Latest Radio: Liberty Conspiracy w/Gard Goldsmith 01/07/2025


Here’s the audio and video of last night’s candlelight conversation with my friend Gard Goldsmith, host of the Liberty Conspiracy show! My segment starts at about the 1:30 mark –

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  1. A.I is a program. someone had a hand in telling it to kill. or ordering it to censor or whatever they want for the program. they might be able to teach it to learn and teach itself but its original program is flawed. it was created by a human so anything the computer teaches itself is influenced by the source of a flawed person.

    it will have a ghost in the machine. a mutation to it. it can’t not. people are not perfect and man kinds creations are not perfect either. if a computer is warped then it came from the mind of its creator. its programmer put it there. maybe unknowingly but there it is. it is only as good as the mind that conceived it.

    when people give it god like abilities they are not thinking clearly. not realizing it isn’t alive. and it is fallible. if it is murderous that is because it was created to be that. a weapon system given the power to select people to kill was originally programmed by someone for that purpose. everything it does came from the warped mind of the programmer. knowingly or unknowingly. it is still ones and zeros and it requires a plug in. power or a battery. remove the battery and the program disappears and the machine can be melted down and remade into something else. no funeral necessary for the machine. a sledge hammer is all that is required.
    or better yet…pull the plug!

    it is ignorant of that man to say people can’t survive A.I. it is a machine. a calculator! who wants you to believe that i wonder. someone who wants people to be afraid…be very afraid! and be ignorant…very ignorant. weak and sick. don’t resist…don’t fight it…the machine will win. WRONG. People created it. people can UN-create it.

  2. SoCal wildfires:

    ‘Kristin M. Crowley is the 19th Fire Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD). With her wife and children by her side, Chief Crowley took the oath of office on March 25, 2022 – becoming the first female and LGBTQ Fire Chief in the LAFD.’

    I LAFD laffed. But many fire victims are not laffing.


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