clinton and her supporters regurgitated in 2016. Ironically though, most DEMOCRAT voters “weren’t with her” (Kamala Harris) in 2020, but in 2024, we’re to believe that D voters are “magically with Kamala Harris”. But given that Hillary Clinton AND Kamala Harris BOTH have cringe worthy cackling, I’m not sure whose cackling makes me cringe more.

    For a party that has as its slogan “Democracy is on the ballot!”, the Democrat Party has shafted its own voters for THREE Presidential primaries now to benefit a candidate the Democrat Party establishment wants instead of who D voters wanted.

    • I’m visualizing a meme, man, standing with pants down around ankles, chunky middle aged Jamaican Indian female kneeling in front of him. Man smiles contentedly- “I’m with her!”

      The t shirt and coffee mug sales will be off the chain!

  17. Der Führerprinzip — zionazi efficiency. Letter sent to Congress Clowns just now:

    Today is a Day of Infamy, as a wanted war criminal who was obliged to steer clear of Europe to avoid arrest defiles the US Capitol.

    As it always does to commemorate diplomatic encounters with the US, Israel slaughtered dozens more civilians Monday on the day of its leader’s departure, just to rub our noses in its pariahhood and brazen criminality.

    Nothing can ever erase today’s stench of the Israeli war criminal, defecating on our Capitol and on every value we hold dear.

    Just raze the tainted marble pile the ground. It’s not my Capitol anymore.

    • Absolutely Jim,
      Every Clowngress critter that attends his lecture should be arrested and charged with treason. Bibi should have been arrested as a war criminal the minute he got of his plane, but that would require a government with integrity. So much for the USSA’s “rules based system”, the rules are just for the serfs.

      • Apparently the President of the Senate, US Vice President Kamala Harris, is refusing to attend Netanyu’s address to the joint session of Congress. Interesting.

        If we assume arguendo that elections matter to some extent, Harris now becomes the best candidate on the issue of Zionist war crimes, as in Gaza and Ukraine, but the worst possible candidate on the issue of the ongoing invasion across our own borders. On the other side, Orange Man Bad is the best choice on the border issue ( although whether his promises wil be kept is an open question ) , but absolutely the worst choice on the overarching issues of Zionism and Israeli perfidy in particular. Of course, pro-White, pro- heritage America,, pro-Libertarian options are not available, by design.

    • Thank you Jim H.
      Also, agree with Mike in Boston.
      Providing the means to one who has criminal intent makes one an accessory before the fact.
      Harboring a fugitive is a crime, an makes one an accessory after the fact.

      Where are the “wanted” posters?

        • “Terrorist” appears to be a modern Jewish synonym for “Arab.”
          Despite the undeniable historical fact that Jewish “terrorism” created the Modern “State of Israel.”
          When the shoe is on the other foot, it pinches.

          • Homo the Sap falls for it all every time, permanent war is the norm.

            As long as it pays, what the hell?

            Easy to see, never mind, move along. The fact is, Israel is being defeated and there is nothing that can be done.

            Netanyahu gets to do all of the talking, if there is to be peace, you slaves will do it, not Bibi. Bibi tells everybody in Congress what to do, they have no other choice. Compromised and something more it seems.

            Actually, it is his toothless wonder that does the speaking, talking out his arse.

            He’s that desperate.

            Bibi is golfing with Trump and his son is in the sunshine on some Florida shoreline.

            Bibi and Trump are back slapping and shaking hands for a good laugh, that is what they’re going to do.

            You will kill for peace, that’s what you are going to do. Don’t argue, just kill as much and as many as you can and will.

            That is in the back of Bibi’s mind, you know.

            That means you, congress critters. Don’t you forget it. Chuck Schumer will proclaim ‘it wasn’t me’.

            Bibi will decide when the killing stops, won’t happen, so the murderous fool will do it all over again. Every single day, Satan refuses to stop the ignorant madman. More fun that way.

            His god is on his side, might makes right.

            Purdy much intolerable anymore.

            If you are thinking, stop. If you are not thinking, don’t start.

            Fair warning, there it is, no more thinking here, no thinking at all.

            “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”
            – H. L. Mencken

            The supreme propagandist Bibi has fostered, enabled, and allowed all of the insanity to happen, the reasons are obvious.

            Such a godless fool, everybody knows by now.

            Killing Palestinians has become his forte. Criminals do that, they’re free to do so, if they so choose. Have to be careful, it could happen to you!

            Charlie Manson was an amateur.

            What good is he? Ain’t worth squat, get rid of him.

            Crazy Horse would fill him full of arrows, leave him laying there.

            Here we are, not a fun part of it all.

            Quit’cher thinking, all it can do is cause more problems.

            It is all your fault Bibi has to kill Palestinians.

            You make everything wrong for the Israelis, not enough money and arms.


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