Georgia “heroes” Have SexyTime With Inmates


Two employees with the Macon County Sheriff’s Department have been arrested and charged in two separate cases.

In recent weeks county jailor Andrew Dixon and a deputy/investigator Jason Whitt were arrested on sexual misconduct and bribery charges, respectively.

Dixon, a correctional officer in the Macon County jail, was arrested in early June after the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) was called by Macon County Sheriff Andre’ Brunson upon receiving information that Dixon possibly having unlawful sexual contact with an inmate.

“A female complained to the administration that she had sexual contact with Dixon,” Brunson said. “After getting this information, I called SBI to conduct the investigation because I wanted the community to know we do things by the book.”

Dixon, who is also the janitor at the Tuskegee Police Department, has been placed on leave and was given the option to resign by the Police Department.

“The City Attorney (Milton Davis) advised that we give Mr. Dixon the option to resign. If he does not then we will terminate him,” said Police Chief Lester Patrick. “We have not heard from him at this time, so we will probably terminate him.”

Patrick made the statement concerning termination on Tuesday, June 27 before The Tuskegee News went to press for the June 29 edition.

Dixon was charged with four counts of custodial sex abuse involving four different inmates in the Macon County facility.

According to court records:

•The first female reported sexual misconduct on July 29, 2016 and again March 25, 2017.

•The second inmate reported sexual contact between April 6 and June 9, 2017.

•A third inmate reported the unlawful sexual contact between April 29 and June 9, 2017.

•The fourth and final inmate to make a report against Dixon said contact was made between April 9 and June 9, 2017. The sexual misconduct and contact were defined as touching, oral sex and penetration.

Dixon has since made bond and has been fired by the Sheriff’s Department.

K-9 Deputy and Investigator Whitt was arrested on Friday, June 23 and charged with two counts of extortion. He was fired after a month-long investigation by SBI and after Brunson had been informed that Whitt was possibly doing some things that were inappropriate and taking money from inmates.

There may be more charges against Whitt, who also has been fired from the department and released from the Chambers County Jail on bond.

“I am not going to allow people to take unlawful advantage of anyone, especially my officers,” Brunson said.

“I am so sorry these things have happened at the department, but I will not allow any wrongdoings to take place on my watch. I do not care who is doing wrong, they will be arrested and charged.”



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