Reader Qs (July 31, 2017)


Here are the latest reader Qs – and my replies!

Mike asks:

Eric – after reading your obituary on the Honda S2000, I want one! Can you give me some advice to narrow my search? What model years offer best value? Are the detuned 2004-2009 versions worth considering? Really enjoy your columns. Thank you.
My reply:
As with any used car, I’d look for the one with the lowest miles in the best overall condition that my budget would allow. Put another way, I’d rather buy a well-kept/low-miles “detuned” 2004-2009 model than an earlier model that was run at the track every weekend and is now badly tired.
The good news is there is a lot factory (Honda) and aftermarket support for these cars, so getting necessary parts is not difficult. And, they are Hondas – amazingly durable/reliable cars (like the NSX). Honda is the only major car company that also has extensive experience with very high-RPM street engines; they just happen to mostly be motorcycle engines!
Have you got a friend who knows these cars who can go with you to look at candidates? If not, I’d recommend making an inspection by a Honda dealer or independent shop competent to do so a condition of sale.
PS: Keep in mind that you can readily modify/update the “detuned” later models to be as razor sharp as the earlier versions. They main thing is finding a good car to start with.
Keep us posted!

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