What Is Up With the Sunglasses?


Here’s a video of a Hero badgering a guy for his ID:

Notice the sunglasses. Heroes use them to intimidate people. It’s easier to be a Tough Guy when the other guy can’t see your eyes. Or rather, it’s easier to behave like a bully.

Which is what these Heroes are.

The glasses help embolden them – make it easier to perform their role as enforcers. Which requires intimidation.


I expect there’ll be a lot of that going on this evening. Be careful out there. Unconstitutional (and certainly immoral) “checkpoints” will abound. Remember: They are not trying to “keep you safe.” The are trying to keep you in line. Submissive to their authority, which knows few, if any, boundaries.

It is my hope that 2016 will be the year a critical mass – it would probably only need to be about 15 percent of the population – rejects this illegitimate authority exerted over us, which none of us have ever formally consented to. We are not slaves – and they are not our masters. Like the defendants in the dock at Nuremburg, these people are banal, nonentities, once shorn of their uniforms… and their sunglasses. Take that away, and you’re left with a jerk who is probably also a coward (most of the Nazis in the dock fit that bill). Without his trappings – and without the state behind him – he reverts to the nothing that he actually is.

Sunglasses and suits – that’s all they’ve got. That’s all they are.

Their guns are very real, but the men wielding them are very small. Worms, for the most part. Because men don’t need to wear opaque sunglasses to stare down people – and rely on reason rather than force to persuade their fellow men.

Happy New Year, everyone!



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  1. twitter.com/imurdock
    Linux old timer. Debian founder. Sun alum. Now @Docker.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 25m25 minutes ago
    I am a white male, make a lot money, pay a lot of money in taxes, and yet their abuse is equally doled out. DO NOT CROSS THEM!

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 30m30 minutes ago
    This was right after the female officer ripped off my underwear.. I guess that’s not considered rape if you’re not a woman being raped.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 35m35 minutes ago
    “We’re the police, we can do whatever the fuck we want..”

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 49m49 minutes ago
    What does one have to get education-wise to become a police officer.. asking for a friend.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 55m55 minutes ago
    The rest of my life is going to be spent fighting against the police.. they are NOT our friends, so don’t ever ever believe otherwise.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 57m57 minutes ago
    The police are uneducated, evil, and sadistic. Do not trust them. They are uneducated, bitter, and and only interested in power for its own sake. Contact me [email protected] if you can help. -ian

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 1h1 hour ago
    The rest of my life will be devoted to fighting against police abuse.. I’m white, I made $1.4 million last year,

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    i’m hoping coming from a successful white guy it will help everyone

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    i’m going to post my case on my blog.. if anyone can post it on hacker news or wherever i would apprieciate it

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    @jacksormwriter wants me dead

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Writing up my experience for others to hopefully prevent others from suffering police abuse ,then you won’t hear from me again

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Where they put you in a cell with absolutely no instructions whatever aside from the words spelled on the floor in piss?

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Shall i post pictures for all my bruises from my against the police officers?

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    they said no

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    i asked if they had cameras

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    then followed my home from there

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    I had to have stitches

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Then they pulled me out of my house and did it again

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    they followed me home

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    I had to go to the hospital

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    They beat the shit out of me twice, then charged me $25,000 to get out of jail for battery against THEM

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    If anyone wants to come over and see what the police did to me i would be more than happy for that to happen

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    I’m not committing suicide today. I’ll write this all up first, so the police brutality ENDEMIC in this so-called free country will be known.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Maybe my suicide at this, you now, a successful business man, not a NIGGER, will finally bring some attention to this very serious issue.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    My career is over now, so I’ll be gone soon.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Quote: “We’re the police, we always win.”

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    I’ll write more much later. They still don’t have cameras on all police so I’m going to use my somewhat celebrity status to hopefully stop this.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    My bail for “assault against a police officer” are all that: $25,000.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Then beat me up some more.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    I’ll write more on my blog later. But the police here beat me up for knocking on my neighbor’s door.. they sent me to the hospital.

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    Kerouac – October in the Railroad Earth

    Ian Murdock ‏@imurdock · 2h2 hours ago
    i’m committing suicide tonight.. do not intervene as i have many stories to tell and do not want them to die with me #debian #runnerkristy67

    Ian Murdock from Konstanz, West Germany

  2. Some police “reform” should be easy. But due to hero worship, its been made hard.

    Granted most people on this site would like to see LE be abolished altogether. However that isn’t going to happen anytime soon. So we can only hope for some reforms that will make fewer people victims of crimes from government agents.

    1. No more black uniforms. Blue, white or tan should be the standard. Department name & officers name (or ID number) should be readable from ten feet away on said uniform. Officers name in large letters will make it easier for the public to id an officer, so complaints reported about that cop don’t get the we can’t figure out which person it was nonsense. Also sun glasses only used for driving. Must be removed when talking with someone.

    2. Returning to simple 6 shot revolvers. I know of few reasons why more then 6 bullets would be necessary. Also knowing your probably outgunned will make more cops back down into a defensive mode, instead turning up the heat. Having a semi auto pistol makes many cops into Rambo if he has four or five clips. (the cop in Chicago put 16 bullets into that kid’s corpse)

    3. No more “retired” military equipment. Surplus should be sold to private buyers (mostly military collectors and or scrap dealers) so taxpayer dollars can be recovered. Most departments cannot afford the maintenance anyway. A local department got a tracked troop carrier that isn’t even street legal (it would damage the pavement if driven on roads).

    4. Aggressive paint jobs prohibited on patrol vehicles . Also car pushing equipment removed from all low ranked officers cars (though most supervisors shouldn’t have them either). Also more economical vehicles, fewer big vehicles like Tahoes and Explorers (though that is abused by hose heroes more then cops).

    5. Not interfering with people videotaping police (if anything they should welcome it). Prohibiting even from talking to those 10 or more feet away from officers. The peoples republic of Illinois is once again trying to ban video taping police, even after losing several court cases.

    6. Prohibiting private property seizure, even of convicted people. Police departments should NEVER be evolved with that in any case.

    7. Prohibiting stationary traffic enforcement (aka speed traps).

    8. Prohibiting road blocking for any reason. (no drunk driver or “safety”)

    9. Prohibiting using bad or unprofessional language for any reason (even when your being sworn at).

    • In Short, hold em to a higher standard? Demand professionalism, politeness, spit and polish? No option legal consequences for any use of force- if it’s legit the jury can let them off?
      Amen Brother!

  3. Eric, you are spot on about Hobbes. Only everyone practice a cognitively dissonant bastardized version of his Leviathan philosophy. We are each brute matter, decisively ruled by quantifiable laws. Rather than be individuals, we are best off becoming a Leviathan with a single unaccountable sovereign acting as the head.

    The dissonance comes when we believe some kind of systematic science imposed on us from the outside is what’s best for us. This requires some kind of mythical deciders, who are somehow more capable than the rest of us, to both do the science, and benefit from the science. How did they attain this ability?

    Each man is a machine made of atoms, who is motivated by pain and pleasure and acts in a predictable way that can be known in advance using precognition.


    By the time of Leviathan and De Corpore, Hobbes was convinced that human beings (including their minds) were entirely material. Even God was a sort of material being.

    Hobbes’s story about the workings of mind and language is an implicit argument for materialism. ‘Look’, we might take Hobbes to be saying, ‘I can explain all the workings of the mind using only material resources.

    What need is there to postulate an immaterial mind when this perfectly good, and more minimal, explanation is available? Hobbes presents a series of arguments against various opponents’ beliefs in immaterial beings (including immaterial human minds).

    Hobbes’ argument is that talk about incorporeal things is “insignificant speech”.

    All non-corporeal names are but insignificant sounds; and those of two sorts.

    One when they are new, and yet their meaning not explained by definition; whereof there have been abundance coined by schoolmen, and puzzled philosophers.

    Another, when men make a name of two names, whose significations are contradictory and inconsistent; as this name, an incorporeal body, or (which is all one) an incorporeal substance, and a great number more.

    For whensoever any affirmation is false, the two names of which it is composed, put together and made one, signify nothing at all.

    Hobbes’ vision of the world is strikingly original and still relevant to contemporary politics. His main concern is the problem of social and political order: how human beings can live together in peace and avoid the danger and fear of civil conflict.

    He poses stark alternatives: we should give our obedience to an unaccountable sovereign (a person or group empowered to decide every social and political issue).

    Otherwise what awaits us is a “state of nature” that closely resembles civil war – a situation of universal insecurity, where all have reason to fear violent death and where rewarding human cooperation is all but impossible.

    The problems Hobbes poses cannot be avoided simply by taking a less “selfish” view of human nature.

    Hobbes is the founding father of modern political philosophy. Directly or indirectly, he has set the terms of debate about the fundamentals of political life right into our own times.

    Few have liked his thesis, that the problems of political life mean that a society should accept an unaccountable sovereign as its sole political authority.

    Nonetheless, we still live in the world that Hobbes addressed head on: a world where human authority is something that requires justification, and is automatically accepted by few; a world where social and political inequality also appears questionable; and a world where religious authority faces significant dispute.

    We live in a world where all human beings are supposed to have rights – moral claims that protect their basic interests. But what or who determines what those rights are? And who will enforce them? In other words, who will exercise the most important political powers, when the basic assumption is that we all share the same entitlements?

    How was Hobbes able to set out a way of thinking about politics and power that remains decisive nearly four centuries afterwards?

    Writing a few years after Hobbes, John Locke had accepted the terms of debate Hobbes had laid down: how can human beings live together, when religious or traditional justifications of authority are no longer effective or persuasive? How is political authority justified and how far does it extend?

    In particular, are our political rulers properly as unlimited in their powers as Hobbes had suggested? And if they are not, what system of politics will ensure that they do not overstep the mark, do not trespass on the rights of their subjects?

    We can get some clues if we look at Hobbes’s life and times.

    2. Life and Times

    Hobbes’s biography is dominated by the political events in England and Scotland during his long life. Born in 1588, the year the Spanish Armada made its ill-fated attempt to invade England, he lived to the exceptional age of 91, dying in 1679.

    He was not born to power or wealth or influence: the son of a disgraced village vicar, he was lucky that his uncle was wealthy enough to provide for his education and that his intellectual talents were soon recognized and developed (through thorough training in the classics of Latin and Greek).

    Those intellectual abilities, and his uncle’s support, brought him to university at Oxford. And these in turn – together with a good deal of common sense and personal maturity – won him a place tutoring the son of an important noble family, the Cavendishes.

    This meant that Hobbes entered circles where the activities of the King, of Members of Parliament, and of other wealthy landowners were known and discussed, and indeed influenced. Thus intellectual and practical ability brought Hobbes to a place close to power – later he would even be math tutor to the future King Charles II.

    Although this never made Hobbes powerful, it meant he was acquainted with and indeed vulnerable to those who were. As the scene was being set for the Civil Wars of 1642-46 and 1648-51 – wars that would lead to the King being executed and a republic being declared – Hobbes felt forced to leave the country for his personal safety, and lived in France from 1640 to 1651.

    Even after the monarchy had been restored in 1660, Hobbes’s security was not always certain: powerful religious figures, critical of his writings, made moves in Parliament that apparently led Hobbes to burn some of his papers for fear of prosecution.

    Thus Hobbes lived in a time of upheaval, sharper than any England has since known. This turmoil had many aspects and causes, political and religious, military and economic. England stood divided against itself in several ways. The rich and powerful were divided in their support for the King, especially concerning the monarch’s powers of taxation. Parliament was similarly divided concerning its own powers vis-à-vis the King. Society was divided religiously, economically, and by region. Inequalities in wealth were huge, and the upheavals of the Civil Wars saw the emergence of astonishingly radical religious and political sects.

    We shall see that Hobbes’s greatest fear was social and political chaos – and he had ample opportunity both to observe it and to suffer its effects.

  4. You mention Nuremburg.

    Fr. Maximillian Kolbe was starved and dehydrated with 9 Jewish men at Auschwitz, but after two weeks they injected him with Carbolic Acid since he wasn’t dead yet. What happened to the Auschwitz guards that did it?

    Pinellas County, FL. Fr. Frank Pavone is sitting in a room with two deputies and a plant in a vase of water. Terri Schiavo has been staving and dehydrating to death for two weeks with the deputies and Fr. Frank. More deputies are guarding the building. All to prevent Terry from getting a single drop of water. No carbolic acid proved necessary. What should happen to these deputies?
    Or should we apologize and make reparations for Nuremburg? The Nazis would have been considered deserters if they didn’t follow orders and likely executed. The deputies could have taken off their badges at any time and likely found another job where they didn’t have to commit a crime against humanity.

    Your wish is likely to come true.
    Remember the woodcut of “The Boston Massacre”
    I can only think Ferguson. John Adams was the Red Coats’ defense attorney, proved the colonists were a rioting mob throwing snow covered rocks – “facts are stubborn things” – and they were found not guilty. But note the attitude toward the “protector-soldiers” turned into a swarm of agents to harass the people and eat out their substance. More people are seeing the police as the redcoats – guns and suits – but in the image of the woodcut, not the trial verdict.

    Even police supporters run into traffic ticket taxation, civil forfeiture, or just get beat up for not slavishly cooperating fast enough then get charged with assault on a police officer. Or the SWAT raid at the wrong place, person or for shopping at a hydroponics store for a school project. And many have videos.

    The image is turning into that of a violent street gang. https://www.traditionalright.com/the-view-from-olympus-my-list-for-santa/ We created ISIS because of the hatred toward our soldiers for their actions. Lind says:
    “All police departments will start using the grid. The grid (available in the FMFM-1A here or in The Fourth Generation Warfare Handbook) allows police to understand the likely effects of their actions at the mental and moral levels, not just the physical. At a Boyd conference a couple years ago, some cops from Massachusetts told me their department now uses it for all operations. If other police departments were to do so, it would take away much of the ammunition the Left uses in its war on cops.”
    Basically, stop harassing, tax collecting, intimidating, be the friendly constable that everyone knows who keeps the peace and order. E.g. helps drunks home instead of arresting them for public intoxication.

    But then they might have to fire a good number of cops. Many joined to be paid bullies and will resent having to be a helper. The FOP and unions will object.

    • Pretty links…. (I’m already flagged, no doubt, but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound. 🙂 )

      Deputies should be terminated, really. It’s a shame no one sees the parallels… And by terminated, I do mean that literally. No different from hiring someone to commit a murder, akin to the censorship question elsewhere, akin to shunning in a tight community.

      As to the soldiers, seems we keep re-inventing the wheel. It’s a known fact that bad conduct by occupying soldiers does NOT bode well for the occupiers.
      http://www.livingvalues.com/ and http://www.amazon.com/Values-New-Millennium-Robert-Humphrey/dp/0915761041
      Mr. Humphrey was involved in one of the earlier versions, which was basically cancelled because… Well, he says because someone new took over the program, but basically that means it was terminated because it worked. Can’t have a career when there’s no problem to solve, right?

      The Massachusetts part is very interesting – we’ve noticed there are precious few bullshit stops up here. Few speed traps (I think we’ve found two so far, in ~5 years.) Tells me WHY the cops seem to be decent here, I guess. Funny, coming from Jersey, the commonwealth structure and Taxachusetts reputation made me think we’d be living in a gulag, but it hasn’t been so. Some idiocy on gun control, but overall, more right than wrong. Jersey was a place where cops happily CAUSED an infraction so they could pull you over.

      Now, one thing about Schiavo, based on what I understand: She was basically brain dead and only kept alive by machines. If that’s true, then there’s a reason to actually finish the job. Starving/dehydrating her was wrong, and enforcing that is also wrong. But keeping her “alive” is pointless. Some people can’t let go, I understand. Been there, done that. Heard many more stories. But it’s not morally right to keep someone on the machines that keep them “alive,” but “assist” them dying by dehydrating them to death. That strikes me as cruel and evil. Whereas putting in sodium pentathol and then stopping the heart, as when you put a dog down? That seems more humane. Schiavo was a legal mess, too, due to who wanted what, and who had control of the corpus based on law. But PVS doesn’t go away (persistent vegetative state: supply food and water and the body keeps going on autopilot, like a coma patient, but without the chance of waking up. E.G., a suicide by hanging in the hospital recently, no brain activity, no revival possible, but the family wanted to try “everything,” which includes hypothermia as a possible way to stop tissue deterioration, and maybe revive the individual. Parents couldn’t let go. But there was no person left to save. No mind left in the skull. )

      It’s also “funny” that the “peacekeeper” or grid methodology works everywhere it’s tried, and the crime rate goes down, as the arrest rate goes down. People live better lives all around, and the cops don’t have a target on them all the time.
      As Megadeth said, “Peace sells, but who’s buying?”

      The profit is in war, conflict.
      Which is part of why I say, give it to them, good and hard, until they decide to quit the field.
      TPTB see it as a win/win: you provoke someone to violence, then capitalize on it. Push gun control to confiscation, then blame all those “evil right wing fanatics” who push back (redefined as domestic terrorists, and you can guess they’ll be 99.99% or so white), and obtain more SWAT toys, military hardware, tanks, etc, because “it’s a warzone out there.” (Which has already been said by one idiot in blue. He wasn’t at Ferguson or Baltimore, either.)

      Corporate profits, power profits for government, and the “ter’rists” and cops are the ones who bleed… “Power hungry / selling soldiers in / a human grocery store / Ain’t that fresh? ” (G’N’R, Civil Wars)
      Axl was right about that.

      And if the “ter’rists” win? Well, that might not be any better. Some of them ARE off their rockers, and if you confirm their worst fears, what’s going to happen? Anyone in uniform becomes a target (not that there’s a choice once you resist.) Same scenario, though, the money keeps rolling in…. And if they win the WAR? Banana Republic comes to mind, or maybe we head towards Somalia’s favored status…

      I do think that waiting, given the Sesame Credit, remote-control birth control (and other medication) chips, cashless society, sousveillance police state model we’re sprinting towards is worse, though, than even Somalia’s state. I guess I’m just not one for obeisance.

      • I don’t mourn their passing. Sow the wind, etc. The profession has become fundamentally criminal. I would wager that two-thirds of their daily work involves malum prohibitum (i.e., victimless offenses against a statute) rather than malum in se (actions that have caused harm to actual people). It requires a kind of unconsciousness, minimally, to do this job and still be a not-bad person in the everyday sense. Maybe that is being overly generous. All I know is that I am repelled by the idea of being a law enforcer. Just saying that – law enforcer – makes my flesh creep.

            • I was once interested in LEAP and read accounts of various occifers service and former jobs before the War on Drugs. But there was always something that didn’t add up. I realized one day they coined their own phrase of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Shit Ronnie, they just admitted they still wanted to “enforce laws”, just not prohibition laws…….but that’s mainly what the laws are now. And of all the crimes on the books that don’t deal with prohibition, nearly all of them are “crimes against the state”. Once you consider the ramifications of that it’s easy to see there is no end. We have reached a point where the money the state simply takes under forfeiture laws is well beyond what criminal(sic)steal. Stand that on its head.

            • I would think that in a typical suburban and rural area (which is the majority of the country), 85% of the time spent by LE is traffic ticketing. What else would they be doing? There isn’t much crime in those areas to be “fighting”. The few crimes that happen, they have little real way of “solving”, nor much interest in doing so. Why would you spend $1000 solving a case that the loss is $300? It seems that only stupid criminals are ever caught, doing the same thing over and over.

              I am guessing in my town, a typical cop writes 8 traffic tickets, collects and books 1or 2 shoplifters at the shopping center, probably responds to 4-5 other calls and that’s it for a 8 hour shift. But yet we need 40 full time officers and a $10 million dollar cop station. The town once had more residents with 4 marshalls and the police station a room at town hall.

              • Oh, but those traffic stops result in not only good revenue but lots of searches and forfeitures.

                In rural west Tx. and probably all over the state if not every state, new law enforcement centers are going up willy-nilly. Of course they’re way expensive and the residents, for the most part are over-taxed anyway. Still, our taxes just went up for one and probably part of it is a carrot dangled by the feds.
                In 2014 the Texas DPS got a 20% pay increase across the board, really good news for all those overpaid “administrators” supposedly handling the immigrant problem local sheriffs can’t seem to identify.

    • Hi Tz,

      You make an excellent point – that the average Nazi/German soldier was under duress, while every cop is free to not be a cop at any time without any physical repercussions.

      Put another way, cops are much more morally culpable than the camp guard – who faced being in the camp himself if he objected or quit.

  5. Eric,

    Perhaps these “potential” thugs are fans of Corey Hart.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2LTL8KgKv8 😉

    Years ago Great Adventure (now part of 6 flags) had a policy against employees wearing mirrored sunglasses (basically any glasses that obscured your eyes from other people) because it made you seem more impersonal. GA wanted their guests to be more at ease while visiting their amusement park. Making a connection via eye contact helped in making the people more at ease.


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