It’s Beginning


Here’s a story – hot off the presses – about another “law enforcement” hero experiencing blowback:

WILLIAMSON, W.Va. (AP) — A sheriff known for cracking down on the drug trade in southern West Virginia’s coalfields was fatally shot Wednesday in the spot where he usually parked his car for lunch, a state official said, and a suspect was in custody.

State Police told Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin that Mingo County Sheriff Eugene Crum died of his wounds, said his chief of staff Rob Alsop. The suspect, who was also shot, was taken to a hospital in Logan, Alsop said.

The courthouse was evacuated, streets into the city were blocked off and officers held white sheets around the crime scene, Crum’s body further shielded by two vehicles.

The shooting occurred within a block of the county courthouse, said Office of Emergency Services head dispatcher Willis Spence. Officials planned a news conference for 6 p.m. in the county in the southwest corner of West Virginia, on the border with Kentucky.

Delegate Harry Keith White, who campaigned with Crum last year, said his friend was shot to death in the same place where he parked his car most days to eat lunch, near the site of a former pharmacy known for illegally distributing pills.

Crum led a drug task force and an initiative called Operation Zero Tolerance, making good on a campaign pledge, White said.


Commentary begins:

“Zero tolerance” = pointing guns at anyone who dares to assert his right to put a substance into his body. Not people who have caused harm to others. Just people who partake of substances arbitrarily decreed to be “illegal.” Or who freely exchange them with other consenting adults.

This law enforcer may never have given any thought to the vicious, liberty-abrogating policies he chose to enforce.

Perhaps others will.


  1. In this planet of the apes there are chimps and there are bonobos.

    If you are for gun control, you are a chimp, An animal to be kept at arms length and treated as you would any other predatory animal.
    Bonobos and humans can’t coexist with invading chimps. Nature commands you to defend yourself from rabid chimps. They are of no use to anyone except their fellow infected feral fellows, their deaths will mean little to anyone, if it comes to that.

    It is not just your right to shoot any chimp that comes for your guns and tries to deny you your Constitutional rights.

    It is your bonobo and human duty, to shoot put down any rabid chimps who are trying to deny you from any of your rights.

    It’s that simple. Cops, Soldier, Politicians, International Agents, or their hired Contractors. If any chimp, official or not, comes to your door saying I am here for your guns, how is it not your American duty, to follow the second amendment to its fullest extent.

    Of course, use stealth, be strategic, and don’t let it come to pass that way, so that you can live through the violence via forethought and preparation as best you can, while also effectively dealing with the plague of chimpanzeans that is foisted upon us.

    If you consider yourself an American, and not a chimp, then uphold and protect the constitution from “all” enemies, foreign and domestic.

    – It’s ending, a 100 peaceful productive bonobos or humans are worth more than a 100 million chimps.

  2. drei Streiks = American Nazi Taxslaves fund permanent human confinement camps!

    “Thousands sit in California prisons for life over crimes as trivial as stealing socks” – Our Three Strikes Death Camps

    Read more:

    Who was the Los Angeles County prosecutor who authorized life imprisonment for stealing $2.50 worth of socks? This deserves Nuremberg Trials or worse. And where are the churches of Whittier CA? Did none of them have $2.50 to give to Mervyn’s department store as restitution and to attain mercy for this man?

    Are crimes against humanity continuing under DA Jackie Lacey?

  3. Seattle, WA – Innocent man shot 16 times in his own bed!

    “Since the incident occurred in February, the Kings County Sheriff’s office has taken steps to provide additional trainings to deputies to avoid shooting more innocent civilians in their beds”

    Victim: Dustin Theoharris
    Criminal Cops: Sheriff Steve Strachan, Detective Aaron Thompson, Corrections Officer Kris Rongen, Detective Benjamin Wheeler
    Story Comment:

    Marty West · Top Commenter · Owner-Operator at Honeycreek Kennel

    In our home town. The police went in a mans home looking for a girl that lived next door.
    When he jumped out of bed they shot him dead.
    No one lost their job and nothing was done. 6 years later they gave his wife a $6000 settlement.
    They were in the wrong house, killed an innocent man and got away with it.
    Two years after that. 4 boys, 11-13, were walking up from the river where kids hung out a lot. They took a short cut through the coop lot. Cops were called for suspicious activity.
    They ran up on the boys, screaming hands up. The boys were all standing there with their hands up when a female officer came up from behind and shot one in the head.
    They were all under age, unarmed and hands in the air. She got a minimal suspension then was back to work.

    Cops are horrible, evil people that should not be allowed firearms.

    • They ran up on the boys, screaming hands up. The boys were all standing there with their hands up when a female officer came up from behind and shot one in the head.
      They were all under age, unarmed and hands in the air. She got a minimal suspension then was back to work.

      OK forget what I said earlier about non-violence.

      That were my kid, she’d not be going back to work.

      • These happened in the city where that commenter went to High School:

        Willie Heard, 46, of Osawatomie, Kansas (pop. 4,500) was shot dead in his home on Saturday (2/13), by officers who were enforcing a no-knock search warrant. Officers from the Osawatomie and Paola police departments as well as sheriff’s deputies from Miami County took part in the middle of the night raid.

        The search warrant indicated crack cocaine, pipes, scales and paraphernalia as the items sought, but a search of the house after the shooting, including the use of a drug-sniffing dog, turned up only “two or three” marijuana cigarette butts.

        According to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, the officers announced their identities upon entering and found Mr. Heard in his bedroom with a .22 caliber rifle. Heard’s 16 year-old daughter told the Topeka Capital-Journal that the officers never identified themselves.

        “When they came in, all I heard them say was ‘get down! Freeze!'” she told the Journal. “I screamed, ‘Daddy!’ and I think he thought (I) was in danger. He didn’t know they were police officers, because he wouldn’t hurt a police officer.”

        William Delaney, spokesperson for the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, told The Week Online that his office was just beginning its investigation, but that video and audio tapes of the raid were made by police, which he had not seen yet. Delaney did confirm that none of the items specified by the warrant were found in the home.

        Dick Kurtenbach, executive director of the Missouri chapter of the ACLU, told The Week Online that the judgment shown by the Kansas police was questionable.

        “For some reason, the police in this case felt that it was necessary to enter the home at 1:30 in the morning, when the family was sleeping, on a no-knock warrant. Mr. Heard, one would have to assume, thought that his home was being violated and grabbed his rifle to defend it, for which he was shot to death. On top of that, it would appear that the evidence with which the police attained the warrant was faulty as they found none of what they were looking for. No cocaine, no cocaine paraphernalia, just traces of smoked marijuana.”

        – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

        Man, 32, dies after police use stun gun on him

        A neighbor told KCTV5 that she watched Maupin fight four officers hard before they deployed the Taser. The neighbor, Sandra Buckley, said just one officer fired once. She said while the man was in handcuffs that he complained he couldn’t breathe. The man then collapsed and attempts to resuscitate him failed.

        Buckley said she didn’t see officers punch or kick the man.

        “It was sad this happened but I don’t think police were at fault at all. I think they did the best they could,” she said.

        • The “no knock” thing is indefensible in terms of criminalizing the response of the people within.

          Even if the person inside is accused of some horrible crime (leaving aside the fact that they rarely are; it’s usually some bullshit “drug” thing) they have no been convicted and thus are entitled to the presumption of innocence. Which means they are not yet prisoners in a prison subject to being rousted from sleep at night. Which means, they have a right to react in the way that any human being is apt to act upon hearing unknown people smash into his house in the middle of the might. He has every right to defend himself. To expect the person to go inert and make no effort to defend himself is ridiculous and unreasonable.

          But “unreasonable” no longer computes. Not when it conflicts with “officer safety.”

          Which amounts to a license to kill.

          • Back in the late seventies in Portland, Or., the cops did a similar bust while in plain clothes, this time a cop was shot dead. The shooter was charged, but the courts found in his favor. But, several years later, the cops got their revenge in a trumped up bust and killed the guy.

      • That were my kid, she’d not be going back to work.

        Yup, eggs-actly. This is why I take very serious issue with Bill Anderson’s article posted on yesterday’s LRC concerning the prosecutor slayings. Bill contends that these douchebags were absolutely NOT killed as acts of revenge on the part of some average citizen whom they fucked over, since “law abiding” citizens apparently have neither the means, the inner strength, nor the will to “do such a terrible thing.”


        If I had my life, or a loved one’s life destroyed by a cop or a prosecutor, I would make it the mission of every remaining waking moment of my life to make such a person a corpse, if they murdered one of my loved ones, or to irreversibly destroy their oxygen-thieving life if they did anything short of murder. The idea that all of us are going to remain compliant robots in the face of criminal injustice is just plain idiotic. Bill ordinarily knows better. Not sure what was up with him this time.

    • This police in this country have become a joke.

      Would that this were true. Jokes don’t kill people; swine do. Far from being a joke, they’re the biggest threat to peace, life, and liberty this country has witnessed since the days of the British Redcoats.

      • Ah, but liberranter–just look at what ONE ill-trained and even worse-planned vigilante…Dorner…did to half of California’s Perky Porcines. Sent them into a panty-wadded tizzy of delirious hysteria!

        Look what a few Mexican mafia have done to prosecutors in Texas; they’re skulking around with phalanxes of guards.

        There’s one thing the 2nd Amendment has done for us–it’s preserved a healthy sense of fear in the parasite class.

        • There’s one thing the 2nd Amendment has done for us–it’s preserved a healthy sense of fear in the parasite class.

          Perhaps. I’ll sleep and breathe easier when that sense of fear turns to one of abject terror.

  4. Yep, Ferret. The absence of further mention of the “suspect” would tend to indicate that some innocent bystander was shot down by panic stricken “first responders” and routinely tagged as a suspect.

    Surely, if they had an actual suspect, that would have been the main focus of the article. They probably don’t have a clue.

    The sheriff made some enemies, it would appear.

    • “The sheriff made some enemies, it would appear.”

      Dom and I were talking about this last night. I mentioned my college-era pot bust and how that experience gave me tremendous personal empathy for people whose lives are ruined… not by arbitrarily illegal drugs, but by arbitrary laws and those who enforce them. I came this close to having my life ruined… not for any harm I had caused to anyone, but because I (a 19-year-old kid) got caught growing pot plants. It’s ok to cart 15 kegs of beer to a frat party… but grow some plants… and:

      I was arrested and jailed and charged with felony production with intent to distribute a “controlled” substance. Upon conviction, I faced years in prison. A permanent felony record. Forever.

      Game Over.

      Luckily, I got out of it – charges reduced to a misdemeanor and “disappeared” after a year of “good behavior.” But probably only because I was a middle class white kid. I knew that millions of others were not so lucky. And did have their lives ruined. Over nothing.

      Imagine how that might make you feel toward “law enforcement” officers…. .

      • It must never be forgotten, They choose to transform a vice into a crime. Never concede that they have succeeded. Always point out that those who enact laws to harvest financial windfalls by legal plunder are primarily responsible for the death of Eugene Crum, and no one else.

        They are a suicidal and homicidal cult who endanger and kill countless innocents in an effort to make their morality plays a reality. They are the ones who are negligent traitors to their fellows.

        They are the ones who let the shadowy Rothschilders in through the back door. They will be held to account, the ones who take 30 pieces of silver so the Banksters can eagerly harvest the corpses and prisoners. To grow ever fatter and richer through their dark art alchemies that convert fountains of human blood and misery into fountains of gold and future debt bondage for our children’s children.

        Eugene Crum – Campaign Ad For Sheriff of Mingo County

        • It must never be forgotten, They choose to transform a vice into a crime.

          EXACTLY. Porky chose to become an enforcer of immoral, arbitrary, destructive laws. Porky chose to embark upon a “career” path that compelled him to exercise lethal violence against those who had done NOTHING to cause harm to others. Porky chose, as Dom pointed out in the first post on this thread, to live by the sword (or the gun, as the case was here). It should therefore surprise –and upset– no one that Porky ultimately died by the sword.

          Sane, intelligent human beings would take note of Porky’s fate and adapt their behavior and codes of personal conduct accordingly. Unfortunately, sane and intelligent human beings appear to be in very short supply.

          • Yep, these people choose to join police forces, and they choose to remain even after it’s obvious that their job is to harass and persecute the general population at the behest of morally retarded politicians and bureaucrats.

            I don’t mourn the ones who die nor do I sympathize with any of their so-called hardships. They are willingly doing a job that need not be done, and indeed should not be done.

            The people don’t need the police, nor do we need a standing army. They are necessary only to the ruling class and they serve nobody else.

      • When I was 18, I was entrapped by a gang of GBI agents in Atlanta, and arrested on two felony counts of trafficking hashish. They picked me up hitchhiking and I had no drugs on me, they made me go into an apartment and buy drugs for them, from someone I had never met, then arrested me. It ruined my life.

        After serving 2 years probabtion (thanks to a defense attorney who agreed to let me pay him in installments), I was left with an adult felony record that kept me from any really meaningful employment for another 18 years, when the governor of Georgia issued a blanket pardon for all the victims of that GBI program of 1970-72.

        One thing I gained from that experience was a total awareness of the true nature of the “justice system”, especially cops and prosecutors.

        From the day of my arrest, to this day, I have an absolute distrust of cops, judges, prosecutors and politicians. I won’t presume to take revenge on any of them who harmed me, but I won’t mourn when any of them suffer vengeance at the hands of their victims.

        42 years hasn’t been enough to make me forget the lesson I learned. I’ve related that lesson to my daughter and to other young family members, and I hope they take it to heart, because the system has gotten worse and more unforgiving since 1970.

        • Jesus, Ed… that’s rough. But, unfortunately, far from uncommon.

          I’ve rolled it around in my head a lot: What sort of person could do such a thing to another? To (as in your case) a kid? Fuck them up – for years, maybe for life – just because they can. Just because they have “authority.”

          I came to realize that these people are the same as the people who joined Stalin’s NKVD and Hitler’s various equivalents and all such organizations throughout recorded time. They are sadists and psychopaths, dead inside. Beings who derive pleasure from the suffering of others – or who are simply not capable of feeling or caring about the suffering of others. So long as said suffering in some way benefits them.

          Then, something clicked in my head – and I went cold. Toward them. Just as they regard us as valueless things to be exploited, abused, toyed with and tormented at their whim, so I lost any empathy for them. People who engage in such “work” have forever been stricken from the rolls of humanity.

          Their is no forgiveness, no forgetting.

  5. I find it interesting that the narrative reads, “The suspect, who was also shot, was taken to a hospital in Logan…”. If they didn’t just pop some random shady-looking character near the scene of the crime and actually had the one who pulled the trigger, you know damn well the media would be incessantly repeating the perp’s first, middle, and last name interspersed with the word “assassin”.

    “…officers held white sheets around the crime scene, Crum’s body further shielded by two vehicles.”

    We can’t have the sheeple seeing that their rulers are actually mortal and bleed the same red as they do, now can we?

    • I find it interesting that the narrative reads, “The suspect, who was also shot, was taken to a hospital in Logan…”. If they didn’t just pop some random shady-looking character near the scene of the crime and actually had the one who pulled the trigger, you know damn well the media would be incessantly repeating the perp’s first, middle, and last name interspersed with the word “assassin”.

      Excellent point! Why, indeed, are they not splashing the “suspect’s” every last life detail across the press, trying, convicting, and preparing him for execution? His name, his address, his age, any sordid detail of his background that would paint the picture of a person clearly guilty of the crime even before arraignment takes place. None of this seems to be present in this story. What gives?

    • Ferret, Hush! You do NOT speak of the Exalted Ones, oh Mundane!

      They do not Bleed. They do not Suffer. Their exalted Bodies must not be Seen.

      Perhaps they’ll hang the blood-stained sheets in the county courthouse like the Shroud of Turin? Will they bury him behind a conveniently round rock, to be rolled aside in the dead of night by his (whoopsie!) lovers on the force?

      I love my dead gay cop.

      Anyway, as delicious as this is, we must NOT be seduced into instigating violence guys. It’s what they want, what they’ve been preparing for these many years. Don’t attack your enemy at their point of greatest strength–with the frontal assault they’re salivating for and goading us into.

      No, subtlety, friends.


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