Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 08/22/2024

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Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the pending (so it seems) Orange Fail as well as the EeeeeeeeVeeeeee I’m test driving this week, among other things:

08-21-24_EP on KMED     

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  1. Pastor Chuck Baldwin wonders if Trump is intentionally trying to lose the election with his ad hominen attacks, etc.

    Fox News: Trump stuns critics with praise for ‘nice gentleman’ Obama while predecessor slams him at DNC


    What I say is that this farcical election is theater, we have the two worst candidates in history keeping the whole world on the edge of their seats. Who will win, the polls are close they say, one is in the lead, then the other – like a horse race – but in this case a whore race. Which is the bigger pandering whore to Israel?

    Caitlin Johnstone’s Democrats Release Insanely Hawkish Middle East Policy Platform is case in point. Must defend Israel at all costs, just as Trump vows to do also. Trump says he is MAGA, he is not, he is an Israeli firster. Same for Congress. Same for the Kameltoe ho.

    So who will be the real winner on Nov. 5th? Israel. Who will be the real loser? The Amerikan people. Time to wake up, the choice between Jew WHORE A vs. Jew WHORE B is no choice at all. This obsession with Israel must end. Jews must be routed out of our government or we are finished.

    When was the last time you bought something made in Israel? Since when is genocide an Amerikan value? Do you approve of your tax dollars going to the two Jew wars in Ukraine and Israel? Do you think it is insane to risk nuclear war just to appease the Jews? Do you like homo Zelensky or the devil Satanyahoo? C’mon people, wake up – Jews have us by the balls.

    I think if you engage in voting this year you have been completely fooled by those who are playing you, they don’t care which snake wins, because in either case they win because both candidates are in their pocket. Regardless of which whore is installed, we are completely screwed. A lot of people are talking civil war. Seems intentional to me. Half of Amerika will never accept Communism, and the other half will never accept Trump – and that divide is being stoked intentionally by the actors playing candidates.

    • Hi Jack,

      Your analysis is likely correct – unfortunately. If Trump were a serious man and really did want to win to make America great (or at least, sane) again he would try not to lose. How is that this man – who is pushing 80 – hasn’t acquired the wisdom to behave like an adult rather than point fingers and make faces like a a temper-trantruming child?


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