Reader Rant: Too Tall for Corvette!


Here’s the latest reader rant, along with my reply!

Bill writes: Here’s the ultimate insult. I went to test drive the 2019 Corvette (Bill had asked previously about the Corvette’s merits; see here for my reply to that question). Couldn’t fit.  The cockpit was way too small.   It’s great being 6’5″ as a matter of course, but lots of really great cars can’t accommodate that size.

My response: I didn’t realize you were that tall! I”m 6ft 3 . . .which is probably 95th-plus percentile in terms of height for most American men. But you’re a notch higher… which is unfortunate in terms of car shopping – especially performance car shopping – because most cars won’t fit you.  It’s either leg or headroom which usually kills the deal.

But, I have a possible for you. Because it fits me.

The Dodge Challenger Hellcat.

This is a bruiser – 700 horsepower – enough to maul the Corvette. But it has significantly more headroom (39.3 inches vs. 37.9 in the ‘Vette) and just fits big guys better because, well, it’s a big car. You also get the practical advantage of adult-viable rear seats and a large car’s trunk.

The Hellcat is priced under $60k, too.

Or, you could buy the 392 version – for a lot less than $60k. It’s not quite as quick as the Hellcat, but it’s still very quick.

I’d have a look!

. . .

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