Blue Discount for Drunk “Hero”


What do you suppose would happen to you if you were found passed out dead drunk in your car . . . in the middle of the road?

Assuming, of course, you aren’t a “hero” law enforcer.

Here’s what happened to “Hero” Michael Morin of the Robstown, Texas Police Department:

Someone called 911 to report that there was a driver slumped over the steering wheel of a truck parked in the middle of the road. Morin was found passed out behind the wheel when his fellow “heroes” arrived at the scene. He subsequently failed a field sobriety test and was booked on a DWI charge, then sent off on a paid vacation.

Four months later, the verdict is in (Via

The Robstown police officer who was arrested on D.W.I. charges is back at work.

Robstown P.D. officer Michael Morin was arrested on November 6th after he was found slumped over his steering wheel on the road near the Staples and Everhart intersection. On Wednesday, we learned Morin has worked out a deal with the prosecutor’s office and he is taking part in a pre-trial diversion program. If he complies with that program, Morin will have the charge removed from his record.

Meanwhile, the city of Robstown suspended Morin for five days without pay.

Five days without pay – after sitting at home for four months getting paid. And he will remain a “law enforcer,” of course.

Robstown Police Chief Derly Flores:

“I am mindful that I may face scrutiny, but I stand behind my decision to retain this police officer in whom we have invested so much. I believe that he should have a long and successful career with the City of Robstown.”



  1. Commenting on what the local Chief of Police said: He has full faith that the “investment” in Officer Morin should not be wasted. What waste would he be talking about? The cost of the police academy training that was fronted by the police department? The cost of keeping him on the job? I’m not sure, but it sounds silly to me that you would place higher priority on money spent for someone who may be a criminally negligent officer than you would on what could happen if he was slumped over in his car with the flashing lights on it after some hot pursuit. When he became enraged and attacked a civilian for speeding.

    I would expect a police officer to maintain standards becoming of that position at ALL times.

    I still remember the immortal words of Sergeant Joe Friday: “A cop is a representative of the department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He can’t just put down his badge so he can go out drinking with his friends. And he will have to listen to people make jokes about the way they behave when he’s around: ‘You can’t have a drink–the fuzz right there will bust you.'”

    It’s true: Sometimes police officers get called bad names. Sometimes, they don’t deserve it. But to be a drunken cop? That’s worse than just about any name that you could be called. And in this case, it was justified.


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