I’m Sorry, Dave . . .


You have probably watched the Stanley Kubrick sci-fi classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey – which came out back in 1968, the year Apollo 10 orbited the Moon, in advance of the landing that took place the following year.

The movie has many predictive themes, including an artificial intelligence named HAL that ends up trying to kill the two astronauts sent to check out an anomaly on one of Jupiter’s moons. The AI has a dead-calm, Ted Bundy-like voice that refuses to open the pod bay door – to let the surviving astronaut back into the spaceship.

I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid can’t do that. 

Fast forward 56 years. HAL is real. And he’s behind the dashboard of your next new car.

I am currently test-driving a new Kia Sorento so equipped. It is one of many with iterations of HAL but this one takes it up a notch. After the car was dropped off the other day, I decided to drive it around to get some initial impressions, which is what I always do when I get a new car to test drive. But before I begin my drive, I familiarize myself with the car and its controls – including the radio (now the audio system) controls.

After looking around for a little while, I realized there aren’t any.

Not in a physical interface sense.

No buttons or knobs.

Just a big slab of LCD touchscreen, but it did not respond to my touch. Then I saw a small button. On the left side of the steering wheel. With an icon of a person talking. So I pressed it. This cued up the Kia’s HAL. On the right side of the LCD display, a shape-shifting amoeba thing began to undulate, signaling it was ready to listen.

“Channel 125,” I said. And it responded. Voila – Channel 125 began to play.

But are we being played?

Talking to the car – to its AI – is the latest “surprise and delight” thing they’re putting into new cars to  . . . surprise and delight prospective customers. It’s an industry term that means, basically, wow the customer with some new thing that makes them want to buy because what they have hasn’t got it.

In the past, this new thing was usually some mechanical thing – such as a bigger/stronger/smoother engine. Or a new standard amenity – such as a great stereo or standard power windows – that was previously either an expensive option or not even available.

But now all new cars have these amenities – so, ho-hum. And the improvements in drivetrain “technology” are at best incremental and (lately) not improvements at all, such as smaller and less powerful engines that are also more complicated and expensive engines. So how to get buyers excited about buying something new that doesn’t really have much to offer that they don’t already have?

How about not having to turn a knob to change the channel/program you’re listening to?

Many new vehicles have this voice command “tech.” Some have what is styled “gesture control,” which means you don’t actually have to touch a control to exert control over whatever it is, such as the volume control.

Of course, you’re not actually controlling anything. The AI tech is – and this raises some questions worth asking. Such as what will happen when the AI decides not to do what you’ve asked it to – like the HAL 9000 unit in the Discovery?

I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Always polite. But firmly in control. Like a parent that says no to a child. Only that thing embedded in the car isn’t your parent and you are not its child. More finely, that thing embedded in the car doesn’t have the love for its “child” that a parent has for his or her child. Over whom the parent is exercises benevolent and temporary control until the child becomes an adult.

The control being exercised by that thing embedded in the car considers you an idiot child that requires endless parenting. The distinction is important.

And what is the upside?


Yes, that’s the sell. That and the flashiness of  “tech” – as in the way a seagull at the beach is wowed by the glint of a piece of tinfoil blown across the sand. The seagull pecks at it – and so does the prospective car buyer.

Look at this! Wow! I don’t have to do anything! The car does it for me!

Of course, it will be inconvenient when HAL decides not to open the pod bay doors. When it decides not to allow you to drive faster than whatever the posted speed limit is. Or pulls itself over – and parks – because it decides you’re too “tired” to continue driving.

It’s time for a rest, Dave. 

All for what? So that you no longer need to reach over to turn a knob to the left or the right in order to change the station/program you’re listening to.

Maybe we deserve to not be allowed back into the pod bay.

. . .

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  1. [ 2001: A Space Odyssey – which came out back in 1968, the year Apollo 10 orbited the Moon, in advance of the landing that took place the following year.] Article

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

    Artificial Intelligence. Already been invented. He is just now discovering it is a total failure. His little pets are gonna destroy an entire weeks work!

  2. A car people could just get in and drive, gave the slaves far too much freedom…..

    A great skill people developed was the ability to drive a car….especially fully analog stick shift cars. this is being taken away now.

    People with a lot of driving experience, stored all this information in their subconscious, they didn’t have to think much when they were driving, their subconscious did 80% of the driving, they could react in a split second…were highly skilled, far better then any computer driven car.

    This driving skill gave people the freedom to drive anywhere they wanted to go, even 1000’s of miles away, 24/7/365, total freedom, it was like a magic carpet, go wherever you wished, at anytime.

    The controllers are taking this away, when there is only self driving cars, with no human controls, the slaves are trapped, at the mercy of the masters and their central AI control.

    The central mind….. AI….controlled by the masters…the slave owners…. will decide where the slaves go….nowhere….just walking allowed around the 15 min city/prison/camp….coming soon….

    • People with a lot of driving experience, stored all this information in their subconscious, they didn’t have to think much when they were driving, their subconscious did 80% of the driving, they could react in a split second…were highly skilled, far better then any computer driven car.

      but…this required that all their senses were unblocked …if they got distracted…they could crash….

      The solution….force them to use touch screens only….force them into huge over weight cars you can’t see out off…cars that give zero feed back so the driver has no clue what the car is doing….

      then they will crash more…the result…another excuse to ban cars….

      All planned….

  3. Yawn! Voice control isn’t even a new concept.

    Voice control was done in mass production by Ford Sync back in 2007. There were others that predated Ford but more limited in scale.

    The only thing new is taking away the physical controls that used to be necessary when Sync (or any other system) didn’t recognize the voice command and you had to do it yourself. Stupid on steroids.

    Life is hard . . . It’s a whole lot harder if you’re stupid.

  4. You know what would surprise and dazzle me in a new car……Three pedals and no got dam creepy tech….port injection…and knobs and buttons…….Hey kia et al…..Go FUCK yourself. I will drive my old shit.

  5. Hey, Hal, go fuck yourself.

    I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

    That’s what I thought, so go fuck yourself.

    Somebody has to be brutally frank, no other way.

    With all of the digital technology, it is obvious that the surveillance state is right where you are no matter where you go.

    Hey, don’t fret, don’t worry, it is okay, keep your sunnyside up.

    They say the heart of rock and roll is still beating
    And from what I’ve seen I believe ’em
    Now the old boy may be barely breathing
    But the heart of rock and roll, heart of rock and roll is still beating
    – Huey Lewis and the News, The Heart of Rock and Roll

  6. Oh goody. More technology that will quit working in 5 years and that you won’t be able to get parts for. It’s funny how long electro-mechanical parts last compared to purely electronic parts.

    It also makes you wonder how well this system will work when you’ve got the radio blasting or you have laryngitis.


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