Latest Radio: Liberty Conspiracy w/Gard Goldsmith 03/22/2025


Here’s the audio of my talk the other day with Gard Goldsmith, who filled in for David Knight. We talked about Elon Man, the taxes styled “tariffs” and – the hot one! – “anti-Semitism, among other things.  My segment begins at about the 2.00 mark:

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  1. ‘Students are considering rescinding their applications to Columbia University after the Trump administration pulled $400 million of the university’s federal funding.

    ‘One student, who already accepted a binding offer to attend the university, said he may take a gap year and apply to other institutions because he fears the name no longer “holds the value it once did”.

    “The brand name has been beyond tarnished and ruined,” Christopher Rim, chief executive of Command Education, told The Telegraph.

    “Two years ago if you got into Columbia you were so happy. Now it’s like, okay, well, what are the other options out there,” he said.

    • Just the fact that ONE, yes, just ONE university is getting 400 million tax payers dollars should be a scandal.

      I sure don’t see 400 million of value of our money coming from giving them that.

      • That’s a damn good point. Why are universities getting any tax funds?

        $400 million per year? That’s a whopping shit ton of money.

  2. Great show and I loved the points made. The IDF is often written as IOF, Israeli Offensive Forces, and likewise the DOD is not a defensive agency (and it used to be called the Department of War). The US-Israel axis of evil is an offensive force, they are offensive to our senses and wage offensive war for the Zionist project. They are also evil as hell, the axis of US-Israel under GWBush, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld blew up the trade towers with a 911 false flag to give themselves permission to blow the shit out the middle east.

    The modern state is an institution of pure evil held together by massive psychological propaganda operation. The enslaved are made to believe they are free. Offensive weapon systems – like bombers that can fly around the globe – are called “stealth” and painted black – so they can attack silently, from above, at night, and lay waste to the “enemy” which are peoples who have resources we covet or are in the way of Greater Israel.

    All these wars and arms mongering have forced other nations to militarize, like Iran. Iran was a sleepy theocracy until we found oil there. Vietnam was rice paddies. Now Iran and Vietnam must arm like modern states just to keep us at bay. The US-Israel axis of evil is exporting an arms race. Iran and Yemen can not develop drones and missiles fast enough. People forget, the Middle East was peaceful until Jews showed up with their Torah books.

  3. ‘the hot one! – “anti-Semitism”‘ — eric

    After Donald Trumpuppet extorted Columbia U. for $400 million, it agreed at gunpoint to make some changes. Among them:

    ‘Face masks or face coverings are not allowed for the purpose of concealing one’s identity. Face masks or face coverings are always allowed for religious or medical reasons.’

    ‘The University’s policies will incorporate the definition of antisemitism recommended by Columbia’s Antisemitism Taskforce in August 2024.’

    ‘The University will appoint new faculty members with joint positions in both the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies and the departments of Economics, Political Science, and School for International and Public Affairs (“SIPA”).’

    ‘We have identified a recent downturn in both Jewish and African American enrollment, and we will closely examine those issues.’

    ‘Advance Columbia’s Tel Aviv Center. Programing for the Columbia Tel Aviv Global Hub will launch in Q2 2025.’

    Not hard to see what happened here: an ethnic mafia, with Donnie Trumpuppet providing the muscle, extorted more spoils for itself.

    At this point, Columbia U. might as well merge with Yeshiva U. farther uptown in Washington Heights. It’s not a serious school anymore.


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