Armed Government Worker “Is in Control of the Situation”


Here’s another disgusting video of an armed government worker gratuitously abusing a woman who dared to assert her rights and challenge the armed government worker’s fragile ego:

The action begins shortly after the woman and her husband are pulled over for “offenses” which involve no harm done to anyone – and although neither have done anything criminal, they are accosted by criminals who are free to do so because they wear special outfits provided by the government.

Have a look:

. . .

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  1. OK,
    We are seeing so much of this abuse by cops, and then they finally make the “shocking ” discovery that the Golden State Serial Killer is ….. a Cop! Why is this a surprise??? That’s like Germans in 1945 saying
    “What Holocaust?” & “We didn’t kill any Jews!” Really folks? People to need to fucking wake up!


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