

Just a quick little rant about the insipid bumpers that bracket the endless peddlering that constitutes much of “conservative” talk radio:

 . . .

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  1. Eric,

    I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I seldom listen to talk radio since Rush died. I understand the need for revenue, and hence the ads. However, to have a steady stream of them such that the host’s (in this case, Glenn Beck) commentary provides an occasional interruption of the steady stream of commercials; that gets so tiring. Plus, much of the time when Glenn Beck is talking, he’s acting like a high schooler trying to be cool by cutting up with some guy, Stu. I’m like, Glenn, just cut out the juvenile BS and give me some useful info that I came for. I’m like, STFU, already!

  2. I’ve seen a clip or two of Glenn Beck that I didn’t hate, but his entire shtick is just tiresome. I couldn’t listen to it for very long, not on purpose anyway. He also seems to be one of the typical conservative commentators that doesn’t stray too far from the Mitch McConnell division of the democrats nominally called “Republicans”.

    It’s like you’ve pointed out several times before, that the left vs right in our country just basically disagree about how to divvy up the robbery of our prosperity and freedom. Maybe I haven’t heard enough Beck but he seems just like that to me.

    You know that I’m taking a college writing class. In the current unit we have to write our thoughts about freedom versus “security” (which they basically conflate with “safety”). Surprisingly, there has been more people that write in favor of liberty and limiting the government’s ability to suspend rights in the name of security than the other way around.

    It’s good to know that, at least in some corner of the world (maybe at UMGC but probably not Harvard, etc.), that some of the younger adults are not 100% buying the bullshit. Minor amount of hope I suppose. I feel good about it.

  3. Eric,
    My thoughts, EXACTLY! I haven’t even attempted to listen to radio in many years. Same with half of the online stuff, too. It’s all crafted to appeal to the lowest common denominator; the people whom they’re always encouraging to vote. Music; stock footage/imagery; catch -phrases. It’s all designed to work on an emotional level.

    Even a lot of the stuff that purports to be on our side. Click on some video with a promising title, preparing for maybe an interesting lecture, and what’s the first thing you get? A clip of Nazi troops marching in the streets of Germany, overdubbed with Wagnerian music…a 3-second clip of planes hitting the WTC…a sound-byte of George Bush saying “…a New World Order..”; a niglet saying “Whatchyoo taukinbout, Willis?”..

    13 minutes later someone actually starts speaking. But it only lasts 20 seconds, and then more graphics and sound bytes and music. The video’s a half hour long, but likely contains about 15 seconds of actual dialogue, and nothing new or profound that we haven’t already observed or figured out.

    People (like you) who actually have something to say, -something worthwhile. Actual content.Something that makes you think; THEY don’t need to resort to emotional persuasion or use a disco beat to keep one interested (or in my case, repelled), because they actually have something to say, and are honest enough to just want to proffer it to those who may want to hear it. And they aren’t trying to sell you something (Other than an honest idea).

  4. Infowars – “Alarming footage out of Kentucky appears to show a voter being prevented from selecting Donald Trump as his presidential pick.

    A viral video shows a man in Laurel County repeatedly attempting to push the Trump-Vance selection on a voting machine as it fails to register his pick.

    As the man keeps pushing Trump-Vance, the voting machine instead registers a vote for the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz Democrat ticket.”


    It is not a glitch. The next upgraded voting machine will surely deliver an electrical shock if you vote wrongly. We ought to have a philosophical discussion on the real purpose of voting because surely we the people do not do the selecting.

    It seems to me the real purpose of the electronic voting machine is for the owners to achieve the results they want. We should also discuss why voting should be limited to paper ballots. My idea is to create a voting bank system over the internet, where you have an account and can check your vote anytime anywhere from any computer terminal. All voters have user IDs which allows transparency – anyone can check the votes in any district. But surely that would get hacked also.

    What is the real purpose of the voting charade? For you to be fooled into accepting a completely immoral and criminal government as your overlords which boss you with gun toting pigs with badges.

    I would like to point out that voting got us exactly to where we are today – in hell, in constant war, inflation, failed schools, failed social policies, the vaxx of death, etc. I would argue that allowing idiots to vote makes for the the idiotic system we find ourselves in, which medical doctors and hospitals willfully administer a death jab for mucho shekels. Have you ever noticed that the fools in charge and every level of authority insist you vote? You betcha, the system of force they enjoy and that enriches them.

    How many Demoncraps were prosecuted for the 2020 steal? Zero that I can tell. No one gets prosecuted for vote tampering or ballot stuffing. Swallow that black pill if you think voting matters!

    • Well, we find out in a few days how it goes, one way or the other. I was originally going to say, “we’ll find out if we live in a permanent farce or not”, but I think that regardless of the outcome, we really do live in a permanent farce. I’m pretty sure this election will be as rigged and fake as the last, and maybe/probably, most (if not all?) prior elections. I mean to increasing degrees of course. Probably back in the day of George Washington the subsequent election probably was a whole lot less fake than now, etc.

      I think maybe the establishment wants Trump this time. Having Trump, as we all know, doesn’t guarantee anything in particular. He will likely allow the next plandemic to be conducted on his watch, if need be. He thinks he’ll stop the Ukraine war? Yeah, I’m not putting any money on that bet.

  5. Another reason most conservative talk radio is useless is that they advertize, thus they can not say certain things like how the Jews did 911 because Jews control the ad money. Yes Virginia, Israel did 911, no Muslims blew up the Trade Towers, it was a Jew Neocon and Jew Israeli job all the way, the Muslims were the patsies in a false flag attack designed to kickstart the M.E. wars against Israeli enemies – which continues to this day.

    This control of the media was learned recently by Elon Musk who was nearly canceled by the Jews when he didn’t do what the Jew ordered him to censor – thus Elon had to grovel, don a kippah and kiss ass, go to some Holohoax museum and lick some rabbi’s anus and balls and beg them for forgiveness just to save his business – and he did even though he is richest man on the planet. Now that is some control – that no one talks about on conservative cuck radio.

    Glen Beck is almost certainly CIA mocking bird plant, thus he is trained to spin certain news so as to protect the Zionist interest. Thus Glen Beck = useless. I listen to KMED in Medford Oregon everyday while driving around for my job, and the same is true for the hosts on that channel. I can agree with much of what they say except when they always defend Israel and genocide. Each and everyday hosts like Mark Levin (Jew) lie about Hamas, and protect evil Israel.

    The truth is Hamas are freedom fighters – they are trying to defend their land from insane Jew predation – a crazy Khazar Jew mob has descended upon Palestine claiming it’s their land. Just one problem – the Bible is a literary hoax, Abraham did not exist – it’s plagiarized mythology. And the Khazar Jews out of Eastern Europe are not semites and have no blood claim to that land, as if you can use some bullshit holy book as a land claim. No god chose no jew – it is religious propaganda to gain supremacy over non-Jews by claiming some godly status – chosenness. They are self chosen, arrogant, rude and downright murderous. Yet ALL the hosts on KMED defend the Jews – which means they are either morons or liars plus completely immoral – and the Christian hosts like Lars Larson is bearing false witness – so when he dies and goes to hell, he will regret no defending the blood relatives of Jesus who was born in Palestine. Lucky, hell and heaven are just myth, so Lars Larson in reality will rake in mucho shekels as he lies for Jews.

    Amerika is owned by Jews, and Amerikans are not free and not brave and refuse to talk about how Jews own them. Pathetic. Israel did 911 and if you can’t say that why say anything over the radio because you are only spewing bullshit out of your pie hole.

    Come next Tuesday, the Amerikan slaves will be voting between two slavish Zionist whores – and no one has the courage to say that over the radio. So radio in Amerika is basically useless entertainment and delusionary rhetoric. Of course I will NOT be voting because I can not vote for either candidate when they both endorse genocide. Plus I KNOW the elections are rigged and we are being fooled into participating as part of our acceptance of our slave status. When you vote you are essentially clicking “I AGREE to being a slave”.

    Now there is some decent conservative radio out there in which you can talk about da joos like republic broadcasting network


    or jeff rense radio which is on for 6 hours every weeknight

    Cheers. This world is hell, so what can you do but grin and bear it and hope you never reincarnate back to earth – a hell planet.

    • Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I also listen to Jackson Public radio which plays classical music – which I like because no one is talking because all talk radio is cucked bullshit. But I am forced to push the radio button to another channel so as to not have my head explode.

      Public radio sucks because the liberal host and NPR news is utter libtard garbage. They always talk about climate change and Covid as if those twin hoaxes are real – they are so damn serious about their idiotic beliefs in political hoaxes! The loonie Left is completely lost in their own bs narratives, and like the cucked conservatives dare not criticize Israel and genocide – which they are certainly dead set against. They won’t even broach the subject why they are so cucked.

      Yesterday all the radio rage was about how senile old perv Biden (who sucked on a babies foot the day before) called Trump supporters “garbage”. That is like a burning dumpster calling a garbage can black.

      I should do what many people do, just play tapes and CDs and never listen to the crap on the airwaves in Ziocucked Amerika.

      • Morning, Jack!

        It’s a fine plan – to listen to CDs and so on. I probably ought to do the same – before I explode or slip into a state of irreversible cynicism.

        • The more you know the more you are ready to opt out of the hell system that rapes the taxpayer as well as those people on the other side of the globe who run in terror from our latest bombing raid, by the USN, USAF, or the IDF or any other proxy we have bribed, blackmailed as part of wicked Amerika hegemony. Amerika is pure evil, yet Amerikans think they are the greatest.

          Nearly everyday these past several months the Israelis bombed some school full of kids. We, the Amerikan tax slaves, pay for it and are morally on the hook for it. IOW, we are totally damned. Soon it will be our turn to die and no one will care.

          • Hey Yukon;

            I agree it seems the Jews, especially in Israel, are causing a lot of the worlds problem. Not all Jews,,, but a lot! 109 nations kicked them out,,, they couldn’t have been all wrong 🙁

            Why Christians in the US are bent on murdering women and children Christians in Palestine is a mystery to me. Do they think their God will be happy, them running around the planet killing and destroying?
            I hear they think that by helping Israel slaughter the Palestinians they might get a free ride on the Rapture train. Do they really thing God is that stupid!

            JOY! Just got my 2025 gov lease paperwork to continue living in ‘my’ home that’s paid for.

            Land of the Free, my ass. Typo,,, they meant Land of the Fee.

            Our nation for sure is gonna need a forgiving God if it keeps killing everyone to rob their resources and land.

      • Hi Jack,
        I’m lucky that up here there’s one public radio station that just plays classical music all day. No news, commentary or whatever; very relaxing while driving in traffic. There are two other NPR stations that provide all the propaganda for the serfs.

    • One of the biggest shills for jews, israel and the “deep state” is Sean Hannity. On Hannity’s radio show, a caller asked him about the deliberate israeli attack on the USS liberty (AGTR-5) on 8 June 1967. Hannity abruptly cut off the caller and declared that “israel is our “friend” and never would have done such a thing”. I damned near fell out of my chair when I heard THAT.
      On another front, 8 June 2017 was the fiftieth anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5). Normally, the fiftieth anniversary of any event rates at least a mention in the mainstream media. Not so for the USS Liberty (AGTR-5). There was not a peep from the so-called “mainstream media” about this “act of war” by our “friend and ally”, israel.
      This is merely more proof of who owns the “mainstream media”. Hint: It isn’t gentiles…

      • Amen, Anarchyst –

        And his show endlessly plays that annoying McCountry song about how “we’re coming, to you city, gonna play you country song.”

        I just threw up. I especially despise the co-option of rural people by fraud/shills of his species.

  6. ‘I would just set out my point of view.’ — eric

    How straightforward. How 19th century. And no, I don’t mean that pejoratively.

    Having given up TeeVee at age 12, I missed a couple of generations of media weaponization.

    In rare cases when I see the big screen in public or at friends’ houses, I notice the rapid-fire, 2-second edits intended to bludgeon the viewer into submission, or hypnosis. If I were epileptic, I’d probably spaz out from the blinding flashes. Instead, I just avert my eyes to an unpleasant assault.

    As the saying goes, I have a face for radio and voice for subtitles. 🙂

  7. Forgive my ignorance, but is it just a tuneless song that plays for a minute or more? If that’s what it is, that means your “local” radio station doesn’t have anything to put in there. In the days before the broadcast band was owned by national conglomerates there’d be a local news and weather break in that space. And probably a few local ad breaks too.

    Oh how the mighty have fallen!

    Video may have killed the radio star, but Steve Jobs and Adam Curry killed talk radio. I spent a good part of my weekend road trip listening to Rogan give Trump a three hour tongue bath. Rush Limbaugh’s show was scheduled from noon to 15:00 eastern, but there’s no way there was 3 hours worth of content produced. It was full of ad breaks, local news breaks, live reads, teasers and the occasional dittohead call. At most I’d say he produced an hour of actual content.

    Joe Rogan could probably have replaced Larry King, but why? What he’s doing is so much more useful. And because his distribution is based on a cluster of web servers and peering agreements, his overhead is next to nothing. Because of that he can put much more time into content instead of ads.

  8. Talk radio serves only one purpose = to sell ads.

    The hosts drone on about one issue after another, never offering solutions but to vote harder or send money to someone.

    If they were legit, they would inform people on how to buck the system. How to separate from statist dependence. How to utilize the alternate economy. How to become independent.

    But independent people don’t spend all day listening to talk radio for their daily does of fear.

  9. Beahahaha, I can see this really got to you, Eric!

    This little rant was particularly mocking and cynical in tone. I will bid you turn off the talk radio, put on some metal or punk, have some drinks and enjoy your Halloween!

      • Exquisite video, Eric.

        One thing I’m happy to say is that I could never see you (or me, or most of those who follow you here) ever being among their shilling ranks.

      • Personally, I don’t mind or blame a person one bit if they are famous and want to help a company sell their thingies in exchange for some dalla bills..

        Telling them to shut up, and dismissing anything they might have to say because they sold some junk on TV? -As if I would regard their words any more insightful if they had not done so, and instead just stuck to acting in movies!-

        That being said, they should probably do some research on the companies they are whoring themselves out to, you know, to make sure they’re not evil. Like the Pfizer ads with the footballer multi-millionaire. What did they have on him to compel him to whoredom?

        If I didn’t have a face only a drunk, sight impaired mother could love, I’d cash in on it too.

        • I’m pretty sure he pays stations to play his show, much like an infomercial. Glenn Beck has his own little mail-order empire. He learned how to run it from Alex Jones. Jones learned it from Fox News.

          Fox News got started after the Cable TV act of 1992. The only way cable companies could raise rates was to add channels. The content wasn’t defined of course since that would be a violation of free speech. Pretty soon cable companies clogged up their spectrum with infomercial channels, photo-classified channels, duplicate low-rent versions of staples like the Weather Channel, Preview guides, etc. Into that environment came Rupert Murdock. He hatched a scheme to get nationwide coverage in a few months by not only supplying all the equipment necessary to add the channel, but basically renting channel space.

          These days the broadcasters are withering on the vine. They still have some providence in some towns but not in rural areas that cannot get enough ad revenue to carry a staff. So they go automated and take in whatever money they can get.

  10. After Rush died, I pretty much quit listening to talk radio. Can’t stand Mark Levin or Ben Shapiro. Bongino and Savage have that annoying northeastern accent that I can only handle in small doses.

    On the way to/from work I listen to audiobooks. During the day I listen to Judge Napolitano’s Judging Freedom; historian’s Brion Mclanahan and Tom Woods; Ron Paul’s Liberty Report; and Daniel Davis’ Deep Dive.

    • ‘Bongino and Savage have that annoying northeastern accent that I can only handle in small doses.’ — Mike

      Could be worse, my friend. Talkin’ about female broadcast personalities with those piercing, speeded-up, nasal chipmunk voices that make me want to either punch my fist through the sheetrock or slash my own throat.

      This is my personal definition of hell — having to listen to that high-pitched, abrasive screeching for all of eternity.

      A lady from Alabama works behind the counter of our rural western post office. Her honey drawl just soothes mah soul.

      • Kinda like the SULTRY, husky voice of Toni Tennille, the distaff half of the “Captain and Tennille” duet. A statuesque lady from ‘Bama with the PIPES. Still crushing on her after about a half century.

  11. Our local AM changed formats so (thankfully) no more Hugh Hewitt in the mornings. The next available station is 70 miles away over the hills but it does come in here relatively clear. Morning agriculture show that actually has useful information for everyone.

    Huwett constantly shilling for something to sell and charities plus a fan of McConnell, other RINOs, and a total bootlicker for Israel. DONE.

    I’m back to reading my info rather than a constant stream of commercials occasionally interrupted by a program host. Red Eye Radio is about the last tolerable show for me.

    • Is it ‘Agri-Talk’? That, “Morning agriculture show that actually has useful information for everyone.”?

      I catch it on the AM radio dial sometimes in the morning & sometimes again around 2 P.M.. They only seem to shill on obviously commercials after the show. It’s been very surprising, they talk about Free Markets, Gold, and of course agriculture.

      It’s online, too. It seems.


      • Here it’s PNWAG.net, the radio show is on many stations.

        Pacific Northwest Ag news. The real eye opener is the chemical ads, ain’t just Roundup Ready anymore! I catch the news from Boise early morning on the skip, wow what they’re allowed to spray on potato plants – systemic pesticides now OK.

        Oops, not so fast there Bayer:


        • Thanks for the links. Interesting sheet.

          …I wonder if that’s what ‘They’ sprayed just about all over everybody & everything this past Summer which decimated so many insects worldwide?

          List of insects greatly impacted or almost eradicated in my area:

          Honey bees.
          Japanese beetles.
          Box Elder bugs.
          Stink bugs.

          …But not Asian Lady Beetles, no, not them. They thrived.

          And those are just the insects I noticed.

          The Box Elder bugs were the most obvious ones. In years past there’d be thousands of them on the South facing walls this time of year.

          I counted 15 this year.


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