Armed Government Worker Punishes Passer


Here’s a video taken – luckily – by a man pulled over for the manufactured offense of “speeding” by an armed government worker who appears to have been triggered by the driver’s daring to pull up beside the armed government worker’s car:

The worst offense there is isn’t on the books. It is affronting the authority of an armed government worker.

A capital offense is “threatening” the “safety” of an armed government worker. This does not mean attacking an armed government worker; it means failing to immediately become limp and supine in the presence of an armed government worker.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

. . .

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  1. OK, so as usual, the cop is an asshole, but remember the cardinal rule when it comes to porky. Avoid him at all costs. If I were this guy, I would have stayed behind, maybe even move over to the far right and let a bunch of other cars pass and get between me and the hero. Hell, I’ve even turned into parking lots to sit and wait for awhile. I don’t want them anywhere near me. You know he’s out there just looking for someone to fuck with, and I don’t ever want to be the guy that he notices.


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