Latest Radio: Bill Meyers Show/KMED 09/12/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon, We talked about the “debate”: – such as it was – as well as the Toyota GR86 and the fact that even Toyota apparently can’t afford to design its own sports cars anymore:

09-11-24_EP on KMEDWEDNESDAY_6AM     

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  1. Trump cannot say what he should be saying because of his responses to COVID, but I would have mentioned that the way that Democrat governors and officials passed their rules and mandates was the opposite of “democracy” (or whatever you want to call it) in every way. Unfortunately, the orange fail allowed these assholes to loot freedoms, businesses, and basic civil rights from all americans. Maybe the asshole should have done a mea culpa. That might have convinced some undecideds (if there are any).

    The issue of “undecideds…” They say they are anywhere from 1-2%. In reality, “undecideds” are anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of the US population. Trump has nothing to lose by appealing to more than the morons who reply to the surveys or those who the AP chooses to offer their valuable opinions after debate performances.

    “Democracy” is a failed system for sure. It gives us Trump and Harris, two of the worst candidates ever besides, of course, Nikki Haley.

  2. I couldn’t handle the debate either. I kind of had the idea that the orange man would completely flub it despite having been president, having the best staff in recent history, and the weakest candidate to run against. It comes as no surprise. The Orange Fail has been consistent in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and also playing 4D chess against his base. I’m sick of him, yet, I will vote for this moron. The alternative is that much worse, and not int he 1999 sense. Post Obama democrats are vile beings in every way imaginable.


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