“In This Day and Age” Armed Government Workers in TN


Here’s a video taken by a man standing on a public sidewalk – an act every law enforcer (as they style themselves) ought to know isn’t against the law – who is nonetheless threatened by three armed and body-armored-up enforcers, who prattle on about everything except the law as they interfere with his peaceful and legal actions:

They spout non sequiturs; babble incoherently, demand ID – but never cite a law that’s been violated.

Note (again) that in spite of incontrovertible video evidence of these law enforcers abusing the actual law – and a peaceful, law-abiding citizen – nothing will be done to hold them accountable.

If an ordinary citizen accosted another citizen in this manner he’d be subject to arrest for assault or harassment.

Why do law enforcers get exempted from the laws applied to everyone else?

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  1. For the same reason the Vichy police terrorized and abused their own countrymen during Nazi occupation, because they could, and the existing regime encouraged it! Same here, no ifs, ands, or butts! They will also get theirs in the end.


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