Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 09/03/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho! We talked about Unresponsive Driver Support and the difference between what’s right (and wrong) and legal/illegal:

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  1. “If only Stalin ‘knew’ “…I recall a rather creepy picture of Stalin and his chief lieutenant, fellow Georgian Laurenty Beria, and daughter Svetlana, about eight or nine at the time, on the knee of the NKVD chieftain. Stalin didn’t KNOW that Beria had a predilection for young girls of precisely THAT age? Many believe, as suggested by the dark comedy, “The Death of Stalin” (funny how the Brits tend to make the best “Russians”, though Steve Buscemi as Khrushchev was fucking hilarious), that it was Beria himself that finally “got” Stalin, hence why he went out of a “stroke” in his sumptuous, ex-urban Moscow area dacha, having thoroughly pissed himself soaked (“It smells like a Baku ‘piss-house’ in here”…).

    Of course, although the movie takes liberties with how Nikita et al got rid of Beria, it was correct in that it was he or them, and few missed the murderous Georgian creep.

  2. Very few people know (or care) that God-King Trump, who authored the Deal of the Century, Abraham Accords, was the most responsible for the Oct. 7th attack on Israel. Not that anyone in Amerika cares what happens to the Palestinian peoples, here is a short summary of what happened:

    Writer Mike Whitney, has a general overview why the Palestinians rejected the Trump-Kushner screw job, and why the Palestinians were pushed into a corner and decided on a military operation as a last ditch effort to save their nation from the power mad religious crazies who occupy their territory.

    “The Abraham Accords were an effective way to “disappear” the Palestinian issue altogether while exempting Israel of any duty to implement UN resolutions or loosen the grip of its long-term military occupation. Naturally, the Palestinians saw this as an existential threat to their future as a people, a culture and a civilization.”

    “Hamas saw the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia as the final nail in the coffin of a two-state solution. They understood that once the Saudis normalized relations with Israel—due to security and economic inducements provided by the US—Israel would be free to expand the settlements, strengthen the occupation or even expel the Palestinians from the country altogether. There would be nothing to stop them from asserting control over all the territory from the river to the sea. In short, Trump’s Abraham Accords forced Hamas to concoct a strategy that would be explosive enough to derail Washington’s normalization project. The plan they settled on was October 7. The rest is history. Here’s a brief recap from an article at The Intercept:

    The de facto premise behind the accords, initiated under former President Donald Trump and led by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, was to “solve” the Israel–Palestine conflict by simply ignoring the Palestinians and treating their conditions as irrelevant.”


    I am reminded of end times eschatology of the antichrist making a peace plan that ends up creating the apocalypse that leads to armageddon. As an Amerikan tax slave working stiff, why in the hell are we all so concerned about Israel or the Middle East? These Zionist nut cases and their political whores need to be purged from our nation and process. I could care less about Israel, crazy followers of Abraham – who never even existed. Abraham is myth stolen from Hindu mythology, Brahma and his sister/wife became aBraham and his sister/wife Sara. Same story, stolen mythology, that very foolish humans believe to be truth itself. Sorry Jew, no god chose you, it is only tribal story, wishful thinking, utter madness.


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