Here’s the audio of my conversation las night with James Corbett of the Corbett Report. We talked about the way cars and freedom are intertwined – as well as ways to “get away” with doing what we – rather than they – want:
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Things are looking increasingly bleak:
“One in five of the [Gen Z] age group said they would call in a professional to change the bulb on a ceiling spotlight.”
“Motoring knowledge in particular appears to be on the decline, with many reluctant to take on even the most basic tasks such as replacing windscreen wipers.”
The future is looking piss-poor.
Oh wow, you did Corbett Report?! That’s really cool. I’ve watched him forever now. His classic about 9/11 is just about immortal level now.
Eric, you should see if you can get on “Stew Peters” next.
Hi Letmepic,
I’d love to do his show; if he’s reading this – just holler! I’ll be on David Knight’s show tomorrow (Weds.) at 11 east.
Here’s the download link.
Great to see you on the Corbett Report Eric. James does great work. He has a fantastic documentary about the lead up to the first World War and all the behind the scenes manipulations by the global elite at the time.
BTW, have you read about this Nissan NP 300 pickup that is supposedly coming to the US. Looks pretty interesting.
Kudos for your interview on Corbett report. He has a large audience and some the best wrongthink on the web. If you haven’t already, I urge you to explore his site. You’ll be greatly rewarded.