Will You Do It Again?


Now is the time to ask yourself – will I ever put on a “mask” again? Because it is likely you’ll be told you must, again. See this little clip of the odious drug pusher Peter Hotez to get a sense of that:

The Herr Docktor, you may recall, was a ubiquitous presence on TeeeVeee during the fomented mass-panic event that some people still stupidly refer to as “the pandemic.” Which is stupid because it wasn’t, except in the sense that the annual flu constitutes a “pandemic.” The word was used – and is still used – to hystericize people; to engender the fear needed to get people to accept such things as “mask” mandates and being “locked down.”

Well, he’s at it again.

Warning of “multiple viruses” that will be “unleashed” on us just after the inauguration of Donald Trump in late January. Of course. Just in the nick of time to reboot the mass hysteria that led to the inauguration of the vile old grifter who has spent the past four years ensuring he and his family enjoy generational wealth – via Keeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvv – and will never be held accountable for anything they’ve ever done.

Trump, of course, hasn’t either. It was he, after all, who decreed an “emergency” when there wasn’t one. The “emergency” that lasted for years. The one that facilitated the Warp Speeding of gene-manipulating drugs that were then pushed on people at least as aggressively as “masks” and presented – carrot and stick-style – as the way out of having to “mask.”

I’ve spent the past four-plus years now doing my damndest to get people to comprehend that “masking” was the evil predicate to “vaccinating.” That the latter would inevitably follow the former. That by putting on the god-damned “mask,” people were lining themselves up for a shot in the arm. Because it follows. If it is necessary for everyone to wear a “mask,” then it has been conceded in principle it is necessary for everyone to roll up their sleeves. It is a simple, logical sequence that – to my dismay – all-too-many people could not see or understand.

I never once played along with this sick Kabuki because I knew it was much more than “just a mask.” That it wasn’t a “small ask,” as some mask-pushers put it at the time. That it wasn’t just a degradation ritual; an effort to make people look and thus feel stupid -although that by itself was reason enough to shove the proffered “mask” up the ass of the person proffering it.

I knew where “masking” would lead. And did lead.

There is only one way to prevent it from leading there again. It is to decide – right now – that no “mask” will ever be effacing your face (and thereby, showing the world you’ve surrendered your brains) again.

If enough of us so decide – and abide by that decision – it will be impossible for these loathsome peddlers of mass hysteria to sustain it, should they try it again. Had even 20 percent of the population refused to “mask up” last time and gone about as normal – showing their faces and very obviously not dying on account of it – the “pandemic” would have ended by the summer of 2020. But because almost everyone did “mask up” – disgracefully going-along to get-along – the “pandemic” lasted for three years, ruining “hundreds of millions of lives” along the way.

We’ve been warned. We already know what the Herr Docktors have in mind for us. Prepare yourself for when they try it again.

Be ready to do what so many didn’t last time. Refuse to “mask.” Refuse it all.

Never again.

. . .

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  1. Most people do not understand marketing or social movements.

    We should steal something and make it the banner, everywhere.

    “Never again.”

    It has been proved as a great rally call, and we can ride on its previous uses.

    One thing must be picked by the resistance movement and used consistently.

  2. Deny Delay Defend

    Deny Defend Depose

    Those three bullets said it loud and clear, silently.

    State of the Nation

    Obviously, a plan to murder an outside agitator from Minnesota.

    A hit, somebody wanted him dead, the shooter, maybe not, but got the job done.

    Big Pharma? Could be. Big Medicine? Maybe that too.

  3. Comedians Jimmy Dore & Kurt Metzger had their own take on Peter Hotez’s warning of lots of new viruses coming on January 21, 2025…..Is Hotez trying to be the next Tony Fauci? For those who may have forgotten or didn’t know, just days before Trump’s 1st inauguration in 2017, Fauci said (paraphrasing) that “The next president would face a viral outbreak”. Fast forward to 2020, and we had a viral outbreak, though a man-made one. As for Hotez, is he hoping to one day get a job at PFIZER or some other vaccine manufacturer?


  4. Again? That’s the wrong question. I didn’t do it before so there is no “Again”.
    They will swing. And I don’t mean roaring 20’s dancing.

  5. Health literacy……

    The slave owners own the slaves mind through 24/7/365 propaganda, misinformation, in the education system, MSM, billions of dollars in 24/7 advertising, etc……telling them what to eat…forcing them into health destroying allopathic medical treatments….

    The slaves wonder why, starting at age 50 or earlier they are afflicted with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, mental illness, fatty liver disease, rotten teeth, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, depression, severe muscle loss, pulmonary disease, ADHD, dementia, arthritis, asthma, renal disease, and woke mind virus.

    A lifetime of booze, sugar, junk food, processed food, GMO food, fast food, cigarettes, weed, lack of physical activity, OTC drugs, injections, antibiotics, opioids, TV watching, seed oils, has resulted in a health crisis of monstrous proportions.

    This a huge money maker for the slave owners….and it is a way to manage the size of the slave herd…..

    The biggest change a slave can make…if they have enough money…is change their diet….


    • The slave owners….telling them what to eat…lots of health destroying crap and poisoned food…..then forcing them into health destroying allopathic medical treatments….as a non cure…

      when their health is destroyed….blame it on what?

      A virus is a convenient scapegoat….something your body produces which is a cleaning agent….but now demonized….your body produces it…so you are demonized too…very convenient…

      In the dark ages you were sentenced to death for having an evil demon in you…according to the church’s doctors….now the virus is the evil demon in you….according to the allpopathic doctors….

      but….the cause of all disease is deficiencies and toxins…and trauma….

      The slave owners also inflict trauma on the slaves….remember 2020?…..

    • In total agreement. Someone ought to crap in his mouth and shut him up forever.

      That is also being generous and polite.

      Life on this planet has mostly sucked forever, except for all the modern conveniences that bring any health or happiness.

      The people, the surveillance, the control and increasing poverty are purely hell.

      Like Bezmenov said: all that will be left is living in Antarctica with penguins.

    • ALL of these politicians are pieces of shit, and it saddens me to see so many here acting as if any of them have good intentions; are noble; naive, or are actually trying to do the right thing. Or that the net effect of any administration will be anything other than yet more tyranny and the advancement of the agenda of those who are in firm control of the power structure of this world.

      Really, it’s getting embarrassing. Freaking might as well believe in the Easter Bunny too if anyone’s going to believe that any of these clowns are actually going to do anything good. The icing on the cake is that in case anyone couldn’t tell, Trump had already been president for four years. So for those who are incapable of filtering the lies and BS, we already had 4 years of actual actions in which to see exactly what he is about. But no, they can’t even learn from that. Maybe Santa Clause really exists! Maybe! If we just close our eyes and believe hard enough!

      • Hi Arthur,

        I agree with all you’ve written above. As I have explained before, I voted for Trump because I thought that – maybe – he’d prove to be somewhat less odious than an outright Marxist. In other words, I voted for a slightly less sadistic (maybe) warden of the prison. This is the choice we have. Yes, I know – one can choose not to choose either and that’s a choice, too. I fault no one for choosing it. For myself, I roll with what I consider to be less worse when the alternative is probably much worse. I do not see that I am ceding any moral standing by making that choice anymore than I would fault the man who does what he can to protect himself and his family from depredation. It is the way things are. It does not means I don’t wish they were better. It does not in any way preclude me from working for better.

        • Hi Eric,
          I do get that, and I do applaud you for trying to do something good. But IMHO, participating in their democracy is like participating in a riot just so that you can do good by stealing less valuable stuff.

          Would I have done the same if Ron Paul were a contender? Probably. But the difference is, we KNOW what RP stands for, and that his words are sincere,. Whereas we also know what these other clowns stand for (and it is not less evil) and we know that they are demonstrated pathological liars. So, besides their words being utterly meaningless and not a valid way of judging their potential actions, we also know that they stand for evil, and have even openly pledged to support those who are doing some of the most evil things in this world.

  6. I was fooled by the fake videos from China of people dropping dead. Went and got an old chem/ bio warfare suit in December 2019 for it, along with decontamination chemicals and a sprayer. Already had a gas mask. But it reached my area in late April and I saw no evidence of anyone falling down dying on the streets, so never needed any of that stuff and spent a couple years fighting with store owners and family about this mask garbage from May 2020 onward. One of the first to prepare, and first to sound the all clear I guess. Next time, I look at it as -death on the streets and I’ll do something about it or its not happening.
    Of course, they could fake a pandemic electromagnetically with 5g and other radar type waves. If you all randomly get sick while isolated, I would consider a faraday closet or a trip to the country to see if all your symptoms go away, then you know its not a virus.

    • The shit didn’t look real. The only hesitation is its hard to fathom these assholes doing what they did. Its like we had no reference frame for anyone being capable of this.
      We know now.
      Try it again assholes at your own risk.

    • Dude,
      You are a candidate for my expat Josey Wales motley crew……”Blood Butte Pilgrim program’!
      First question … are you ready to take the 12 step Amerika detox regimen?

      To wit, learn Spanish, spend time in Puerto Rico (the Hispanic cultural halfway house)….then graduate to “Trailer Park Tahiti”..
      aka the Dominican Republic?
      Please note…..Law Enforcement is lax in that nation!!!
      I believe all you ep AGW whiners would be “pleasantly surprised”….by the Libertarian ethos

      Semper Fi Mac

      • Well, of course, Alvin. Howevah; quite a few people are more reserved & on the polite side. Not cowardly, mind you. Just not, ‘in your face’ & as confrontational as perhaps they should be.

        …Whatever works.

  7. Hotez and other like-minded “Covid Luminaries” that had their all too brief “15 minutes of fame” just can’t let go of it…

  8. Precisely!! Thank you! The entire “science” of virology needs to be torn down to the foundation and rethought. Much of it is actually assumptions, conjecture, and now computer models (hence the term “in silico”.

    • What is frustrating is that hospitals and clinics still use the PCR test to diagnose for covid. The same test that founder Kary Mullis warned was NOT to be usedas a diagnostic tool because it was too sensitive. Suffice it to say this pandemic has been a fraud all around.

    • Right on, William Jeffreys. Virology is a bunch of horse shit.

      I seem to recall Joe Rogan saying something like: I finally realized that they were lying about the vaccine and now I doubt the moon landing.

      Those fuckers way overplayed their hand and now everything is being questioned. This is the silver lining in all of it.

  9. Uh, excuse me, but how can the “good doctor” know FOR SURE that we’ll have an explosion of viruses right after Inauguration Day? How can he say that the virus(es) will arrive on schedule, like a train or airline flight? Don’t viruses operate more random than that? Aren’t they transmitted in a chain reaction fashion? Don’t they depend on infected Person A passing it on to Person B, and so on? Moreover, how can people not SEE the predictive programming right under their noses? TPTB are running the SAME EXACT PLAY as they did with Dr. Fauci, for cryin’ out loud! I seem to remember Dr. Fauci making a similar statement before the plandemic…

    • Hi Mark,

      I don’t see how Hotez gets his wish. Trump’s Cabinet would have to turn against him for this to happen. A few of the states may cave (NY, CA, IL), but government never plays the same game twice. Personally, I think Peter is just a freaking psychopath who wants to drum up drama. He controls nothing. Last time, Trump had Fauci and Brix and the public did not know what was happening to be able to question their propaganda (well, except this board and a few other sites).

      I would seriously hope RFK, Martin Makary, Dave Weldon, and Jay Bhattacharya would give Peter and Company the bird and tell the American people to calm down.

  10. Delay Deny Defend: Why insurance companies don’t pay claims and what you can do about it — book published in 2010

    Fourteen years later, someone inscribed ‘delay deny defend’ on shell casings used to murder an insurance exec. Maybe someone with a grudge.

    UnitedHealth is reported to have a 33% claim denial rate. This is just absurd.

    I’m no advocate of socialized medicine. But in normal developed countries — any country besides the US — there is no such thing as claim denial, or getting a monster bill because of an ‘out-of-network’ surgeon or anesthesiologist.

    Patients don’t want to know about insurers’ sleazy sharp practices, their arcane contractual trickery, their rampant price discrimination. Medical patients just want a predictable price for a defined service. The entire US health industry should be demolished to bare earth and rebuilt from scratch.

    • I like your reference to out of network doctors. Our current insurance system is antiquated, over-regulated and inefficient. Medical services are obviously not always received in the patient’s local area, but rather wherever the specific service is needed and has the necessary skilled physicians required. The patient could be visiting another state or traveling to a hospital in another city or state to receive specialized medical services. Just looked at as a service it is insane that you can obtain most products and services from any area these days but you cannot visit a doctor who is not local and within a specific health care system. Insurance should be portable.

    • I have always wondered how much insurance would come down if insurance companies did not exist. I have not carried health insurance for over six years. Am I a little worried if something major was to happen? Yes, I won’t lie. A medical catastrophe would likely result in a bankruptcy, but I would expect it to result in a bankruptcy if I had insurance, too.

      I see the deductibles and monthly premiums people pay and I wonder how they do it. Hubby and I take the amount that we would have had to pay for monthly premiums and sock it away. When we need to go to the dentist, eye doctor, hospital, etc. we use that money to pay for our expenses. So far I have been lucky and we haven’t had any mega bills. We spent close to $9K (mainly dental work) last year, but since we save up the “premiums” we were able to pay it out of savings.

      I have found most of the doctors/dentists/etc. will negotiate with us. My recent blood palette was around $420. When I contacted the lab they agreed to decrease the bill by 20% if I paid that day. The radiologist office agreed to a 50% deduction to our bill. The orthodontist agreed to a $300 decrease and so forth.

      The insurance industry is ruled by fear. People fear a catastrophe and believe insurance will cover the loss. Rarely does this happen, but it is just enough that many will participate “just in case.”

      As we age I think it becomes harder and harder to pay out of pocket costs because our bodies start to deteriorate. I am hoping I have a good 10-20 years left before this becomes an issue for me, but realize most people do not have this luxury.

      The problem still arises though when you have a middle man whose ultimate goal is profit. It is not about the client or their needs, but the wealth of investors. A successful healthcare system will never deliver results if this is the objective. Add this to our country’s tainted food supply and the continued dosing of prescription drugs and is it any wonder that we have one of the worst healthcare sectors in the world.

      • I still remember my first real job for the free medical and dental insurance, no deductibles. Would you believe me? The community college i went to,tuition was real reasonable, like 27/credit, in total. No college parking fees etc. you’re absolutely right about deductibles for medical visits. it might make me go to the soup kitchens, one of these days. thanks to Obumma!

      • What people forget is that it was BECAUSE of gov’t interference that we have health insurance in the first place! During the Great Depression and WWII, FDR instituted a wage and price freeze. People, as they’re wont to do, found ways around the freeze. One thing employers did was to offer health insurance as an inducement to employees. The rest, as they say, is history…

      • “I have not carried health insurance for over six years. Am I a little worried if something major was to happen”

        You are absolutely mental to not carry insurance in the US unless you are in VERY good physical health. You should be more than a “little” worried. An average hospital stay will run you $100-250K now, its quite common. If you have that much cash to burn then no worries.

        But an individual health insurance policy costs a -fraction- of that amount. I’m mystified by people that don’t carry at least catastrophic/ER type insurance because those are the things that will easily bankrupt 90% of people.

        • Hi User,

          Actually, if a family plan is $2400/month (which it is) with a $13K deductible under Anthem one can easily save $29K per year. After six years you one can have a tidy little account sitting in a CD somewhere.

          Hubby’s work does not offer insurance and I am a business owner. Do you want kind of deals we get? None. Anthem (who is the only eligible carrier in our area) wants $2400 a month for a family plan. I am not spending $29K a year for something that may or may not happen.

          I did have a catastrophic plan in 2016 and 2017. Three hundred dollars a month through a company called Loomis (I loathe that company). When I ended up in the county hospital with chest pain in July 2017 the insurance carrier denied all charges. I was left with a $7K hospital bill. So much for that catastrophic plan. I did eventually get them kicked out of the Commonwealth of Virginia…took two years though and several letters to the AG.

          After much negotiation with the hospital they dropped it to $4900 which I had to pay in full to receive the discount. The back and forth with the insurance company, the state, the hospital, and the doctors took 97 hours of my time over a four month period. They is even a letter from me on the BBB detailing my wonderful experience.

          I told myself I will never, ever allow a middle man to handle my care again. I was left in the lurch. Not only was I out the monthly premiums for the last two years, but a few hospital and doctor bills that I had to pay on top if it. All they showed me was how corrupt the system truly is.

          Fortunately, my family and I are in good health and on no medications. We visit the dentist every six months, have our eyes checked once a year, and get an annual blood palette. We eat healthy and rely on teas, vitamins, and oils rather than anything out of a pharmaceutical lab.

          I am glad the system has worked for you. It didn’t for me and I will be damned if I ever give them a dime.

            • Thanks, Mark, but I am only one of a billion this has happened to.

              I was lucky….I could actually afford to pay the hospital bill. There are many people who rely off insurance for life or death treatments and the insurance provider leaves them holding the bag after they (or their employer) have faithfully made the monthly premiums believing this would be covered or that would be covered.

              In my experience it wasn’t worth the hassle. I believe I have more power in negotiating since they know no insurance company is coming to the rescue.

              I did look up recent reviews of Loomis out of curiosity…they are still as crappy as ever. 🙁

        • Hi Useranon99,

          I haven’t had “coverage” for years and that has saved me tens of thousands if not a hundred thousand dollars – or more.

          If I had bought “coverage” for the past ten years say, I’d have nothing to show for it – having not had any medical costs that needed to be “covered.” I grant that something might have happened. But the odds are against such things and I am not a man who lives in fear of “might” happen.

          Insurance is a gigantic scam – at least the way it’s structured. I would probably buy an extremely high deductible (say $20k) very low annual payment (say $500 per year) catastrophic insurance that would only cover a major expense such as a heart attack or cancer and nothing else – but there are no such plans and I am not paying to “cover” services I do not need and do not use (per Obamacare).

          The monthly cost of a decent “plan” for a self-employed person is ridiculous; literally unaffordable unless the idea is to spend most of what I earn on “coverage.”

          Which I won’t do.

          My policy is to stay healthy – and it has provided excellent coverage to date. If croak, well we all do. When my time comes it comes.

        • That’s what we do. High deductible plan plus maximum put in an HSA. The HSA is pre-tax money so helps in theory with income taxes.

          This works for us because the premiums aren’t crippling and we essentially pay out of pocket for the very rare routine appointments (once in 2020 and another in 2024). Also any medical stuff we buy, which includes first aid supplies and even some supplements, we pay for out of the HSA.

          This year for the first time in probably a decade I actually needed more than a simple office visit due to a self-inflicted injury. Got thrown off my dirt bike and ended up in urgent care and eventually elbow surgery.

          That’s the beauty of high deductible. We paid up my individual annual maximum at 100%, which is $7,500 and the actual insurance then kicked in at 80% covered. The premiums for the plan added up to $4,800 for the year, so overall I’m out roughly $22,300 instead of the total $50,000 or so. The difference gets more stark with even more serious injury or disease.

          Now we’ll see if the insurance company balks next year. Although it’s an employer provided plan so we can’t be summarily dropped but premiums are calculated on the overall expenditure of the “group” (being the whole of the company) so they may go up slightly, who knows. But my company participates in wellness programs, like a $500 gift card is given each year to the person who rides a bike the most days into work, and is pretty proactive about incentives for health, like they buy from local farmers to give people free produce during the growing season. That stuff is obviously gimmicks but if they spend a few thousand dollars annually to keep insurance premiums down I don’t see any big conspiracy on their part.

      • You make great points here, RG.

        I likewise wonder how much less expensive all medical care would bae (and how much better it would be as well) if insurance was only utilized for catastrophic care – similar to home or auto insurance.

        Look at the way those who utilize elective plastic surgery are treated vs those of us who sometimes need insurance-covered medical interventions. The elective customers (and they are treated like paying customers, not cattle), are usually treated so much better.

  11. A little bit of inspiration: “Did you know in 1965 they tried to take Amish kids away from the farm to public schools? WHAT A STORY!! The parents were not having it and where jailed and fined but they stood strong and won!!”

    ‘AMISH the SAD but True story…’


    When the big yellow school bus pulled up to haul the children off to goobermint co-ed prison school someone yelled at the children, “Run!” …And, they did.

    • That was an excellent video. Very relevant to today. The Amish saw the need to stand firm to preserve their culture and had the guts to back it up and deal with the system. We can learn a lot from that to apply to current abuses of power. Refuse, file lawsuits and win.

      • What gets me is why anyone would want to bother the Amish? If any group of people is live and let live, it’s the Amish. They have their beliefs, and they live their lives in accordance with those beliefs. However-and this is key-they don’t FORCE anyone else to live as they do! Why can’t people just leave ’em alone?

        • Kiryas Joel New York comes to mind…
          If you are a gentile:
          You cannot own property or rent property within the incorporated legal boundaries.
          You will be told that the community is for “jews only”.
          You cannot send your gentile children to the “taxpayer-funded” public schools.
          Government social workers are not allowed to look in on the care of jewish children.
          Jewish residents of Kiryas Joel receive government “benefits” (welfare, EBT, etc.) out of proportion to their numbers. In fact, 93% of Kiryas Joel residents are receiving some form of “public assistance”.
          Many criminal financial, health care, and other schemes and scams are run out of that “jews-only” community.
          The courts and city attorneys have all been taken over by this “jewish mafia”. In fact, the county attorney has been compromised as well…
          Now if a group of gentiles attempted to do the same, they (we) would be lawfared out of existence.

  12. Yep, they’ve been telling us for months by way of predictive programming that 2025 would see the return of masks and lockdowns:


    During the Thanksgiving holiday, the MSM played up stories of squash recalls due to listeria and egg prices that jumped over $1/dozen because of bird flu. They’re definitely doing a pre-propaganda campaign to prepare the minds of the masses for the next health scare that’s coming.

  13. Take a look at Peter Hotez!

    The guy is just deranged…..like slobbering, jibbering, ranting and raving class deranged. The only people who will take him seriously are already lost to reason, or as Margaret Anna Alice describes it, “mentacided”. The data is exposed, the evil parties are trying to slither back under the rock after being exposed in their perfidy. It ain’t gonna work. Citizens in Europe are waking up and all the propaganda in the world will not sway them once winter comes and people are freezing to death and being flooded with refugees from Ukraine who have even worse issues due to actions of Western “democracies”….look, Macron is the first one down but surely not the last. Pass the popcorn….this is going to be a very interesting show…..stay safe my libertarian cohorts.

    On another subject, substack seems to be the platform hosting the most interesting dialogue. One such is a currently practicing physician whose content is anonymous for obvious reasons given what happened to Peter McCullough and Robert Malone. He has a series of articles on DMSO that those of you interested in self medical care may find very illuminating. A Midwestern Doctor is his moniker

  14. For all small business owners who have an LLC, S corp, C corp, or partnership.

    A federal district court just passed a nationwide injunction on the BOI reporting requirements.

    The federal government can still appeal this, but it looks like the 1/1/2025 reporting requirement is gone for now.


    Yea!!!! I have absolutely hated this thing. I am glad saner minds prevailed. Thank you federal district court!

    • Excellent news that an odious law has been temporarily suspended. For now, it is just an injunction, not a ruling on the merits.

      FinCen is evil. I have been raging against it, ever since it was created under the Poppy Bush administration in 1990. Par for the course, for an ex-spook.

    • RG thank you for this update. I can’t wait to talk with our CPA about this! As an accountant, I was outraged when this went into effect and have been hoping for this outcome.

      • Hi RS,

        As Jim stated above it has just been temporarily suspended. Personally, I think the law is a goner. I don’t see Trump (with his multiple businesses) wanting to get behind it so I would very surprised if his Treasury were to appeal it. Yellen may try before heading out the door next month, but I don’t see the Trump US Treasury Department pushing it through.

        The law was a complete disregard of the Fourth Amendment. I am glad they ruled it unconstitutional. It pissed me off on how many accounting and law firms scared their clients into registering for this. Out of the 32 million small businesses close to 7 million have registered to date. I told my clients to hold off until the last freaking minute….many of them did. The government scare tactic did work though…seven million businesses and their shareholders have registered. That information is now in the hands of Uncle Sam. That would not fill me with the warm and fuzzies.

        • “The government scare tactic did work though…seven million businesses and their shareholders have registered.” -RG

          Further evidence that the American public clamors to comply. “But, but, but, I thought Walmart wouldn’t let me in without a mask and I would die. Yeah, right. . .I’d have shown them resisting the mask while being dead and buried from starvation.” “But, but, but, they really scared me with the BOI; I had to register.”

          GROW A SET, PEOPLE!

          Thanks for being a wrench in the works, RG.

          • Hi ML,

            Yes, 21% complied, but 79% didn’t….thank goodness. Imagine if almost 80% of Americans did not comply with what their government demanded…what a country we would live in!

            True, some of it was that many business owners did not know about the law, but others did and they either 1) ignored it; 2) hoped for it to be ruled unconstitutional; or 3) were willing to take their shots even past the January 1st deadline (if it was upheld).

            I have been vocal about this not only here, but with my Congressional and state representatives, and of course, my clients. When the state came by the other day unexpectedly my participation and constant hounding on this subject made me think I may have pushed too far and pissed someone off. I am still not 100% convinced that didn’t happen, but I am willing to take my lumps, because this law was horrible.

            So happy to see it sitting in the dumpster bin, may it be incinerated.

  15. I’ve never donned a filthy face rag, and I never will! I’ll tell ya though, if this BS comes back [And seeing who and what Trump is putting in key positions, I am assured it is coming back) I may just go over the edge. Being kicked out of businesses for merely remaining sane (If I were insane, and wore a dress, and demanded they call me Miss, that they would have no problem with) and seeing everyone around me displaying the fact that are subserviant drones, deluded, or both, is just too much to endure. There is nothing left.

    • In Thailand during parts of 2021 and 2022 I was the only person not wearing a facemask in many situations. I was blown away in going to Buddhist Wat Prathong to honor my in laws and first husband’s grave. I could not go into the main temple to worship because of no facemask. Meanwhile a man walked in wearing a Playboy Club t shirt that featured naked women. A facemask clad woman came in in a bikini. I was appalled as most temples had strict traditional rules about modesty, covering shoulders and knees et cetera. During Covid all of that was let go. I felt like you could walk into most places completely butt ass naked and they’d be chill about it as long as you were wearing an effing facemask. It was like some BDSM ritual…

      • Indeed, Amy –

        A “BDSM ritual” is spot on. Mass degradation. I never thought such a thing possible. Of course, I never thought the TSA was possible, either.

  16. I will boldly go without my slavery mask, again.

    Wow Eric, right on the money today. I posted about exactly this on another article. Props.
    I’ll attempt to translate his doublespeak:

    -We’ve already tested the waters, mission still go for PCR testing the F*CK out of everything from you to milk and say there’s a bird flu epidemic.

    -We will manufacture initial human-to-human transmission, until our shot rolls out shedding.

    -We will say it’s bat soup or something equally retarded and get your 15th booster.

    -We’ve also got all of Bill Gates’ engineered mosquito borne viruses.

    -We’ve also got all of Bill Gates’ vaccines which could cause problems. But we’ll tow the line about how good vaccines are at the same time, like parallel gaslighting.

    -Gee, we have a lot of viruses in store.

    -Btw, it’s gonna happen January 21st, 2025!

  17. Leave it to MSNBC to have Peter Hotez on. Considering that that “news” outlet is, IIRC, up for sale, they must really be relying on advertising money from Big Pharma to keep it from collapsing completely, and there could be no bigger Pharma/ vaccine shill than Peter Hotez.

    • I often wonder about that, “relying on advertising money from Big Pharma to keep it from collapsing completely” part.
      Especially with F.M. & A.M. radio. They play the same tired old 50 songs over & over & over. And, the same big Pharma & .gov advertisements over & over. I can’t stand to listen to it very long & shut it off unless it’s a talk show like Agri-Talk, I don’t understand how anyone else could listen very long either.
      And, don’t get me started about how they repeat 25 Christmas songs over & over & over. …It’s like the radio stations don’t care if anyone is listening,.. and, people probably don’t. They only care if the ad Dollars from big Pharma & .gov keep rolling in.
      Same is true for most free-over-the-air TeeVee stations.

      There must be thousands of other songs they could play on the radio, but don’t.
      There must be thousands of other advertisers who would pay less than big Pharma or .gov to advertise on the TeeVee.

      It’s a giant rolling capture scheme. It sickens the culture. Rant/OFF.

    • Did you notice, John, that Hotez does not address the enormous elephant in the room: That is, the number of illegal aliens that have entered the country during the O’Biden administration. Illegals that have brought in said diseases, and much more that we are not aware of. But he wants to blame “anti-vaxers” for these outbreaks? Funny how a fart does not stay in ones pants, and everyone can smell it. Wear a face diaper, and you can still smell a woman’s perfume, or a man’s after shave. Funny how people are waking up to the fraud of the vaccine industry. But he wants to force needles and diapers on us again? There is not a place hot or deep enough in hell for the likes of people like Hotez (and Bill Gates, and others).

      • Hi Shadow,

        Here’s some more (potential) fraud involving the vaccine industry….Bill Gates wants to make a vaccine designed to stop cow farts, the justification being what else? Stopping cliiiiiiiiimate change. The more I’ve read and watched pieces on this whole Climate change thing the past few years, the more I’m convinced it’s a giant scam created by billionaire sociopaths to get MORE money for themselves at the expense of people who aren’t billionaire elitists. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also stand to make TONS of money from this demented push for Net Zero by Western governments. And yet, there are who knows how many people who’ve bought into the BS narratives involving climate change.

  18. Ass hat Hotez is a propagandist.

    Back in 1530 CE, in Geneva Switzerland, the doctors went rogue and purposely infected the population with Black Death.

    At the end of it all, the doctors involved were tied to poles on a cart and were hauled around Geneva so the enraged people could physically torture them, to finish them off, the doctors were beheaded and quartered.

    Black Plague

    There is corruption in anything.

  19. I will NOT comply. I don’t care who is in office and I don’t care what those “wonderful people of law enforcement” do or say. FUCK off, Maskers. I’m not going to be as nice this time around. I may just rip yours off.

  20. This masking always confused me. How anyone could believe that two layers of thin fabric could prevent a 10 nanometer virus from passing through when “smoke” from a vape devise which is a lot larger easily passes through you have to wonder about peoples gullibility.

    A friend mentioned that a lot of people developed mental issues during the “plaque” and I responded that I never had a problem. His response (more or less) “You did what you wanted and ignored the rules”. The places that required a face diaper; I wore the filthiest face diaper, dirty, torn and hanging loosely on my face. I mocked them though complying.

    • You still “complied” though. The only way is immediate and overt resistance and ridicule. If you get denied goods or services as a result, then just do without (and hold a lifelong grudge).

      My long-time barber refused to cut my hair if I didn’t wear a mask. My response was fuck you and I will never come back. I bought electric clipper, scissors and hand mirror and learned how to cut my own hair.

      • The late Gary North highly recommended the Flowbee for cutting your own hair. Pretty clever idea.

        Unfortunately, I’m too damn busy to hold a grudge forever- I am even buying materials at Menards again. Bad on me I guess.

        • Oh no! Not Menards! …Say it ain’t so.

          They placed a guard at their cattle gate entrance, ‘er turnstile, specifically to enforce the face diaper requirements. They were The Absolute worst store of them all.

          Not too mention, most of their stuff is very low quality crap. Perhaps, reconsider?

          • They did a gate guard and I walked right past and got in a loud and heated argument with one. They finally let me through with a warning not to come back or they’d call the cops. I laughed in his face and told him he’d just kicked several thousand dollars per year of business out the door.

            Unfortunately the competitors for lumber are dramatically higher priced, so I started going back in 23. They are low quality crap but I can pick my own lumber out of their piles.

        • Funny thing is that after about 2 awkward haircuts, I really got the hang of it. I can do a much better job than my barber now, and it only takes me about 20 minutes. It also saves time driving to the barber and a whole lot of money. I can also cut my hair every couple of weeks too if I want.

          Win, win, win.

      • Hi Mister Liberty:

        Industrial jobs I worked at said you wear it or no job. I never won the lottery. Did I get the shot, no. As Janice Joplin sang “Freedom means you’ve got nothing left to lose”. I guess my living on the street would have shown “them”.

        • Nah. Life isn’t binary. Your choices were not limited to only (1) mask up or (2) live on the street. In fact, I would bet they never actually said “mask up or no job.” You just inferred that binary choice. That’s how coercion often works. There were many other options out there to live a free life.

          They needed your services as much as you needed their money. That’s the way free exchange works. The harsh reality is that you agreed to the masking, regardless of whether the mask was dirty, torn or loose fitting.

      • My barber converted his “Barber Shop” into a “private club.”
        The way you become a member is to
        1. Walk in the door.
        2. Take a seat, any seat.
        The private club offers haircuts as a paid service to its members only.
        FWIW, our county sheriff, Chad Bianco (Riverside Co, CA) became a member.
        Sheriff Bianco always managed to look neat and trim during the scamdemic. 🙂

        • Hi Adi,

          I offered my hairdresser a pretty penny (and maybe a couple hundred bucks) if she showed up at my house to cut all of our hair. To this day, I still have not stepped foot into a hair salon going on five years.

          People got creative when needed.

      • A hairstylist near me one upped your long-time barber who refused to cut your hair if you didn’t wear a mask. She required her customers to also wash their hands first. B-zar-o World.

    • What I did:
      First, do my best to avoid maskhole businesses completely.
      Fallback position, if no alternative, was to wear a black full face balaclava with no nose hole, just two eye holes (maximum face coverage).
      Accessorize the balaclava with a black, long sleeved T-shirt with “Allahu Akbar” in white Arabic calligraphy. Let them believe I am an “Islamic terrorist” if that is what they want to believe.
      Buck the Fozos. I was never asked to leave. 🙂

      I do not read Arabic. Neither do most Americans. but it *looks* “scary,” right?
      Who knows, I might be part of Black September. 🙂
      I was at Walmart awhile back, and, walking through the parking not, some guy, a total stranger, actually *did* read the Arabic script. Out loud, in a soft voice, with a smile on his face. 🙂

  21. How in the hell is this bastard allowed to threaten people in this manner? Someone saying shit like this should be locked up and never see the outside of a prison again.

    • Indeed, how is this not high treason? He is threatening attacks with weapons of mass destruction and making psychological warfare on us.

      Arrogant little bastard needs to spend life in front of a wall in a military prison. All 30 seconds of it. For irony offer him a cigarette.

      • Exactly. If he said that, then its treason pure and simple. How he’s not being swatted as we speak just shows how far down the rabbit trail we’ve traveled.

    • Absolutely agree, and he’s specific about the details so is this already in the works? He and Fauci should both swing from the end of a rope.

  22. ‘We’ve been warned. We already know what the Herr Docktors have in mind for us.’ — eric

    Rumors are — it’s all over the Lügenpresse — that Fauci is in line for a pre-emptive pardon from Grifter Joe. So says the cabal behind “Biden’s” plywood Potemkin White House.

    If so, it will send a message to the next generation of Fauci wannabes — figures like the ‘Hotez’ slime mold entity — to kill again. And they will. In fact, they already are.

    • Hi Jim,

      Yes, but a pardon also shows the American public that he is guilty. They will now start questioning why. The massive death of Americans did not start until Biden reached office. Did people die in 2020? Yes, but it was inline with previous year estimates.

      Only in the rollout of the clot shot did deaths increase above average. I don’t believe they will be as brazen with Trump in office and the possibility of RFK heading the HHS. Who is going to pardon them this go around? Trump? Pretty unlikely. Who is going to let them force their narrative through the FDA and CDC? RFK? Almost an impossibility.

      All Hotez showed is that he’s a freaking psychopath.

  23. Public health officials are the root cause of pandemics. You pay a bunch of Casandras to sit around dreaming of being important. Then when some bug, any bug, comes along they can shout from their media platforms about how horrible it will be. Then the “science corespondents” (sponsored by Big Pharma) ask them a bunch of softball questions that the officials answer with word salad and somehow that’s a story. Add a bunch of red animated graphics and nonsense charts and you’ve got yourself a pandemic.

    People die. It happens. Yes, common sense preventive action can and should be taken, such as realistic isolation of the vulnerable and avoiding the activity that is likely to put one at risk. But that’s about it. Any more than that is crossing a line that not only goes beyond what’s allowed in a free society, it also doesn’t work. And stupid folk remedies like wearing dirty old masks and lubing up with hand sanitizer aren’t the answer either.

    I think most people understand that. And if they don’t by now, it’s probably time to put them in a home where they can be monitored and protected 24/7. Just make sure the lock is on the outside of the door.

  24. Do not comply AND do not force others to comply with ANY of it. Problem solved. The good thing about the covid me-too freakout is that it exposed the dumbass “scientists and doctors” for the grifting narcissistic charlatans they are.

    Ignore them into oblivion.

  25. Hotez is proof that the Medical Industrial Complex is as corrupt as the Military version. Dengue Fever isn’t a problem UNTIL TRUMP IS IN OFFICE!!!

    This video needs to be shared far and wide. The sad part is those that Believe will continue their self-deception because Orange Man Bad.

    2025 promises to be one hell of a ride.

    • The year 2025 promises to be a Great Awakening. If TPTB think they are going to play this same game twice and the outcome will be the similar they will be extremely disappointed.

      Yesterday’s murder of United Health’s CEO was a targeted attack. The three bullets at the scene were engraved. They read “deny, depose, and defend”. If TPTB wish to retorture the American public with another dumb diversion there will be hell to pay.

      The saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” will become poetic in its meaning. A cornered animal will fight if all options of escape have been removed. There are consequences when people’s lives are played with and very rarely are they favorable to the one performing the manipulation.

      • A Great Awakening, indeed. The question is in what direction?

        Will people realize the evil nature of GovCo; see 1 Samuel 8. Or, will the tyrants double and triple down on their evil machinations?

        I have a feeling it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better…if it ever gets better. I don’t mean to be such a Debbie Downer but, with the level of sheep-like obedience and the human capacity to commit harms on their fellow man (Millgram Experiment) leaves me concerned for my children and grandsons.

        • Hi Mark,

          I am willing to give my peers the benefit of the doubt. I think (some, not all) have realized “to go along, to get along” is not a viable act of survival.

          There is a fundamental ground shift taking place. People are a lot more vocal. Just over the last few years we can see shifts in dynamics…stupidity is being called out. See BudLight, Jaguar, Tractor Supply, etc. Companies are backing away from ESG initiatives. The French and German governments have collapsed. The UK has recently declared maybe open borders wasn’t a good idea. The USSA has just selected a convict over a DIE hire. Big Tech and the MSM are backtracking on narratives they have pushed for years.

          We can’t deny that these things are occurring. I don’t dispute the fact that I am an idealist. I want good to win and evil to dissipate. Just as we should never look at life through rose colored glasses, we should also never view the glass as half empty at all times. Good things are happening. I am willing to embrace them.

          • Hope for the best and plan for the worst.

            Prep your racecar while making sure you and your home can exist without being connected to the grid.

        • It was retribution. My guess is that it was someone whose family member had United Healthcare as their insurance and UH kept denying the claim and because of that the individual died. After deposing/ burying the deceased individual the victim’s family is now defending them.

          This is just my interpretation. I could be very wrong.

          • I just had $400 of routine annual blood work denied by UHC, who manages my employer’s self pay plan.

            Of course, half of that $400 was ‘T’ levels which I didn’t need because I wouldn’t go on that therapy even if the numbers were low. They weren’t.

            The medical-industrial complex heavily pushes ‘T’ therapy here. They even push low doses on X-er women to increase sex drive.

          • ‘My guess is that it was someone whose family member had United Healthcare as their insurance and UH kept denying the claim …’ — RG

            Ditto. It’s only surprising that this doesn’t happen more often. Which is why Fauci had bodyguards, and probably still does.

            • In past decades, I worked as a defense contractor for a major defense firm.
              United Health Care was their healthcare benefits administrator.
              Every claim that I submitted was summarily rejected without explanation.
              It was only when I took my stack of claims and rejection letters to my HR department that they all got paid.
              As an aside, us defense contractor employees paid for our own health insurance out-of-pocket. Our employer did not pay a penny.
              To this day, I would not trust United Health Care for any type of healthcare services administration.

        • It seems to perfect. If it were a family member of a victim, theres a good chance they’d be in custody by now. Best guess, its someone the DS wanted to be rid of anyway. Kabuki designed to take away the legal suppressors, now numbering in the hundreds of thousands, from the dirty rabble.

      • I’ve long been a fascinated observer and student of such events.

        According to the absolutely unreliable media, this assassination was very audacious and professional. It was well planned, well informed, and well executed. The assassin knew where and when to find his target, had a silencer for his weapon (and likely both were untraceable), wore a common ski mask, had a jam and cleared it, and put 3 rounds into his target from a comfortable effective distance, then disappeared on a fast, unregistered electric bike into crowds of New Yorkers. I’ll bet they never find him, and if they do it will be another patsy/scapegoat set up.

        I’d be willing to bet that the route and scene were planned to neutralize camera surveillance.

        This is the first I’ve heard of engravings on the bullets, but I’ve been expecting waves of such retribution for quite some time.

        Good thing NY is well under control and has draconian and treasonous gun control.

        • Ditto, Diabolus –

          I have been expecting this sort of thing to happen. We live at a time when justice is a bad joke. The guilty – of truly horrific things – evade it while the average person is subjected to endless petty and not-so-petty injustices. The obvious example being the jailing for years of the “insurrectionists” – who at worst may have been guilty of disturbring the peace or some such misdemeanor and issued a ticket.

          My prayer is that evil people fear the people.

          • Such was the prayer of our ancestors.

            “The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”
            — Alexander Hamilton

            Not that Hamilton was one of the best but about this he was right.

        • Two things on this killing.

          First, NYC probably has the most security cameras per square foot than anywhere on the planet. You mean to tell me this guy with the unique flowery backpack is not able to be tracked by same? Were all the cameras “Epsteined”?

          Two, if the FBI comes out with some pics and asks for the public’s help to identify him you will know they’re in on it. That conclusion comes from the FBI’s history of such things, e.g. the Boston Marathon bombing. That and if it can be another wrench in the works for Trump, all the better.

      • I read that, RG. I also read where-when trying to compile a list of suspects-one writer mentioned, “only every person who was ever denied a health care claim”.

        • Hi Shadow,

          If I were the police I would start with the wife. Whenever a woman ends up murdered the husband and boyfriend are the first suspects. I believe in equal opportunity. I think the media is pushing this in the wrong direction. Start closer to home. She truly may not have had anything to do with it. I am starting to think the assassin is not an angry promoter of vigilantism, but instead is playing with the public, media, and the cops.


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