Reader Question: Truck Recommendation?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Ken asks: Do you have a favorite, pre electronics era pick up that you think is reliable and that it’s still possible to get parts?

My reply: This one’s easy! Any truck made prior to the early-mid-1980s is not going to have a computer and will have a simple, reliable, easy-to-fix engine. And even the trucks made through the late 1990s will still have simple, reliable and easy-to-fix engines. As a case-in-point, my college roommate bought a brand-new 1989 Ford F-150 just after we got out of college. His son is driving that truck today. It came with Ford’s superb inline six and a five speed manual and manual 4WD. To give you an idea of how tough this truck is, the kid forgot to set the parking brake and the truck rolled into my buddy’s cow pond. The roof was under water. They dragged it out with a front-end loader and – after draining the engine (and transmission and axle) and refilling with fresh oil/lube the truck started right up.

Another personal favorite in a half-ton truck is the ’80s-era Chevy 1500 with the 305/350 and five speed combo. It has throttle body injection and runs as well or better than any new truck engine but is (again) simpler to repair and less likely to need repairing. Believe it or not, great gas mileage (for a truck) too.

The Toyota Tundra is also a fine truck and it wasn’t ruined until just two years ago – when it was “updated” with a new twin-turbo/hybrid V6.

If something smaller than full-sized is of interest, I can personally attest to the excellence of the 2003 and older Nissan Frontier. I used to own a ’98 and I still own a 2002. Best two two trucks I have ever owned. The Toyota Tacoma is also top shelf.

All these trucks are easy to get parts for. Very hard to go wrong with any of them – assuming you’re careful during the shopping around process and avoid one that’s rusty or been abused.

Hope this is helpful!

. . .

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