Hero Says: “You Should Be Happy” About Checkpoints


Would you feel safer living having to cross a checkpoint multiple times a week when going to work, or to the store, or to visit friends?

St. Lawrence County Sheriff


  1. Key words are “federal grant”. Makes every police chief & sheriff a slave toadie to the Janet Napolitao federalized police DHS agency. That is what people should be chipping away at their local officials to stop, and return local control.

    Three passes by a Border Patrol “alien” sniffing dog? Where do I buy one? Proof that illegal alien discovery is not on their list of things to look for.

  2. Would I feel safer living having to cross a checkpoint multiple times a week when going to work, or to the store, or to visit friends?

    Heck, I’ve felt that was the case ever since they put up all those city-wide CCTV cameras all over town. My “papers” are in plain sight on the front of my car. And now, with facial recognition, they don’t even have to expend the manpower to track the average person.

    The bastards.

    I spoke up here locally when they first did it, only to get shouted down, “Get used to it! It’s here to stay!” I was told, repeatedly.

    It was then that I first knew: we are all surrounded by the walking brain-dead.

    I saw a zombie chick-flick film recently (somewhat humorous, especially the backstage bits on DVD) where the zombies “changed” back into humans.

    Imagine that?

    Warm Bodies


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