

The following was submitted by love-him-longtime EPautos regular, Tor Libertarian: 

Anarchology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by members of Libertarian author Eric Peters’ Libertarian forum, beginning in 2006 as a successor to his earlier self-administered, self-help system, The Clover Cleanse.

Peters’ regular contributors characterized Anarchology as an established religion, a proto-science, a proto-philosophy, and a holistic way of earning a living and enjoying a life well-lived. In 2016 Anarchology was incorporated the as the Church of Anarcholoy with the Virginia State Corporation Commission with the state of pic

Anarchology teaches that people are independent beings who have forgotten their true nature. Its method of spiritual rehabilitation is a type of counselling known as Clover Cleansing, in which practitioners aim to consciously re-experience painful or traumatic encounters with authority in their past in order to free themselves of the limiting effects of aggressions and threats.

Study materials and auditing sessions are made available to members on a fee-for-service basis, which the church describes as a “fixed donation.” Anarchology is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religion in the United States, South Africa, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Canada, and Italy; the Church of Anarchology emphasizes this as proof that it is a bona fide religion.

In contrast, from a legal standpoint, the organization is considered a commercial enterprise in the Taiwan Province of China, the Basel Canton of Switzerland, in secte in both France and Chile, and a non-profit in Norway, and Australia. Its legal classification is often a point of contention.

A large number of organizations overseeing the application of Anarchology have been established, the most notable of these being the Church of Anarchology. Anarchology sponsors a variety of individual self-help self-service programs.

These include the Throw Pharmaceuticals In The Woods anti-prescription drug program, the Throw Government In The Woods government and wage earning dependence rehabilitation program, the Gnome Sayin education methodology, the Voluntarist Ministers, the World Institute of Anarchology Enterprises, and a set of moral guidelines expressed in a booklet called The Shop Manual of Self-Ownership.clover lead

Anarchology is one of the most controversial new religious movements to have arisen in the 21st century. The church is often characterized as a Libertarian cult, and it has faced harsh scrutiny for many of its practices, which, critics contend, include jargonized language training, laissez faire brainwashing, and encouraging seditious and treasonous acts by its members, as well as attacking its critics and perceived enemies with psychological abuse, character assassination, and hate-filled, profanity laden rants.

In response, Anarchologists have argued that theirs is a genuine religious movement that has been misrepresented, maligned, and persecuted. The Church of Anarchology has consistently used litigation against its critics, and its aggressiveness in pursuing its foes has been condemned as cyberstalking bordering on statutory defamation and harassment.

Further controversy has focused on Anarchology’s teaching that souls sometime reincarnate and have lived in other realities and sometimes other worlds before presently living on Earth and that some of the most sought after teachings and techniques are not revealed to practitioners until after they have paid thousands of dollars to the Church of Anarchology.boot worship

Another controversial belief held by Anarchologists is that all governments and all official institutions of authority are destructive and abusive and must be abolished, wherever peacefully possible.

A short list of some of the major teachings and techniques include:

Get out of the shadows. Anarchology promotes a new conception of time as a measure of change and growth. The old conceptions of time involving days and nights based on the earth casting a shadow when facing away from the sun is too limiting, terrestrial-centric, and helio-centric. All history and records are obsolete, and need to be rewritten or discarded to fit the knew Anarchological reality. There is no need to place undue demands and regimented schedules on others, unless absolutely required and necessary for survival. Or agreed to for any purpose in a voluntarily signed and executed contract for specific performance.

Knowing your place. Anarchology promotes a new conception of location as a designation meaningful to each individual. The old conceptions of east and west, nations and landmarks, and all prior global grid coordinates involving directions and arbitrary measures are discarded because they are too limiting, authoritarian, open to abuse, and inflexible. Each person must deal with facts and circumstances as another individual wishes them to be organized and maintained. Their is a single objective reality, but unlimited ways of accessing and maintaining that one objective factual reality.

Physician heal thyself. Anarchology believes each of us is our own doctor, and every other kind of expert and technician. Each practitioner and adherent is fully responsible for their own physical and mental well-being. There is no blame or delegation as most of humanity understands it. In every case there is at least something you can do. And as a result of such limited ability to act, one must agree that no one is a victim of anything. And there is no such thing as chance, fate, or the acts of nature or god.

Be yourself. Anarchology allows each individual to create and coordinate as many usernames and identities as they feel is needed. Whether systematically integrated or completely anonymously independent. Anarchologists incorporate as often as they like for whatever reasons they deem necessary, though always remembering that is they alone who retain full benefits and full responsibilities for each and every incorporation of themselves.

Try new things. Experiment and discover new things, be Guinea People. Be Guinea Habitat Providers and Caregivers. Live in new and unique ways. Let live and help thrive, assist those who are likewise trying new things and exploring new personal frontiers. So long as all matters are under one’s own terms and conditions, Anarchologists will give revocable consent to try out various philosophies, cultures, systems, religions, and beliefs.

Unlike other statist and mundane polities, Anarchologists live in a not yet fully defined space and require living in places without unifying ideologies or officially imposed doctrines.

Anarchology is about ideas. And the next big thing. And the old ways that have always worked and must be continued. And the next small joy and victory. And the perpetual cycles of birth and death and sense perception and finding meaning. And gain and loss. And the unrestricted and un-ending pursuit of new and exciting experiences, and the usual old and established joys and wonders as well.


  1. Thai Lady Says Chinese Tourists In Korea Have No Manners. #firstworldproblems.

    Thai celebrity Duangjai Phichitamphon’s rant about the unruly behavior of Chinese tourists at a Korean airport has gone viral, sparking furious online debate and condemnation by the media in Thailand.

    Although I’m not quite sure why she is famous, at present she has close to 130,000 followers on Facebook. After uploading this to social media platforma, it was not long before the video rant reached a large audience.
    – – –

    On a clear day I can only see a few miles to the mountainous horizon, but on a clear night I can see millions of light years into the past.
    – – –

    On Earth, there’s no awareness of the horizon’s curvature. But the moon is only 1/4th the size of the Earth. The horizon there is much closer than you’re used to, on the moon you’d feel a bit disoriented. – Here’s some horizons on different planets,,,
    – – –

    Life in Baghdad: Joy Amid the Chaos of Total Fiat Banking Funded War

  2. Submissions Guideline

    You are welcome to submit an article or comment for publication. I don’t want to waste your time, however, and I don’t want you to waste mine, so please follow these guidelines when writing and submitting:

    I am usually extremely busy and don’t have time to edit. If you follow these guidelines, however, I won’t need to.

    I accept submissions on a variety of subjects, but I am most likely to accept something if it is consistent with the site’s theme of weaning oneself of statism and collectivism, or discusses vehicles and related subjects.

    Break new ground with your comments. If you simply recite a list of well-known facts (remember that readers here are well-informed), that is not of much use. I am looking for original thoughts, ideas, insights and observations. Use of humor, sarcasm, irreverence and wit is strongly encouraged.

    Do not submit boring tomes that say nothing. Make your paragraphs interesting, funny or outrageous, but never dull.

    Please double check your work (both manually and using a word processing program) for spelling, grammar, punctuation (especially commas), spacing (one space between words, one or two between sentences) and readability. Try to avoid using the passive voice and the verb “to be.”

    Please ensure that all of your hyperlinks work.

    Do not use platitudes or frequently used quotes in your work.

    If your work is longer than three pages, the longer it is, the less likely I am to accept it. It should, however, be at least one page long. Please do not send me very long works unless they are broken down into parts of three pages or less.

    Please ensure whatever you send is the final draft. Please do not decide to make revisions to your work after you have submitted it. Proofread it before you submit it.

    I reserve the right to edit for grammar and readability, but if it’s well-written, I won’t need to.

    You remain the owner of your work, but you grant me a perpetual right to publish it on my site. You can always publish your work later on your own personal website or in a book.

    It is up to you to promote your work. After I publish your writing, please write to other websites and ask them to link to (not re-publish) your submission. You can also post a link to your submissions in forums and on blogs.

    You can dramatically increase the number of people who read your work by promoting it in this way. This will also increase the number of visitors to this site as well as the amount of donations I receive, which will allow me to further improve this website. Please remember that after I publish your work, you’ve still got some legwork to do if you want a lot of people to read it. I’ll provide the soapbox, but you have to provide the megaphone.

  3. The answer is right in front of you, I’m sure.

    I’ve been a dual personality my whole life, so I don’t share your issues. In real life, everyone knows my Eloi side. If I get really drunk, I get really goofy, but I still don’t reveal my other private side. I’m extremely sturdy, but I don’t even fight back on an equal level. I don’t consider what others know of me to be the “real” me, so I don’t care what happens to my supposed trophies and loved ones all that desperately.

    My Morlock troglodyte side. I’ve tried unleashing him in part online, but I don’t even know how to describe him. I take him out like Mr Hyde but under a pseudonym and pseudo coverstory that’s untraceable. Well I used to, its a luxury at this stage.

    That’s the side that can do things. Understand things. That’s all I’ve really ever cared about. That’s all that really matters to me. I don’t wish any ill to Elois, or to my own Eloi side, but I don’t really care what happens to them or their world either. They’re not whats real, IMHO.

    My Eloi side, go ahead and RFID him. Surveil him. Judge him and Socially Bind him as you will. Winston Smith is at their mercy. But Winston Jones. Or Winston Wesson. Whatever name fits my Morlock side. Well, that’s a different matter the inner party can’t even fathom, I’m fairly certain That’ll always be mine.

  4. We are witnessing nothing less than a societal transformation that ultimately nobody will be able to avoid. It is the kind of sea change that can only be compared with 19th century industrialization, but it is happening much faster this time. Just as the change from hand work to mass production dramatically changed our society over 100 years ago, the digital revolution isn’t just altering specific sectors of the economy, it is changing the way we think and live.

    Tomorrowland: How Silicon Valley Is Shaping The Future

  5. Libertarians fancy themselves radicals, and yet their rallying cry can be reduced to “You’re not the boss of me!” – DAVID MASCIOTRA,

    4 More Victims Come Forward From Chicago Black Site Prison

    Heroes crack down on Little Free Library neighborhood book lending

    • Great posts, Tor. The one about little free libraries is one that SHOULD be satire. And the one from Salon? How can seemingly intelligent people think that way. There IS no collective! Because no 2 people have the same interests (or beliefs).

  6. Latest ski injury data from Scotland

    Number of admissions to emergency room for head injuries

    Exercise/Health Club 18,012

    Winter Sports (Skiing, Snowboarding etc) 16,948

    Is Skiing the World’s Most Dangerous Sport

    49% of injured snowboarders were beginners compared to 18% of skiers. Wrist and ankle injuries are far more likely among snowboarders while skiers are more likely to damage their knees during a fall.

    Overall though, snowboarding carries a higher risk of injury and, according to Professor Michael Henrie at the University of Utah, has become more dangerous – Henrie found that there were 6.97 snowboarding injuries per 1,000 visits in 2001.

    Skiing is loads of fun, but is it safe?

    There are about 200 million skiers and 70 million snowboarders worldwide.

    “As with any recreational activity, however, it is impossible to completely remove all elements of risk when participating in snow sports.”

    Alpine, or downhill, skiing has an injury rate of about two injuries for every 1,000 ski days. Snowboarders have an injury rate of about three to five injuries for every 1,000 days on the slope.

    Fatality rates are also relatively low, at about 0.71 deaths per million ski days and 0.46 deaths per million snowboard days.

    More surprising is who is at risk of death and where. Experienced male skiers on moderate groomed runs are those at highest risk.

    Deaths are rarely on the easiest or most difficult slopes, according to research by Jasper Shealy, a professor emeritus at the Rochester Institute of Technology who has tracked ski injuries and deaths for more than 30 years.

    Deaths are regular events in the sense that they are not random, they typically occur to a very specific subgroup of the population.

    “Previous research has shown that males are more likely to die trauma deaths than are females; skiers more likely to die than snowboarders; skilled participants more likely to die than less skilled; death is rare on beginner terrain; and there is no evidence that the incidence rate of death is changing.”

    The study found that fewer than one death in 10 was on a green run and only 3.5 per cent were on double black runs.

    There were 854 known fatalities from trauma between January 1978 and the winter of 2004-2005.

  7. Electrical Engineering Purity Test

    0 Have you ever discharged a capacitor?
    1 Done 0 twice in one day?
    10 Done 0 with your tongue?
    11 Have you ever doped silicon?
    100 Done 11 with someone else?
    101 Done 11 with two or more people?
    110 Done 11 with someone without knowing their name?
    111 Have you ever tweaked a resistor? (oh, that’s so sexy…)
    1000 Have you ever blown up an electrolytic capacitor?
    1001 Done 1000 while an animal watched?
    1010 Have you ever fondled a 10K resistor?
    1011 Have you ever derived an equation?
    1100 Done 1011 with a member of the opposite sex?
    1101 Have you ever worn a pocket protector?
    1110 Have you ever checked your email more than 10 times in one day?
    1111 Done 1110 for one week straight?
    10000 Have you ever made a joke about transistors?
    10001 Have you ever laughed at a joke about transistors? (this one is worth 3 points)
    10010 Have you ever wondered how the circuitry would work in that liquid metal guy in T2?
    10011 Have you ever used Ohm’s Law to excess?
    10100 Done 10011 while someone of the opposite sex watched?
    10101 Done 10011 with a large ungulate (hooved animal)?
    10110 (Guys only) Have you ever counted the number of females in one of your EE classes so you could gain sympathy from friends in Liberal Arts?
    10111 Do you speak in assembly?
    11000 Has your skin color changed as a result of spending too much time in front of a terminal? (That green tone really works for me…)
    11001 Have you ever had a serious discussion with someone about whether CISC is better than RISC?
    11010 Have you ever used 🙂 to excess?
    11011 Have you ever had to explain 🙂 to a friend?
    11100 Have Fourier, LaPlace, or Maxwell ever visited you in a dream? (This one is worth 20 points. You *should* not, under any circumstances, fantasize about EE!)
    11101 Have you ever read “The Sex Life of an Electron”?
    11110 Can you rapidly count to 100d in binary?
    11111 Do you have more than 5 computer accounts?
    100000 Do you have more than 10 computer accounts? (Geek!)
    100001 Have you ever laughed at a Liberal Arts major because they couldn’t find a job? (You should…it’s really fun)
    100010 Are you addicted to reverse polish(HP) notation?
    100011 Have you ever slept with your significant other on the floor of a computer lab?
    100100 Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you met through email or a newsgroup?
    100101 Have you ever been turned on by a transistor?
    100110 Have you ever turned on a transistor?
    100111 Have you ever measured ground bounce?
    101000 Done 100111 with an inanimate object?
    101001 Done 100111 with a cadaver?
    101010 Have you ever faked a bias point? (Have you no shame?!?!?)
    101011 Have you ever had an intimate encounter with a voltage supply?
    101100 Have you ever watched while someone else had an intimate encounter with a voltage supply?
    101101 Have you ever probed a circuit?
    101110 Done 101101 with other people watching?
    101111 Done 101101 more than five times in one day?
    110000 Done 101101 without protection? (You should really wear a ground strap!)
    110001 Did you laugh while taking this quiz? (This one should be worth 30, but it’s only worth 2)

  8. Libertarian Purity Test – Brian Caplan – GMU

    Part I (1 point each) – choose ‘Yes or No’

    Are taxes too high?
    Is government spending too high?
    Are we over-regulated?
    Are you for free trade?
    Should the minimum wage be abolished?
    Should rent control be abolished?
    Are zoning laws too strict?
    Do we spend too much on Medicare?
    Do we spend too much on Social Security?
    Should we privatize the Post Office?
    Would school vouchers be an improvement over government schools?
    Should we relax immigration laws?
    Would housing vouchers be an improvement over government housing?
    Should the government sell off more of the public lands?
    Are worker safety regulations too strict?
    Does drug-approval take too long?
    Do you think we spend too much on anti-poverty programs?
    Is occupational licensing (for doctors, plumbers, and other professions) too strict?
    Does the government spend too much on higher education?
    Does the Federal Reserve have too much discretionary power?
    Should marijuana be legalized?
    Should all sex between consenting adults be legal — even for money?
    Do you believe in freedom of expression for books, newspapers, radio, television, the Internet, and so on, even for offensive and unpopular views and subject matters?
    Should private clubs have sole authority to select their own members, even if they are discriminatory?
    Are you against national service?
    Are you against the draft?
    Does the U.S. intervene too much in other countries?
    Should the military budget be cut?
    Should the U.S. refuse to pay for the defense of allies that are rich enough to defend themselves?
    If it has to fight a war, should the U.S. try harder to avoid civilian targets?

    Part II (3 points each)

    Should taxes be cut by 50% or more?
    Should spending be cut by 50% or more?
    Would you abolish at least half of existing federal regulatory agencies?
    Should we abolish anti-trust laws?
    Should we abolish public schools and universities?
    Should we abolish welfare?
    Should we abolish Social Security?
    Should we abolish Medicare?
    Should all of the public lands be privatized?
    Should we privatize sanitation, fire, and other local services?
    Should immigration laws be abolished?
    Should the FDA and medical licensing be abolished?
    Should all of the Federal Reserve’s discretionary powers be eliminated and the monetary base frozen?
    Should we abolish worker safety regulation?
    Should the Supreme Court strike down economic regulation as unconstitutional?
    Should all drugs be legalized for adults?
    Should anti-discrimination laws be abolished?
    Should the military budget be cut by at least 75%?
    Should the U.S. withdraw completely from Europe, Asia, and other foreign bases?
    Is bombing civilians in an enemy country morally equivalent to murder?

    Part III (5 points each)

    Should all taxes be abolished?
    Should highways and roads be privatized?
    Should the Fed be abolished and replaced with free banking and privately-issued money?
    Should all legislation be replaced by judge-made law, arbitration, and other private rule-suppliers?
    Is all government inherently evil?
    Is government an unnecessary evil?
    Should police be privatized?
    Should the courts be privatized?
    Should the law itself be privatized?
    Should the state be disarmed and its military disbanded?
    Is it morally permissible to exercise “vigilante justice,” even against government leaders?
    Is all government essentially exploitation of the productive members of society for the benefit of a parasitic ruling elite?
    Should the state be abolished?
    Would you call yourself an “anarcho-capitalist?”

  9. How ever will we become free? Perhaps writing a letter like this to Barack Obama might help?

    Maryland Slave to the President

    Belair Maryland
    Aug 25th 1864

    Mr president. It is my Desire to be free. To go to see my people on the eastern shore. My mistress wont let me. You will please let me know if we are free. and what i can do. I write to you for advice. Please send me word this week. or as soon as possible and oblige.

    Annie Davis

    Annie Davis to Mr. president, 25 Aug. 1864, D-304 1864, Letters Received, series 360, Colored Troops Division, Adjutant General’s Office, Record Group 94, National Archives.

    A Bureau of Colored Troops notation on the outside of the letter reads merely “file,” and no response to Annie Davis appears among the copies of letters sent by the bureau or by other offices in the War Department.

    Published in The Destruction of Slavery, p. 384, in Free at Last, p. 349, and in Families and Freedom, p. 227.

  10. Being a Mormon, shouldn’t be any different than being a modern day Pythagorean. No one initiates holy wars over right triangles, musical harmony, and color theory. There is no rent seeking to have the Hypotenuse receive a trillion dollar subsidy, and an official federal holiday. Being a Mormon, and professing any peaceful belief system whatever should be encouraged and allowed to thrive or die on its own merits.

    If we’re smart, we’ll fight for free markets in beliefs and practices. As a secondary battle after our fight for free markets for provisions of goods and services.

    It is a necessary complimentary struggle, IMHO, though greatly distant to the importance of making a living and acquiring wealth, property, and technological comfort and security.
    – – – –

    The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color

    HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination.

    The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good axiomatically must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.

    The universe is made up of successive gradations of good, these gradations ascending from matter (which is the least degree of good) to spirit (which is the greatest degree of good).

    In man, his superior nature is the summum bonum(highest good). It therefore follows that his highest nature most readily mentally processes good because the good external to him in the world is in harmonic ratio with the good present in his soul.

    What man terms evil is therefore, in common with matter, merely the least degree of its own opposite. The least degree of good presupposes likewise the least degree of harmony and beauty. Thus deformity (evil) is really the least harmonious combination of elements naturally harmonic as individual units.

    Deformity is unnatural, for, the sum of all things being the Good, it is natural that all things should partake of the Good and be arranged in combinations that are harmonious. Harmony is the manifesting expression of the Will of the eternal Good.

    The Philosophy of Music

    Greek initiates gained their knowledge of the philosophic and therapeutic aspects of music from the Egyptians, who, in turn, considered Hermes the founder of the art. According to legend, this god constructed the first lyre by stretching strings across the concavity of a turtle shell.

    Both Isis and Osiris were patrons of music and poetry. Plato, in describing the antiquity of these arts among the Egyptians, declared that songs and poetry had existed in Egypt for at least ten thousand years, and that these were of such an exalted and inspiring nature that only gods or godlike men could have composed them.

    In the Pythagorean Mysteries, the lyre was regarded as the secret symbol of the human constitution, the body of the instrument representing the physical form, the strings the nerves, and the musician the spirit. Playing upon the nerves, the spirit thus created the harmonies of normal functioning, which, however, became discords if the nature of man were defiled.

    In contrast with the early Chinese, Hindus, Persians, Egyptians, Israelites, the Greeks employed both vocal and instrumental music in their religious ceremonials, also to complement their poetry and drama.

    Pythagoras rose this art to its true dignity by demonstrating its mathematical foundation. Pythagoras is credited with the discovery of the diatonic scale.

    Having first learned the divine theory of music from the priests of the various Mysteries into which he had been accepted, Pythagoras pondered for several years upon the laws governing consonance and dissonance. How he actually solved the problem is unknown, but the following explanation has been invented.

    One day while meditating upon the problem of harmony, Pythagoras chanced to pass a brazier’s shop where workmen were pounding out a piece of metal upon an anvil. By noting the variances in pitch between the sounds made by large hammers and those made by smaller implements, and carefully estimating the harmonies and discords resulting from combinations of these sounds, he gained his first clue to the musical intervals of the diatonic scale.

    Pythagoras entered the shop, and after carefully examining the tools and making mental note of their weights, returned to his own house and constructed an arm of wood so that it: extended out from the wall of his room.

    At regular intervals along this arm he attached four cords, all of like composition, size, and weight. To the first of these he attached a twelve-pound weight, to the second a nine-pound weight, to the third an eight-pound weight, and to the fourth a six-pound weight. These different weights corresponded to the sizes of the braziers’ hammers.

    Pythagoras thereupon discovered that the first and fourth strings when sounded together produced the harmonic interval of the octave, for doubling the weight had the same effect as halving the string. The tension of the first string being twice that of the fourth string, their ratio was said to be 2:1, or duple.

    By similar experimentation he ascertained that the first and third string produced the harmony of the diapente, or the interval of the fifth.

    The tension of the first string being half again as much as that of the third string, their ratio was said to be 3:2, or sesquialter. Likewise the second and fourth strings, having the same ratio as the first and third strings, yielded a diapente harmony. Continuing his investigation, Pythagoras discovered that the first and second strings produced the harmony of the diatessaron, or the interval of the third; and the tension of the first string being a third greater than that of the second string, their ratio was said to be 4:3, or sesquitercian.

    The third and fourth strings, having the same ratio as the first and second strings, produced another harmony of the diatessaron. According to Iamblichus, the second and third strings had the ratio of 8:9, or epogdoan.

    The key to harmonic ratios is hidden in the famous Pythagorean tetractys, or pyramid of dots. The tetractys is made up of the first four numbers–1, 2, 3, and 4–which in their proportions reveal the intervals of the octave, the diapente, and the diatessaron. While the law of harmonic intervals as set forth above is true, it has been subsequently proved that hammers striking metal in the manner

    In the Pythagorean tetractys–the supreme symbol of universal forces and processes–are set forth the theories of the Greeks concerning color and music. The first three dots represent the threefold White Light, which is the Godhead containing potentially all sound and color.

    The remaining seven dots are the colors of the spectrum and the notes of the musical scale. The colors and tones are the active creative powers which, emanating from the First Cause, establish the universe.

    The seven are divided into two groups, one containing three powers and the other four a relationship also shown in the tetractys. The higher group–that of three–becomes the spiritual nature of the created universe; the lower group–that of four–manifests as the irrational sphere, or inferior world.

    The seven Creators, or Fabricators, of the inferior spheres were called by the Jews the Elohim. By the Egyptians they were referred to as the Builders and are depicted with great knives in their hands with which they carved the universe from its primordial substance.

    Worship of the planets is based upon their acceptation as the cosmic embodiments of the seven creative attributes of God. The Lords of the planets were described as dwelling within the body of the sun, for the true nature of the sun, being analogous to the white light, contains the seeds of all the tone and color potencies which it manifests.

    There are numerous arbitrary arrangements setting forth the mutual relationships of the planets, the colors, and the musical notes. The most satisfactory system is that based upon the law of the octave.

    The sense of hearing has a much wider scope than that of sight, for whereas the ear can register from nine to eleven octaves of sound the eye is restricted to the cognition of but seven fundamental color tones, or one tone short of the octave. Red, when posited as the lowest color tone in the scale of chromatics, thus corresponds to do, the first note of the musical scale.

    Continuing the analogy, orange corresponds to re, yellow to mi, green to fa, blue to sol, indigo to la, and violet to ti. The eighth color tone necessary to complete the scale should be the higher octave of red, the first color tone. The accuracy of the above arrangement is attested by two striking facts: the three fundamental notes of the musical scale–the first, the third, and the fifth–correspond with the three primary colors–red, yellow, and blue; the seventh, and least perfect, note of the musical scale corresponds with purple, the least perfect tone of the color scale.

    As C is at the bottom of the musical scale and made with the coarsest waves of air, so is red at the bottom of the chromatic scale and made with the coarsest waves of luminous ether.

    As the musical note B [the seventh note of the scale] requires 45 vibrations of air every time the note C at the lower end of the scale requires 24, or but little over half as many, so does extreme violet require about 300 trillions of vibrations of ether in a second, while extreme red requires only about 450 trillions, which also are but little more than half as many.

    When one musical octave is finished another one commences and progresses with just twice as many vibrations as were used in the first octave, and so the same notes are repeated on a finer scale. In the same way when the scale of colors visible to the ordinary eye is completed in the violet, another octave of finer invisible colors, with just twice as many vibrations, will commence and progress on precisely the same law.”

    When the colors are related to the twelve signs of the zodiac, they are arranged as the spokes of a wheel. To Aries is assigned pure red; to Taurus, red-orange; to Gemini, pure orange; to Cancer, orange-yellow; to Leo, pure yellow; to Virgo, yellow-green; to Libra, pure green; to Scorpio, green-blue; to Sagittarius, pure blue; to Capricorn, blue-violet; to Aquarius, pure violet; and to Pisces, violet-red.

    In expounding the Eastern system of esoteric philosophy, the colors are related to the septenary constitution of man and the seven states of matter as follows:


    Violet; Chaya, or Etheric Double; Ether

    Indigo; Higher Manas(Spiritual Intelligence); Critical State called Air

    Blue; Auric Envelope; Steam or Vapor

    Green; Lower Manas, or Animal Soul; Critical State

    Yellow; Buddhi, or Spiritual Soul; Water

    Orange; Prana, or Life Principle; Critical State

    Red; Kama Rupa, (Seat of Animal Life); Ice

  11. Anarchology With Mormon Characteristics

    For over 40 years, the LDS Church and the United States were at odds over polygamy:

    The church defended the practice as a matter of religious freedom, while the federal government aggressively sought to eradicate it in violation of every shred of its claims to legitimacy.

    It was a Stalinist power grab, coldly calculated to be consistent with prevailing public opinion. Polygamy was subject to a federal holocaust and pogrom during the Utah War of 1857 and 1858.

    Republican warmongers painted Democratic President James Buchanan as weak in his opposition to both polygamy and slavery.

    In 1862, the United States Congress passed the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act, which prohibited plural marriage in the territories. In spite of the law, Mormons continued to practice polygamy, foolishly believing that it was protected by the First Amendment.

    In 1879, Supreme Cunt of the United States upheld the Morrill Act, stating: “Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinion, they may with practices.”

    In 1890, the church decided to lick the boot and love their godless servitude, they issued a Manifesto that officially terminated the practice of polygamy. After this Manifesto, relations with the United States markedly improved after 1890, such that Utah was admitted as a U.S. state.

    After the Manifesto, some Mormons continued to enter into polygamous marriages, but these eventually stopped in 1904 when church president Joseph F. Smith disavowed polygamy before Congress and issued a “Second Manginacal Manifesto”, calling for all plural marriages in the church to cease and for an extra inch of circumcision to be performed on each male with the foreskins tithed to their new De Facto Grand Mormon Wizard, the United States Godlessment.

    • “In 1890, the church decided to lick the boot and love their godless servitude, they issued a Manifesto that officially terminated the practice of polygamy.”

      Licking the boot. We all, have at some point maybe licked the boot. Unfortunately, the Mormons, instead of recognizing their error, decided to enshrine the licking into their canon. Interestingly, the book of Mormon speaks of their–and the rest of the American continent’s demise–because of it. The God they preach of in the book does not like boot licking. They have adopted it as doctrine.

      The truth is found within. There are things without to help guide us, but we can never rest, believing we have found all truth and we don’t need to seek any more. When this happens, tyranny abounds.

      • Utah may appeal to some. On the surface it’s a timewarp back into the 1950s in many ways. If you believe in imposed values of nation, race, and LDS Christianity, this place is for you.

        Everyone professes a belief in moderation. Eating healthy. Spending time outdoors. Avoiding addictive substances. Avoiding stimulants and depressants. Living naturally.

        I don’t buy into any of it. Either you fail at your goals, and it’s miserable living there. Or you do succeed in being altruistic dogooders, and then some outside power takes everything over, plunders you until your penniless, and makes you their bitch, because they don’t artificially limit themselves to passive and compliant behavior.
        – – –

        The Mormon’s believe in the planet Kolob being the closest celestial body to the throne of heaven and have a song about it.

        Kolob is a star or planet described in Mormon scripture. Reference to Kolob is found in the Book of Abraham, a work published by Latter Day Saint (LDS) prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.

        According to this work, Kolob is the heavenly body nearest to the throne or residence of God. While the Book of Abraham refers to Kolob as a “star”, it also refers to planets as stars, and therefore, some LDS commentators consider Kolob to be a planet.

        Kolob has never been identified with any modern astronomical object and is not recognized as an ancient concept by modern Egyptology. The idea also appears within LDS culture, and there is a LDS hymn about it. Kolob is also the inspiration for the planet Kobol within the Battlestar Galactica universe, created by Glen A. Larson, a Mormon.

        If You Could Hie to Kolob”- Lex de Azevedo

        1. If you could hie to Kolob In the twinkling of an eye,
        And then continue onward With that same speed to fly,
        Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
        Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?

        2. Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
        Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
        Methinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
        Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”

        3. The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound;
        Improvement and progression Have one eternal round.
        There is no end to matter; There is no end to space;
        There is no end to spirit; There is no end to race.

        4. There is no end to virtue; There is no end to might;
        There is no end to wisdom; There is no end to light.
        There is no end to union; There is no end to youth;
        There is no end to priesthood; There is no end to truth.

      • Utah seems to be doing better than most. There’s a lot of Mormons here in Nevada. They actually moved here first when the feds ambushed them in Nauvoo, IL and they fled for their lives. Of the dozen or so I know or have known, they were all real sweethearts.

        I would have no problem living under their dominion, I’m working for some right now. I’d just tell them I was doing what they thought I should be doing, and then keep on keeping on same as I do now.

        • I’ve known some Mormons, too. Nice people; seemed to MYOB.

          My fear, though, is the same fear I have generally of the seriously religious. By which I mean not people who are spiritual but who hew to a specific black-white dogma that – in principle – cannot abide agree to disagree (and thus, represents an implicit threat to live and let live).

          It seems to me that these folks are quiet so long as they haven’t got the force available to impose their dogmas at swordpoint. But when they do… you often end up with pogroms, even mass murder. Minimally, suffocating restrictions on what you’re allowed to believe – let alone say.

          I’m all for kookiness – and most religions are kooky. But they are a different kind of kooky than a Star Trek convention, with people dressed up like Klingons and speaking Klingonese among themselves. The Trek stuff is harmless fun; those guys would never put people to the sword for not believing in The Prime Directive or denying the Daystrom Theorem.

          But followers of the Abrahamic religions?

          Their god is, indeed, a jealous and angry god. He does not brook differences of opinion (opinions laid down by men claiming to be the conduits of the deity, it’s important to point out). Unbelievers are – at minimum – regarded as deluded, misled; a caste beneath the believer in good standing. And what usually happens when some people are put in that box? Characterized as defective somehow, an implicit threat to the “right” way of being?

          Can you smell the fire?

  12. Tor,

    I’d like to join this anarchology. I’d like to ordain myself a priest, vesting myself with no authority and following none of your leadership that you clearly don’t want to have in this entity.

    I will proselytize the NAP to all who will have a listening ear. I will be happy to not attend meetings on any regularly scheduled basis.

    Like you, I do attend(sometimes)some church on my terms. Sometimes wondering why I subjected myself to the brutality……..I guess because there’s something that tells me god is real. The churches and buildings are men’s. But god is there, wishing his “creations” didn’t want to control and kill each other.

    In the book of Mormon is says something like, “adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy”. I like that. We all need a little more joy.

    Your article brought some joy to my day.

    Thanks buddy.

  13. Raymond: I’m an excellent driver.
    Raymond: The State lets me drive slow on the driveway every Saturday. ‘Course you have to wear a seatbelt and have insurance. Keep your car in good condition and obey all the road signs. Definitely 572 different traffic laws you have to obey. Definitely 572.
    Raymond: I know this car you’ve just reviewed.
    Raymond: It’s a 1949 Buick Roadmaster. Straight 8. Fireball 8. Only 8,985 production models. My collector’s license plate authorizes me to drive slow on the driveway. But not on Monday, definitely not on Monday.
    Raymond: My driver’s license is issued to Sanford Babbitt. 10961 Beachcrest Street, Cincinnati Ohio. You have to have a single name and and address, because it’s the law. It one of 408 statutes you have to comply with. Definitely 408.
    Raymond: My mother was Eleanor Babbitt. She died January 5, 1965 after short and sudden illness. 60% of my inheritance went to taxes. Because you have to make your shared responsibility payments. Definitely have to pay 37 different taxes. Definitely 37.
    Raymond: Uh oh, fifteen minutes to do my shopping.
    [Raymond proceeds back to Walmart, ignoring Charlie]
    Raymond: Charlie Babbit is my favorite author. Course he’s an excellent libertarian. He let’s me blog everyday after I finish my prison job and use the library computer. Definitely have three more minutes until it’s time to go out to the exercise yard. A number America. Land of the free. Definitely been 87,164 days since the founding of America. Good to be free. Definitely. God bless America.

  14. Libraries, like everything else, are bigger in Texas

    One guys ambitious reason to be an organ donor.

    This isn’t freedom, this is fear.

    Kansei Engineering Methodology
    In Japan, different types of Kansei Engineering are identified and applied in various contexts. This is the general model covering the contents of Kansei Engineering.

    Choice of Domain
    Domain in this context describes the overall idea behind an assembly of products, i.e. the product type in general. Choosing the domain includes the definition of the intended target group and user type, market-niche and type, and the product group in question. Choosing and defining the domain are carried out on existing products, concepts and on design solutions yet unknown. From this, a domain description is formulated, serving as the basis for further evaluation.

    Span the Semantic Space
    The expression Semantic Space describes a certain vector space defined by semantic expressions (words). This is done by collecting a large number of words that describe the domain. Suitable sources are pertinent literature, commercials, manuals, specification list, experts etc.

    The number of the words gathered varies according to the product, typically between 100 and 1000 words. In a second step the words are grouped using manual (e.g. Affinity diagram) or mathematical methods (e.g. factor and/or cluster analysis). Finally a few representing words are selected from this spanning the Semantic Space. These words are called “Kansei words” or “Kansei Engineering words”.

    Span the Space of Properties
    The next step is to span the Space of Product Properties, which is similar to the Semantic Space. The Space of Product Properties collects products representing the domain, identifies key features and selects product properties for further evaluation. The collection of products representing the domain is done from different sources such as existing products, customer suggestions, possible technical solutions and design concepts etc.

    The key features are found using specification lists for the products in question. To select properties for further evaluation, a Pareto-diagram can assist the decision between important and less important features. Synthesis In the synthesis step, the Semantic Space and the Space of Properties are linked together.

    Compared to other methods in Affective Engineering, Kansei Engineering is the only method that can establish and quantify connections between abstract feelings and technical specifications. For every Kansei word a number of product properties are found, affecting the Kansei word.

    Synthesis Tools are :

    Category Identification
    Regression Analysis /Quantification Theory Type I
    Rough Sets Theory
    Genetic Algorithm
    Fuzzy Sets Theory
    Model building and Test of Validity

    After doing the necessary stages, the final step of validation remains. This is done in order to check if the prediction model is reliable and realistic. However, in case of prediction model failure, it is necessary to update the Space of Properties and the Semantic Space, and consequently refine the model. The process of refinement is difficult due to the shortage of methods.

    This shows the need of new tools to be integrated. The existing tools can partially be found in the previously mentioned methods for the synthesis. Software Tools for Kansei Engineering Kansei Engineering has always been a statically and mathematically advanced methodology.

    Most types require good expert knowledge and a reasonable amount of experience to carry out the studies sufficiently. This has also been the major obstacle for a widespread application of Kansei Engineering.

    In order to facilitate application some software packages have been developed in the recent years, most of them in Japan. There are two different types of software packages available: User consoles and data collection and analysis tools. User consoles are software programs that calculate and propose a product design based on the users’ subjective preferences (Kanseis).

    However, such software requires a database that quantifies the connections between Kanseis and the combination of product attributes. For building such databases, data collection and analysis tools can be used. This part of the paper demonstrates some of the tools. There are many more tools used in companies and universities, which might not be available to the public.

  15. I advocate a qualified type of humanism. A kind of humanism with no coercive aspects. Too often, men call themselves enlightened humanists, and then seek to prohibit and eradicate other competing form of social organization.

    I am not for the state violently excluding religion of any kind. Nor of a state that demands any sort of family arrangement. Or work arrangement. Even old highly unpopular systems like selling one’s children for labor under contract. The use of dowery. The practice of polygamy. Any system that descriminates against women or races must not be hindered by state violence. Rather it is the market and voluntary property rights alone that can be used if you are against such practices in principle.
    – – –

    Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism).

    The meaning has fluctuated over time, generally, however, humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of a “human nature” (sometimes contrasted with antihumanism).

    Early 20th century critics considered humanism to be sentimental “slop” or even “an old bitch gone in the teeth” and wanted to go back to a more manly, authoritarian society such as they believed existed in the Middle Ages.

    Postmodern critics who are self-described anti-humanists, have asserted that humanism posits an overarching and excessively abstract notion of humanity or universal human nature, which can then be used as a pretext for imperialism and domination of those deemed somehow less than human.

    In modern times, humanist movements are typically aligned with secularism, and today “Humanism” typically refers to a non-theistic life stance centered on human agency, and looking to science instead of religious dogma in order to understand the world.

  16. Hi Tor – as a Christian and “church member” I have learned that churches should NEVER incorporate, which is a form of asking TPTB for permission to exist. Set up as a foundation or trust.
    Nor should a church apply for 501c3 ‘tax exempt’ status. This status was originated for non-church charitable organization. Churches are “tax immune,” but the IRS will determine, for tax purposes, whether your organization is or is not a ‘legitimate’ church. Whether you applied for 501c3 or not.

    • Good advice, Phillip. I myself am a sometime “church attender.”

      I personally consider it imperative to attend on my own terms. Which puts me out of compliance with the churches asserted authority. And not really someone who would be considered a “member.”

      Most (but perhaps not all) churches fail to behave as free market institutions. Rather they rent seek, and act as PTB in their own right.

      I wonder if libertarian, anarcho-capitalists could become similar to the Holy See. A non-territorial institution granted international personality. That is similar to what I envision when I talk about anarchology.
      – – –

      The fact that the Holy See is a non-territorial institution is no longer regarded as a reason for denying it international personality. The papacy can act in its own name in the international community. It can enter into legally binding conventions known as concordats.

      In the world of diplomacy the Pope enjoys the rights of active and passive legation. Furthermore, this personality of the Holy See is distinct from the personality of the State of Vatican City. One is a non-territorial institution and the other a state. The papacy as a religious organ is a subject of international law and capable of international rights and duties.

      Legal Status of the Holy See

      The Holy See is a sui generis entity possessing international personality

      Papal States Annexed By Italy 1870 (Lazio, Marche, Umbria, Romagna, and portions of Emilia.)

      Lateran Treaty making Vatican a State Again in 1920s

      • A friend lives near the spot where McKenzie’s raiders slaughtered 1500 Comanche horses as well as some Comanche’s. Most Sundays find him down in that canyon attending his “canyon church” which consists mainly of watching and being one with nature. He found part of a mastodon a couple years ago. I believe he kept the location to himself. Who wants various universities, state and federal Hysterical Societies and BLM all fighting for the same tusk in their Canyon Church?

        That brings to mind some local county workers digging into a hilltop as a source of rock and gravel only to find a huge Indian burial chamber. They then covered it up and looked elsewhere and told no one where they dug.

        Their reasoning was insightful if not counter-inciteful. A person who finds any artifact or piece thereof of any prior native inhabitants of Texas can not legally remove said object or piece from where they found it. The state and feds have created another black market and it’s ex post facto in that they have raided and confiscated(to whose gain?) private collections that pre-date the law.


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