AGW Murders Man For Walking Away – Then Walks Away


There are countless disturbing-to-watch videos of armed government workers brutally attacking people over essentially nothing more than having affronted the very tender feelings of an armed government worker.

Here is the most obscene one I’ve seen in some time:

A man is walking on the shoulder of the highway, apparently after having been dropped off there. He has not committed any crime. There is no reason to suspect he may have committed a crime. An armed government worker – Thomas Ellis – was apparently sicced on him because “someone called.” But it is not a crime to walk on the shoulder of a highway. Maybe the man needed a ride; maybe he needed help.

But that is not what he got.

What he got was multiple tasering, a beating – and death.

And the West Virginia armed government worker who murdered him got away with it.

The man who was killed turned out to be 45-year-old Edmond Xline,who had schizophrenia – also not a crime. He was clearly startled and baffled by the out-of-nowhere order-barking belligerence of the AGW, who began his IDF-style Dominance Kabuki almost as soon as he got out of his state-provided vehicle with his gun drawn.

“Get in front of my car and put your hands on your head! Get your hands out of your pocket! Do it Now!” – Ellis screamed at Xline, who (as the body cam video shows) is understandably confused and probably wondering why he’s being screamed at by an AGW for no legitimate reason whatsoever.

“I didn’t do anything,” he says to the armed  psychopath screaming at him as he begins to probably look for his ID on his pockets and the gym bag he’s carrying.

This only escalates the screaming and threats emanating from the apparently psychotic AGW.

“I just got dropped off,” Xline tries to explain. Which was true. And even if not, what had he done – in terms of criminality – that warranted the treatment he received before any facts had been ascertained? All the man did was balk at being treated as if he had committed a crime of some kind. What Xline failed to grasp is that hurting the feelings of an armed government worker by affronting the authority of the armed government worker can be a capital offense in what used to be America.

So when Xline tries to walk away in disgust, he had unwittingly signed his own death warrant.

The AGW attacks him like a two-legged German Shepherd, with Taser and fists. In short order, Xline is dead by the side of the road. “He’s gone,” says one of the other AGWs who arrives on scene. And then consoles rather than arrests the AGW.

“It’s all right. It’s not your fault.”

One wonders how consoling this AGW would have been had it been his father or brother or son lying dead in the road after being beaten – AGWs style this “compliance strikes” – and Tasered repeatedly for no legitimate reason whatsoever.

West Virginia’s governor – Jim Justice – publicly expressed “concern” over what the video-recording of Xline’s execution showed. A lawsuit was subsequently filed on behalf of Xline – which was eventually settled and paid for by the taxpayers of West Virginia who had nothing to do with Xline’s murder. There was an “investigation” – by the AGWs of themselves – who of course determined no crime had been committed.

They were “cleared of all criminal and administrative wrongdoing.” Ellis didn’t even get a traffic ticket. And it’s not the first time Ellis has demonstrated he ought to be in a facility rather than loose on the street with a gun and a badge:

“Exline’s death was not the first incident where Ellis pulled his gun out unnecessarily, further escalating a situation,” according to a local Fox news affiliate that covered the story. An aftermath investigation “detail(ed) three instances before Exline, including a traffic stop and two domestic disturbance calls where (Ellis) drew his weapon without any perceived threat.” 

Yet Ellis was still on the street. Armed and very dangerous.

And so Xline – who had committed no crime, a fact agreed upon by everyone involved – is dead. He would not be if he had not been treated criminally. By a criminal. But not an ordinary criminal. A criminal employed by the state, which is itself a criminal enterprise no different, fundamentally, than a gang that says “this is our turf” and “hand over your money.” That thsi criminal enterprise is called the state – or government – hardly changes the nature of the thing.

It is not difficult to appreciate the nature of the crime perpetrated by the armed government worker if one imagines anyone else having done what this AGW did.

Imagine pulling your car to a stop by the side of the road and accosting a man who is just walking along the road. Because “you got a call.” Imagine screaming orders at him and then – when he tries to walk away – you assault him physically with your fists and a deadly weapon (Tasers can and do kill). The man dies – as Xline did – from “multiple blunt force trauma,” as Xline did. The man did not approach you or threaten you in any way whatsoever; he merely tried to walk away and ward off the blows when they began to rain down.

Is there the least doubt that you would be regarded as a violent psychopath who had just committed murder – and charged with exactly that? Is there any doubt you’d have had guns drawn on you, manacles placed on you – and in due course, be sentenced to a long term in prison?

But an AGW is not you – or me. They have a license to kill, literally. No one else can legally draw a Taser – much less a gun – on a person who is just trying to get away from them. And when the AGW uses the Taser or the gun, he is held to a far moire lenient standard in that he is almost never immediately ordered to “Put your hands on your head! Do it now!” – or arrested, even in the most egregious circumstances, as in this case.

Almost always, the AGW is consoled and maybe later, after an “investigation,” he is “let go.”


He is allowed to go free. Maybe he has to find a new job, somewhere else. But he does not go to prison – and he does not pay in any other meaningful way for what he did to innocent people, such as Edmond Xline.

Some AGWs are baffled as to why the rest of us dislike and fear them. Maybe they ought to watch this video and let understanding dawn.

. . .

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  1. It’s funny. Most people would watch that video and agree that police have a problem. What to do about it is where the powers in charge see opportunity to divide and conquer. The Defund The Police™ movement was all about replacing these guys with so-called councilors for non-violent interactions like this. Take the beat cop out of it and replace him with a properly credentialed (because they’d need a degree in psychology at least and probably a masters… ah heck, just make ’em all be doctors) “Intervention Specialist” who would sit down with the guy, buy him a hot coca… yes, with marshmallows… and get him to a government sanctioned care facility for the night.

    Let’s all hug and share a secret!

    Sure that’s all fine. Increased specialization is the hallmark of modern society. But there’s pensions to be paid out, big salaries at the top, and of course sky-high insurance premiums thanks to big payouts for the actions of the loose cannons. So who’s going to pay for all these new psychologists? Where are they going to come from, given the fact that the leftist news says there’s a serious lack of mental health providers in the country?

    I have another idea. Send this guy down to Brownsville and turn him loose on MS-13. Or Aurora CO to deal with the Venezuelans. Seems like you fight psychopaths with psychopaths. Too bad he’d probably spend all his time terrorizing the locals because they’re far less dangerous.

  2. Locally in Decatur, Alabama an AGW murdered a man whose truck was being repossessed at 2 or 3 am. The owner, Stephen Perkins, came out with a gun –who wouldn’t if you heard such sounds at 2 or 3 am– and the tow truck driver called his police buddy. And in the ensuing keystone cops chaos, Mr. Perkins was dead.

    Since Perkins was black, the whole thing turned into a bullshit racial thing. I don’t think it’d have made a difference what his skin color was.

    Last I heard was criminal charges were against the AGW were dropped but Perkins’ family was allowed to continue with a civil case. Which means, like the West Virginia incident Eric described, that Alabama taxpayers will foot the bill.


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