Reader Question: Fear the MB250?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Karlis asks: I am considering buying a low mileage MB E250. Do you have any flags/recommendations? It is difficult to find reliability reports and costs to maintain an MB E250 over 5 or 10 year period. What are your recommendations on the E250?

My reply: It breaks my heart that MB stopped selling the Bluetec diesel-powered E-Class in the United States. This car (my review is here) was the modern iteration of the old 300D – but much quicker and capable of 45 MPG, too. Tremendous torque (369 ft.-lbs., as much as typical gas V8 –  out of an engine less than half the physical displacement) made it a ball to drive, too.

I have no reservations at all about the Bluetec engine; Mercedes builds brilliant diesels.

I do have some reservations about the Mercedes itself. Because it is a late-model luxury car and these tend toward the elaborate and expensive everything. Even routine service can cost halting sums of money – and it’s not just Mercedes. It’s all of them. BMW, Lexus, Audi, etc.

This is why so many people choose to lease luxury cars.

Assuming the car itself is sound – have it given a thorough going over by a mechanic who is qualified and knows MB vehicles – an extended warranty can be money very well spent.

And given you’ll be saving a lot of money on fuel, the cost of the warranty should be quickly amortized over the cost of a year or so.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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