Getting “Pulled Over”


I had a little interaction with government the other day that I thought worth writing about because it is an example of government’s abusive character.

Before I begin, I’ll preface this by noting that many people consider government necessary to protect people who aren’t criminals from those who are – and if government actually limited itself to this business, probably most people wouldn’t mind government and even be willing to pay a little money to support such a government. Emphasis on willing – in order to make a point about the abusive nature of government, since the latter always resorts to coercion to extract money – which is proof that government is abusive and a dirty business.

Which brings me to the dirty business of yesterday.

I was driving home in my old truck, not causing harm to anyone, when I got “pulled over” – as the saying goes, soft-pedaling the fact that I was forced to interrupt my travel by an armed government worker.

Two of them, actually.

Normally, you don’t get “pulled over” by two armed government workers – each in his own government-provided (i.e., that you and others were forced to help pay for) vehicle – unless you are a criminal. As in a real one. As opposed to a mere scofflaw.

Italicized to make a point about the shaming-derisiveness of the term. As if there were something wrong with scoffing at laws that have no moral basis, because ignoring them entails no harm done to others.

I scoff at laws that strike me as moral affronts because they place a target on the back of people like me who have not caused harm to anyone else. Like the laws that say I must “buckle up” for “safety,” which I consider to be none of government’s or anyone else’s legitimate business.

And the law that says I must ear-tag my truck with what are styled license plates – the words italicized to make an etymological point. Why must a free man obtain and affix a license plate to his vehicle? Well, to begin with, it isn’t really his vehicle – because if it were he would not need to obtain and affix a license plate to it. Are ear-tagged cattle free? The question answers itself and we are in the same position – though American cattle are generally unwilling to acknowledge their status.

I have and have had Farm Use tags on my truck for several years. They are not license plates – because they are not issued by the government (you can buy them at places like Tractor Supply or Rural King)  and they do not enable the government to keep track of my truck because they are not numbered, like ear tags are.

They just say “Farm Use.”

It used to be legal to affix Farm Use tags to any vehicle, which served as way to get away with not having to get and affix numbered license plates to your vehicle. Italicized to make another etymological point – about abusive language. A person who seeks to ward off abusive government – even via legal means – is derided as “getting away with” something.

Implying he is doing something wrong.

Fascinating, isn’t it?

Well, too many people in my state – Virginia – were “getting away with” using Farm Use tags to avoid getting ear tags for their vehicles and by dint of that, for themselves. So, naturally, the government “closed the loophole” – another term of etymological abuse.

Probably, there were people who complained to the government that others were “getting away” with not having (and paying for) government-issued ear tags. These people being the same kinds of people who would let the warden know that another inmate is digging a tunnel out of the prison.

If they must suffer, everyone must suffer.

So it’s no longer legal to just affix Farm Use tags to your vehicle in my state. Even if it is actually used as a Farm Use vehicle, as mine is. Not all the time, but some of the time – because I do have a farm. We raise chickens and ducks. I use the truck to get straw and other such supplies. So – technically – I wasn’t even a “scofflaw.”

But the law changed – and the “loophole” has been closed. Everyone must either get ear tag license plates or get government-issued Farm Use tags, which are numbered now and so ear tags with different names. You must go hat-in-hand to the government and fill out forms that tie your vehicle to the tags, so that government can keep track of you just as if you had “license plates.”

Which now you do.

Anyhow, I hadn’t gotten the new ear tags. And that fact was taken note of by the two armed government workers who were sitting lurking by the side of the road, each of them in a new Ford Explorer which each cost at least $40,000 of other people’s money – not counting what the armed government workers are paid to sit in $40,000 SUVs lurking by the side of the road to do their dirty business.

As I passed, they pursued – both of them.

I “pulled over” – because if I kept on driving and minding my own business, I’d be looking at more than just extortion applied to me for Failure to Ear Tag – or whatever the “offense,” as it is styled, is called.

I was told I had to go get government-approved Farm Use ear tags and that if I did not, I’d be subject to . . . being pulled over (again). And next time, there would be more than just a “warning” to get the government-approved Ear Tags.

If I failed t get them, it was possible they’d kidnap my truck – i.e., it would be “impounded” – and I would possibly be placed in handcuffs and taken to jail as if I were a criminal. Which – in the eyes of the government – is exactly what a scofflaw is.

It’s a shame many Americans no longer appreciate the distinction.

Indeed, many Americans agree with the government’s definition. And that is why America is no longer the place it used to be.

Maybe someday it will be, again.

. . .

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  1. Several years ago I was minding my own, driving to work. Saw a CHP (CA highway patrol) on the side of the road with a Mercedes stopped. Didn’t think anything of it. All of a sudden I hear a loudspeaker behind me and I see this same CHP pulling me over. Rudest stop I ever encountered. He pulled me over because he said I “defaced” my license plate. My car is over 20 years old (VW TDI) and parked in Central Valley sun. The license plate faded as have many here in Cali. He was absolutely nasty, wanted to argue. I nearly told him where to go but reminded myself I probably didn’t want to go jail or get shot so I shut up as much as I could. Found out the ticket he wrote me was for $1,000 and apparently the idiot police union here in Cali got some legislation through several years ago for “defacing” license plates because they claimed drug dealer were doing this to evade the cops. Whatever – dumbest thing I ever heard of. Had to go to court to fight it and ended up with a $25.00 fine instead, but still fined for something stupid plus losing a day’s work. Now my Diesel pickup has a fading plate so I suppose I’d better do something about so I don’t get some lunatic cop with nothing better to do to hassle me again.

    • And sadly to most serfs that’s simply viewed as another one of the many “price(s) we pay for living in a society!”

      A couple years ago I had to waste precious energy calling a municipal court an hour and a half away on behalf of my basically bedbound disabled partner to explain that one of their imbecile traffic cops had transposed the plate number on a parking ticket and that it ended up being mailed to the wrong vehicle owner, which should have been obvious since the plate number and registered make/model/color description would not have matched. My ain’t-laws (like in-laws, but for the chronically unwed) about shat themselves when we said we weren’t paying it, they had consumed so much Fox News that they actually expressed a fear that it was gonna be J6 all over again and that nonpayment would result in jailtime.. They felt it would be easier to just pay it.. how embarassing. I took care of getting it thrown out with one phonecall and they were utterly baffled at how I managed to do that. I guess the government is always right and to be yielded to unless Fox says to feel differently. I miss when people still had balls and moxie

      Once got pulled over hopping back on I-81 after taking a much needed rest stop on a long overnight trip, by a VA trooper who I surely saw well before he saw me, and who followed me onto the highway without cause, just to transpose my license plate number and pull me over for absolutely nothing at all. Asshole completely killed my whole “alright, got a snack and some fresh air, time to get back on the road” momentum, wasted my time, but at least apologized and seemed to feel every bit as dumb as he ought to have. Had no business running my plates to begin with but this is what everyone wants to put up with

      • Amen, Moose –

        That’s what happened to me over the Farm tags., The two cops – plural – were just sitting there by the side of the road, like spiders waiting to catch a fly. That was me. You ought to have seen how they peeled out – both of them – after my old truck, me doing not even quite the speed limit (it’s an old truck). Chased me down and pulled in behind me as if I were Bin Laden or something. Over Farm tags. In the country.

      • I wish that those of us who want to opt out of this crap could and leave us the hell alone. Ship the sheep to one area where they do not mind being hunted down like cattle by law enforcement in the name of safety. If they are this bad now how are they going to be when SHTF?

  2. Damn it. I know you’ve said you don’t let them “pull you over” anymore, Eric, but I guess they were too close this time, huh? Two of ’em, nonetheless.

    I hate that you must feel compelled to tell them about your CCW permit and your pistol. In Az, there is no permission required to conceal carry, and look, everyone didn’t die. If I’m pulled over, I don’t say anything about my pistol (or whatever else I might have) unless they ask.

    • There were TWO “squid cars” for the SAME reason there was the “four S’s” level of scrutiny for political gadfly(ess) Tulsi Gabbard. Your site DARES to challenge the presumption of Federal SUPREMACY and its ability to have each of us bend over and have gloved (and hopefully LUBRICATED) fingers inserted into our respective poop chutes. Such EFFRONTERY, Eric. Didn’t you KNOW that “Saint Abe” punished those “evil, SLAVE-owing” Confederates that wanted to LEAVE the USA some 163 years ago?

  3. I know of a younger person in his mid 30’s who has been receiving supplemental security income for more than 10 years now. His back is shot, or so he says.

    Should be able to do something, be in the game during the best years of your life.

    I worked until I was 65, that’s enough, time to go home and not go back. Besides, very few people want you there doing anything, it’s over.

    I applied for Social Security at that age because I might not make it to 66. It is nip and tuck at my age every doggone day. You live a life as far as it can go.

    It’s the dog days of August, don’t forget that.

    • “His back is shot”? What a bull shit excuse for not working. So is mine. I had surgery and was back to work after 3 months. And I do not have a sit-at-a-desk job either. Sounds like the guy found a way to be lazy. He can still use his hands, he can work. Those are the people I detest forking over money to, because they simply refuse to do anything, and have excuse for why they cannot. As for SS, there will be nothing when I get to be of age to receive it early. It is already broke, and too many illegals will soak the system and what is left of it. It has been a waste of money I could have put to good use somewhere else.

      • Amen, Shadow –

        One of the most damaging effects of socialism is that it damages people by enabling people who can work to not have to work – be enabling them to live off of others, who are forced to “help” them . . . by working!

        A buddy of mine who lives downtown tells me he’s regularly approached by aggressive beggars who are younger than he is and who appear able-bodied and are often wearing $200 sneakers and so on.

        • One of the greatest SCAMS ever foisted on GULLIBLE Christians, especially “Flea-Males” (the other being the HOLOHOAX), that every decrepit or forlorn-looking beggar at the entrance to a Walley World or a busy street corner is “homeless”, or, “there but for the GRACE of ‘Gawd’ goes I”. There are MANY programs to actually HELP the down-and-out, but, in general, they require things like alcohol abuse counseling, DRUG TESTING, and actually reporting on employment sought! Also, many of these “homeless” have been tracked and found to indeed have “housing”, at times, even CARS. They’ve learned that putting on a good front and begging for a few hours a day pays MUCH BETTER than WORKING at the minimum wage.

    • Can He FUCK? Even flat on his back? BULLSHIT that he’s so “disabled” he can’t earn a LIVING. That’s another example of what’s gone WRONG with this once-great nation…we SUBSIDIZE idleness and make EXCUSES for everyone with a “sob story”.

      • His wife is a doctor of medicine, she knows how to do one thing for him. Whether or not she can provide some relief for his back pain, I am sure she does provide pleasure with more carnal physical contact.

        “I used to look like you, you know.” – a client I worked with at a workshop for mentally and physically handicapped individuals.

        An auto accident meant an end to a normal life for the poor soul.

        People become physically disabled for life and need to be constantly boarded and housed, they are removed for the general population and society.

        I was there, might be different now, but physically handicapped people can be helped, some cannot.

        Wounded Warriors included. Where’d they all come from? Could it be Satan?

        Harris does not care. Trump does not care, nor does Vance. Not a single one of them cares about the American people, expendable as they are.

        Tim Walz is too busy drinking horse kook-aid.

        It is a mess.

  4. “If they must suffer, everyone must suffer.”

    “Cough-cough-19” in a nutshell. Given that more and more people are suffering from this mentality everyday, eventually, the government will be the least of our concern. Why have LEOs everywhere, when there are HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of vigilantes willing to do the job for a slice of “government cheese”?

  5. Maybe if you didn’t have a whopping big red box saying Farm Burro’ next to the words Farm Use they wouldn’t have had to squint then get pissed you made them squint.

    Should’a had wooden bed sides or a hay bail in the back.

    IDK how many of your readers are also from VA but I’d be interested in reading what synopsis you referenced for your newfound understanding of the rule change you just mentioned.

    It also pisses me off that Antique vehicles are for jerking about and you’re technically not allowed to drive them to or from work. Atleast they have yellow ones avalible which look like the don’t tread on me tags.

    • Hi Steve,

      The Farm Tag I had was actually demure – relative to the bright red ones most people used! They’re all very easy to see at a distance. I sometimes used to run with my tailgate down and I always am on high alert for AGWs and do my best to avoid getting near enough to one for him to even give me a once-over. But now it’s hard to “get away” with the Farm tags because the new ones look just like normal tags. They are numbered and that’s ultimately the point. The cost is only $15 – and it’s a one-time fee; no annual registration renewal and no “safety” inspection required. But you’re numbered. They can identify you. More finely, the cameras can. Here’s where a little dab of mud might be helpful – as well as plausible. After all, it’s a Farm Use vehicle.

      As far as your question, the law also now requires that the vehicle be a truck. You are now out of luck if you have a car or SUV and want to get Farm Use tags. Even if you use the SUV for farm uses.

      • Expect that, EVs, which obviously don’t pay FUEL taxes, now getting hit with “impact” fees since they’re “fuel tax scofflaws”, that YOU will get hit with a likewise fee, you “freeloading farmer”, you.

  6. Last year I got a “collector plate” for the 1991 Silverado. No more yearly renewal/stick on tag. The state has all the admonishments about “car show and demo use only” in the online application process. F U WA. I drive it when and where I want. The fun crazy thing, it’s one plate in a two plate state. So, I got a nice shiny “Silverado” with gold bow tie for the front, it’s perdy. In my rural county the cops don’t care. I laugh also, the latest scam is home printed paper temp plates mimicking a dealer issued temp now it’s overwhelming the state’s coping resources. I’m tempted to dig out my Montana PERM plate for the Harley. Or order an EXEMPT stick on for the WA plate, humm …

    • That’ll last until the People’s Republic of “Warshington” starts putting up license plate readers EVERYWHERE, for the purpose of turning ALL of WA’s streets and highways into TOLL ROADS. The ability to compile where you’ve been with your 1991 Chevy truck will be fairly straightforward and AUTOMATED, as will the “mulcting” to collect fees and FINES. A Stasi, KGB, or Gestapo agents wet dream.

  7. So what you are saying is that “Farm Use” tags are no longer allowed on public roads in Virginia. Got it. So now you are a criminal if you cross a public road from one field to another with farm tags. Glad the deputies stayed cool when you stated your disclosure. Sheriffs Depts tend to be a bit more level headed than PDs. And it looks like the youngsters were fairly well trained if they didn’t freak out on you disclosure. Alls well that ends well. Another day in Paradise.

    • Hi Vic,

      Yup – that’s the lay of the land now. In re the disclosure: If I get “pulled over,” the very first thing I do is tell the AGW I have a concealed carry permit; I figure it is sensible (for me) to do this as it (in my experience) calms the AGW down. I know it’s ridiculous to have to go through these Kabuki drills, but for the present, it’s (my opinion) sound policy to do so in that it seems to help increase the odds you’ll not get shot – and maybe “get away” with just a warning. That’s what happened to me this time. Prolly helped I am a local and got “pulled over” about a mile from where I live. But I wonder how the AGWs would have responded to someone not local. They were all Hut! Hut! Hutted! up in their BDUs and tacticool stuff.

      • The situation and the terrain should always dictate. Sounds like you have a good read on that. Around here, our county sheriff David Rhodes has made it clear, he is the highest law enforcement authority in the county. The state and feds are expected to defer to him. Constitutional carry is the law of the land here, so, really no need for a CCW. Recruitment for deputies seems to lean heavily from within the county. Think its better to have hut hutters with a familial attachment to the area, imo. Good luck staying off their radar.

        • I agree, Norman –

          I think the best policy while things are “cold” is to be a gray as possible. Blend in; do what you can to avoid being noticed. When things get “hot,” of course, then it will be a different situation.

          My area is still ok, but the carpetbagger influence is changing things for the worse. I had hoped to spend my life here but that may prove untenable. Where to go that’s better is a tough question I hope I never have to answer.

          • I had to flee Montana because of Commie Californians moving there. It is a tad bit better up here, but there are still areas of equally stupid leftists in pocket areas here-and-there. Where I am at has the highest ratio of guns per capita in the nation, so things will get real interesting when SHTF-one way or the other. Up here, you can have “Z” tags when your vehicle is a certain age, and my old car has those. No more registration every 2 years, and the borough, at least, got rid of the emissions tests years ago, thankfully. Sadly, Eric, I think it is going to get to the point where there will be nowhere left to run, because these carpet baggers/leftists simply refuse to leave the rest of us alone. They absolutely insist we be as broke, unarmed, and miserable as them. At some point, we will have to push back, but the problem is, when we do (and we will have to someday), we will be the ones who will be blamed for the problems they caused. Or the problems that will inevitably come with pushing/fighting back. It is a no-win situation, but at the same time, refuse to lay down for these demons.

          • Talk about carpet baggers, Az has many of the worst. Californians come here agitating and voting for the same stupid crap they fled from.

            The guns are the thing. Whenever I go open carry, I think it triggers many of them. I can always tell by how they give me the dirty side eye. I’m waiting for the day one of them has the balls to say something. My reply will be along the lines of ‘There was a movie once where only the police and military had guns. It was called Schindlers list. So, why don’t ya go back to your bars, your temples, your massage parlors?.

            I long for the days when Az only had one million people.

            • Just gimme the dame that was in that Murray Head video, or any of the distaff dancers. One Night in “BANG-Kok”! (Giggety).

        • Roger that, Burn it Down!

          I suppose I stay because my part of VA is still ok. But it’s changing. I see carpetbagger license plates now all the time. And I know what’s coming along for the ride.

  8. Daughter’s neighbor, the dentist, got pulled over in town for barely 30 in a 25. He gave the town cop an earful. His dental office was broken into 3 days prior a mess with much stolen. “You got time to hassle me for this s**t instead of rounding up the crooks that destroyed my dental office?” Typical here.

    This little punk finally rounded up. My grandson was walking home from downtown and was just about to cross the street to where this went down, heard the shots and screaming he wisely did a 180 and hoofed it to the bookstore several blocks away.
    The punk escaped local, county, and state police after the daytime shooting. Thought you couldn’t “outrun the police radio”. Ha. Rounded up via US Marshals, lately that’s what it takes to actually capture the animals here in WA. Locals too busy with 30 in a 25.

    • PS: This is now your reality in small town America. The illegals infest everywhere and the gangs and drug trade right there with them. I’m out in the country so far OK but recent prowlers and an occasional break in getting closer every year. We pay a voted in small surcharge on sales tax for a police county wide gang unit, ain’t working well lately.

        • First spot we hit was my liquor store, I finally got all that alcohol I cant afford.
          Red lights flashing time to retire, then we turned that liquor store into a structure fire.
          When I returned to the pad to unload everything, it dawned on me that I need new home furnishings.
          So once again we filled the van until it was full, since that day my living rooms been much more comfortable.
          Some kids went in and stole with their mothers, I saw her when she came out she was getting some pampers.

          Sublime 1996

          Kumalas joyful woman, gurl boss of color schtick is little more than fighting for the right to act out and steal without consequence. That, and the right to free abortions, should they find anyone dumb or desperate enough to bang them

      • Hi Sparkey,

        20 years ago – almost exactly – I sold my old house in Northern Virginia (Loudoun County, just outside Dulles Airport) and moved to rural SW Virginia (near Roanoke). One of the main reasons I decided to split was the sight of criminal-looking Me Gustans slouching around. It was a new sight, back in ’04. Now – according to my buddy who still lives in my old neighborhood – it is absolutely necessary to lock your cars and close your garage door else a slouching Me Gustan or some other scumbag will just help himself to whatever’s in your car or garage.

        I’d be in jail by now. So it’s good I left.

        If I start seeing the Me Gustans slouching around here; it’s time to go – again.

        • In Houston, im surrounded by them. Shere i live, they party sometimes diuring the week. Regardless, they arent as toxic as the gringo liberale.

          It doesntnmatter where yiu are in Texad, me gusto

        • You only go to jail if there is a body to be had. if someone wants to fuck around with my family or property they will suffer the consequences . And i will not be calling 911. In my forestry travels i have encountered numerous locations that would be prime resting spots for criminal vermin i.e. sinkholes , the Bay of Fundy

          • I like it, Nova!

            Because there’s nothing wrong with it. A peaceful man has the right to be left in peace and to protect himself and his family and things from people who are not peaceful.

      • But, according to Sleepy Joe and the Ho, the REAL “danger” are the White, Heterosexual, Christian Males, because they’re ASSumed to be, by default, “White Supremacists”.

  9. “And that is why America is no longer the place it used to be.
    Maybe someday it will be, again.”

    Yeah, maybe sometime between here and eternity, sometime before the sun becomes a red dwarf or a supernova.

    I *started* to say “When pigs fly,” but they already do that in ‘choppers, some of them painted black, or whatever color strikes their fancy.

    “Come now, my child, if we were planning to harm you, do you think we’d be lurking here beside the path in the very darkest part of the forest?”― Kenneth Patchen

    • Hi David,

      I hear you – and I feel you. But at the same time, I think it’s important to never give up while there’s a chance things could be better. Otherwise, it’s certain they will be worse.

  10. There’s not enough crime to cover the cost of AGWs. Just like if “the rich” were taxed at 100%, there’s no way to even begin to cover the cost of running government. So criminalize life for the middle and working class instead. Much more of them and easier to keep them in line too. $200-$300 fines (plus court costs) here and there really adds up, and helps keep “the system” in place for when there’s real crime discovered. You think that big courthouse works for free? Dream on!

  11. Why bother with “farm use” tags if they are state issued? Just make you tag them with normal plates then….. Guessing no one time get the state issued farm use tag either, now another unnecessary yearly task that shouldn’t even exist to begin with. Probably strict use rules (like historic plates) too. Mileage limits etc.

    Of course it’s never noted that people “abuse” farm use plates because the cost of putting a government plate on is BLOODY EXPENSIVE! Does this farm use truck now require insurance to get a state issued plate?

    This business of government knowing what you have is maddening. They don’t want people just keeping junk cars on their so called property. Or having a large car collection in a warehouse or barn that never leaves the building. It’s whittle down the amount of cars owned by individual private people. Fewer people with collections, fewer people with three or more active cars, fewer people with two daily drivers, then fewer and fewer people with one car…

    It’s all part of the plan of taking personal vehicles from normal people.

  12. ‘Government is abusive and a dirty business.’ — eric

    ‘Dozens’ showed up in Raleigh NC to hear Kamalita announce her food price controls / food shortages plan.

    ‘The official crowd size was listed at 109 participants, including media as Kamala read from a teleprompter at the event.’

    Wish I could have been there to hurl rotten tomatoes. Oh, wait! The state-run grocery store ran out of tomatoes. And meat, milk, bread …

  13. Getting pulled over, or bird dogged by AGWs seems to be a recent (3 times since July) thing for me. Even wearing no seat belt, and going 10+ over, I’m 3-0. No tickets, just warnings. This has changed the way I deal with them. Used to hold my hands out the window, so they could see as they walked up. Now, its hands on the wheel, drivers window rolled down, wallet on the dash. I don’t say shit until spoken to. Even then its one word answers. No volunteering anything, or any small talk.. And I never tell them I’m carrying. Why should I? Its a free country, for now, as regards constitutional carry. Only had one ask if I had any weapons. I said yes, and nothing more was said.

    I don’t hate my county sheriffs. But having a dislike, even hatred for Government should be considered a sign of intelligence, not a bad thing like many still caught in the R/D paradigm think. Far too many still hold to the ‘my country right or wrong’ crap. This fourth turning we are in the middle of, will destroy many previously respected institutions. When its all said and done, lets hope respect and allegiance to the government is top of the casualty list. Lets make it so Government workers, (S)elected and un-elected are afraid to show their pathetic faces in public

    Taxes are no longer needed to pay the for all the waste and corruption Government has its greasy hand in. When money is printed out of thin air, and deficits, like currently run are the baseline, there is absolutely no need for income tax. Its become nothing more than a means of mass compliance, humiliation, and grift for the parasitic class (lawyers and accountants). It bears reminding what someone around here (IDR) said. You can vote your way into totalitarianism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

    • What is scary, Norman, is that anyone driving these upcoming newer vehicles will not have to worry: When the sirens blare and the lights flash, the brothers-in-blue will simply kill the engine in your vehicle, making the interactions with the sheriff/state troopers that much more “enjoyable”. Do not bend over enough for them? They will not turn your car back on and you are SOL. Even worse, we will pay more in taxes for the privilege.

      • Sounds like a first world problem Shadow. I don’t currently own any ‘conneeeeected’ vehicles. From here on, I’ll be going back in time. Since they killed my 2012 Lincoln, they can f**k off. The newest thing we have now is the early 2000s T-Bird.

    • “I don’t say shit until spoken to. Even then its one word answers. No volunteering anything, or any small talk..”

      Smart man, I will say it again like a broken record, they literally tell you how it works in the Miranda statement.

      ‘ANYTHING you say, can and WILL (not may, WILL) be used AGAINST you…’

      Doesn’t get more clear than that. They are not your friends. Officer Friendly is a relic from the 1950s and it isn’t coming back.

      The only thing I would add, is if a cop does start questioning you what you do NOT want to say is, “Am I being detained?”. There was this odd trend on the internet a few years back mainly started by dumb kids on YouTube that this is somehow some magical mantra that will get you out of a jam with cops.

      It actually has the 100% opposite effect. A cop can detain you for nearly anything so they take it as a challenge. NEVER say that, it is some dumb shit some teenagers cooked up and somehow became ‘common wisdom’. You exponentially increase your chances of being arrested by saying that because these little sociopaths do NOT like having their authori-tay challenged in any way.

      • I used to engage, when engaged in small talk. I now realize we are at war. Even though it has yet to go kinetic. Its war just the same and you have no idea which of these LEOs are friend, and which are foe. Just look at them all as occupiers, because soon, their ranks may be filled with actual occupiers from some backwater shithole.

        Agree with you Useranaon99 about the “Am I being charged, or am I free to go?” thing. I engaged that a time or two when I was younger. Its clear now that it rarely if ever benefits me.

      • You only ask that if you want to leave, to establish that the encounter is NOT consensual. If the officer refuses to answer, LEAVE. If he hasn’t told you you’re under arrest or explicitly said you’re being detained, the encounter is PRESUMED to be “consensual”. If his response is to physically restrain you or at least say, “I haven’t DISMISSED you” (which should bring a “fuck off” response, but that’s obviously unwise), then it’s clear you’re not there by consent. And always record, Record, RECORD every encounter with law enforcement, to not only have your own video evidence of what’s transpiring, but also because it pisses them off. GOOD.

    • I never get warnings. Just a damn ticket. I never say a word and they really don’t want to hear anything from me anyways. They like to hear themselves talk and be all powerful. I just stare out the window bored. That’s probably why they always give me a ticket – I won’t play their game and they’ll show me!

      I save my words for dumb ass traffic court, and those words are few.

  14. In the beginning, there were no license plates. Motorists were as free as horse and carriage to move about.

    Then government (in New York no less) decided that the right to travel would become a privilege. And the people complied.

    As with all government programs, once enacted, is with us for life.

    Does anyone know why we obtain car registration or driver licenses? Most will probably claim safety reasons, but is it?

    Even if it once was, it is now used as a method of control, as are all government programs.

    • ‘Although New York was the first state to require automobiles have license plates in 1901, these plates were made by individual owners rather than being issued by a state agency. They were typically handcrafted on leather or metal and were meant to denote ownership via the owner’s initials.

      ‘Two years later, in 1903, state-issued license plates were distributed in Massachusetts. The very first plate, featuring just the number “1,” was issued to Frederick Tudor, who was working with the highway commission. One of his relatives still holds an active registration on the 1 plate.’

      So the descendant of an early 20th century tax feeder in Taxachusetts can declare, accurately, ‘I’m number one!

      Maybe a US resident could obtain a Canadian plate (registered or not). Does anybody know whether Canadian plate numbers are integrated into the database of ALPRs spy devices?

      • Figures Taxachusetts would be first up to eartag the serfs, never miss an opportunity to steal your money. It used to be easy to let the registration and such lapse for a few months – whoops,sorry, forgot about it – with no penalty and get a few months free, but now with the DMV, the insurance mafia, and the saaaaafety inspection stations all linked up to Big Brother’s computer network it doesn’t work anymore. Last time I was late with the saaaafety inspection I got an email from the insurance mafia warning my policy would be cancelled if I didn’t hop to it.

        • Yeah they will charge you every month you missed, sticker will only be good for a couple years from the old sticker. I somehow managed to forget, all at the same time, inspection for at least a couple months past due, registration renewal for several months past, and change of address update for almost a year.. considering how my vehicle is a sporty little thing and I drive as though the government doesn’t exist, I really dunno how I made it for as long as I did never getting pulled over, especially since they love to scan your tags without cause, but it’s mostly two-lane roads here so I avoid being in front of or behind them if I can help it. I keep an eye out for speed traps and road pirates since I haven’t invested in a radar detector yet. But it’s usually a matter of luck.

          So I was about the 7th car back in line at the inspection station late on a Saturday morning (not long before they would close for the weekend) when I realized just how expired everything was.. sat there thumbing away at the DMV site on my phone screen in a hurry as each car ahead pulled forward, for some reason had to update my address in order to even receive the registration PIN to then be able to update the registration, got that paid up and made it up to the building and was about to get out of line and go home since I didn’t have the printed proof of registration on me that the site insisted was required.. but the inspection worker told me not to worry about it and waved me back through. They took the documents I had, had me go stand over there, looked at the car for all of maybe 90 seconds, slapped a sticker on there and off I went. It was clutch. The online renewal garbage was stressful and unnecessary but all-in-all the universe was kind to me that day, love it when government workers just don’t give enough of a shit to hassle peasants.

  15. Just the past few years or so ought to prove to the masses that the federal government (along with many state governments) is run either by sociopaths, blood thirsty authoritarians, or even criminals. What’s sick is that many of them have censored people (under guise of stopping MDM) who spoke out against government/ corporate approved narratives or even tried to frame people who peacefully defied nonsensical COVID diktats, peacefully protested a Presidential election that had too many appearances of shadyness, etc., as the real criminals.

    And now, we have a tag team of sociopaths who are, ironically, running on a platform of “freedom” with the slogan of “Joy”, while there are dark forces out there who want to do the COVID tyranny of 2020-21 all over again but this time under guise of “Public Health Emergency” or “Climate Emergency”. Will people fall for such obvious bull crap? Or has the tyranny that we were forced to endure in 2020-22 been memory holed with many people? We shall see.

    • Did you see where the lamestream media is really pushing the Monkey Pox, and how it is now a “pandemic” in Africa, which has now spread to Sweden? Of course there is now an “Emergency Use” vaccine, all ready to go! You can just see it all coming a mile away, and have to wonder if anyone learned their lesson the last time around? Will people (Americans) actually stand up and tell these globalist demons where to stuff it, or will everyone bend over for the masks, social distancing, and jabs again? I surmise we will not have long to find out. Meanwhile, I cannot go several days without reading another article of a young, healthy, 20 or 30 year old dying suddenly for “seemingly” no apparent reason, with everyone ignoring the big elephant in the room as to why.

    • Hi Hans,

      The AGWs who “pulled me over” looked like they both just graduated from high school. I was also carrying (I have a permit) and told the AGW that. They didn’t Hut! Hut! Hut! me, but probably only because they’re local sheriff’s deputies – not county or state cops – but the thought crossed my mind and so I was very careful to tell the AGW I had a permit and a pistol – in exactly that order – before saying anything else.

      • Isn’t it incredible how careful you have to be in these interactions, lest you get killed because the AGW felt “unsafe”? I’m terrified when I interact with cops, why is it ok for me to feel unsafe, but when it comes to them, everyone has to follow their expectations or be killed?

  16. Speaking of tags/plates, has anyone noticed how the Virginia plates no longer hold up over time? The plates used to be enamel painted. Now they have a wrap on them that fade and peel off over time. But no worries, the DMV will sell you new ones for $10 extra at renewal time. Not taking this option may incur a ticket for improper display!

    • NYS says “hold my beer!” Yes, NYS changes its license plates every two years because that is how long the Chinese wrap lasts. But if you opt to keep your old license plate at registration renewal (you know to save money) it’s your fucking fault if the wrap falls off. Not the fault of NYS who sold you a defective product. Pay up slave.

      I hate this state with the heat of a thousand suns.

  17. Since “law enforcers” routinely enforce “laws” that don’t exist, it’s not surprising they will vigorously “enforce laws” that do exist. We all have a bullseye on our backs, and rest assured, they will take the shot if they can. They were probably told in their morning meeting to pay particular attention to “farm tags”. Because “look at all the revenue we are missing”.
    After all, asset forfeiture is real. In the neighboring county, which I moved out of, it’s written into their budget. They plan on stealing your stuff.

  18. America stopped being what it was in 1861. A mere 50 years after its birth. Today, It’s burning through a trillion freshly printed fake money every 90 days. Cities, counties, states and the federales are spending billions of robbed taxes on the scum of the earth they’re importing. Within a very short period of time we will become shitholes like the British government has allowed their empire to sink to.

    The parasites that pulled you over are the new just following orders crowd. Their bosses no less a crime organization than the Mafia itself. They use the same tactics.

    YOU are the one that has to comply or die in this war. Trust me,,, it’s a war. They used two cops to pull you over because we are still armed. This will soon change, We will then be unarmed slugs like the British and look at the shit they’re putting up with. Today they are trying to ban knives! Too funny…..

      • The hit piece, written by someone who hates the “older generation” as if they had any choice in being robbed by government decree. Ken is right about the timing of the end of individual liberty. Since 1861 the people have had less and less liberty, and in the past 111 years there have been very few representatives who defended the peoples’ rights under the Constitution. Candidates for office are not chosen by the people; they are chosen by the major parties and the candidates are chosen for their love of power and loyalty to central government power.
        The writer irrationally blames the older people who were competent and diligently performed the activities required to provide good service to customers for decades until fired from their jobs because they got older. All while having much of their earnings stolen by government that they had no way to control.
        Now in those jobs we have incompetent people with university degrees that prove only they have been brainwashed by government to blame and hate the people who built the civilization, but had no choice in what the government did.
        Government wants generations to hate each other to hide the fact that government is at fault.
        The writer of that irrational piece wants to starve to death millions of older people who government has made dependent. He/she/it has no alternative way for them to live, just die as soon as possible.
        The writer preaches self sacrifice by others for his own benefit which sounds an awful lot like the socialist thieving scum in D.C. who actually caused the problem and continue to cause the problem.
        The solution is to kill off the source of the pain, not other victims.
        D.C. must go and the free market can flourish.
        Until that happens, there will be pain for everyone except those sociopaths in D.C. that cause it.

        • Amen, John –

          Much as I loathe Social Security, I understand that it was never a voluntary thing; that people were forced to “contribute” and thereby rendered dependent. I am not old enough to collect “benefits” – as the dole is styled – but the thing is, I wouldn’t need the dole if I hadn’t been forced to “contribute” since I began working at 16. Instead, I’d have accrued a sizable sum of my money. And thus would not need anyone else’s money in retirement. Imagine if everyone who works for a living got a 15 percent raise – or had back 15 percent of everything they’d ever earned (plus interest). Most would be able to afford to retire – and far sooner than the age at which most people collect “benefits.”

          SS is among the most vicious of all government grifts.

          • Absolutely. Also, ALWAYS collect SS at the youngest age possible. Don’t believe the grift of waiting until you are 70 or whatever age it is now. I’m living off savings and my under the table job until SS kicks in and gives me enough money probably only for groceries. I can only imagine how much money I would have in savings if the government didn’t force me to pay them 20% of my income all my above board working years.

            • Amen, Pug –

              Assuming it’s still available when I reach 62, I will get my “benefits” as well – and use them to pay the property taxes on my place. Let the government pay for itself!

            • The problem with THAT is, if you’re still earning a living, then above about $18K/year, not even “Wal-Mart Greeter” wages, your SS benefits get TAXED at 50 cents on the dollar, so if you actually make a good living, even at a profitable business rather than being a wage slave, in effect, you DON’T get SS at all! The system as designed actually PENALIZES work by those seniors that are healthy, productive, and WILLING to work. Can’t get more STUPID than that!

        • I run biweekly payroll for my small company and even after working all my life it is still depressing to see the net pay compared to gross wages. We are being hijacked to the max before we even set foot in the grocery store.

    • “Comply or die” is the fundamental method of all government. They assume the authority to kill you if you disobey. They cannot exist without it.

    • “America stopped being what it was in 1861”

      I’m guessing those who frequent EP and Lew Rockwell know this. It’s the dumb masses who don’t…

      • Those that have been INDOCTRINATED to worship “Saint Abe”. God bless John Wilkes Booth, whose only MISTAKE was taking action TOO LATE…

    • It’s worse than that. They don’t just burn through $1 trillion every 90 days. They burn through that trillion in addition to what they took in taxes over those 90 days. so it’s more like burning 2-3 trillion every 90 days.

  19. Meanwhile, illegal aliens by the million have been pouring across the southern border in the last three years, taking us taxpayers to the cleaners with all the freebies the rest of us have to pay for, committing crimes that make the rest of us look like angels, and these stupid armed workers are worried about your vehicle tags?

    • Likely many of them are “sleeper agents”, in a manner similar to what was outlined as being a major contributor for the calamity that befell the USA in the fictional “Red Dawn” movie ca. 1984, as described by Lt Col Andrew Tanner, USAF (Powers Boothe), an “Eagle Driver” (F-15 “Eagle” pilot), to the group of teenaged guerillas from the nearby fictional town of Calumet, CO (filmed in Las Vegas, NM, not far from the CO border), hiding out in the Arapahoe National Forest, known as the “Wolverines”, taken from the name of, as the CO of the local Soviet/Cuban/Nicaraguan forces occupying the town, Colonel Bella (Ron O’Neal) put it, the “Local Sports Collective” (High School), whose performance in the last football game played that year was unimpressive (losing, 21-13):

      (Tanner, pointing at sides of the rectangular firepit grill with a long stick:)

      East Coast, West Coast. Down here is Mexico. First wave of the Soviet attack came in disguised as commercial charter flights the same way they did in Afghanistan back in December of 1979. Only these were crack Airborne paratroop outfits. (VDV, characterized by their blue and white striped undershirts). Now, they took these mountain passes along here in the Rockies.
      Jed Eckert: So, that’s what hit Calumet?
      Col. Andy Tanner: I guess so. They coordinated with selective nuke strikes and the missiles were a hell of a lot more accurate than we thought. They took out the silos here in the Dakotas, and key points of communication.
      Darryl Bates: Like what?
      Col. Andy Tanner: Oh, like Omaha, Washington DC, Kansas City.
      Darryl Bates: Gone?
      Col. Andy Tanner: Yeah. That’s right. INFILTRATORS came up ILLEGAL from Mexico. Cubans mostly. They managed to infiltrate SAC bases in the Midwest, several down in Texas and wreaked a hell of a lot of HAVOC, I’m here to tell you. They opened up the door down here, and the whole Cuban and Nicaraguan and Latin American armies come walking right through, rolled right up here through the Great Plains.
      Robert: How far did they get?
      Col. Andy Tanner: Cheyenne, Wyoming… across to Kansas. We held them at the Rockies and the Mississippi River. Anyway, the Russians reinforced with 60 divisions. Sent three whole army groups across the Bering Strait into Alaska, cut the pipeline, came down across Canada to link up here in the middle, but we stopped their butt cold here. The lines have pretty much stabilized now.
      Robert: What about Europe?
      Col. Andy Tanner: I guess they figured twice in one century was enough. They’re sitting this one out. All except England, and they won’t last very long.


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