4 Questions for Supporters of a Strike Against Syria


Saw this over on infowars.com.
Washington’s Blog
September 8, 2013

Ask anyone still thinking of supporting an attack on Syria to explain why the U.S. started supporting the Syrian opposition years before any uprising had occurred there.

And ask them to explain why 4-Star General Wesley Clark was told – right after 9/11 – that Pentagon officials planned to attack 7 countries in 5 years … including Iraq, Libya and Syria:

I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you’ve got to come in and talk to me a second.” I said, “Well, you’re too busy.” He said, “No, no.” He says, “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September.


So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”

And ask them why this planning of regime change in Syria and 6 other countries started by 1991 at the latest:

It came back to me … a 1991 meeting I had with Paul Wolfowitz.


In 1991, he was the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy – the number 3 position at the Pentagon. And I had gone to see him when I was a 1-Star General commanding the National Training Center.


And I said, “Mr. Secretary, you must be pretty happy with the performance of the troops in Desert Storm.”

And he said: “Yeah, but not really, because the truth is we should have gotten rid of Saddam Hussein, and we didn’t … But one thing we did learn [from the Persian Gulf War] is that we can use our military in the region – in the Middle East – and the Soviets won’t stop us. And we’ve got about 5 or 10 years to clean up those old Soviet client regimes – Syria, Iran, Iraq – before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us.”

(Skip to 3:07 in the following video)

And ask them why the US and British governments considered using a false flag attack 50 years ago to topple the Syrian regime.

There are many other good questions as well, such as:

– Why would we attack when bombing Syria will only strengthen the hardliners … and harmAmerica’s national security?

– Why attack when the top U.S. military commander says that an attack would be both risky and expensive, and he can’t even say why we’d go to war with Syria?

– Why attack when everyone from troops and military officers to Pentagon war planners all oppose an attack on Syria ?

– Why attack when Congress members who have seen the classified intelligence aren’t even convincedthat the Syrian government used chemical weapons?

– Why attack when the U.S. and Britain have used chemical weapons in the last 10 years … and the U.S. supported the largest chemical weapons attack in history?

– Why attack when the attack itself would be a larger war crime even than chemical weapons use (herehere and here)?


  1. Back on track with the a response to the Syria article above. I find it quite interesting that Wes Clark would detail all of these things when he himself nearly brought us to blows with the Russians during our Kosovo adventure. Anyone remember that one? Seems had it not been for the refusal of a British officer to follow orders and elliminate the Russians, who’d captured a strategic airbase ole Wes was hankering for, we’d have had a major incident. Thank god they didn’t listen. As a British general said, “”I’m not going to start the third world war for you”


  2. What I like about the interweb is that it pretty much never forgets.

    Putting this video in front of people seems to make them pause.

      • Make them show you the package insert that has to be in the box with the injections. Look at the documented side effects & contra-indications. Will scare the sh*t out of you. Manufacturers are also immune from product liability when you or your kid gets screwed up, thanks to our elected overlords. I will risk the flu, thank you.

        I asked my longtime pharmacist friend what he had in his pharmacy that would cure me of anything. He laughed and said nothing, every medication is there to suppress something and keep you from complaining. He said It is all about my immune system functioning properly, and only your body can repair itself. That is done with food and exercise.

    • In re that: I just read a story about a Merck scientist stating that live viruses were part and parcel of many of the vaccines – the end product, the stuff they inject into you – that he worked on, back in the day.

  3. I don’t trust the bastards on either side of the aisle in DC. When they fear their corpus may attain room temperature then and only then do they act in our interest.

  4. Too many moving parts for the ADHD to process between Call of Duty and the next Twitter message. If not today then soon. Syria is on the “must do” list.

    • My daughter plays games on the computer at school. She learned about a new game called Math Blaster (http://www.mathblaster.com/). Damn thing keeps asking us to get a membership. I had a look and it wanted my credit card number to join for a month. I don’t have a problem paying $8 for a month to let my kid play, but I rather not tie my CC number to it. I saw the option to use a game card purchased from Walmart on there. So I pick her up a $25 game card and spent the last two hours trying to get the shit to work on the site. Basically I’m out $25 and the kid is still playing the game in “Guest” mode and not “Member.” Games suck!

        • I’m only 36 and my kid is 7, but the difference between how I felt as a kid consumer and how she feels as a kid consumer is astonishing. For instance, when I’d get a toy or a game I’d be completely satisfied with it for a good amount of time. For my daughter, she’s never satisfied with the toys or games she gets. I don’t know what the problem is. I’m guessing there are multiple issues. Also, it seems like all the modern cartoons and toys for kids suck and are super expensive!

          • Dude! I’m 51 and have seen the transition from products that actually had some sort of shelf life beyond the immediate. The stuff today is constantly crippled and filled with “hooks” to demand further payments and to suck you into their ever shortening time frame matrix. For those who constantly stare at their so-called “smart” phones and nary know how to keep a conversation going it’s absolutely normal. For me? It’s like dealing with lobotomized ferrets.

          • People are like zombies with their smart phones. I do have one, but use it as an accessory/convince should be. I see entire crowds of people just staring at their phones like.. Zombies!

            I just don’t get it!

            I need to try harder with my kid to get her (and us) out of the crappy toy loop. We don’t have cable TV, so that’s a pretty good start. The biggest problem we have is her peers and their toys.

            • The social pressure on adults to stare at/tap the screen of dey sail fawn all day long is enormous – I can’t even fathom how much pressure to have/use these infernal gadgets there must be on kids. Which, no doubt, explains why they’re all – the ones I see/encounter – always either on dey fawn or texting or avoiding even a moment’s introspective thought via the expedient of playing some vacuous game on the got-damned thing.

          • Dear dom,

            “I see entire crowds of people just staring at their phones like.. Zombies!”

            You just described a street scene in Taipei, on Taiwan.

            I’d send you a photo, but I don’t have a “smart phone.”

            It’s a reflection of the social psychology behind the “Zombie Apocalypse” explosion in the entertainment media. “The masses” have indeed been acting like zombies.

            If the SHTF, the chaos that ensues will likely be very similar to what is depicted in “The Walking Dead.” No accident at all.

          • Try an experement. Ask her to make/ think/ imagine her play time using ordinary houshold objects. Like the old rag dolls & mom’s cups & saucers or cowboys & indians with figers sticks & stuff.

            Today the psych pressure is to not think, and be a short term ” I want it” consumer of whatever 2-3 second flash your exposed to. That will always leave you wanting the next stimulation, which results in not developing your imagination. I see it in every movie and TV show.

          • If the SHTF, the chaos that ensues will likely be very similar to what is depicted in “The Walking Dead.” No accident at all.

            Shoot, should I get the flu shot this season?

            I have the past two of the three years since my kid started school and haven’t been sick once. Her first year in preschool I got sick for the first time in a decade.

            • No flu shot, mang!

              Even leaving aside the other issues (and there are several significant ones) the shot only targets a given strain of flu. So, you’re not immunized against the other strains.

              This is anecdotal – and your mileage may vary – but:

              I haven’t had a serious cold in years.

              I attribute this to generally good lifestyle practices – in particular, not eating the shit “food” they sell at the supermarket and also to getting plenty of physical exercise.

          • Flu shot? Last one I had was in 1987, which was (not so?) coincidentally the last time I had the flu. Adequate levels of vitamin D are far more effective, and less dangerous, than the crap offered by the government/pharmaceutical cabal.

          • Dom said “I need to try harder with my kid to get her (and us) out of the crappy toy loop. We don’t have cable TV, so that’s a pretty good start. The biggest problem we have is her peers and their toys.”

            No need to go live in the wilderness. I like my apps & such too. Just be aware of the “matix” and educate her too. It will become real obvious once you stand back and realize it. It is hiding in plain sight.

  5. Those are excellent questions, Dom. Too many people in this country are still too willing to “trust their government” and shut off their brains when reasonable questions like these are raised. But it feels as if the winds are slowly shifting in our favor.


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