Special Oil for Specialized Vehicles


Here’s a quick video about changing oil – and which oil to change it with – if you own a speciality vehicle such as a high-performance motorcycle or a vintage car with an engine that uses a flat tappet (non-roller) camshaft.

Like my ’76 Pontiac Trans-Am, for instance.

I use AMSOIL in all my vehicles because it’s a superior quality synthetic (some synthetics are blends) and in my specialty vehicles because it’s designed especially for them and their special needs.

The ’76 Trans-Am gets ZRod, which is formulated with higher levels of the anti-wear additives (such as zinc and manganese) which have been largely removed from most commonly available oils, even high-dollar (and otherwise high quality) synthetics. This is a real problem for older engines with flat-tappet cams, like my Orange Barchetta.

Use of oil that lacks the additive can lead to accelerated wear and even lobe failure, which will cost you more than an oil change.

You can buy additive, but AMSOIL ZRod has the necessary additives already. It also has critical anti-corrosion additives as well, another very important consideration for vehicles that do a lot of sitting.

My sport bike doesn’t sit around as much but also gets AMSOIL – for a different reason. It’s a 10,000-plus RPM engine. Going cheap on oil for such an engine is a lot like making a parachute jump with a burlap sack.

Amsoil has an entire lineup of exceptional products to lubricate – and protect – whatever’s in your garage.

Check ’em out – and if my recommendation counts, give ’em a try!

. . .

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