In Defense of Tesla (Kinda Sorta)!


Here’s the audio from my latest radio gig – talking about Tesla’s direct-sale model (much better than the actual models it sells) on Bill Meyer’s show in Oregon:


Also: I’m working up something on the first-ever imposition of CAFE fuel economy standards for heavy (commercial) trucks and buses. Yes, indeed. The maniacs who have their hands on the levers of power are going to apply fuel efficiency and “greenhouse gas” emissions standards to the big rigs that bring us… everything (with the attendant increase in the cost of everything).

2500 and 3500 series pick-ups will also be affected.clover-lead

Or rather, we’ll be affected by higher costs, greater complexity and all the other good things that emanate from an out-of-control federal bureaucracy (EPA) that has become a de facto (and unelected) legislature.

No one voted for these unknown, faceless minions – and we certainly can’t vote them out. Yet they have somehow acquired the power to pass what amount to laws in all but name (they call them “regulations” instead) and we are obliged to obey them.

So much for the yarn about us consenting to being governed, eh?

Stay tuned; should have the fresh rant done before the weekend.

Meanwhile, it’s time to shake the tin cup again. This is a shoestring operation – just me and (lately) my new web savant, Ben. I can skip paying myself but I do need to pay Ben – and also for the dedicated servers and back-ups that make all this both feasible and functional.

I mentioned before that I won’t whore my keyboard out, either. Again, because you guys help keep the site afloat and make it so I don’t face the choice of either becoming yet another shill for Team Red or Team Blue or becoming broke.

So, if you appreciate what goes on here and want to see it continue (and, hopefully, grow), please consider supporting the site financially. We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!

Our donate button is here.

 If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is:

721 Hummingbird Lane SE
Copper Hill, VA 24079

EPautos stickers – new design, larger and magnetic! – are free to those who send in $10 or more to support the site.epautoslogo




    • T, that’s weird. I was attempting a comment to eric and had made the point of Mac Slavo’s article you just posted when my computer did some shitty and it disappeared.

      What we O/O’s did back in the 70’s would never be tolerated now. We shut down for a week in protest of fuel prices too high on a lie from govt. to make a living. If it hadn’t been for some hamhanded big companies who threatened their drivers who didn’t have the guts to stand up to them, we’d have had the nation on its knees in a heartbeat. There were already shelves going empty and a fuel shortage because so many fuel haulers were O/O’s. Of course much of the fuel shortage was due to truck stops refusing to sell diesel in support of truckers.

      There’s a good article today in LRC that mentions this same article…..

  1. Smart-Way trailers!

    Boy I can’t wait. Won’t be long until toilet paper is over a dollar a sheet.

    Now I understand why the big push for cashless. You can wash a dollar bill after you wipe with it. TP, not so much.

    They really are going to make us “want” to “live” in the cities.

    Who knew it would be so simple?

    The great culling of the herd will be due to amoebic dysentery.

    Holy human guano Batman!


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