Aspen, CO “Hero” Gets Blue Discount


Here’s a story about an Aspen cop who received the usual Blue Discount – plus paid vacation – for his illegal actions:

Pitkin County Deputy George Kremer, 61, was placed on paid administrative leave for drunk driving. While driving his cop car.

While armed.

What do you suppose would happen to you or me or any other non-“hero” for doing less?

For merely driving drunk?

Without a weapon?

Meanwhile, Kremer – a law enforcer – is put on paid leave.

Shouldn’t these “heroes” – who are given power over us – be held to at least the same standard that we are?

How come they are not held to a higher standard?

“I’m very disappointed,” Sheriff Joe DiSalvo said. “It’s unacceptable. It’s embarrassing. It’s not behavior I’d expect from any police officer, much less one from my office.”

Kremer was driving a marked sheriff’s department vehicle Wednesday morning but was not charged with DUI because a Colorado State Patrol trooper did not see him driving, DiSalvo said. Instead, Kremer was charged with misdemeanor prohibited use of weapon because he had his service firearm with him.

Reached for comment Wednesday, Kremer said he’d worked a long shift the night before, stayed up late drinking and was back on duty early in the morning.

“It just wasn’t enough time,” he said, adding that he didn’t drink immediately before his shift or while on duty Wednesday.

Kremer said there are reasons behind his behavior, but they are not excuses for what happened.

“I’m very sorry,” he said. “I apologize to the people of Pitkin County who pay my salary, and I really look forward to serving them again in the future.”

Kremer reported for duty at 7 a.m. Wednesday and later was dispatched to help deal with traffic at a car accident at the intersection of the Aspen Business Center and Highway 82, DiSalvo said. About 10:30 a.m. while at the accident scene, another deputy smelled alcohol on Kremer and notified DiSalvo, he said.

DiSalvo said he then called Colorado State Patrol, which had a trooper stationed nearby. Because he did not see Kremer drive — a standard troopers use for every driver — and because Kremer did not appear intoxicated except for the alcoholic odor, he did not charge him with DUI, he said.

A phone message left for a state patrol captain seeking comment was not returned. No alcohol was found in Kremer’s sheriff’s vehicle, DiSalvo said. Kremer could be fired for the incident, but for the time being, the sheriff said he will wait and see what happens with Kremer’s court case.

Kremer said he’s worked for the sheriff’s office for 19 years, and spent six years with the Aspen Police Department before that. He said he plans to find better ways to deal with stress than using alcohol.

“I’m going to try and use this as a learning experience,” he said.

Too bad the rest of us don’t get the same gentle, understanding treatment.



  1. I gotta call bullshit on this:”Because he did not see Kremer drive — a standard troopers use for every driver — and because Kremer did not appear intoxicated except for the alcoholic odor, he did not charge him with DUI, he said.”
    I’ve known too many people rousted from their vehicle many hours after they stopped and went to sleep to believe any of the above sentence. They all have a sense of entitlement or they’d be gainfully employed.

    Many years ago a friend was near Buda, Tx. on a busy two lane highway when he came on a slow sheriff’s deputy SUV he passed as soon as he got the chance. Once around the red and blues came on so he pulled over. He said he smelled the guy before he got to his car. He feared for his life before the guy’s wife exited the vehicle and practically dragged her husband, the deputy, back to his vehicle. He was incensed to be passed as if he were another slow motorist. I guess my friend didn’t genuflect properly after the pass. And for those who think occifers mellow with age, this guy was several years older than my friend who is about my age. But drunks with a badge evidently never mellow.


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