Armed Government Worker Tasers Handcuffed Man


Here’s video just released from Meridian, MS of an armed government worker applying a Taser directly to the neck of a handcuffed man.

The armed government worker was subsequently fired but has not been charged with any crime – which is part of the reason for the lawlessness and sadism of armed government workers. They know they are effectively immune from being prosecuted for violating laws which apply to us.

In this instance, had an ordinary citizen applied a Taser to the person of an armed government worker – handcuffed or not – that person would have been charged with various felonies and probably spent time in prison.

But an armed government worker can sadistically abuse – even kill (see the Shaver case in AZ) people with near-impunity from criminal prosecution and civil liability.

The victim in this case will probably receive a deserved massive settlement from the city of Meridian – which will be paid by the taxpayers of Meridian. It will not come out of the hide of the bloated sadist in costume.

Note also that none of the “good cops” who personally witnessed this brutal assault so much as wagged a finger at their “fellow officer.”

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    • Hi Ed,

      Indeed. It is a start. Never give up hope! I remind people – I remind myself – that in the late summer of 1941, it damn sure looked like the Germans would be clinking champagne glasses in Moscow by Fall. But just a few months later, the tables had turned remarkably.

      Just one example, there are many others.

      As long as we are alive and still can act, there is still hope.

  1. So…. a fired cop is a civilian, right? If one of his victims beats the fuck out of his fat ass it will just be simple assault. Chubby had better move to another state, pronto.

    BTW, I just saw this:

    The murderer who executed Lavoy Finicum has been doxed. His identity has been hidden by a court order until now. He is Casey Codding, a sergeant of the Oregon state police.


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