AGW Tries to Shoot Guy For Picking Up His Hat


Here’s a video of an armed government worker – my etymologically accurate term for what most people have been conditioned to call the “police” – attempting to shoot a guy whose “crime” was stooping to pick up his hat.

The AGW – who is armed and works for the government, not “the public,” as people are conditioned to say – pulls up behind a vehicle that has broken down and has its blinkers on. There is no reason to suspect anything else is wrong – let alone anything actually criminal going on.

A man can be seen on camera (in the AGW’s cruiser) walking causally up to the vehicle. The AGW asks him, “How you doing? Do you know her? Are you here to help?” – referring to the apparent owner of the broken down vehicle.

“She’s taking me to the hospital,” he replies and walks past the AGW, toward the passenger side of the vehicle. At which point, he begins to bend down to retrieve his cap, which had apparently fallen off and onto the road.

At this moment, the AGW wheels around and pops off a round – which by the miracle of “police training” did not hit the “suspect,” who was less than six feet away. And also unarmed.

The man falls to the ground, not shot but expecting to be killed. “What’d I do?” The AGW starts hysterically saying, “got a gun, got a gun!”

He didn’t.

The understanding dawns. “I’m sorry,” exclaims the civilian “sergeant,” Robert Warrington. Who is not a “rookie” and so the homicidal (because deliberate) use of his government-issued gun is even more appalling. But thankfully, he was “trained” to be as accurate with his government-issued gun (and his government-issued Authority) as the drugs pushed on so many were “safe and effective.”

He managed not to shoot the unarmed man just feet away but the bullet he fired did hit a passing car. Luckily for those within, no one was hurt.

Thankfully, there is a video record of this near-fatal Hut! Hut Hutting! and it’s so cut-and-dried that Warrington “has been indicted by a grand jury on multiple charges, including one count of attempted second-degree murder, one count of first-degree assault, two counts of reckless endangerment and one count of misconduct in office. These charges were announced during a formal news conference on October 24.” 

The AGW may even be convicted.

But who will pay for the consequences of his criminally homicidal actions? The word is italicized to emphasize the costs of the inevitable civil suits (plural) that are likely to filed and likely to be won by the man who was almost summarily executed and the people in the passing car who might have been, too.

It will not be the AGW who is personally made to pay. It will be the tax-sheep of Bowie, MD. Who are also shorn to pay the salaries of these AGWs.

Isn’t it great?

. . .

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  1. Who would have thought a simple hat would be potentially lethal. I agree with Dan: Strip the LEO’s of their guns, and let them fend for themselves without one. They can work amidst a kind of “survival of the fittest” if you will. They might be a lot less cocky and arrogant without one.

  2. Saying it again – COPS SHOULD NOT HAVE GUNS.

    They are some of the worst users of firearms. I have seen new shooters and kids show better decision making and firearm control.

    The idea everyone is out to kill them should be absolutely be banned from all police training. This video is the result of this training induced paranoid schizophrenia.
    It is more dangerous to deliver pizzas.

    If the public is out to kill them, then I would recommend some self reflection instead.

  3. This Buckeroo was possibly trained in Tel Aviv where most cops from the US go to learn how to handle no account civilians that wrongly think they have rights!

  4. I expect his lawyer will say he should be given probation and community service because if he goes to prison he will be in danger from the other prisoners (they aren’t inmates).

    I would fall back on the police statist bromide, “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time”. May he get the justice he deserves.

  5. AGW is a sovereign citizen…..was given the power of the sovereign…is the enforcer for the control group….

    pretty much untouchable….

    but….to make it look like there is some justice…might get a $5.00 fine…lol

  6. Amazing that the AGW was charged and didn’t just get “administrative leave” aka vacation, after which the “investigation” would have found his shooting “justified” because he feared for his saaaaaafety. Thank God for the camera, all AGW’s need to be under constant surveillance for OUR safety.

  7. Oh man, this is a face palm. Even in police training, you are supposed to tell them to drop the gun if you can. In this video, there is 0 indication anything violent is happening. This is just a normal citizen assist to check if they are OK and block traffic till they leave or are towed.

    I don’t even know how this officer got to that spot in his head because he was all calm and normal, then just drew and fired. This is almost worse than that officer who started firing when an acorn fell on his car because at least there was a triggering event there. Here, the guy wasn’t even reaching for his waist or anything, and the cop starts blasting. At least he’s off and the victim is ok. I don’t think there will be any immunity defense. He literally apologized on camera, admitting he was in the wrong once those brain cells started firing.

    • If all he’d done is said “I saw a gun” and “I feared for my safety” he might have gotten away with it. But acknowledging fault on camera, there’s no wiggle room. It’s the same for non-AGW civilians if you’re involved in such a situation. “I feared for my life” and “I want a lawyer.” Say nothing else. Nothing. Else.

      • Yes. Just like when they violently attack a peaceful citizen, all the while bleating “stop resisting.”

        This video will be used as a training tool for AGWs on what not to do after you unlawfully shoot at somebody. Remember officers, no matter how egregious your conduct, you must always maintain victim status.

  8. So glad, and -very- shocked, the story has a happy ending. Typically when this happens there is an internal affairs “investigation”, the pig gets a 2-3 week paid vacation and then “no wrongdoing was found”. Even IF they kill someone.

    I also very much wonder how much race plays a part here. Clean cut white boi attempts to murder our chief DEI god. There MUST be accountability.

    Had it been a white guy that got whiffed by that round I’m guessing it may have gone differently. It would be really nice if they police were accountable this way across the board but under this DEI tyranny I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

    Bowie, MD is very close to me in the DC area. Lots of the agencies in that area have a real penchant for shoot first policies. PG County MD, Montgomery County, MD a couple others and they loooooooove no knock raids too for minor offenses. Article was written about this, some of the highest in the country. Even more reasons to not live near or in DC, absolute police state all the way around.


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