Latest Radio: David Knight Show 12/11/2024


Here’s the audio (and video) of my conversation earlier today with David Knight! We talked about the firing (without consequences) of former Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares and the unwinding of the “electrification” agenda, among other things:


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  1. Leave it to the scum who write the history books? No, inject it into our culture now! There will be no sweeping this under the rug, it’s something we should make a stink about. The shadow government is out of control, and that’s something we should acknowledge now as a culture if we intend to fix this mess.

  2. I think the statue is a good thing. Cut the golden calf crap, it’s memorializing a seriously significant event in American history – the failure of the deep state, permanent bureaucracy, and criminal elements of our government to subvert the will of our people. God knows it won’t be in the propaganda rag history books taught to the children. Personally I give it a “yea”. The UN types hates the fact that we still have some semblance of sovereignty and that totally sticks it to them.

    • Hi Steve,

      I’m not so sure. Here’s why: Trump is a living person. Were statues erected to Washington while he was alive? It seems a bit Il Duce to me.


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