Frog Face Says Sayonara


Tesla Inc. CEO Elon Musk said on Thursday he will leave White House advisory councils after Donald Trump said he would withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord.

This is no surprise given that Musk’s “business” depends entirely on continued graft gifted him by government mandates and regulations premised on the fraud of “climate change.”

“Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world,” Musk said in a Twitter post.

It is certainly not good for Musk. He stands to lose a bunch of money if the government stops mandating the manufacture and subsidized sale of “zero emissions” electric cars – and there is suddenly less “market” for the “carbon credits” that constitute the bulk of Musk’s “business.”

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  1. The best way to run a government is to get the musks as far away as possible, preferably in a steel cage in Antarctica. With no heat; after all, it is warming up down there!

  2. More good news about leaving this horrid and worthless climate treaty. Musk is as big of a fraud as global warming (or whatever it’s called today) itself.

    He will go down in history as one of the most successful con-artists ever. His article will be with the stories of snake oil salesmen of the 19th century.

  3. Halleluja! Good-bye Welfare Billionaire! Another Billionaire Con-artist called out for his lies and scamming. Why not fine HIM 80 Billion for defrauding the US Govt? Nahhh, just lynch his ass and make an example of him!

    • Take that 80 billion and buy everyone that wants them solar panels and hybrids. Much better for the climate then letting him keep it.


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