The above might as well be the headline of any of the various articles that have cropped up in the lugenpresse about the Trump administration’s “rolling back” of EPA regs that “kept us safe” from “pollution.” Specifically as regards the “emission” that has nothing to do with pollution, i.e., carbon dioxide.
As distinct from the emissions that did at one time cause or worsen or at least have something to do with pollution. Until the Obama-era EPA changed the definition of “emissions.”
The distinction is important, for several reasons – the obvious one being that carbon dioxide has nothing to do with pollution.
But it’s the not-so-obvious one that matters more. It is the deliberate conflating of CO2 with the uncontrolled byproducts of combustion that – once upon a time – did cause, worsen or at least have something to do with pollution. Why was this done? For the obvious reason. To cause people to believe that when the EPA announced new – and stricter! – “emissions” regulations, the EPA was talking about reducing pollution – something no one wants more of. Based on that false premise, it was easy to get them to accept the new regs as legitimate – because after all, who wants more pollution?
Well, why not just make the distinction, then?
The reason why is obvious. If people understood that what the EPA was up to had nothing to do with pollution they might object to the cost and other consequences of the regulations.
Put another way, it would have been a harder sell.
It is one based upon a hysterical exaggeration of the facts – as happened during the “pandemic,” when “cases” were breathlessly hyped on the hour while the fact that other than the very elderly and already very sick weren’t dying, to the extent of more than 99 percent. They managed to scare the crap out of 99 percent such that they were willing to wear “masks” and shutter the businesses and generally live a kind of living death out of fear that death was in the air.
This business about “climate change” is of a piece.
Of course the “climate” is “changing.”
It is never static.
It would be abnormal if it were.
More important, the “changes” have not been apocalyptic – as the purveyors of this hysteria want everyone to believe. Just the same as they wanted everyone to believe that entering a store without a “mask”meant the whole town was doomed to die.
It is on the basis of this manufactured belief in an imminent climate catastrophe caused mainly by people driving cars that do not emit any meaningful pollution (not since the mid-late 1990s) that the EPA has fear-mongered what Trump referred to during the 2024 campaign season as an “EV mandate.” But it isn’t exactly that. What the EPA did – under Obama’s addled stand-in – was to impose regs that only EVs could comply with. It wasn’t a de facto “mandate” forcing automakers to make EVs. It just left them little choice, other than to make EVs.
Also, hybrids – which are partially electric vehicles – because these also help with compliance. And compliance engines, for the same reasons. It is why V6 engines – common in family cars ten years ago – are now almost as exotic as V12 engines were back in the ’80s – and just as exotically expensive. It is why the cost of car insurance has doubled for most people – to “cover” the cost repairing/replacing electric vehicles, which cost much more to repair/replace than other vehicles.
Trump’s EPA is indeed “rolling” back those regs.
Unfortunately, it is not being reported – that is, explained. Even the New York Post – which is generally not a member of the lugenpresse (it was the only media outlet that reported the facts about Hunter Biden’s laptop) says the EPA is “re-evaluating policies enacted last year by the Biden administration meant to reduce emissions for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles.”
Italics added. Arrgghh! Say it like Charlie Brown.
As just explained, it has nothing to do with “emissions” – unless you accept the lie that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Something as ridiculous – because objectively false – as insisting that a person with a dick and balls is a “woman” because he tucks.
Trump’s EPA Administrator, Lee Zeldin, is right – on the facts – when he says “the American auto industry has been hamstrung by the crushing regulatory regime of the last administration.” But then he gets it wrong when he says “As we reconsider nearly $1 trillion of regulatory costs, we will abide by the rule of law to protect consumer choice and the environment.”
Thereby conceding the premise that CO2 is – somehow – a “pollutant.”
No! A thousand times, no!
The only way to effectively combat a lie is with the truth. And the truth is that a fractional increase in the fraction of the Earth’s atmospheric gasses that are C02 resulting from driving cars rather than devices is no more causing the “climate” to “change” than the not-wearing of a maaaaaaaask was causing granny to die.
Zeldin – and Trump – have the right instincts but that is not enough to beat back the lie that has become a kind of “truth” – by dint or repetition and ineffective refutation. It must be said as many times as it takes: CO2 has nothing to do with pollution. This fact must be repeated until the lie is dispelled that has enabled the EPA to gaslight the American people into accepting as justifiable regs that are destroying the American way of life for most Americans.
Not counting American politicians such as Obama and Biden, whose “carbon footprint” is Sasquatchian compared with that of ordinary middle and working class Americans. Just the same as maaaaaaaaasking wasn’t for Dr. Fauci – or Gavin Newsom. It was a tool for them to use.
“Some people like the gasoline – and they should have their options,” Trump said the other day.
Indeed. But that’s not enough. What’s existentially necessary is that the lies about CO2 – and the deliberate exaggerations and misrepresentations about “climate change” – be as thoroughly debunked and ridiculed as the wearing of maaaaaaaaaasks to “stop the spread.”
. . .
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The best graphic of all time which illustrates how little CO2 is in the atmosphere, and includes water vapor:
Here is a chart I created to illustrate why we should expect another ice age, we are near another ice age inception:
Understand that CO2 has never forced temperature, that is a media lie, therefore as the current interglacial ends, a new era of cold will be upon us, for the next 100,000 years.
Here is a chart I created that shows the earth cooling for the last 8,000 years, since the optimal temperatures of the interglacial. We are near the tail end of the current interglacial called the Holocene, the grand lie is that the ice age has ended, it has not, it is about to start probably in the next 1,000 years.
Here is a graphic that shows that agriculture is not possible in glaciations because CO2 is to low, and is a probable cause of Pleistocene megafauna extinction:
Below 160 ppm plants die
ice age level 180 only allows weak photosynthesis
farming only possible once C02 reaches 240
pre-industrial CO2 was 280 ppm, bare recovery levels
current level of 420 ppm crop yields have doubled
optimal plant growth is 1400ppm
Best chart showing that the heating effect of CO2 goes down with concentration, the first 200ppm of CO2 is 70% of the warming effect, at current levels, increasing CO2 has almost no effect:
should read the first 20ppm is 70%
It’s amazing how people are hyperventilating over every Trump change.
There are rumors that the EPA might take away CA’s emissions exemption which allows CA to set its own emissions rules.
We have an onerous emissions certification process here that makes car maintenance extremely expensive since you have to use CA certified parts for everything; generic, cheap stuff generally isn’t allowed for intake, fuel or exhaust components (that’s basically everything)
This is good news! My neighbors, who embody the stereotypes of CA fruits and nuts, are freaking out, because they’re convinced we’ll all be choking on soot in a matter of days. All that Trump is proposing is having one set of national rules; catalysts are still required, so is accurate fuel metering, but what might go away are the EV mandates.
Crazy. People have gone full-retard.
‘might as well be the headline of any of the various articles that have cropped up in the lugenpresse’ — eric
Even a grizzled cynic like myself is dumbfounded by this cretinism:
The U.S. Doesn’t Have a Deep State. It Never Should.
By ‘Theodore J. Singer’, ex-CIA
This has got to be be the most mindless headline since ‘Drunk Latina Gives Handjob.’ Sheesh.
Hi Jim,
That sounds like something a corrupt former public health bureaucrat would write to try to make people think that public health bureaucracies like the NIH, FDA, CDC, etc., haven’t been taken over by the very industries they supposedly regulate.
Right on cue, the selection of retired US Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis to oversee the production of the President’s Daily Brief gets derailed … because an unregistered foreign propaganda outlet called Jewish Insider condemned him as ‘anti-Israel.’
Whereas appropriate replies to this foreign subversion would be ‘So what?‘ and ‘What has your shitty little country ever done for US?‘
> ‘What has your shitty little country ever done for US?‘
10-4, Commodore.
WGASA Re: the JAMES gang?
Ivar Giaever has been memory holed off the internet and Youtube. He is a Nobel Laurette in physics and was on a climate panel or a short time until he realized this was not a scientific panel but a political panel to which he quit. Here is his lecture countering global warming which is hard to find:
Also, I didn’t know this until recently, that the death zone for plant life is < than and starting at 150PPM and below. We are only 250PPM above the death zone. We need more carbon for our carbon starved world.
Indeed, CO2 is not a pollutant anymore that Oxygen, both needed for complex life to exist. The atmospheric pie chart posted at the top of the essay, which illustrates how CO2 is a very small percentage of the atmosphere, does NOT show water vapor. Water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas, at 95%, while CO2 is 3.618%, most of which is natural.
If you read through that site and look at the charts, man made CO2 is 3.225% of total CO2.
Thus man made CO2 warming effect is calculated by multiplying 3.618% x 3.225%
AGW = (0.03618 x 0.03225) x 100% = 0.166805% = 0.117%
So if we round that number off to one decimal place, human caused warming is 0.1% or a ten of one percent. If we round it off to the nearest integer, it is 0%. IT IS SO SMALL IT IS NOT EVEN MEASURABLE! And don’t forget, we are still in the ice age, and CO2 is not forcing warming, thus the ice age cycle WILL continue regardless of the bullshit we believe.
So because of (a really small number) let’s all kill ourselves to save the planet! C’mon people, vee must reduce CO2 back to pre-industrial times to save the planet. Bill Gates actually says that BTW. Also, someone should tell Al Gore the oceans are not boiling.
BTW everyone, good news, it is snowing again in southern Oregon. Yesterday the mountains surrounding the Rogue valley were covered in snow, this morning as I was outside it was a blizzard. Most definitely, our children WILL know snow. The oceans are not boiling. Whew, I was sure worried when lunatick Al Gore said last year at the Climate conference, that the oceans were boiling. I am sure we would all be dead long before the oceans boil.
The biggest climate dissident website is Watts Up With That (run by Anthony Watts) covered this claim that our children would not know snow.
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” – David Viner, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia (2000)
So why are these fools so wrong? Because the premise, that CO2 going up forces warming, is false. The basic premise of their argument is false, and thus their computer models and calculations are false. Thus their predictions and grandios pronostications fail every single time.
So why are these fools so wrong? Because they’re lying liars!
26 this morning in Central WA, snowing in the hills about 20 miles north of me.
Coldest March in the 12 years I’ve been here.
About 10 degrees F below average here in SoCal this winter.
400 ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, 400/1000000.
You’re looking at 0.0004 parts of carbon dioxide to one part of atmosphere.
Times 100, 0.040 percent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
3.618 percent carbon dioxide is 36,180 ppm of carbon dioxide.
You’re in the Carboniferous Period, 300 million years ago.
Trump Loves Recession!
U of Michigan consumer sentiment has gotten severely whacked over the past three months, driving it down to levels that prevailed during previous recessions. Fugly chart:
Who’s your Orange Hoover Daddy?
While consumer sentiment may be in the shitter, and rightly so, I gave up on believing opaque survey results and indexes a long time ago. Are they actually reflective of public sentiment or are they just created to sway public sentiment in the direction they want?
TK’s garage on youtube is all over this, sounds like you’ll be able to order new vehicles without emissions if I recall what he said correctly and Stellantis is bringing the first Non Emissions (compliant) cars and trucks to the market.
Tides are changing. Its all fast and slow!
‘What the EPA did was to impose regs that only EVs could comply with.’ — eric
Most EVs have no transmission. Even on hydrocarbon-fueled vehicles that do, mechanical linkages have been replaced with drive-by-wire. So designers of cell-phones-on-wheels are playing stupid games with shifters:
‘Sean O’Malley, senior test coordinator at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and his colleagues couldn’t find the gear shifter in Hyundai’s Ioniq 5 sport-utility vehicle. One of them finally spotted it tucked away behind the car’s steering wheel.
“It was definitely not obvious where it was,” O’Malley said.
Today, many cars come outfitted with small joystick shifters, dials, buttons and even touch screen gearshifts. These can flummox people when they get behind the wheel of a car they’ve never driven.
Linda Hoff, 65, rented a Nissan Rogue SUV that had a joystick-like gear selector. Hoff frequently rents different car brands but nonetheless couldn’t figure out how to reverse the car out of its spot.
“I didn’t even know how to drive this damned car,” she said. “So I had to go back to the rental agency and say, ‘Is there a trick here?’” — WSJ
Check out the photos in the article: nothing but unintuitive random letters, dots and arrows (if that) on controls whose function is non-obvious. This is failed user interface design.
DEI did this to us: women and trannies don’t like the phallic shape of the traditional shift lever. So it had to be detumesced into a silly Crystal Sphere, operated by an unseen creature with long, lacquered fingernails [see photo]. This is the targeted vehicle buyer now.
No dogs or men allowed in the car showroom, unless they are Sitzpinklers.
“Detumesced” and “Sitzpinkler” in one post. Nice!
I rented a new Mini Cooper recently. Operating it was just as unintuitive. “Recreating the driving experience” increases the cognitive load on the driver, and I’m certain it contributes to crashes. Perhaps an enterprising class-action lawyer might consider bringing a products liability and negligent design lawsuit.
Actually the transmission shift for most automatics was near the steering wheel for DECADES it was until the late 80s it started to be more common to be in the middle area and superficially resemble more a stick shift. My mom hated that change but it had nothing to with it being “phallic” it was just she was used to the old location.
I don’t care for the dial shift lever particularly but I am also sick to death of the blame game directed at women for these changes. It is mostly GOVERNMENT that is the culprit.
CO2 is good and isnt the problem. Check, no argument there.
But the real issue is that puny humanity can not have a measurable effect on the climate. It literally doesn’t matter if we make vastly more or no CO2, the self regulating system of nature and nature’s god will go on and do what it will.
But all the real advances of the machine age can be lost. 12 hour days of backbreaking miserable, dangerous labor just to eke out a tenuous living and watch your children die of malnutrition and poor sanitation, those conditions can and will return if we allow that evil pagan earth worshipping class to win.
Man cannot affect the climate except locally and temporarily. But he can make life miserable for real people.
Isn’t C02 what plants turn into oxygen, I could swear I remember nurseries pumping c02 into greenhouses to increase plant growth.
And this:
NOAA study says cooking contributes substantially to ozone pollution in L.A. area
No soup for us!
Ah, yes. The prostitute legacy media (actually, UPI is probably a CIA Operation Mockingbird outlet) setting the stage for the regulation of food preparation “emissions.” This will form a pretext for a ban on individuals preparing their own food. Highly processed foods from monopoly producers will be the only option.
Fuck these assholes!
Its crazy how deep the rabbit trail is regarding the mockingbird media. I had a vague idea this was going on. Its probably still ten times more than what Doge has exposed.
Fuck these assholes indeed, and everyone else who protests or complains about having nice things.
I remember calling out some Johnny-come-lately commenters on this site last year that were spewing legacy media talking points. I accused them of being CISA employees. At the time, I thought my suspicions may have been a stretch, but I’m now convinced that were hired propaganda guns employed by CISA or perhaps contractors being paid with USAID or NED money.
You’re not wrong in your suspicions. I always get the feeling its a paid shill when I hear someone spewing, word for word, the current thing/LSM narrative. Most people stupid enough to believe in fairy tales such as CO2 is civilization ending, probably aren’t smart enough to make the points on their own.
Emergency treatment for victim who swallowed MSM BS:
My memory is fuzzy on this, but didn’t California not too long ago propose banning charcoal grills? Anyone out there recall that and what became of it?
And wood stoves. They were requiring catalytic converters on wood stoves and inspector access 20 years ago.
2020 proved people are too dumb to even care about fighting to maintain their own bodily autonomy.
And somehow we now expect them to realize that the CO2 climate scam is a fraud? Climate change has become the new global religion.
Not going to hold my breath. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst.
It’s actually the return of the oldest religions. Where peasants, enemies, and virgins (the young) are sacrificed by a sacred priestly class to propitiate the pagan gods.
Fully agree Ernie.
How often do we see regular contributors here badmouthing Christianity in favor of atheism?
The human mind has an innate desire to worship something, even that means worship of itself (ie a narcissistic tendency) or other pagan religions like climate change.
Bullshit. It isn’t “paganism” it’s the brainwashing of the modern media that was the primary driver of the safety cult. And Christianity has a big “It’s for the CHILDREN “ driver to restrict the choices of adults so it is not innocent either.
Yes, brainwashing propaganda is a big component. But I’m not sure where the hostility to Christianity and children comes from.
A section of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil is being cut down to make a highway for the global elites to attend this year’s COP30 climate summit. If THIS doesn’t definitively PROVE that the whole Climate change thing has been a GIANT SCAM in addition to a GIANT GRIFT for people like John Kerry & Bill Gates, I don’t know what does…..
Will Trump & his EPA head mention to the public what’s being done to the Amazon rainforest for, ironically, a climate summit, because I doubt corporate media will…
Hi John. How can they go on high class junkets if the conference is done over Zoom?
Our “betters” need to meet in person to save the world!!!!!! Or something like that, just wait until you see the menu, no edible insect protein or cockroach milk on that menu.
Hi Landru,
I wonder what Oregon’s Queen, Tina Kotek, has to say about what’s being done to the Amazon after she declared that Oregon will continue with “climate action” after Trump’s EPA announcement.
I suppose we should be grateful they didn’t decide to make a runway so our overlords could land their private jets right there.
Can the global warmers explain how the Bering Strait came to be under water thousands of years ago?
Was that cow farts and cars too?