I Am Waiting Patiently For Bob Costas’ Reaction…


Bob Costas had his idiotic rant last Sunday following the incident in which a KC Chief  player murdered his girlfriend and then killed himself.  His focus was the “gun culture” of America and if people weren’t allowed to have guns then the lives of Belcher and his girlfriend wouldn’t have been lost.

Well, there has been another tragic incident involving NFL players.  Read excerpt below.

IRVING, Texas — Dallas Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent was arrested early Saturday morning for intoxication manslaughter after a one-vehicle accident that killed teammate Jerry Brown.

According to Irving police, Brent’s car was traveling at a high rate of speed on a State Highway 114 service road before it hit the outside curb at approximately 2:30 a.m. The car flipped at least one time and skidded an estimated 900 feet before coming to rest in the middle of the service road, police said.

Brent was trying to drag Brown from the vehicle, a Mercedes, which was on fire when officers arrived on the scene. Officers quickly put out the small blaze. Brown was unresponsive and taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Irving police spokesman John Argumaniz said officers conducted a field sobriety test on Brent and arrested him. The charge was upgraded after Brown was pronounced dead.

Full Article –> Josh Brent Arrested for Intoxicated Manslaughter of Jerry Brown.

I am interested in Costas’ stance on this.  He will likely talk about it as a tragedy, which it is.  But will he go on a rant about how professional athletes and the general public shouldn’t be allowed to consume alcohol or drive cars, ever.  Which results in more deaths in the US, automobile accidents or firearms owned by private citizens?  If people weren’t allowed to drive cars at all then Jerry Brown wouldn’t have died, right?  If Bob Costas isn’t a hypocrite and applies the logic (or lack thereof) he used last weekend to this situation then that is the conclusion he should come to, right?

That type of thinking is moronic, just like Costas’ rationale last Sunday.  He is nothing more than a mouthpiece of the powers that be that want private citizens disarmed so they can’t protect themselves.

Up Yours, Costas!!!




  1. One reason why I can’t stand pro football, and most other sports for that matter, is because it is beset with incorrigible douche bags like this murdering asshole Josh Brent. And to make matter’s worse are the Costas of the sports world who couldn’t see their own contradictions even during a beating over the head with them.

    • “the Costas of the sports world who couldn’t see their own contradictions even during a beating over the head with them.”

      No doubt.

      Must be why I thought this other video was half-way nice to see, such a refreshing contrast. Reality vs. Dreamtime.

      Game show “legend” Chuck Woolery holding a self-defense weapon and talking about why:

  2. Although I like Bob Costas for work in reporting sports news, I do think he went too far last week. I do not think it was appropriate for him to air his opinion (which he is entitled to) on gun rights during the telecast.

    I doubt he will call for a ban of car ownership or liquor use.

    Many people are inconsistent in their lives. Although I try to be consistent, I am sure that there are many areas where I am not consistent. I, however, do not try to enforce my views on others.

    • Costas is a multi-millionaire who travels first-class (or private jet) with an entourage and who lives in a secure, gated community (no doubt) and because he’s personally all but immune to crime, can’t fathom why others might want a gun for self defense.

      He probably also shares the PTB view that the hoi polloi (the not-rich, not famous) cannot be trusted with things like guns – or free choice, generally.

      His job is to keep them quiescent via tales of the gaaaaaaaaaaame.


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