If Orange Man Wins Will it Be Bad?


Many of us who are not communists are – maybe hopeful isn’t the right word – at least wanting him rather than her to ascend to the elected monarchy Americans still refer to, out of habit, as the presidency.

Because, of course, Trump is at least not a communist. It’s a measure of our desperation. Like a starving man wanting that piece of corn he sees in a pile of dung. Better than nothing. Trump is what we all know he is. But he has the virtue of not being her (or him, the thing from Minnesota that would be second-in-line should she ascend to the monarchy).

Anyhow, many of us hope it might be better. But what if it got even worse?

What if that’s what the communists intend?

Imagine the scenario. Trump manages to not lose to Harris, a thing that ought to be easy but isn’t because Trump’s appeal is limited to those who voted for him last time, which isn’t enough to keep him from losing again, this time. Maybe – given how bad things are for most people now – more people who didn’t vote for him last time will this time. Maybe enough to make it too blatant to deny him a win, this time. This is certainly a reasonable plan – and supposition.

Will the communists abide it?

Does a goose shit all over the lawn?

Of course the communists won’t abide it. They did not abide it last time – before the last election. They spent much effort undoing the results of the election before that – back in 2016 – and they succeeded by 2020, by fomenting a mass panic that Trump himself bought into.

What will the communists do this time?

There are many possibilities. Pick one. Pick several. That is probably what the communists will do. One of these being an economic collapse, as easily engineered as the “pandemic” and by the same engineers. Dropped right in the Orange Man’s lap, just like the “pandemic.”

Every major bank hacked into, say. Or the sudden, cascading failure of lots of banks – which is actually one big bank, the so-called “Fed.” Which controls all the little ones. And who controls this monetary octopus Americans have been conditioned to refer to as the “Fed”? It’s helpful in answering this question to recall the circumstances of the “Fed’s” birth and those were the midwives. Nice people named Warburg and Schiff and their frontmen, such as Nelson Aldrich.

People who can’t buy things like food all of a sudden will likely be extremely receptive to the communists message of hope – and change. How would Orange Man handle such a contrived event?

How did he handle the “pandemic”?

How about another one of those?

Orange Man appears to grasp – at least, has given hints that he grasps – that he was had though he has yet to apologize for what he did. And did not do. This is more than just revelatory as regards his apparent difficulty publicly admitting when he has been wrong about anything.

It shows poor political judgment.

There are a lot of people who supported him enthusiastically in 2016 but trust him less now because of the fact that he has yet to concede that the “beautiful” vaccines were anything but, especially to the thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) who’ve been harmed or even died as a consequence of taking them. He could be forgiven for being fooled. What’s hard to forgive is him not apologizing – and promising never to allow the government to push drugs on anyone, ever again, so long as he has the power to prevent it.

He could gain their support if he did that. But he hasn’t. Which may end up costing him the election, again. And if he is elected, what will it cost us when the next “pandemic” is engineered? Will Orange Man stand like a wooden Indian beside the presidential podium while an expert sets forth “guidelines,” again?

How about a nuclear war to Make Israel Greater Again? Many of the Orange Man’s followers are itching for the End of the World because they believe it is necessary in order for their savior to get off the cloud he’s been sitting on and return to save them.

Never mind the mushroom clouds.

Which could also form in – or on account of – Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvv. That equally troublesome country of no relevance to Americans that may end up ending not just America but the world along with it.

And as we sift through the ashes, Orange Man will be the one that gets the blame for it, with the communists joyful to offer us salvation.

. . .

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  1. Question we need to be asking Leftist/Dems.

    If you had legal trouble and needed a lawyer, would you want Kamala to represent you?

    I know they’d have some sort of irrational reaction but, at least it would be fun to watch them try to polish that turd.

  2. The election is a Hobson’s choice. Harris will be the next president no matter what it says on the ballot. Trump will not be allowed to win.

    If he did “win,” the Left would turn every single day into a George Floyd riot for as long as Trump was in office. The Deep State and the Pentagon would block him and defy him at every turn. He would absolutely be impeached again for something… anything.

    Congress might even refuse to approve the electoral votes because he is a convicted felon. There is no way you would not have a massive Constitutional crisis as big as when Lincoln was elected. The Left would effectively secede — if not physically like the Confederacy, they would simply ignore an nullify and block everything he did.

    Just look at the last few years. The Left rioted at his inauguration, tried to assassinate the Republican congressional leadership, attacked Rand Paul, threw Cruz and Huckabee out of Washington restaurants, impeached Trump, arrested his supporters for the J6 nonsense, arrested his attorney, his chief of staff and his political advisers like Stone and Manafort and Flynn, hacked his phone calls to foreign leaders, arrested Trump himself in four jurisdictions, civilly sued him, convicted him of 34 felonies, and tried to hoot him twice.

    And what do your hear out of the establishment media and all the civil libertarians and the leftist lawyers and the academics who have been decrying the CIA and the FBI and the government for the past fifty years? That Trump is “Hitler” and he deserves it all.

    It’s a one-party state now, kids. No Republican — no candidate of any party — will ever be allowed to win unless he is approved by the Deep State and The Powers That Be.

    If Trump did win, it would be great for Bibi Netanyahu and the IDF, because Trump would basically fellate them every day until he was impeached or assassinated.

  3. Can we just admit they will steal it for Harris? If she got more votes than were people in the country, TPTB would just carry on and label anyone who challenged the vote an election denier. This country is one party dim/rhino rule with Trump playing the role of spoiler. In the long run, we’d be better off with Harris, as I doubt Trump will do whats needed to deport 50 illegal Aliens. Lets lust hope when the Pogram kicks off, only the people of the mask give up their guns. Lets also hope the people of the gun retain in memory those responsible at all levels. And, stand firm until its time to unleash hell.

  4. All good questions Eric. There is zero evidence that Trump is a wise man, who has the capacity to make wise decisions.

    A little off topic — here is an example of the delusions the communists have about powering the grid with EVs:

    More brainwashing of the masses, pushing dumb ideas. What EV owner would want to severely decrease the life of their EV battery to “help the grid”?
    I predict that this bi-directional charging becomes mandatory in certain states.

  5. Vacationing? Visit scenic ‘RINO Caves’:

    ‘House Republicans have shifted gears as they race to avoid a government shutdown, eyeing a three-month stopgap spending bill — in lieu of a six-month extension — while dropping their demand for tougher voting rules as part of the package.

    ‘Top appropriators have already launched bipartisan [sic] talks in both chambers.’ — thehill.com

    ‘This way to the egress!’ cried Mitt Romney, leading from behind with a bedsheet-sized white flag. AH HA HA HA … effing clowns.

  6. If Orange Man wins, the deranged Trump Haters out there may seek to kill those who supported him, regardless of skin color. However, if Kamala Harris wins, the Democrat Party & DC establishment will likely be emboldened to try to get even MORE power for themselves and go after ANYONE who opposes them.

    While talking about “freedom”, Kamala Harris has made it clear to she wishes to eliminate the constitution, and “freedom” to Harris means freedom for government to do whatever it pleases with its own citizens. “Freedom from hate speech” means eliminating the 1st amendment, “Freedom from gun violence” means eliminating the 2nd Amendment, etc.

  7. ‘That is probably what the communists will do. One of these being an economic collapse.’ — eric

    Let’s stipulate right here, in September 2024, that a recession is already baked in the cake. The Federal Reserve’s half-point rate cut this week, in response to the Sahm rule being triggered by rising unemployment, proves it.

    No question that communists can intensify a downturn by fastening leeches onto an ailing economy, like Franklin Democrat Roosevelt’s three-letter agencies that strangled an already prostrate economy in bureaucracy. But the seeds of that collapse were planted earlier, in the roaring Twenties, before Frank showed up to make it worse.

    Another way to power out of Depression is war. The neocons and zionists who hijacked our country are blasting missiles into Russia and Lebanon this very morning, via their mad-dog client regimes in Ukraine and Israel. This is over-the-top outrageous. Acting like the Soviet Union used to do in its bad old expansionist days, America is openly destabilizing the world as it seeks to ignite regional wars and exterminate Untermenschen.

    How can the US economy grow, when its surplus is raked off to feed its unproductive ZATO military empire? Even what little surplus is retained domestically gets wasted by Clowngress on pharaonic vanity projects. Windmills and solar farms and EeeVee battery plants are our equivalent to Ceausescu’s Palace of the Parliament. We could put 11 million illegal migrants to work building a Great Pyramid in Cairo, Illinois. /snark

    Bottom line: America’s eclownomy is f*cked silly. Tariff King is the fall guy who gets blamed and mocked for it, for the next half century. 2028 looks to be a great year for a full-scale communist takeover.

    Free food! Medicare for all! Universal Basic Income! It’s gonna be an idiot’s delight. “There,” says he, “if that line don’t fetch them, then I don’t know Arkansaw!” — Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  8. Advanced Micro Devices, AMD, has a share price of 154 dollars today. The PE is 184.

    How is that sustainable?

    MMM has a share price of 133 USD, a PE of 89.

    Plenty of equities out there with high PEs.

    What is bound to happen?

    Trump will get elected and the market will become Orange Crash.

    No wonder the DOW is 42,000.

  9. Given that they selected Harris and Walz as Trump’s opponents, which are probably the least appealing candidates ever in modern history (maybe Mondale and Ferraro are close), I can only infer that the fix is in for Trump to be selected as president. This will achieve a number of goals, as he has a strong allegiance to Israel, which is paramount, and it will also tamp down the public sentiment that voting is rigged. After all, if the most deep-state-hated man can get elected, the system surely cannot have been rigged, right?

    Once he’s in, they’ll tank the economy and blame it on Trump (and more importantly his populist supporters), capitalism and nationalism (they like to call it jingoism, isolationism or xenophobia). This will cause the end of the current wave of populism and pave the way for more calls for globalist Leftism.

    Hold on to you trousers. This fight will continue on and perhaps get worse in the short run. Don’t be deterred though. Keep fighting like hell until your dying day.

  10. Eric – listening to a recent interview with JD Vance, it appears that Vance has an understanding of the potential for an economic collapse. I have a certain amount of confidence that Vance and company would be able to navigate what it all means. Trump? Not so much, although according to vance they do have conversations.

    There isn’t too much we could do about preventing a nuke war in the mid east. We are past time to disavow entangling alliance such as our slavish support of the Israeli government

  11. Of course it will be bad. That’s the only model FedGov comes in. Will it be worse if he loses? Very likely. As bad as it gets. it can always get worse. Just ask the 100+ million murdered in the USSR and China in the previous century by their own government. Anyone wearing an orange hat, even if it doesn’t have MAGA on it, could find themselves in a camp from which the only escape is to stop breathing.

  12. The level to which the deep state & its uniparty is going to literally kill Trump is telling.

    Channeling Hank Jr –if the South would’ve won, we’d had it made.

    • It seems that way. They are not that afraid of Trump, but they are afraid of us, who have gotten nothing from the last 60 years or so. Those fucking tweaked assholes in every level of government from city councils to the president don’t listen to us at all.

    • Somebody told me, when I came to Nashville
      Son, you finally got it made
      Ol’ Hank made it here, and we’re all sure that you will
      But I don’t think Hank done it this way
      Naw, I don’t think Hank done it this way

      — Waylon Jennings, Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way

  13. If he wins, you can be sure that the democrat party brownshirts (antifa, blm, and Hamas supporters) will instantaneously hit the streets and cause widespread mayhem. And don’t forget the time period between Election Day and Inauguration Day. That is when the regime and its supporters in congress will cause a lot of havoc before and IF he takes office. The power hungry tyrants in DC would rather rule over hell than to serve in heaven.


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