An AGW Who Groks That “Not Normal” Isn’t Illegal


Here is a semi-encouraging video of an armed government worker approaching a man taking video of public areas – which many AGWs consider “suspicious” and that (in their minds) amounts to the same thing as illegal  – but not giving him the Hut! Hut! Hut! routine:

The AGW even has a sense of humor, conceding that putting ketchup on biscuits “isn’t normal,” either – but not (yet) illegal.

But then another AGW enters the scene. This one is very Hut! Hut! Hut!

“Hey, you got your ID on you?” he demands.

“Nope,” the man replies – as he keeps on walking past the now-affronted AGW, who oinks and grunts back to his AGW-mobile and saunters off down the road in search of paying customers.

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