A “Wellness” Hut! Hut! Hut! Averted


Here’s a video that shows why it’s smart to have a video camera in your vehicle.

A Florida man who’d violated no traffic law – much less given reason to suspect him of having committed a crime – was “pulled over” by armed government workers because they wanted to do a “wellness check.” Because the man, they said, had pulled over and parked his car more than once.

The man was forced – literally – to “pull over” for the armed government workers. The air fingers quotes are meant to highlight the soft-shoeing of the force, which underlies every interaction with armed government workers. Dealing with them is never voluntary or consensual in the way we deal with one another. If some random guy demands you “pull over” you can just ignore him – and if he “pursues” you, then he’s a criminal. And you have the right – legally as well as morally – to defend yourself.

Not so when it comes to being “pulled over” by armed government workers. They posses badges – symbols of the legal authority of the state – as well as guns and legal power to use them, if you “resist.”

So you have to “pull over”- or else. And if you defend yourself agains these accosters . . . well, everyone understands what comes next.

The Florida man – who (again) had not so much as failed to “buckle up” – found himself “pulled over” by armed government workers. Plural. One at his driver’s side window, the other lurking menacingly on the opposite side.

For their “safety.”

They proceed to condescendingly interrogate the man – who does a good job of rejecting their mewling/pretended “concerns.” Eventually, they go away. But what if our man had not had the camera? Had not had irrefutable video evidence that he’d committed no traffic infraction, much less a crime?

What if the armed government workers claimed the man was “driving erratically” and – after they “pulled him over”- claimed that they “smelled marijuana” or the “heavy” smell of alcohol? They could have said the man acted bizarrely and they had no choice but to “detain” him for that reason. And when the man was hauled before a court, the “testimony” of the armed government workers – who are officers of the court – would be taken as evidence while whatever the man said in his defense would be taken as hearsay.

And that is why it is a sound idea to have a camera in your vehicle to record not just you side of the story but rather what actually happened.

. . .

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  1. My 1950’s Brooklyn Gangster father used to say of the police ” The police are for legitimate people, i sure feel bad for them because they got nobody.”

    I am always reminded of the shear wisdom in that Yoggi Berra-ism when I see videos like this

  2. “You pulled me over for a well-being check? I’m fine, thank you, have a nice day.”

    However, evidently, you can’t do that until the rogue officer says you can leave and continue with your day.

    More or less wrongful detention and a dollop of harassment.

    “You rude M-fer,” said the driver with disgust.

    You do a wellness check if you don’t hear from someone and they are not seen by those who know and are familiar with the individual.

    After five days, you make sure they are okay. The car hasn’t moved, no activity in the dwelling, maybe gone camping and fishing, you just never know. Didn’t arrive at the job, might be something wrong.

    You can call them, no answer, call authorities to investigate what the circumstances are.

    That would be the situation to be addressed.

    Watch the video, the officers were not the kindest of souls. Just slam the one unruly citizen to the ground and knock him out cold.

    Everything can go wrong when the blue brigade arrives at the scene.

    The IDF does a well-being check on Gazans and are then targeted for elimination.

    The Israelis must love war and not peace.

    Do a well-being check on Israelis, they could use some more comfort and safety and not so much disruptive living.

    Some folks don’t think so.

    All is fair in love and war. Get used to it. Might be here to stay.

    The Permanent War or Homo the Sap

    Good title for a book.

    That’s what Lorne T. Morgan said.

  3. My factory installed dashcam is bullshit, come to find out. It doesn’t record the interior and doesn’t have sound. It is also only forward facing. I probably ought to figure out a second system. I just don’t want wires and shit hanging around and, on a car, that isn’t even 1 entire year old, I don’t want to have to take apart the trim. I probably should look around for something better, but if anyone has suggestions on what to look at, I’d appreciate it!

    • I have been tapping the power of the rain sensor in the rear view mirror with a converter and mini usb plug to power a dash cam in two cars for 10 years, powers on when with the ignition and shuts off when the car is turned off. Plenty of videos on you tube on how to tap the power of the rain sensor. No dangling wires.

  4. I ran across this:


    So, there are kids street racing and getting out of control.

    One asshole angrily voiced his brilliant solution:

    “We need to take cars like that and give us the legal authority, and if they are found guilty of street racing or road rage to allow us to crush that car at facilities…so it never appears on the road again,” said Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine.

    That’s right, PUNISH THE CAR. Up there with guns being responsible for shooting people and forks making people fat.

    • Hell, here in WA they do neither. News this morning some animal totally drunk plus marijuana 100mph wrong way crash West Seattle Bridge takes out two innocents, another “diversity is our strength” POS, 12 years is all.

      The judge comment is disgusting – “ During her sentencing, Judge Angela Kaake told Lopez-Morales that a bad decision does not make a person bad, but also said his recklessness destroyed the lives of many families.”

      Our diversity population here are regulars for wrong way drunk driving.

      Up to me? Get a rope and walk him out on that bridge for a quick drop.

      • Hear here! Also, if this turd world nation wants to prosper it better get with the idea of shooting invaders. Poland has the right idea! Besides, if the invaders want to stay here they can as long as they’re committed to the idea of assuming room temperature!

  5. I was at a bar once and got into a heated conversation with this firefighter who happened to be there. It started friendly enough, wherein I said that I typically got along well with firefighters due to the voluntary nature of their service. Cops, sometimes not as much.

    He get quite upset, telling me about how firefighters and cops are a team, and I should treat them with respect. I don’t remember exactly the contents of the conversation, but I believe I said that I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and due respect, though if “pulled over” for BS reasons, I’m not moved to a kind, loving disposition.

    He went on to explain that cops can “pull you over” just to see if you’re okay, as was done here.

    I almost got in a fight with the guy and opted to leave instead, before I got myself into any trouble.

    • Here are two stories of firefighter arrogance, and is a good reason why “qualified immunity” should be abolished for ALL public workers and officials:
      A firefighter from a certain southeastern Michigan community claimed to have a “arson dog”–one that could detect accelerants. This “firefighter” and his dog were instrumental in ruining many peoples’ lives by his testimony alone. Insurance companies LOVED this guy as he was able to get them out of paying (valid) claims. People were denied valid insurance claims and prosecuted for arson on the testimony of this “arson dog’s” handler.
      Those who were “burned” (no pun intended) by this supposed arson dog’s “handler” had no recourse, because of “qualified immunity”. The firefighter (and fire department) could not be sued.
      Finally one citizen who had been accused of arson fought back by suing to prove the “arson dog’s” ability. The dog was found to have NO special ability. The “arson dog” and his human master’s career was finally over. How many innocent people were convicted of arson and lost everything they owned??
      Another case was that of a plating plant that caught fire. The owners had a fire department “approved” fire plan in place which involved shutting off utilities and shutting down processes in an orderly fashion. The firefighters that responded to the fire pushed the owner out of the way, and told him that they were going to do things “their way”. The building burned to the ground.
      A firefighter’s job (for at least 98% of the time) is not inherently dangerous. This does not take away from the seriousness of their job, which is to be commended. but, firefighter arrogance can be just as dangerous as police arrogance. THIS is why firefighters must be included in the abolition of immunity for public officials.

      • I would agree about “qualified immunity”, Anarchyst.

        In my estimation, you are “qualified” for “immunity” when you are found not to be liable.

        The story of the “arson dog” was especially infuriating. That wasn’t just arrogance, but outright malicious fraud.

  6. So many of these incidents come from Florida. The badged scum seem to be especially onerous in the land of the little Zionist evangelist/apologist. I smell the IDF.

  7. I have given serious thought to getting a dashcam, Vantrue has a four channel model that records front/rear/interior from the windshield facing back/interior from rear window facing forward. Seems like that should cover every possible “interaction” with AGW’s. Plus I was sideswiped once upon a time and the other “driver” didn’t stop. If I’d had a rear dashcam I might have been able to see their license plate so the AGW’s could have been useful and hunted them down. https://www.vantrue.com/products/nexus-5

    • I have an older Vantrue unit. It was supposed to include a GPS, and I wrote a message to them via Amazon. They quickly sent out a GPS bracket and apologies. One thing that was a problem was the tendency to fill up the SD card with 10 second recordings for “impact,” especially when I was on dirt. The performance at night was pretty bad too, especially on unlit highways. But I think they’ve solved most of that by now. I pulled it after the last SD card failure and haven’t replaced it, although I do use a GoPro when I want to record adventures. Might not be a bad idea to get it going again though.

  8. This was pure harassment, good move having the dashcam to record everything in case the AGW attempted to plant drugs in his car. Think it’s time for me to get a dashcam for my car.

  9. I used to pull over all the time to respond to a message, if a phone call required my full attention, etc. If it happened on a highway I’d often get a deputy or trooper roll up behind me and start asking questions. If I was on the phone they’d interrupt me and start asking questions. I’d simply explain that I had to take the call so I pulled over in a safe location. Then I thanked them for being so diligent and no, I didn’t require assistance. Usually they’d sit behind with the lights going until I left, which was extremely intimidating (and of course was a little humiliating too since most people would think I was busted for speeding).


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