Some Questions for the Apologists


Herewith some questions for those who believe it is necessary to “transition” to battery powered vehicles. That is, for the industry to be forced (via the cudgel of regulatory compliance) to manufacture nothing except battery powered vehicles and – thus – people left with no choice as far as what they’re allowed to buy.

Honest language is important because otherwise we’re often agreeing with false premises. So let’s start with being honest. Battery powered vehicles are being pushed on us – not offered. The word “transition” makes it sound as though it’s a natural progression to something that is better,  like the transition from cassette tapes to compact discs. There was no pushing of cassette tapes off the market – because CDs were an improvement over cassette tapes, which is why it was not necessary to push cassette tapes off the market.

Battery powered vehicles, on the other hand, are not better – unless the measure is the immediacy of acceleration.

Battery-powered vehicles do accelerate quickly. But that brings up a question: If it is necessary – in a existential sense – to make this “transition” to battery-powered vehicles because the “climate” is “changing,” then why this focus on how quickly these devices accelerate? Isn’t that a superfluous thing in an existential crisis? You can’t out-accelerate a “changing” climate, can you?

Especially when you can’t go very far, very fast.

In order to accelerate quickly – briefly – a battery-powered vehicle must have a very large battery, which is necessary to store the energy that is necessary to accelerate the typical battery powered vehicles’s 4,000-plus pounds quickly. This consumes more energy than is necessary for simply getting from A to B. And the burning up of that energy creates more in the way of the “emissions” – of the inert gas CO2 – that we are told are causing the existential crisis of the “climate”changing.

Whatever that means.

The implicit meaning, of course, is that it is “changing” apocalyptically and imminently. To Harum Scarum the hoi polloi.  If so, the how can anyone justify the manufacturing of vehicles that use far more energy than is necessary for basic transportation?

This brings up another question.

If there is a pending existential threat that requires a very speedy “transition” to battery powered vehicles, then why is the federal government preventing battery powered vehicles that almost anyone could afford to buy – and so make the “transition” – from being legal to sell in this country?

Doesn’t the government want us all to “transition” to EVs?

These are the small, low-performance electric vehicles that are manufactured in places such as China, where they are available for less than $10,000 – as opposed to around $30,000 for the least expensive electric vehicles available for sale here. Why not bring them here – as quickly as possible?

Isn’t it important – life or death important – to make the “transition”?

But low-cost  basic transportation appliances from China and other countries are not allowed here, in part, because they are not considered “safe” enough – i.e., compliant enough with the current regime of federal regs that have little if anything to do with whether a vehicle is unsound to drive because it is likely to crash.

What “safety” actually means – in honest language – is that the vehicle be equipped with such things as multiple air bags, back-up camera systems and other such “technology” – and that it be able to absorb impact forces up to a certain standard if it crashes. Mark the italics. A VW Beetle from the ’70s was not a crash-prone vehicle and millions drove them without crashing. Yet it would be considered “unsafe” per current federal regs. And so would a ten year-old Mercedes S-Class, by the way. Because it does not have all the latest “safety” technology. Never mind that it would be far safer to be inside of a ten-year-old Mercedes S-Class that crashes into a “safe” – that is, compliant – brand new Honda Cvic.

The other reason inexpensive – and efficient – basic transportation appliance EVs from China are not allowed in the U.S. is on account of the fear  – use it in the way Dr. Strangelove did – of the car industry that does not want to lose sales (and money) to low-cost Chinese-made devices. And on account of the unions who want to protect American jobs.

But – wait.

Isn’t there an existential crisis looming? If there is, then how can something as non-existential as the profit margins and market share of the car industry that enjoys protective status within the boundaries of the United States be indulged? And union jobs? Really? If there is an existential crisis?

Shouldn’t everything possible be done to ship as many of these low-cost, low-energy-consumption EVs to the U.S. as possible?

Instead, what’s being pushed on people amounts to luxury-priced, high-performance vehicles that are incidentally electric. Most of these people, of course, cannot afford to indulge the purchase of a luxury-priced, high-performance vehicle. That’s why – historically – more Toyotas have been sold than BMWs and Benzes. But this “transition” is turning everything into a BMW or a Benz – in order to assure that only people who can afford a BMW or a Benz can afford to own a vehicle.

Because this “transition” is different than advertised.

It is not a “transition” from vehicles propelled by gas/diesel engines to vehicles that are propelled by motors powered by batteries. It is a transition back to the way things were at the dawn of the automobile age, when only a few could afford to drive – unless they were a rich person’s chauffeur and being paid to do so.

It is a transition, in other words, to the old order of things. Not so much Back to the Future as back to feudalism, with the enserfed not merely accepting their enserfment but begging for it.

Because the “climate” is “changing.”

. . .

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  1. When robocops replace the current AGW’s…will they be sovereign citizens too?… like the current AGW’s…have the sovereign’s power to enforce….use lethal force if necessary…an AGW is the only sovereign citizen….

    a robocop run by AI….hooked into the huge central AI brain….

    In a master slave system the slave is the master’s property…he can kill the slave….the masters delegated that power to the AGW’s….

    so the slave reduction agenda is legal….

    • So when a robot cop shoots and kills someone how can the robo cop be confronted vy the survivors? Or if an innocent victim survives an encounter with a robo cop? We supposedly have a right to face our accusers. How does one question a pre-programmed robo cop let alone expect to win in a court of law?

  2. Colorado News Anchor Shreds Jena Griswold on Live TV Over Voting Machine Leak Scandal — Presses Her on Potential Prison Time Like Tina Peters and Demands to Know If She’ll Resign

    Secretary of State Jena Griswold “shared a file on her website that contained over 600 BIOS passwords for voting system components of 63 out of the state’s 64 counties.”

    In 2021, when Mesa County’s voting system passwords leaked, your office stated that the disclosure of BIOS passwords alone constituted a serious breach. By that standard, did your office commit a serious breach of security protocols?

    you did not notify the county clerks of this breach and that they found out when the Colorado Republican Party announced it today

    This isn’t the first error your office has made that has impacted voters’ confidence in elections. Will you resign?

    • One can hope that by railroading Tina Peters a legal precedent was set that ties their hands. Griswold is an unqualified political appointment who’s protection goes pretty high, like Soros high. So it remains to be seen what happens.

  3. Black-belt master troller Donald Trump rolls into Green Bay, Wisclownsin in a garbage truck:

    Chardonnay-sipping elitist lawyers like KAHHH-mala and Doug go berserk at these populist antics, which they are congenitally incapable of performing, even if someone paid them to and showed them how.

    A pajeeta putting on a fake ghetto accent just don’t cut it no more. Kammie’s last hope is to head to a firing range and blast away with her Glock pistol (if it exists). Pointy end goes in front! 🙂

    • I wasn’t going to vote. I know it is an absolute waste, but Trump showing up at a Wisconsin rally in a garbage truck…screw it. I am in. It isn’t going to do squat, but at least I make the cheaters have to create another ballot.

      • Three pillars of the D-party debacle:

        1. Cheating elderly hack ‘Joe Biden’ into office, just because it was ‘his turn.’
        2. Letting ‘Joe’ play identity politics by picking giggling airhead Kamala.
        3. Failing to remove senile ‘Joe’ by Amendment XXV two or three years ago.

        I hereby revise my ‘red shift’ estimate to 5 to 7 percentage points. Kamala is dead meat on a stick: Trump takes ALL the swing states … and a couple of ‘safe’ blue states too.

        Expect to see a few MSM stenographers climb out on ledges. And enthusiastic crowds yelling JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! 🙂

          • Two new things this morning:

            1. NYT polls now show Kamala leading in only one swing state — Michigan — by less than 1 percent. Trump is even or ahead in all others.

            2. This ‘meta’ article is posted as a Lawfare marker:

            Why the Right Thinks Trump Is Running Away With the Race

            ‘Skewed polls and anonymous betting markets are building up Republicans’ expectations. Donald Trump could use that to challenge the result.’ — NYT

            ‘Skewed polls’ — ah ha ha ha — yours or ours? Truth is subjective, my friends!

            • Polls are there to squeeze that last ad buy out of the campaign. If there’s a blowout, the ads stop. Why bother otherwise?

            • The ground swell is just too big to ignore. If they try to select Kamala they’ll go over the tipping point on normies seeing a naked emperor and all they have left is bald faced force. They can’t go back, the facade of trust is lost for a generation. The underlying reason for the oligarchs jumping ship is that they are looking over the precipice of jackboots and gulags. No one serious wants that. No money to be made if the “free” world is destroyed. China’s slave workers need markets to sell their cheap shit.

          • ASSuming the faked ballots haven’t already been printed and delivered, just waiting to be “counted”, Trump ostensibly being the “winner”, even by a huge electoral margin, won’t be the end of the shenanigans. As a last resort, if efforts to persuade electors to flip their votes to Harris/Walz don’t avail, either a “crisis”, such as provoking an unneeded war with Russia or China (or BOTH at the SAME time), could be manufactured to justify a “temporary hold” on transferring the Presidency…which would have the same life expectancy as “temporary taxes”.

            • Hi Douglas,

              Small business in this country is starting to crash. The October job numbers came out and 12k jobs were added. They numbers for August and September were revised down.

              I anticipate them putting Trump in because the economy is spinning out of control. They will place the blame on him. They do not want a Democrat holding the bag when the crash occurs.

              What I don’t like is the news media (especially Fox) is saying this is too close to call. What numbers are they even looking at? NC and GA are not tied…not even close. She is about to pull funds out of Nevada. If Nevada goes red then Arizona will go red – that puts Trump at 268.

              What I am terrified of (and it isn’t from polling, but cheating) is if MI, WI, and PA go “blue”. That puts her at 270. I am not counting on MI to go into the Red Column. There is too much room to cheat. Trump needs to funnel the remainder of his money and time into WI, PA, and NH. Right now Ayotte (R) is leading in the NH Governor’s race. I am hoping she pulls Trump across the finish line.

              I don’t like the discrepancies I am seeing out of MI and PA. Wisconsin is completely up in the air.

      • 100%

        Haven’t voted in going on decades now. What’s the point?

        But Trump has been hitting them out of the park lately. The McDonald’s thing, Rogan, the MSG rally, the trash truck. It’s kinda making me all warm and fuzzy inside. The man is a self aggrandizing midwit but, honestly, he’s coming across as genuine and a good steward for the main reason I like him – he’s putting his thumb in their eye at every corner. It’s a beautiful thing.

  4. But…but…peak oil, man!
    Polar bears are gonna drown!
    Whales are disappearing! (Except for the land-based variety, which is thriving!)

    I’m being sarcastic, of course.

    Just last night I watched a video about the New Horizons probe fly-by of Pluto, the dwarf planet at the edge of our solar system.

    Apparently the photos sent by the probe show a huge frozen ‘lake’ of hydrocarbons at Pluto’s pole.

    Now if only the Plutans got going in their Hummers, they could make enough global warming to increase the surface temperatures from minus 380 degrees Fahrenheit to Florida levels, and then they could start building resorts and making money!

    On a serious note, it is remarkable that the peak oil nutcases somehow neglect to comment on just how did all these hydrocarbons, which are chemically similar, end up on Pluto, Titan (one of Saturn’s moons) and elsewhere in the solar system?

    Those bloody dinosaurs clearly must have been spread all over the place!

    • First of all, let’s get rid of the term “fossil fuels”.
      Naturally-occurring hydrocarbons are “abiotic”.
      Hydrocarbon products are constantly being created deep within the earth by yet-unknown processes well below the layers that contain fossils. Keep in mind that hydrocarbons migrate upward and pass through “fossil layers” picking up remnants of “fossil” material; hence, the present-day scientists’ stupid, ignorant mistaken assumption that hydrocarbons are derived from “fossils”.
      Oil interests are drilling wells at 5,000 feet, 10,000 feet, and 15,000 feet and deeper, and coming up with oil deposits well below the layers and levels where “fossils” were known to exist.
      As Russia gained much expertise in deep-well drilling and coming up with oil deposits far deeper than that of the level of “fossils”, abiotic oil at extreme depths was actually a Russian “state secret” for a long time.
      “Peak oil” and “fossil fuels” are discredited dishonest concepts that environmentalists and others are latching on to, in order to display their hatred of oil being a renewable resource as well as to push prices up.
      Follow the money.
      Naturally-occurring hydrocarbons have done more to advance civilization than any other influence. It is the discovery, creation and utilization of ENERGY that propels civilizations upward and onward.
      We have more oil underneath our feet than the rest of the world. In fact, we became energy independent under Trump. That trend was reversed with the Biden regime.
      In fact, one of Saturn’s moons (Titan) is primarily composed of hydrocarbons (without “fossils”).
      For a good treatise on abiotic oil, please google L. Fletcher Prouty. He is a scientist who gives a good explanation of “abiotic oil”.

      • For geologists who are honest and curious, it’s been seen for several decades now that oil and gas reservoirs refill. It’s a common misnomer that “fossil” fuels are crushed dinosaurs or whatever. No one’s really exactly sure how it all works and the idea of “peak” oil (or indeed subsurface water aquifers) is based on a limited and simplified understanding of geology.

      • It is correct to call oil a fossil fuel:

        Origin: Oil, also known as petroleum or crude oil, is a fossil fuel because it comes from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.

        Composition: Oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons that is high in carbon.

        Formation: Over time, the remains of these organisms were covered by layers of sand, silt, and rock, which created heat and pressure that turned the remains into oil.

        • There aren’t enough “dead dinosaurs” or “plant remains” to account for the amount of hydrocarbons that are being pumped out of the ground on a daily basis.

        • Technically, some of it IS fossil fuel. But it’s all natural fuel, whether as a product of dinosaur decomposition, or natural reactions occurring under conditions of heat and pressure. So you’re not lying. You are however committing a fallacy of generalization where if something is true, it’s the only truth and the most important truth.

          All fossil fuels are natural fuels, not all natural fuels are fossil fuels.

    • >Polar bears are gonna drown!

      Ah, no worries, mate.
      We can create al the polar bears we might like by applying a simple coordinate transformation to Cartesian bears, which we have in abundance.

  5. I see that Virginia was handed a victory by the Supremes. Going forward, maybe we can all agree, Illegal Aliens have no right or business voting in our elections. Anyone who persists in this delusion should receive a rousing midnight visit from the local chapter of The Sons of Liberty.

    • Tar, feathers? Check. Large split rail and 4 burly frontiersman runners to jog it out of town? Check. Effigy to incinerate? Check.

      Oh no, they’re calling us a racist hate group! We’d better hide in shame and fear of the prissy outrage of the lesbo-dyke schoolmarms and their sadomasochistic enforcers.

      Or maybe not. Every beaten dog eventually gets mean and sneaky.

    • It’s a major tell when they sue and persist with appeals to get non-citizens a vote. The Constitution is not ambiguous on who is eligible to vote. It’s why the Supreme Court had no wiggle room and didn’t even bother to include an opinion to explain.

  6. The best part of an election is coming up! The fun will begin once the new savior is selected and sworn in. That is when the rubber hits the road and promises are expected to become reality. Oh, hear the crying now.

    The Donald gonna end the Uke war in 24 hours. Sort of like he was going to pay off the debt in 24 hours. He has already said he will double down on those poor bastard Palestinians, Iranians and big bad Russia. Yep,,, Going to end the income tax… lol… folks,,, we’re probably going to end up with an income tax AND Tariffs AND likely some kind of stealth VAT tax.

    All these parasites know is taxes. That’s their job! Watching people smile while being taken to the cleaners. AND ITS GONE! If there was no income tax an entire genre of workers would become unemployed. People employed to enforce/calculate corpgovs revenue are as government workers every bit the same as a corpgov employee receiving a check from the treasury. Get rid of all those alphabet agencies and you’ll put two thirds of America out of work…. lol. Might be exaggerating a bit. Maybe not all but a lot! The entire country seems a parody of a total welfare/warfare state.

    One has to laugh hilariously at the attempt to eliminate CO2. CO2 levels are already so low that it is a threat to all plant life and thus our piddly lives. Then there’s Kill Gates chopping all the trees down,,, killing the farmland,,, breeding mosquito’s and trying to block the sun with poisoness chem trails. This guy, not a Doctor, not a scientist and not even a good programmer is gonna fix us up alright. Kill and the other parasites may actually eliminate all life on the planet while the nukes never leave their silo’s.

    Only one way to fix this mess. Kick OUT the border jumpers living it up on our dime AND outlaw any dual national citizens in government jobs or political positions. Otherwise just stick the star of ‘David’ in the blue field of the stars and stripes and be done with it.

    As we used to say in the ‘service’… Stand by for Stand by.

  7. The manipulation of the human mind by moderately intelligent human sacks of excrement have caused people to believe all sorts of nonsense it seems.

    Being a cheap bastard, I just got back from lunch at the restaurant my daughter works at, so that I could take advantage of a family discount. Her morbidly obese 30 something manager was there standing next to my daughter, and manager was in full facial regalia, in a throwback to a worse time in human history when a non-dangerous, slightly contagious cold virus was making the rounds. One could not see her face at all from about the center of her eyeball sockets down past her fat, multiple chins. Her muffled voice, barely discernable to the sane around her, formed words in the affirmative when asked about a family discount. I looked at her, fighting a snicker, and held my tongue so as not to bring Fat Karen Fury down upon my innocent daughter.

    On the bright side, I ate a full meal for $11 instead of $22.

  8. The EV-only mandate, just like any other government edict, only “works” because of virtue-signaling. Humans virtue-signal, because they want to be seen as “good” or even “righteous”. They couldn’t care less about “DUH CLYYYMUT!!!” or “DUH INVIIIIREMINT!!!” Same with “DUH VIIIRUS!!!”. All they care about, is being rewarded for “good behavior”. Morals and ethics be damned!

  9. The big lie behind the push for electric only vehicles is that CO2 is causing warming. CO2 has never caused warming on earth. CO2 always follows temperature. For instance, when the last ice age glaciation ended 20,000 years ago, CO2 was at it’s lowest, at 180ppm.

    Think about it, 2 miles of ice (covering all of Canada) melted – happened at low CO2. What the hell does CO2 have to do with melting ice? NOT A DAMN THING.

    Warming started at the lowest CO2 level. exactly the opposite of the claim. During ice age cycles, warming is always at low CO2 and cooling at high CO2. Every single time. That simple scientific observation makes Al Gore a damn fool.

    Of course, like Greta Thunderborg, Al Gore has no scientific training let alone degree in physics or geologic science. Al Gore is just a tool pushing a fake political narrative getting rich in the process. Al Gore lives in a mansion with a $10,000 monthly electric bill while he jet sets around to push a globalist control agenda.

    When ice age starts again (inception) it will be at the highest CO2 levels. High CO2 levels do not stop ice age inception. In previous ice age epochs, CO2 was 10x higher than today. Thus the claim that high CO2 could cause runaway warming is false.

    But who cares about scientific facts? Not a Leftist with an agenda. Facts are inconvenient truths that must be rejected to save the planet. Climate change is nothing more than a religious like belief. You must believe in the power of the invisible CO2 molecules my brother, buy a EV and save the planet.

    In case anyone is wondering why CO2 does not influence ice age cycles, this chart explains it:

    CO2 warming is an inverse logarithmic function, meaning that as CO2 goes up it’s warming effect drops off exponentially. Almost all of CO2 warming is in the first 20ppm. Since ice age CO2 levels fluctuate between 180 to 280 ppm, which is far out on that curve, the CO2 warming effect is nil.

    Now if you wrap your mind around all of the above, how is increasing CO2 going to stop ice age inception? It can not. LOL. Our society is all worried about warming when we are 8,000 years past the interglacial optimum temperatures. See next chart.

      • Here is the same chart, but this time I have illustrated the cold acceleration:

        The proof that ice age inception has already started will be that the next solar minima, temperatures will drop lower than the Little Ice Age, where the Thames froze solid. This is coming in our near future.

        • Thanks for the charts. Planted one offspring in AZ already. Second one headed to equatorial south pacific soon. Does seem to get cold earlier lately here in October, like today. Up in Portland its been winter for a week.

          • Okay “Thunderstorm”….I’ll bite…….it would appear “numba 2″is heading…
            to equatorial SoPac?
            The only Pacific nation that straddles the equator proper….
            has a lot of doormats with “Salemat Datang” on the front step.

            If it’s where you described……Stay away from Jakarta and Java…
            Being the most populous Muslim nation on earth ….other than the aforementioned locales….
            Is loaded with Kool Mello folks….head for the outer islands “East of Java”… the state is called Nusa Tenggara and you avoid

            Heavy duty scammers like (Washington DC?)….the rest of the country
            is very mellow….
            Oh yeah….you can also kick the climate Klowns in the privates…
            and describe the “planetary fart” that occurred in 1815 on
            Sumbawa resulting in the Tambora Caldera….and no summer in New England..

            Send postcards! 😉

    • You are right, in that CO2 follows temperature in the geological record, until about 80 years ago, where CO2 is leading.

      It doesn’t mean that it’s causal, of course, and I personally don’t care, but it’s how the eco fearmongers claim to disprove the causality direction.

      The natural world is so annoying; it doesn’t fit any narrative too easily and therefore, it’s easy to find evidence for anything you want by picking the correct interval on a graph.

      It’s entirely possible we are causing warming, it’s impossible to prove or disprove, nor to show how much. It’s silly to dismiss it, and it’s silly not to question the official narrative as well.

      Even if we are changing the environment, we’re doing it as a side effect of making mankind prosper. Maybe one day we will have the technology to make carbon-free energy at large scale, but until that times comes, it’s more important to emit CO2 by farming, heating homes, producing things that improve the human condition.

    • The 100,000 year climate cycles in the ice core era were caused by changes in planetary geometry.

      Changes of ocean temperatures of about 5 degrees, within a 100,000 year cycle, caused changes in atmospheric CO2 of about 100 ppm. A warmer ocean outgassed CO2 and a colder ocean absorbed CO2.

      In the ice core era, CO2 was ONLY a climate change feedback to changes of ocean temperatures from any cause.

      But mainly in the past 50 years, manmade CO2 emissions have become a new cause of global warming.

      Nature has been removing CO2 from the atmosphere for billions of years. The most recent CO2 trough in Earth’s history was 180 ppm about 20,000 years ago.

      More CO2 in the atmosphere benefits human, animal and plant life with warmer winters and more plant growth. We should be celebrating more CO2 and global warming.

  10. It is scientific illiteracy that is responsible for the (limited) “success” of EVs today–until these same scientific illiterates find out about extended charging times and limited range. Basic scientific principles are not taught in schools, being replaced by “touchy-feely” environmentalism and how humans are destroying the planet (yeah, right).
    It is my humble opinion that us boomers are of the last generation who took science and technology seriously, with a hunger to know how and why things work. Us boomers had electrical and mechanical systems that we could work on and improve on ourselves. Basic scientific principles were taught in school and reinforced with hands-on experimentation.
    In today’s climate (and the climate of two previous generations) experimentation on the level of the 1950s and 1960s is seen as “too dangerous”. I can remember the chemistry sets of the day being sold with toxic compounds which could be used for nefarious (and fun) purposes. Such sets are banned today.
    Today’s prime example of the public’s scientific stupidity being pushed by political considerations is that of electric vehicles, most people (even supposedly “educated” types) enthusiastically jumping on the bandwagon despite the major deficiencies and problems these vehicles have.
    Let’s look at the technical side of electric vehicles vs. ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles. Range is a large factor in the desirability of ICE vehicles vs. today’s electric vehicles. One can fuel up an ICE vehicle in approximately five minutes and be on his way.
    Not so for electric vehicles. Quite often electric vehicle charging stations are few and far between, which contributes to “range anxiety”. For short hops and city driving, electric vehicles can be an ideal solution, but for extended “road trips” forget it.
    Electric vehicle batteries lose power even when the vehicle is not in use. (This is akin to a gasoline vehicle with a leaky gas tank). Add to that, cold weather and the use of accessories (air conditioning, heat, lights, etc) will reduce range considerably. Electric vehicles may be somewhat suitable for a California climate, but will fail in sub-zero Michigan winter snow and ice.
    Batteries can be charged only to 80% of full capacity as overcharging will reduce battery life considerably. “Fast charging” is also detrimental to battery life. It’s all about time and convenience vs. battery life.
    Gasoline and diesel fuel has an large energy content (density) in a small package, something that, in their present stages of development, electrical vehicles cannot achieve.
    Let’s make a comparison…gasoline contains approximately 33.7 kwh per gallon. A gallon of gasoline weighs approximately 6.1 lbs. The typical ICE vehicle can hold about 15 gallons of gasoline with a weight of approximately 90 lbs. total, with a total energy content of approximately 500 kwh.
    High-end electric vehicles have an energy capacity of approximately 120 kwh. This is equal to less than four gallons of gasoline. The typical electric vehicle has a 75 kwh battery pack, equivalent to approximately 2 ½ gallons of gasoline.
    Keep in mind that the battery pack weight is well over 2000 lbs (1 ton) and still has a limited energy capacity compared to gasoline. The typical electric vehicles weighs approximately 2 ½ tons (5000 lbs.), having to haul around a heavy battery pack. This also contributes to “wear and tear” on other automotive systems such as brakes and tires. (Yes, I am aware that regenerative braking exists and is a part of electric vehicle technology).
    From an environmental standpoint, lithium is nasty stuff, reacts with water violently and is much more volatile than gasoline. Electric vehicle accidents are much more hazardous than those of ICE vehicles. Water cannot be used to put out a lithium battery pack fire.
    Yes, gasoline is dangerous, but we have learned to control it and live with it successfully for over 100 years.
    Most of today’s generation do not understand basic scientific principles; hence the enthusiasm for electric vehicles which are “not yet ready for prime-time”. The inability of today’s generation to understand basic scientific and engineering principles is responsible for their gullibility and ignorance.

    • Here here. I was about to post what you laid out in your post. Basics of “how and why things are” and “ how and why things work” just flat out missing from modern education. Now the ignorant masses easily swayed by dangerous ideals.

      As a kid we’d laugh at the movies where the snake oil salesman conned the townsfolk now it’s not funny when the same concept has taken over modern life.

    • My dad grew up on a dirt farm in Minnesota, and plowed the fields behind an ox. He says when he was a boy he could go to the hardware store and buy dynamite to blow out a stump. All that changed after WW2, when the criminal government made us the enemy, and thus you can no longer buy dynamite at Ace hardware.

    • Gasoline is the closest thing to “free energy”. Think about walking the same distance a gallon of gas can take you. I bought a Honda XR150l that is rated at 128 mpg. My best fuel economy here in the mountains is 108 mpg. Outstanding range on just one gallon of gas. How can any battery beat that? No chance.

      That reminds me of that old Indian telling us what life was like before we were domesticated:

      When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it. No taxes no debt, women did all the work. Men were fishing and hunting all day. White man thought he could improve on a system like this.

    • Our local library system de facto refuses to purchase or update anything in the 600 section while the 300 section runs on and on aisle after aisle fulla mewly socialist mind rot. I cringe to imagine the torture my grands endure in thier pubic brainflushing system.

      When this shit changes its gonna be quick and messy.

    • Just adding to the fun fact laundry list here: the efficiency of the battery powering a motor to turn the wheels of the vehicle is so much better than a typical ICE. That’s why a 100 kwh battery can fuel a car as far as that 500 kwh in the gas tank where 60+% is lost to heat.

      • You are leaving out one important point–time versus efficiency.
        If what you are saying is true, it still takes much more time to “top off” an electric vehicle than it does to “top off” an ICE vehicle.
        With an ICE vehicle, I can load 500 kwh worth of “liquid energy” in 5 minutes or so.
        Your EV will take an hour or more to load 100 kwh worth of chemical energy from a “fast” charger. At home, your EV will require 8 hours, if not more to “top off” your vehicle.
        For short trips or commutes in temperate climates, EVs can be useful. Anything greater than that, forget it.
        EVs are still not ready for “prime time”.

      • True, but it’s meaningless and the same non-argument as that of solar and wind ‘energy’ being ‘free’.

        You need to consider the entire process chain:
        – Dig out the coal/gas
        – Transport to the power plant
        – Burn it to turn a turbine
        – Move the electricity thus produced down the wires
        – Convert to DC to power a chemical reaction inside a battery
        – Reverse that reaction and move the reproduced electric power to the motor.

        Every one of these involves losses. That’s basic laws of thermodynamics.

        When you add up all those losses, you’ll discover that the battery-powered devices are no more efficient than ICE, where you just need to pump up the oil, refine it and truck it to the gas stations.

        • If you add it all up….

          ice gas is 35% efficient
          ice diesel is 50% efficient
          a modern steam engine is 55% efficient

          an electric motor powering a vehicle is 25% efficient…why 25%?….if you look at the whole process….go back to the power plant where fuel was burnt to boil water…to create steam…which turned a turbine…which turned a generator…(up to this point 65% of the energy has been lost…wasted…it turned into heat)….at this point down to 35% efficiency…and the electricity hasn’t left the power station yet….finally you have electricity…now it has to be transmitted over transmission and distribution lines…more energy losses….then go through a charger….more energy losses…. into the vehicle to charge the battery….now you are down to 25% efficiency….but in very cold weather this can drop another 50%…so 12% efficiency….

          Liars always start their efficiency calculations starting with the electricity already in the battery…it just got there by magic…..

          There is a 10% loss running electricity through the electric motor which makes it’s drive shaft turn….that is the only loss they look at and say it is 90% efficient….the biggest lie ever told……the same as the 120 eMPG rating….

      • 100 kwh in a battery ….

        but there was already a 75% loss of energy getting that electricity into that battery… have to go back to the power plant and start calculating….electricity doesn’t get into batteries by magic…..there is huge energy losses along the way….

      • the efficiency of the battery powering a motor to turn the wheels of the vehicle is so much better than a typical ICE….your cat might believe that…but….

        a huge lie…total bs….a very low IQ belief….

  11. They can’t take any questions because they have no answers. EVs were a bad idea a hundred years ago, and they still are. For the same reasons. Then came virtue signaling. Which includes turning off your brain. “I love EVs because I can’t go where I want, when I want. But I’m saving the climate from ever changing again.” Good luck with that.

    • They aren’t necessarily a bad idea, but they are definitely a niche option. I’m considering an electric golf cart to replace the 40 year old Kawasaki Mule I keep patching up for the wife. No gas to go stale, no obsolete mufflers, no noise, just plug it in occasionally and ride back and forth to the garden plot or the town brush dump. But that is for 10 miles a week of use.

      • I always found systems of simultaneous nonlinear differential equations and applied numerical analysis more useful. But what do I know, all models fail when their assumptions and conditions are violated. Calculus is no different.

  12. Not to worry,,, Like everything else, the lemmings will roll over if history is any judge. At the moment,,, power access,,, dependability and viability of EV’s aren’t even a thought,,, wildly assuming thoughts even occur within them.

    Big Joe finally come out and called Trumper’s garbage yesterday,,, our handlers likely handing Trump the crown of these depraved and disunited States. What an election! Some States not counting votes after ‘election’ day,,, some counting them up to three days after. Still using the damn machines where votes can be changed on the fly. They say,,, any final vote count won’t be finished probably until December. Americans putting their lives and country at serious risk still thinking one person can save them.

    They say this is the last ‘election’ and that this election will likely start a Civil War. Gimme a break, would ya? This is football season! Chances aren’t real good American land whales will – or can- get off the couch to grab their rusty rifles and run off to fight the man! The Tranny’s will be trying to find that perfect dress and shoes to wear for the occasion.

    And corpgov keeps pushing the death shots…..

    Taking Their Existance…

  13. ‘Doesn’t the government want us all to “transition” to EVs?’ — eric

    Yes — and EeeVee-friendly garages, too.

    Overheard a conversation last weekend at a diner in the Verde Valley. Contractors are going door to door, focusing on older folks, telling them that according to the new building code, they can’t sell their house unless the garage has an EeeVee charger.

    It’s bullshit, but of course some fall for it. And that’s the beauty of the EeeVee scam to its perpetrators: it peculates everyone from billionaires at the top to slimeball contractors working the bottom-fishing angle. What’s not to like? 🙂

    I cain’t win out to save my soul
    Long as Harris-Biden’s got me in the hole
    Them EeeVee boys are squawking and balking
    That’s what’s got me out here walking and talking

    Knocking on doors and windows
    Wake up and run down election morning
    And scribble in ‘426 Hemi Charger’

    — Woody Guthrie, Stetson Kennedy

  14. The arguments used to justify EV mandates sound suspiciously like those used to justify draconian COVID measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaxx mandates. However, with COVID it has become blatantly obvious that those measures had NO EFFECT on the dreaded ‘Rona but DID cause MASSIVE damage to society that we’re still experiencing almost 5 years later. I suspect that foisting EVs on the masses will also have NO effect on “The climate” but will be used by government to frighten people into hating those who refuse to buy an EV in the same way government used fear to manipulate people into hating those who refused to comply with nonsensical COVID diktats.

    • They hate us, because we attempted to stop the US (and the world) from becoming a giant welfare state. Why work, when you can use the government to steal from everyone else?

  15. In spaceflight there’s something called the “tyranny of the rocket equation”. In a nutshell it means that the amount you want to change your speed, the amount of fuel required goes up exponentially. For example, to leave Earth’s gravity well & go to the moon, it took the ginormous Saturn V to provide enough delta-v for the comparatively small command module, service module, lunar module, and 3 astronauts.

    Seems fitting that the engineering community acknowledge the “tyranny of the battery equation”. Maybe some of the smart double-Es here can refine “battery equation”. But it’s still the same tyranny, as the mass of the thing to be moved and its desired acceleration & speed go up, the range necessarily goes down unless the battery gets bigger/heavier which in turn drives the range down and on. Toss in battery nuances such as temperature and charge/discharge rates, the tyranny gets worse.

    • The corollary of the Tyranny of the Battery Equation is that what works adequately in temperate areas of California does not hit the same performance and durability metrics in Minnesota or, far worse, the Florida Peninsula south of the freeze line, roughly I-4.

    • It’s actually a matter for chemical engineers and physicists. The problems of the STORAGE battery are from physics and chemistry. Until there is a true revolution in battery technology they will never have a better weight to energy content than a thin metal or plastic tank full of cheap and efficient chemical fuel.

    • I already told you the equation. At 3 my dad got pissed off having to constantly f with the damn battery in the fancy snob trinket electric go cart he bought me.

      X = no more electric bs for me.

      Once kicked in the nuts will do.

  16. Hmm, RE: “It is a transition, in other words, to the old order of things.”

    Then, wouldn’t it be a remission, instead of transition?

    Via Webster’s #4 “: to restore or consign to a former status or condition”

  17. Meanwhile, cereal crop yields continue to rise on every continent. Even in Africa, which is seeing very large percentage gains despite “global warming.”

    The Sun has been especially active this summer. EM activity has pushed the Northern Lights as far south as Santa Fe, New Mexico. Many of the predicted super-storms and massive hurricanes failed to materialize over the last 11 years. Some scientists have noticed a correlation between solar activity and large tropical storms, but it doesn’t get any attention because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Yet this summer, with the CMEs and flairs not seen in most of our lifetimes, and two atypical hurricanes that hit the southeast? Crickets.

    The only potential problem for Global Warming activists is the potential loss of prime real estate. If it doesn’t snow in Aspen, well, everyone might go to Whistler this year. Repeat that over time and pretty soon your vacation home piggybank might not hold value. Aspen had a boom-bust before, when the feds stopped buying silver to pay off the Civil War debt. Took almost 100 years to recover after that one. If the snow don’t come, what’s going to replace it? Bad enough that kids today don’t ski (or snowboard), meaning you have to attract the international “new money” heathens.

    What’s going to happen when the snow don’t come?

  18. ‘It is a transition … back to feudalism, with the enserfed not merely accepting their enserfment but begging for it.’ — eric

    Another transition is underway, in the Lügenpresse. Subtly, so no one will notice too much, the party line is shifting.

    Last week, swing state polls in the New York Slimes showed KAHHH-mala ahead in most of them, by a suspiciously identical <1 percent margin. But today, she holds that miniscule lead only in Michigan. Wisconsin, Nevada and North Carolina all have 'transitioned' to 'Even.'

    Statistically, that's bullshit. Disparate states don't all exactly match. Stenographic butchers applied a heavy thumb to the scale to mask an ugly reality: KAHHH-mala is losing, and losing big.

    It was always absurd that a talentless diversity hire could win. 'Joe Biden' thought she was a harmless accessory in the identity politics game, to be displayed liked a new pair of cuff links, but never actually deployed. Then old 'Joe' lost his mind … and the full dimensions of his reckless lack of judgment emerged.

    Next week I'm going to revisit the subject of 'how much the Lügenpresse lied,' comparing their bullshit polls to actual vote margins. They did it in 2016. Now they're doing it again. Smash the MSM.

    • Hi Jim,

      There are only three states I am looking at…NC, GA, and PA. Currently, I have all three under solid red (at least for Trump). Rumor has it that her campaign pulled the last of the money out of NC yesterday. I know Walz is visiting Asheville and Charlotte today, but I think they are sending him there because they already know they lost and they don’t care if he embarrasses them further.

      In Georgia, minority support(early voting) around Atlanta and the metropolitan areas are down to pre-Obama levels. This spells trouble for her. Add in the rumor that Trump could carry 20-25% support from black men nationwide and the election is over. I think GA is called early Tuesday night.

      Pennsylvania – There are two outliers that no one is talking about (or very few are talking about).

      1. The Amish vote. The Amish community usually does not vote, but even they are pissed. This what happens when the FDA wants to start invading their farms. The Miller Farm saga in Lancaster, PA? Well, they just got 40K Amish to vote red.

      2. Josh Shapiro. Wasn’t selected as Harris’s V.P….maybe a bit miffed about it. If one was overlooked would you want to assist the one that overlooked you? Shapiro has his eye on the Presidency. A Harris win pushes him to 2032. Trump can only run one term. Do you look the other way or maybe assist your frenemy to oust your enemy so you can throw your hat in the ring in 2028?

      • Thanks. My much shallower, shoot-from-the-hip guess is that N.C., Pa. and Georgia (Even, Trump <1, Trump +2 respectively, according to the NY Slimes) will red-shift 3 to 5 percentage points from these polls, even after the urban cheat margin is applied.

        Rummaging around in a used book store in New Hope, Pa. years ago, I came across Robert Kennedy’s 1968 campaign platform. It contained some sixty pages of policy wonkery about the Tet offensive, the ARVN, Vietnamese leader Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, General Westmoreland, and eye-glazingly on and on. A generation later, it was stunningly irrelevant; an antiquated artifact.

        What sort of KAHHH-mala ephemera will survive 25 years, to be sold in flea markets in 2049? ‘Who’s that lady, Mommy?’ little kids will ask. ‘What are “elections,” Mommy?’ etc.

      • The bastards are campaigning frantically in Minnesota, they put ME on their email lists (probably got them from me emailing Smith and Klobuchar (politely) telling them they suck and their policies suck. This tells me that even heavily machine controlled Communisota is in play.

        • Hi Ernie,

          I am hesitant on the “Red Wave” that the conservatives like to predict every voting cycle. It always seems to fall flat. I am watching the national news and they are jumping around that Virginia is in play…no, no it isn’t. Virginia may be closer and won’t be a 10 point blow out, but it is still blue. Instead of 10 it will be 4 or 5.

          Minnesota is controlled by the Twin Cities very much like Virginia is controlled by Fairfax and Richmond. They may be able to pull some votes to the side of Dark MAGA, but the Swamp controls both states (defense contracting in VA and medical contracting in MN).

          • I dont know the US well enough to be able to comment on a lot of stuff, but I did notice 2 changes. 1) the amount of Trump support in NYC from my recent visit was crazy… something I couldn’t imagine before from my previous trips (like several Trump flags / signs and even shops specialising in trump swag) 2) My brother, central SF – as left wing as they come (was campaigning with Bernie Sanders and has pics with him in 2016).. him and his buddies are actually enthusiastic about a Trump return. I dont know if it’s age or Biden fucked up so bad…. but it’s something I never expected, my SF brother supporting trump…. But extrapolating a bit – if theres Trump support in SF and NYC, i can only imagine other parts of the country….

            • Hi Nasir,

              I think the enthusiasm is off the charts. Fetterman (Democrat Senator from PA) said Trump’s support is astonishing based on what he can see. I do expect some surprises next week. States being closer than what we are projecting and even, maybe, a few unexpected flips.

              At the same time, there is a very strong hesitancy, because 2020 was completely out of sorts compared to the internal polling data (at least on my end and the numbers that I ran).

              There is still a part of me that says the Swamp isn’t done with him yet and they will make sure that 1) he doesn’t make it to office or 2) it will be Hell if he does.

              • I hop it isn’t so, but Trump’s kangaroo court” sentencing is scheduled for November 26, 2024. I hope that attempts are not made to take him into custody…

    • Hi Jim,

      Another thing to mention, especially in regards to Michigan, it is impossible for a pollster to have an ounce of accuracy when it comes to this state. Believe me, I have tried, but the voting situation in Michigan is a mess. The pollsters are making up figures on how they want the state to swing…nothing more. Michigan has 10 million residents per the 2020 census (this includes children, illegals, etc.). The state also has 8.4 million registered voters. If we break down the census information 2.4 million are under the age of 19. Let’s say roughly 252K of these are actual 18-19 years olds that can vote. Even if every adult in Michigan registered to vote that is only 7.852 million, not 8.4 million.

      If cheating takes place this year this is where it will happen.

    • CCP Commiela and Walz will bring this marxist utopia……

      Comment from a financial blog

      Since the founding of PRC 75 years ago, through trials and tribulations, the communist party of China has:”

      1. First the Communist Chinese Party decided ( after mass starvation of 2 million? 10 million?) in the countryside and reports of cannibalism….to change direction.

      2. Then millions of their own people were arrested, tortured, re-educated or killed during the Gang of Four “purges” from 1966 to Mao’s death in 1976.

      3. After Mao’s death another new direction was tried… ….capitalism on the small farm collectives and a loosening of rules….. Helped China pull itself out of the previous 25 years of insanity and actually helped feed people. From 1976 to 1989.

      4. The Chinese people began to think of “democracy” as an offshoot of capitalism.
      Tiananmen square comes to mind.
      Thousands of Chinese citizens that wanted …freedom were shot, or run over by tanks or arrested, jailed, tortured…..

      5. The past decade of rule has seen Chairman Xi Jinping silence his critics, remove any challengers and amend the Laws that say he must step down after two terms.
      Chairman Xi is a dictator for Life.

      This was what caused Chairman Mao to become a Personality Cult that was never questioned and never refused anything.
      His every whim was gospel.

      Chairman Xi seems to be following the same dreadful path.
      Increasing surveillance of the Chinese internet, The Great Firewall purges all illegal thought, security cameras everywhere in China, and enforcing Xi Thought.

      Yes comrades…if you want to get ahead in China today…you must be a member of the Communist Party and be able to show you are a worthy disciple of Chairman Xi Thought.
      Or post drivel on a Western blog to earn brownie points with the local Chinese Embassy Cadre.

      Have I missed anything Comrade Trucker????

      • 5. The past decade of rule has seen Chairman Xi Jinping silence his critics, remove any challengers and amend the Laws that say he must step down after two terms.

        when commiela does that she can be permanent queen….

  19. The elites are tired of dealing with the hoi poloi at places like Disney World and Yellowstone. They want to restrict your mobility.

    And don’t assume it is just Democrats. I heard Glenn Beck rant for an hour on the latter after he endured a trip dealing with the unwashed masses for a week at a national park a few years ago.

    Better to get deliberately elbowed by Mainland Chinese tourist women than risk brushing up against a deplorable while in line to buy the Made in Bangladesh trinkets in the gift shop.

    • It’s not only Disney. It’s Aspen, it’s Vail, it’s the upscale restaurants in Vegas. The French Riviera, Montreux, Naples. All overrun by new money from the Balkans, Russia, the Middle East… the new oil oligarchs, with their uncouth ways and backwater accents. Big gaudy boats closing up the harbor with debauchery and loud music at all hours of the night. It’s just not right. If you want to get away from all that, well, you might get an invite to the Bohemian Grove, or Epstein Island…

  20. Well to paraphrase Mencken; “You can never go wrong underestimating the stupidity of the public”. Every engineer I’ve ever asked agrees that the grid (local or national) can not charge all the vehicles, from the cables on the poles to the service to the house it can’t support even one home charger per house, the power plants being shut down to transition to wind and solar….

    I’m guessing that on a dark, still night power generation will drop off and let’s not forget they also want to get rid of gas, oil and wood heat to go with some sort of electric heat. I hear that PG&E is 42 cents a kilowatt hour now. Guess how much it will be when everything is electrically powered? Hopefully you have got your wool socks and long underwear on standby when this happens.

    The only thing I can’t understand is why except for us lonely few talking about this no one else is.

    • Oh, but that’s where the “connected car” comes in to play. See, we’ll all be assigned a charging time, based on the anticipated load. In order to keep it “fair” your car will be plugged in to a vast power lottery. You might get to charge in a few minutes. Or maybe have to wait until 5:30 AM. You’ll probably have enough range to get to the office and back… probably. Better take an extra Xanax before bedtime to counteract the range anxiety.

      The solution to scarcity is of course a market rate and auction. Ultimately this is the likely solution, considering there’s already a market in place at the wholesale level, and we see just how well that works for everyone (well, everyone who trades energy futures). And even though the market will be an illusion, it will be touted as a great success by the Reason Libertarians.

      Either way, there’s never going to be any incentive to upgrade the power grid to supply all the capacity necessary to charge at everyone’s convenience. That would cost trillions of dollars and probably negate any emissions reduction from switching the transportation network to electricity.

    • It’s slowly dawning on our overlords that they won’t have enough power to run their “data centers” aka Big Brother surveillance networks, thus the resurgence of nuclear power plants. Hey Eric, I hope you have a generator since down your way in Virginia the electric company is already dropping hints that they may need to have rolling blackouts for the serfs to keep power going to Big Brother.

      Of course the current grid can barely handle the demand of everyone running their a/c on a hot summer day; no way they can add the load of an EV charger at every house. Where are the resources to upgrade the wiring to a heavier gauge and replace umpteen thousand transformers with higher capacity ones….. and pay for it? I understand some of the substations and such damaged by the flood in North Carolina may take years to repair due to lack of replacement equipment. Sit back and watch the slow motion train wreck that the climate hysterics are pushing for.

    • Hi anonymous1. I can just see how this will work 4 times the price and a 1/4 of the range. Good luck pushing one to a charging station.

    • ‘California Air Resources Board will vote next week on a proposal that will require motorcycle manufacturers to make 10% of the bikes they sell zero-emissions by 2028 and 50% by 2035.’ — justthenews

      CARB is an administrative board. It is not the legislature. But it claims delegated authority from the legislature.

      Naturally, the ‘Biden’ regime packed the NHTSA with CARB ringers and wreckers. California is the leading emitter of toxic vehicle-related regulations. If its radical ukases cannot be shut down in federal courts, then it needs to be pre-emptively expelled from the US.

      As I often assert, if Orange Man Bad returns to office, Commiefornia is likely to secede on its own. I’ll stand across the border on the east bank of the Colorado River in a bear suit, shooting fireworks, popping bottles of bubbly, and hollering ‘Y’all don’t come back now, ya hear??’ 🙂

      • California is ours. As much as I support secession, the fact remains that a cabal of leftists has seized all power in California and made war on America and California citizens. Exhibit number 1 is their brazen denial of the right of the citizen militia to keep and bear military arms. There is a hotbed of treason, and they deserve an invasion and occupation government. The Confederacy never committed treason, they had a right to secede.

        I am a son of California and a California expatriate living in the frozen north in exile. I’d like to be able to go home.

        • As I freeze in Oregon I feel ya. Home is where the heart is. California was a mental construct product package I bought into young. Left before it turned nightmare. I still miss my memories there too. I dont visit anymore as it doesnt exist.

  21. The marxists did say burn it all down…

    If Green Energy is the Future, Bring a Fire Extinguisher

    On June 24, a battery factory in South Korea caught fire, triggering explosions and killing 22 workers.

    On April 8, a large fire broke out at Fenix Battery Recycling in Kilwinning, North Ayrshire. More than 40 firefighters and personnel from six different agencies responded to the blaze, which burned for several days.

    On June 23, a large fire broke out at the battery recycling treatment facility of WEEE Solutions in Glasgow. Eyewitnesses reported explosions, noises like gunshots, “steel flying everywhere,” and a huge plume of black smoke. Ten fire trucks were needed, and the blaze lasted four days.

    E-bike battery fires are now the leading cause of fires in New York City, with 216 fires last year. E-bike fires have become a serious problem in Australia, Canada, and other nations as well. Low-quality bike batteries self-ignite in first-floor storerooms, destroying the buildings above. Even high-quality batteries are prone to self-ignition after damage or when connected to a faulty charging system.

    On August 19, a Tesla semi-truck crashed into trees along Interstate-80 in California. The crash ignited the truck’s large lithium battery. Firefighters tried to extinguish the fire with thousands of gallons of water but were forced to let the fire burn itself out. The interstate was shut down for 15 hours. The California Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation passed last year requires all new heavy trucks to be zero emissions vehicles, which practically means electric trucks with batteries prone to fire.

    • You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. The excuse will be that “Well, petroleum distillates were scary dangerous early on.” And that’s true. One of the reasons why Rockefeller’s Standard kerosene sold well was because it was much purer than the rest, meaning it was safer.

      Lithium batteries are generally safe, but when you start ramping up production quality control becomes critical. One bad day and your factory is a pile of soot. Hope you have good insurance.

  22. What’s becoming clearer by the day, is the real existential crisis was created by dot gov, so one must avoid any interface with a dot gov predator.


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