Diaper Report 08/11/2024


I get asked pretty regularly why I continue to write these Diaper Reports and my answer is the same now as it was four years ago, when I wrote the first Diaper Report.

Because there are still people who wear them. Facial Underwear, that is. Those pieces of cloth that are the functional equivalent of wearing Depends if you don’t need to depend on them.

Depends actually work, too. Assuming you want to prevent what you can ‘t hold back from running down the side of your pants leg.

Facial Underwear never worked – to “stop the spread.” Because how could it? Most of the people who were made to wear it weren’t sick – and so couldn’t get others sick. And those who were sick? The porous cloth (one must breathe if one wishes to continue to live) didn’t stop them from spreading it, either. It said so, right there on the box.

Never mind.

The Diaper has proved very effective – at mind-fucking. This being, of course, the true reason for the attempt to force everyone to wear one during the initial stages of what they insisted was a “pandemic.” In air-fingers quotes because it was one, in a technically true sense. But in the same sense that depression is a “pandemic.” Millions are depressed – just as there were millions of “cases.”  But – like most of those “cases” – depression usually passes without hospitalization. Let alone death. There are some who die – more finely – who take their lives – on account of depression. Just as there were some who died with COVID. Mostly because they were old and frail or already sick – as from chronic conditions such as being morbidly obese – that lead to premature death.

But it was never a pandemic in the mass-death sense. It was, however, really important to get people to think it was in order to cajole them into behaving as if it were – and the most effective way to do that was to make sure they saw that it was.

That’s why Diapering was enforced. It was essential that it be enforced because if it had not been, it is likely lots of people would not have Diapered and that would have made it clear the “pandemic” was exactly what we now know it to have been: A deliberate attempt to scare people in order to control people.

And it sure did.

It scared some of them so much that they are still Diapering. Notwithstanding that the “pandemic” is literally officially over. For going on two years now. Yet it is almost impossible to visit any place where there are lots of people out and about and not see at least a few people keeping up appearances. No doubt some of them are doing it for political reasons; essentially the same reason that Jacobins in revolutionary France didn’t wear knee breeches. These sans culottes could be identified by sight – and could identity fellow Jacobins by sight. This sight helped reinforce a sense of political solidarity – and the same phenomenon is almost certainly a part of the reason why it is still common to see people – especially young people – wearing Facial Underwear.

For them, their outward display is an expression of their inward identity. It is likely the case – to borrow a word used often during the “pandemic” – that there isn’t a single Diaper-wearer under 30 who isn’t on the Left. The Right has its own pathologies but one of them isn’t showing to the world that they are Leftists.

The Diaper does exactly that. Ask one of the wearers and see for yourself.

There are also some genuinely-still-scared wearers, too – though even that is not quite the right way to put it. They are ill – in the head – having been made so by the psychological warfare they were subjected to for more than two years. One can only take so much, especially if one is old – and the latter constitute the remainder of those still wearing underwear over their faces. These poor people are legitimately terrified, in the sense that a hypochondriac is not pretending. He truly believes that just being near other people – let alone touching them ungloved or breathing the same air – presents a mortal threat.

The most effective cure for all of this is to make it so that wearing a Diaper makes the wearer feel stupid for wearing it. This is not mean. It is kind. What’s mean is pretending that something not only stupid – but evil – is anything other than just what it is.

And that is why I keep writing these reports.

. . .

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  1. Hello Eric,

    Can you show us on this doll exactly where the bad, mask wearing person hurt you?
    There’s plenty of Kleenex right by your reclining couch. So help yourself.
    And take all the time you need. We have most of your fifty minute session left. 😉

    • Yo, Jizzo! Do you always go so far outta your way to signal what a privilege ya believe it is to remain willfully blind to the consequences of the collective’s actions, simply because you can’t comprehend how it affects you personally?

      Would ya like to ask the socially impaired developmentally delayed toddlers and all the children with recently acquired respiratory issues “where on the doll they’re hurting” thanks to the masks and the coward adults who’ve condoned them?

      Can ya show us any sign of brain activity in yer useless skull? 😜

      • Amen, Moose –

        There are still some people who think it was “no big deal” to force people – including kids – to “mask up.” I marvel at the obtuseness – and callousness – of this. Forcing anyone to degrade themselves and participate in the mass abuse of others by pretending to believe in a lie (by appearing to believe it) is vile almost beyond words.

      • Hi Moose!

        Here’s Mike’s reply to our conversation thus far:

        Hi Eric,

        You continue to conflate the masks with the “vaccine,” with the business shutdowns,
        with the pending economic collapse, and the coming WW III. That is irrational and counter productive.

        It would take a lot of visits to the shrink to straighten out your dysfunctional thought processes. He’d earn enough to finally build that new beach house.

        Bye. 🙂

        I have him in the spam queue but here’s my reply:

        He says I “conflate the masks with the vaccine.” No. I pointed out – accurately, I think – that “masks” were used to instill mass hysteria (and punish people for questioning the basis of it) and to lay the groundwork for the “vaccines.” Because it’s logical – if you follow the sick logic – that if was necessary for everyone to “mask” then it is also necessary for everyone to take the “vaccine.” The “masks” were also used to pressure people into taking the vaccine; the inducement being they could take off the god-damned things if they took the “vaccines.”

        And he suggests I’m mentally ill for despising everything “masks” stand for.

        It makes my teeth hurt. Do you suppose he’s just not very bright?

    • Mike,

      I rarely resort to this, but sometimes it’s appropriate: You’re an asshole. The wholesale abuse of entire populations was exactly that – and despicable, on account of that. Only an asshole would say otherwise. The awful side effects of the deliberate fostering of panic and paranoia linger to this day. What was done to kids especially was beyond despicable. And you seem to think it was no big deal. You also seem either unable to understand (in which case you are an imbecile) or are indifferent to the fact that “masks” were used to pressure adults to submit to being injected with drugs that have proved to be both useless and dangerous. Which have killed thousands of people and harmed many times more.

      Which makes you an asshole.

      One of my best friends lost his business – he ran the Bent Mountain Bistro, which was a popular local place to eat and gather – because of people like you, who think “masking” was no big deal. My mom was “locked down” for a year, during which I was not allowed to see her. During that time, she went from having relatively minor cognitive impairment (dementia) to being incapable of conversation.

      My bet is you compliantly wore your god-damned “mask.” And want to feel as though your wearing of it was “no big deal” and – toward that end – disparage people such as myself who never wore one and who call out those who did.

      Fuck you, asshole.

      Get off my site.

      • Amen brother!

        Sorry that I’m just now catching up on all this (still recovering from the moldy house, you know, the elusive autoimmune-mimicking real health problems that everyone conveniently forgot about during duh virus, and yet another very good reason not to be expected to mask or get hooked on the pfizer juice or ever trust the tiktok dancing white coats)

        Have to ration my energy and pace my righteous anger these days, but nothing brings it out like people pridefully turning a blind eye to abuse on such an insane level, especially a cult of child and elder and disabled and hospital patient abuse that masquerades as one-size-fits-all safety measures that the intellectually lazy will argue “don’t affect us personally”, that’s a bunch of horse shit and it’s pure evil how they can keep their eyes shut to the suffering all around us that was caused directly by the collective’s mindless compliance to government and made-up health authorities with their admittedly made-up advice.

        If you can believe it, there are still posters on forums in my condition who fearfully continue to insist on abiding the shots and masks and “following the science”, it is mortifying to witness, but most of them don’t even want to get better, they’re content with a diagnosis and no root cause. And ironically the clotshots were the root cause for many.

        My zany antisocial “Govern Me Harder Daddy” and ‘They Live’ OBEY Fauci tees have remained in my wardrobe rotation, the general public was quick to brush it aside and needs constant reminding of what goddamn fools they were. The brainfog might keep me down more often than not, but I will never forget what they did, even if the most vulnerable ones who got harmed the worst wasn’t to forgive it themselves because they’re too tired or distracted or too friendly to hold that grudge, that shit is unforgiveable and I’ll throw it back at the assholes every time if they wanna act like it should’ve been allowed to slide.

        • Thanks, Moose!

          I used a few expletives the other day (which I almost never do) in response to something Mike Pizzo wrote to the effect that I am overly emotional about “masks.” He’s right. But with reason, I think. Emphasis on the latter because I don’t think it’s unreasonable let alone illogical to be furious about “masks” and everything they came to represent. It appalled ands enraged me at the time that so many people so blithely went along with it – many of them aggressively going along with it – even after it became obvious to anyone who was looking at things rationally and logically that not only do “masks” not “work” (bandannas even less) but that the entire predicate – the “threat” posed by “the virus” – was ludicrously overstated. I can not forget and will never forgive what happened absent apologies for what happened accompanied by assurances that what happened can never be allowed to happen again.

          • If it didn’t provoke emotion then you’d find yourself sitting without a soul. Trust me my original response would’ve been a short and sweet Hey Buddy, GFY 🙂 but this ain’t my website, that’s your card to play as you see fit and you use it appropriately.

            You are spot-on that the psyop progressed the way it did exactly because of all the theater around it and the carrot or the stick manner in which they played the masses at every turn. Hey it’s ok, it’s just the new normal. Oh, finally, wanna stop wearing the mask? Better comply with the shots! Haven’t taken the shots? Better bring your own negative covid test in every day and paid for out of your own pocket. Wanna go back to school and see all your friends little faces? Better guilt trip everyone around you into submitting to the shots! Just kidding! Even if you survive the injections we’re still gonna force the masks back on you anyway! Oh what’s that, you’re suddenly inexplicably depressed and suffering from recently acquired asthma? Well have you tried talking to a shrink (don’t forget to sign here waiving your right to confidentiality in the event that we feeeeel you’re going to be a harm to yourself or others!) or tried eating right according to the food pyramid 🤡🤡🤡 Gotta have your Kelloggs sanitarium flakes every morning, and don’t forget to dump half the sugar bowl in there (or a generous helping of your favorite neurotoxic artificial sweetener). Oh your childhood friend offed himself? Nevermind their last few social media posts expressing concern about the rising number of cases or the borderline solitary confinement we imposed on them by scaring everyone into isolation, it must’ve just been their own anxiety that caused it. It’ll be ok we’ll let you all know when it’s safe to come out of your homes again, it’s just this whole crazy thing, nobody can be certain of any of it, it’s not like there was a gameplan laid out a decade in advance or tabletop exercises recently conducted to simulate this very situation! And definitely don’t blame poor Fauci, he’s doing his best!

            Eric if I told you all of what I lost and almost lost because of what the government did that the people either aggressively/mindlessly went along with, it’s enough to make a person outraged enough to wanna go burn down a village. I’m still not finished suffering the fallout of it and watching others continue to suffer the residual effects (often themselves unaware of where it obviously stemmed from), and that’s aside from the irreparable damage to the economy and the supply chain, all the businesses forced to close, all the businesses that no longer operate 24hrs or now maintain very willy-nilly schedules because they decided they can’t afford the overhead of keeping products available to customers later in the day, the general reduction in resources available to us, the quality of everything going to shit anyway because of it, and then all the foreigners that poured in over the border while people were too busy shitting themselves over duh virus and duh need to wear masks and be violated with experimental shots..

            Don’t point out the masks though, that’s just coincidence that they were used to run everything into the ground, when braindead people wear them voluntarily it’s not like it’s an affront or anything!

  2. An uneducated moron got the mask mandates jammed through….

    social media influencer Zeynep Tufekci pressured the prestigious medical nonprofit Cochrane to put out a statement attacking their own review that found there is little evidence that masks work…… One of the people Tufekci interviewed for the piece also told me that she twisted his words, which is obvious from the emails.

    New York Times columnist Zeynep Tufekci wrote an essay arguing that “masks work” ……while attacking a review on masks by Cochrane, which publishes the gold standard of evidence for medical interventions…which said they don’t work….

    Tufecki has no training in medicine or public health.

    from zh comments…

    This fraudulent Witch should be arrested . She pretended she had a background in Science when in fact she had no background in science . So she deliberately and knowingly misled the public . She knowingly and maliciously made life miserable for millions of people including school children .


  3. AH HA HA HA …

    ‘Dr. Anthony Fauci revealed that he’s been infected with COVID for a third time despite having been “vaccinated and boosted six times.”


    Although covid isn’t very dangerous anymore, hopefully the murderous old charlatan will croak, as the hospital’s chaplain walks by impassively, pretending not to see the ghastly old sinner in extremis.

    Last rites? How about a shiv to the stomach, wheezing geezer …

    • My FIL was in a nursing home, you have to visit so they just know.

      One day while at the nursing home, I was walking down the corridor to my FIL’s room. As I walked by, I heard a woman’s voice shout out: F*ck you, Captain C*cksucker, go to hell.

      An addled old woman with anger issues succumbing to dementia, her words spoken are more truth than fiction, what you do hear from the mouths of babes.

      Joe is there now.

      Drugs will do no good.

  4. ‘It scared some of them so much that they are still Diapering.’ — eric

    Eric’s point was vividly illustrated this morning at Walmart. In the checkout line, a fortyish Asian-looking woman with magenta streaks in her hair, and her teenaged daughter both were wearing prominent black masks.

    All they were buying was a bag of avocados. But, tempted by the checkout display, they both swiped up handfuls of candy bars.

    I’m betting that they ripped off those black masks the instant they got into their car, and proceeded to stuff their skank faces with chocolate while making guttural grunting noises. This is whut it sounded like in their car:


  5. Someone (forgot who) did a TikTok video making the case that the fools-in-charge always tell us in advance what their plans are by way of symbols. He said if you do a Google image search by typing in the upcoming year, you’ll see images of what the overall tone and tenor of the year will be like (based on on the principle of predictive programming). FYI, if you type in “2025” what comes up are multiple pictures of masked people, including an ominous–and very conspicuous–reference to “Lockdown 2025.” I sincerely hope this is one of those “baseless conspiracy theories,” otherwise it looks like they’re planning a bad year for us.

      • My mother would say that if children are going to be controlled by the state, the parents need to give up their children and let the state raise them.

        ‘If you can’t raise them like parents can and will, then the gov can and will house and feed them, let them take them’ – words to that effect

        Might sound cruel, however, the state would not be happy about that.

        If there are no parental rights, then the children can be wards of the state instantly.

        Not everybody would be happy, not even the state.

        You’ll end up a slave. So will the state.

        That’s not how you farqing do it.

        • “My mother would say that if children are going to be controlled by the state, the parents need to give up their children and let the state raise them.”

          I say that about income taxes. Why am I doing the IRS’s job? If they know how much I owe them, they should be doing my taxes. If the state wants my money, let them decide how much and get off their asses to collect it. Otherwise I’m doing their bidding voluntarily. F’ that S’. Now I work under the table. Come get it IRS!

        • I’d take that logic to real estate, as well. The state apparently owns my house. If I don’t pay a certain amount every year, the state can take ownership of it, toss me out and sell it to someone else. So, I take that to mean the state is the rightful owner.
          Hey, Indiana, you need to put a new roof on your house. Let me know when your crew is coming over to get started on that.

  6. So you all know how Biden hinted there’ll be no peaceful transfer of power come Jan 2025? This sounds perfectly plausible to me:

    “If you haven’t been paying attention, I ask you to read what I will share with you right now. I predict the White House will very soon TASER you with 3,000 volts of electricity and, at the same time, incapacitate the American electorate, journalists, and political pundits across the globe.

    Having closely observed the political behavior of Democratic Party bosses over the past Presidential election cycles, I believe we’re in for another “pre-election” stunner. It has the potential of standing as the most underhanded, sinister, and fiendishly calculating political stunt of all time. In short, I believe this event will occur in September of this year, well before election day on November 5, 2024.

    I predict that Kamala Harris will become President of the United States sometime in September 2024. I believe this power transfer from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris will occur no later than September 9, 2024.

    As for the Vice Presidency, which Kamala will vacate to become the 47th President of the United States, Section 2 of the 25th Amendment directs that “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President (Kamala Harris), shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress. President Harris will unquestionably nominate Governor Tim Walz, her current Vice-Presidential running mate.”


    So after the Demoncrap National Convention in Chicano (Aug 19) they will transfer the authority to Kamala and Tim, then follow up on their Biden coup and do an election coup, and Trump will lose, and anyone protests gets the J6 treatment. Welcome to the green goolag goyim.

  7. If you look closely at the propaganda images that are put forth day in day out, you will still notice masks. There was one recently on the top of Drudge with Walz surrounded by adoring schoolchildren and, yup, one was visibly masked. Stock photos on ostensibly economic related sites will have similar imagery.

    Even the laws against masking in public serve, with their health exemptions, to codify that masks “work” at “stopping the spread” of illness. I have come to understand masking as just one of the many outward symptoms/symbols of the demonic forces that are increasingly put forth in the spotlight in today’s society. Almost everything you see on a screen contains this symbology.

    • Yes, they’re deliberately keeping masks on the periphery of the public’s consciousness. Up until a few months ago I got the Wall Street Journal by mail, and not a day went by that a photo of a masked person wasn’t shown in that paper. This has been non-stop since 2020, so “they” clearly have plans to resurrect masking at some point.

  8. ‘They are ill [from] the psychological warfare they were subjected to.’ — eric

    Psychological warfare never stops. I was waiting for a statement like this one:

    ‘Air alerts and explosions sounded all night around Kyiv as Russia launched multiple missile attacks. A terrible reminder that Russia has not stopped its illegal invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory and its bombing of peaceful civilians. — US ‘ambassador’ Bridget Brink


    Listen, bitch: Russia is shelling Kyiiiivvvvvv because last week the Ukies invaded Russia’s sovereign territory.

    You don’t get to keep waving the bloody shirt of ‘Russia’s illegal invasion’ when your Ukie proxies just invaded Russia, destroying at a single stroke the long-running premise of a defensive war. OWN GOAL!

    It must be humiliating, having to concoct absurd, tendentious propaganda for the US clowngov. History, facts and logic go out the window. An AI bot could replace ‘Bridget Brink’ and do a better job of lying for its country. Sheesh!

    • Hi Jim,
      I’ve noticed that every article in the MSM starts with “Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine….” Really? Unprovoked my ass, it’s exactly the same as the US freaking out over Russia installing nuclear missiles in Cuba back when I was in high school. This time the situation is reversed and Russia is freaking out over having NATO installing nuclear weapons on their border. The insouciant Americans refuse to see things from the other side’s perspective, secure in their pig headedness until those missiles start to fly.

    • The war propagandists love to start their narrative in the middle of the story. What they don’t say is how they were arming Ukraine to not only attack Russia, they used the Minsk Accords to stall for more time to build up Ukraine’s offfenses, they spent 8 years attacking the Russian speaking peoples of SE Ukraine, and how they had 34 bioweapon labs aimed at wiping out the Russian peoples!

      And now the Neocohens (NeoCONS) admit they want to Balkanize Russia and steal all their natural resources.

      Map of the plan to Balkanize Russia:


      Wiki – “The Minsk agreements were a series of international agreements which sought to end the Donbas war fought between armed Russian separatist groups and Armed Forces of Ukraine, with Russian regular forces playing a central part.”

      WSWS – Former German Chancellor Merkel admits the Minsk agreement was merely to buy time for Ukraine’s arms build-up
      Peter Schwarz
      21 December 2022

      According to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Minsk agreement served to buy time to rearm Ukraine. “The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time,” Merkel told the weekly Die Zeit. “It also used this time to become stronger, as you can see today.”

      Ursula von der Leyen now boasts the Minsk Agreements were a ruse to stall for time and build up Ukraine’s army to attack and destroy Russia.

      But you see it is all Putin’s fault. Putin is a bad man defending his nation from the good Democracies in the west. How dare Putin not allowing the Demoncraps to rape and pillage his nation!

  9. Got a glimpse of the local “news”paper last week when I was out and about, and was disgusted [but not surprised] to see one of the front-page story headlines: “What Vaccinations Your Child Needs For School”, with a graphic underneath it that read “It’s Science!”.

    Ah yes. The same “science” as maintaining a six-foot distance, and wearing a mask, and taking a death-jab?

    They keep pushing these lies till nearly everyone believes them. No wonder it’s nearly impossible to find a kid today who isn’t autistic (If not downright retarded) or has ADHD or a peanut allergy or wheat allergy or asthma or some other never-ending malady. When I went to school in the 70’s such things were so rare that they affected maybe 2 kids in the whole school. Today you’re lucky if you can find 2 kids in the whole school who don’t have such maladies (And virtually all of them are being “treated” with some drugs. “Don’t do drugs kids”….)

    • This week my local paper op ed talked about the bird flu requirements for cattle at the State Fair (& how the milk-a-cow activity was cancelled) and compared the response to that of the Plandemic, as if More needed to be done, & went on to list all the numbers of deaths attributed to the covid, 100’s he knew. …Just, knew. …Keepin’ up the scare mongering.

      • The cases! The cases! (Do they use a PCR test for burd[sic] flu?)

        Kerry Mullis (inventor of the PCR test, who said that his test was never to be used in the manner in which it was being used (and then was promptly killed-off) is a perfect example of why any decent people should operate in the underground economy and not be a part of the system. How his test was perverted and used for evil purposes is exactly what happens when productive and innovative people work within the system. Their good intentions and inventions are turned and used for the state’s nefarious purposes, while their authors are disposed of.

    • Google bought Youtube, then installed Jewish censors and the ADL to stomp out any Covid resistance, any “antisemites” who opposed genocide, etc. Jews got full control of Google and Youtube, a very well known internet fact.


      But I bet you did not know that when Goolag bought Youtube and transformed it into JEWtube, that Susan Wojcicki was made CEO, she just died from turbocancer (vaxx caused)

      YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki proudly admits to censoring information on COVID and demonetizing creators that challenge the mainstream climate change narrative. She caused massive harm to content creators trying to tell the truth about the climate change hoax and the covid death jab hoax.

      Her son also died suddenly 6 monthly ago in Berkeley dorm. Like so many vaxxtards, taken in by their own propaganda, killed her own son. How many parents killed their offspring because they bought the MSM vaxx bullshit and how come no class action lawsuits suing these bastards for their lies causing mass deaths?

      Jewess Susan Wojcicki is infamous for her censorship of conservatives and blatant election interference via speech bans. Lots of extremist Polish Jews running this hell planet, like this lunatic Bibi Netanyahu who had Polish parents surname Mileikowski. As if some fake ass Jew from Poland has the land title to Palestine. The world IS completely mad!

  10. Kamala Harris was a big mask supporter and proudly wore it. You ought to know she is some kind of mind programmed fembot who makes hand signals when talking her unburdened phrase (like one of those dolls with a pull cord) – her handlers got her hand gestures synced with the phrase. “What can be unburdened by what has been” – she almost always raises or points up with one hand (right) and then down with the other (left). Baphomet is the transgender god.

    Kamala Harris – “Unburdened” SUPERCUT

    Like I always say it is way worse than you think. It looks to me they are installing this mind controlled sexbot as president who will rubber stamp the green agenda. She will dutifully read her lines, make her hand gestures, spell the audience, and cause immense damage to the Amerikan economy – and be proud and arrogant when doing so and never be held accountable.

  11. Keep at it Eric. It is important to mock. shame, and deride these mental ill, bitter clingers, they need a taste of their own medicine, experience the same pain they caused. The mask thing was just a minor humiliation ritual. The Garbage Elite want/insist every single human take part. Probably because they were forced to participate in much worse, deviant versions as a condition of their entrance into the big club.

    The next big thing in humiliation rituals is when the dual guzzlers (human/horse) are installed with overwhelmingly clear evidence of fraud. Probably way worse, way more obvious than last time. We’ll soon see the extent of our numbers and how many people still have the ability to learn and grow from past mistakes. Last time there was 3% of us willing to stand up to the BS. Heres hoping this time at least 25-30% refuse the satanic masking ritual. Monkey-pox, bird-flu, or the newest improved safe and effective, we shouldn’t have long to wait.

  12. Somebody call the US Marines and have them put a stop to ridiculous mask wearing when not much of it is needed in everyday existence. Done by force, fixed bayonet, by orders from command headquarters.

    Enough of this whatever it is.

    The psychological damage has been done, it’s the post-traumatic stress disorder syndrome, Stockholm style, you are being robbed of everything. Stripped of your dignity.

    Every day has a new psyop, you don’t even know it yet.

    US Marines were stationed in Shanghai during the 1930’s, 1000 strong, protected the international sector, the Japanese were being unruly back then.

    Station 10,000 US Marines in Washington, DC, let them take care of business and right the ship, jettison Congress, stuff like that will be effective. Call it an armed insurrection that will be a defeat for Congress and a victory for all of the American untermenschen out there. The chaos must end.

    Go big or go home.

    Do that and you’ll be doing something.

    This is gonna be the best of my life… – American Authors, Best Of My Life

  13. I applaud Eric’s ongoing Diaper Reports. The crime should not be allowed to be forgotten. Several millions will probably die from the vaxx, or be otherwise impaired. A real holocaust. Those who continue to play the game by wearing masks should be evaluated for mental illness. There is no other rhyme or reason to do so.

    • RE: “Those who continue to play the game by wearing masks should be evaluated for mental illness.”

      No way! That plays into the whole sickness overlords & their made-up psy-op b.s. disorders & all that goes with it.

      Cultural ostracizeation, ridicule and the like should suffice. Same way that, outside of a circus or movie set, no one wears a clown suit to work.

    • On the other hand the mask announces to the world the wearer is a fucking moron & is to be ridiculed and avoided. Maybe it’s just as well?

  14. Health officials sound alert after puppy at Colorado adoption event tests positive for rabies


    Texas puppy mill has a rabies outbreak. No connection at all with what’s going on down by the Rio Grande… any thoughts you have that suggest this might have a correlation to bringing undocumented people in who are lacking skills in any way (but “willing to do the work you won’t do”) makes you a racist a**hole.

    And what exactly is an “adoption event?” Like ComicCon for dog lovers? Why does everything have to be Burning Man? If you want a dog, check some of the dozens of ways to research reputable breeders online. Craigslist is probably as good as any. Sure, there’s some benefit to visiting with like-minded people, but it also encourages obsessive overdoing it when it comes to hobbies. And pets aren’t like antique cars or ham radios, they’re a part of family and living creatures.

    • For one thing, RK, one should not participate in pure breed dog breading. They are notoriously unhealthy and super sensitive.
      A thoroughbred is created by inbreeding.

      • Real breeders are absolutely ruthless in culling. I agree with that “popular” breeds are very subject to “culls” being placed on the market.

    • RK, EVERYTHING must be “branded”, “marketed” and “experienced” in some “space”.

      The hustle goes on forever and the buzz words never end. My apologies to Robert Earle Keen.

      • On one hand, I suppose the various socially oriented conventions are just a market response to a market demand. But as the world and I have parted ways I just don’t see much point in going to more than a few, one time, then that’s done. Back years ago before the Internet and eBay and Discussion groups, the big crowds and flea markets were exciting. You learned about new products, listened to panels and storytellers, got to see things you wouldn’t normally. But now? Either I’ve seen it all and aged out, or just that there isn’t much that’s unique and niche. Everyone has an online presence, and it’s trivial to learn about new products. There’s probably still some benefit to the serendipitous encounter after hours in the bar, but even that’s not all it is cracked up to be, not with the desire of some to make everything political.

        Of course I’m thinking about amateur radio and drone shows. Very few cosplay models dressed like Wonder Woman show up at those shows…

  15. The DR is a good reminder of how easy it was to manipulate the population, and of how many were willingly self styled enforcers.

  16. Thought you’d all find this alt explanation of why people seemingly ‘catch’ colds & stuff interesting, I did:

    ‘Virologists and Virus Deniers Both Wrong – Covid Begins in the Gut’

    “… COVID is sepsis slow, metabolic blood poisoning coming from a leaky gut, and leaky gut is the root cause of most diseases and can be self-generated in the food absorption chamber of the small intestine into the bloodstream when there is a weather change resulting in a misperceived mass contagion phenomenon called an epidemic. There are no airborne viruses but trillions of potential viruses and endotoxins (dead bacteria) in the human body that can be made virulent in the gut from antibiotics and natural organic plant pesticides. Thus, there is no mass airborne contagion but there can be infection from a weather-synchronized mass leaky gut attack when the weather changes, depending on the susceptibility from a compromised gut lining and timely ability to eliminate waste each day. This makes the virologists and no-virus advocates both wrong, and the standard of care for physicians plausibly lethal.” …


    • WHO has been part of the cabal since WHO’s inception.

      Canadian senior health official and psychiatrist Brock Chisholm was appointed WHO’s first director in 1948. Here’s one of his quotations:

      “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” (quoted in Davis, Llewellyn B (1991) Going Home to School, p. 69)

  17. Here’s OffGrid Doug showing a 13 min. video clip of a presentation by Dr. Malone where he talks about manipulation/propaganda and how ‘they’ are going to do it again & describes how some of those who should have known better have fallen into it yet again:

    What He says is ALARMING! It is HAPPENING NOW!



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