Latest Reader Question: Replacing Aging Tahoe?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Mike asks: I love my 2004 Tahoe.  I’m in constant home DIY projects and the Tahoe fits a full size sheet of plywood or drywall in the bed without any trouble. I’m also hauling kids and friends out on weekend adventures and throwing in the third row for a few extra teens makes this a great vehicle for the family. My commute is short so who cares about the gas mileage. I don’t truly drive off road that much anymore but back in the day I would take the Tahoe all over the northwest full of mountain bikes or climbing gear and I’m not really ready to give up on that dream. I’m racking up a list of expensive repairs and the car is generally in poor to fair shape. Time for something new but I just can’t find anything that seems worth the money. I tried the new Tahoe and the Sequoia. They killed the Tahoe in my opinion with lower ground clearance and less cargo space. The Sequoia was just so boring to drive but seemed practical enough. The 4Runner looks like fun but maybe it’s too small for me? Should I just get a slightly newer Tahoe or is there something out there that’s worth considering? I found you through Lew Rockwell and I’m a big fan.  Looking forward to hearing your reply. Thank you!

My reply: Given that you really like your current Tahoe – that the main reason for replacing it is that it’s wearing out – and given that you don’t like the new Tahoe, because of the changes made to it – my initial thought is the same as yours: Shop for a newer used Tahoe – one similar to your current Tahoe – but with lower miles and many years of service life left. It should not be too hard to find one; Chevy made lots of them – and so did GMC (the Yukon is the same thing, just a little nicer – and priced a bit higher).

I also like the 4Runner, but it’s smaller than the Tahoe and may be too small to meet your family’s needs. But definitely worth consideration. Another one I would recommend – which is in the Tahoe’s class, as far as size and capabilities – is the Toyota Sequoia. Very nice . and very solid – truck. People love them – with reason. A Nissan Pathfinder Armada might also be worth a look.

I’ve left off the Ford Expedition – not because it’s a bad ‘ute. I’m just personally leery of the current model’s twin-turbo V6. That leeriness may be unjustified, but I’d rather have a simpler, known-to-be-reliable V8, ideally one with overhead valves and just one cam!

Thanks for the kind words – and keep us posted!

. . .

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  1. There’s a 2004-5 Armada for sale for about $5500 near me. I might take a look. I have always liked large V8 engines and trucks built like a house. Well not always, but nowadays, yes.

  2. I would avoid any Ford made in the last 13 years with the 3V engine. It is undisputedly a piece of junk. There are thousands in junkyards, not running or barely running being unloaded onto unsuspecting customers who need replacement engine for their vehicle. The used ones barely run better than one that died on the side of the road. Apparently, the oil ports in these engines get clogged so that lubricant barely goes to the heads, resulting in bent valves and destroyed engines. I know. I went through that with my 2007 Mustang GT. While the recommended oil is 0W20, if you put that in, you will hear the cam phasor lag behind and then start bending valves. Ford designed a piece of shit and I don’t understand how they get away with it. 10W40 is what I use adn the phasors work fine now. The problem now is that gas mileage suffers. Who cares, though if it is a V8. I don’t want it to happen, but Ford deserves to die. They suck.


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