Armed Government Worker Beats Handcuffed Teen


Here’s surveillance camera/interrogation room/local media coverage of a beat-down administered to a handcuffed teenager by an armed government worker in Florida named Tim James:

The teen was beaten bloody – and reportedly spat on, for good measure – by the armed government worker. Twice the kid’s size and armed. With the kid in cuffs and physically unable to defend himself and likely to have been shot dead for “resisting” had he tried.

The armed government worker was subsequently arrested but it will be taxpayers who foot the bill when the kid wins the massive settlement he’s sure to get.

. . .

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  1. I found a relevant quote from a famous American Philosopher today, so I thought I would share this with everyone:
    “We took a look. We saw a Shnook.
    On his head he had a hook.
    On his hook he had a book.
    On his book was “How to Cook”
    We saw him sit and try to cook
    But a Shnook can’t read, so a Shnook can’t Cook.
    What good to a Shnook is a hook cook book?” – Theodore Geisel


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