Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 10/01/2024


Here’s the audio of this week’s conversation with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Idaho. We talked about all the things we’re not supposed to be worried about, such as Israel invading Lebanon and Russian fighter jets coming with 50 feet of American jets. Plus the passing of one of the good ones, Mike Valentine.

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  1. About terrorism and the definition of who can be one. If Hamas is defending the Palestinians in Palestine, technically you can not labeled them terrorists – no what action they take.

    Anyone who defends their terroritory from an illegal invasion of hostiles can NOT be a terrorist by definintion. No native American fighting incoming Europeans could ever be tried for murder, because those laws do not apply to them, even if they kill woman and children.

    If the military age illegal aliens are given guns and open fire on Amerikan citizens, and you fire back in self defense, you can not be a terrorist even if Hellery says you are one.

    Two things the MSM and criminal politicians repeat that are bald faced lies, first they say Israel has a right to exist. Nope. Hamas are terrorists. Nope. Israelis killing native Palestinians are legally defined as terrorists, not Hamas freedom fighters defending their people from genocide.

    By what right do Eastern Europeans with some weird Khazar Talmudic religion have in invading Palestine and setting up a Jewish only state in the middle of Arab central? None. The Bible is not title to that land, and no court would ever recognize it as such. (Not to mention the Holy Bible is fiction from cover to cover).

    Additionally, I would like to point out all these 100 million Zionist Christians, who are supporting Israel and their genocide are legally culpable to pay damages after the Jews are evicted from Palestine. Support for a crime, aiding and abetting makes them legally responsible for the crimes as much as the Israelis. Their can NOT be any two state solution, only one Palestinian state which may or may not allow Jews to live there.

    Biden, Harris, and all the rest of the political loons which pay for the genocide, are guilty also, and should be tried and hanged until dead at the Hague.

  2. Is Travis Kelce a national hero or a villain? I watched some NFL football this weekend and noticed these ads with Travis Kelce who dates you know who – who is of questionable gender. Pfizer pumps their death prick quackcines through the NFL sellouts.

    News – “Travis Kelce faces backlash from fans after reports emerge about $20,000,000 deal with Pfizer vaccine: “Bro sold his soul”

    BREAKING: #Chiefs TE Travis Kelce was paid 20 MILLION DOLLARS to do the Pfizer vaccine commercials, per reports.

    Kelce only makes 14 million dollars on the field.


    How many sports stars “died suddenly” during the Covid Panicdemic?

    1. Vaccines caused approximately 17 million deaths and vaccine toxicity increased with age and number of doses.

    Based on their calculations and extrapolated to the world, the researchers estimated the vaccines caused approximately 17 million deaths, confirming the results of their previous research on a smaller data set.

    click on the link and read it for yourself

    the covid vaccines were kill shots

    • “Travis Kelce who dates you know who – who is of questionable gender.”

      That’s simply not true. I remember her when she just started out in country music. So sweet and beautiful in her early interviews. At some point, I’m willing to bet someone approached her and offered to make her famous beyond belief if she’d only…

  3. How many electric cars shorted out or were totaled from the North Carolina flood?

    CNN – “Home surveillance video shows the moment a Sarasota, Florida couple’s Tesla burst into flames during flooding brought on by Hurricane Helene, after which their home burned down”

    Gee, good thing they save some money with their tax credits. You simply can not replace the personal items you have accumulated over a lifetime, like family photos, documents, licenses, coins, tools, etc. They should send the bill to Elon for producing these firecrackers.

    NEVER PARK A LITHIUM CAR IN YOUR GARAGE! Toyota Prius uses NiCads, thus no fires.

    • Indeed, Jack –

      When I get an EeeeeeeVeeeee to test drive, I park it 20 yards away from the house; if I need to charge the thing, I use an outlet in the shed. If that burns down, it’s not a total disaster.


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