TWA 800: The Truth Comes Out


TWA Flight 800 Investigators Claim the Official Crash Story Is a Li

A new film claims the official government report on the crash of TWA Flight 800 in 1996 is an elaborate fabrication, but the most shocking part of the story is that charges are being leveled by some of the very investigators who put the report together. Six experts who appear in the film were members of the National Transportation Safety Board investigation team that concluded the crash was an accident, but they now claim they were silenced by their superiors. The movies, “TWA Flight 800” will debut on EPIX TV next month, on the 17-year anniversary of the crash.

TWA Flight 800 was en route from JFK Airport in New York to Paris, France, when it exploded and crashed off the coast of Long Island, killing all 230 people on board. From the very beginning, there were some who speculated that the plane was the victim of a terrorist attack, leading the FBI to conduct its own criminal investigation. Among the possibilities that were suggested as the cause were a bomb in the cargo hold, or an anti-aircraft missile. Several witnesses even claimed they saw an object or streak of light that looked liked a missile or rocket moving toward the plane before it exploded.

The final NTSB reported said that faulty wiring connected to a central fuel tank caused a blast that destroyed the fuesalage, however, there were still many skeptics and conspiracy theorists who have long doubted that official story. In one particularly famous example, Pierre Salinger, a former Press Secretary for President John Kennedy and reporter for ABC News, claimed he’d seen proof that the U.S. Navy shot down the plane and then covered it up.

Now, those theories are likely to get a new airing, thanks to accident investigators who worked on the TWA 800 case, but say they were not allowed to speak up at the time of the official report. The experts include NTSB and TWA accident investigators, who say they are only able to speak up now that they are retired. According their statements in the film, they believe the official explanation is wrong and the damage was caused by an explosion that came from outside the plane.

The filmmakers won’t speculate on what could have caused such an explosion, and haven’t yet offered up evidence to support their theory (you’ll have to watch on July 17), but they are asking the NTSB to re-open the investigation. Whether or not that happens, or even if a follow-up reaches the same conclusions as the original, this new film will ensure that the alternate theories and claims up a cover will probably never be put to rest.


  1. The brother of a friend was a witness- probably the CLOSEST witness- as he was out in a boat. Day it happened, he told his fambly he saw an object heading from the vicinity of the former Grumman facility to the plane.

    He told the Feds…they told him to keep his mouth shut. He did- never spoke of it again to ANYONE. Now he works for DHS.

    Feeling safe yet?

  2. The US Navy was conducting live test firings of SAMs at the time. My dad was a ww2 navy man, and even he accused the navy of shooting it down.

  3. Many witnesses to the accident had seen a “streak of light” that was usually described as ascending, moving to a point where a large fireball appeared, with several witnesses reporting that the fireball split in two as it descended toward the water. There was intense public interest in these witness reports and much speculation that the reported streak of light was a missile that had struck TWA 800, causing the airplane to explode.

    These witness accounts were a major reason for the initiation and duration of the FBI’s criminal investigation. Approximately 80 FBI agents conducted interviews with potential witnesses daily. No verbatim records of the witness interviews were produced; instead, the agents who conducted the interviews wrote summaries that they then submitted. Witnesses were not asked to review or correct the summaries. Included in some of the witness summaries were drawings or diagrams of what the witness observed.

    Within days of the crash the NTSB announced its intent to form its own witness group and to interview witnesses to the crash. However, after the FBI raised concerns about non-governmental parties in the NTSB’s investigation having access to this information and possible prosecutorial difficulties resulting from multiple interviews of the same witness, the NTSB deferred and initially neither interviewed nor re-interviewed witnesses to the crash.

    The NTSB’s conclusions about the cause of the TWA 800 disaster took four years and one month to be published. The FBI’s earliest investigations and interviews, later used by the NTSB, were performed under the assumption of a missile attack, a fact noted in the NTSB’s final report. Six months into the investigation, the NTSB’s chairman, Jim Hall, was quoted as saying, “All three theories—a bomb, a missile or mechanical failure—remain.”

    Speculation was fueled in part by early descriptions, visuals, and eyewitness accounts of this jet disaster, including a sudden explosion and trails of fire in the sky; particularly, trails of fire moving in an upward direction.
    The two most prevalent specific theories around TWA 800 are that of a terrorist bomb on board, or a missile striking the plane (attributed by some to American armed forces and by others to non-state actors). Those supporting these alternative explanations for the crash typically claim that the NTSB’s explanation was created as a cover-up; that the NTSB did not investigate sufficiently; or that the NTSB did not have all the evidence it should have had to reach the correct conclusion.


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