Reader Question: Seat Comfort?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Don asks: I’d like to see your reviews include seat comfort opinions. I have a 2005 Grand Cherokee; the seats are fine for my 6ft 1, 215 lb. framework. Looking at newer SUVs, stopped by lame seats! Neighbor has a 2012 Acadia, great seats. 2018 version, no good.  Narrowed seat to accommodate a seat frame air bag and a side bolster decorative lap seam that ate into my leg on a 20 minute test drive. I don’t care about gizmos, I want comfort first! Your opinion on seats and other ergonomic issues would be valuable to potential buyers.

My reply: I’ve been hesitant to make more than general comments about seats because comfort is hugely (and highly individually) variable. Also because I am (like you) in a percentile of body type (6ft 3) very different from the average person’s body type; what fits me – and is comfortable to me – may be extremely uncomfortable to someone reading my article and I don’t want them to buy a car they end up hating!

So, I will offer facts about seats that are generally relevant and may write that I liked a given car’s seats… but I always recommend that anyone who is thinking about buying a new vehicle test drive that vehicle for at least an hour – in order to get a sense of how the seat feels to them.

Many vehicles offer different seating options, too – so test driving the various options is just as important.

The main thing is to not buy a car you generally like based on a 15 minute drive around the block.

Your back – and butt – might be very sorry if you do!

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. eric, I’ve been looking for a 94 or older GM pickup. Every time I get into a conversation with someone who had one we eventually speak of the great seats they had and the sorry things they have made since. I hear the birdies….cheap cheap cheap.

    • Hi Eight,

      One of the many things I love about my ’76 TA are the “horsecollar” seats – a Pontiac trademark, as you know. They are just right for me and even pushing 45 years old, they are more comfortable (to me) than almost any new car’s seats!


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