Oklahoma AGW Says: You Have no Rights!


Here’s video taken by a man stopped for a traffic infraction by an Oklahoma AGW, who becomes agitated when the victim politely declines to answer his interrogatory questions – which he is under no legal obligation to answer – and becomes even more annoyed when he realizes the victim is recording the AGW’s re-enactment of life in Germany, circa 1941:

. . .

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  1. From LRC this morning

    “Americans of every age and skin color are being taught the painful lesson that the only truly compliant, submissive and obedient citizen in a police state is a dead one.”

  2. I can’t bring myself to watch videos of cops acting like cops. I already hate the professional molesters of The Blue Line Gang more than is healthy– which is illogical, because why shouldn’t you hate rapists/muggers/murderers to the fullest extent possible?


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