Gum-Snapping AGW Actually Fired, Apparently


Here’s a video of an AGW who pulled over a guy for “suspicion” – not of anything specific, much less specifically illegal. The AGW demands ID, demands answers to questions… the usual routine. The man’s actual offense, of course, was Affronting the Authority of the AGW.

After some back and forth – the man stands his ground and eventually a “lieutenant” appears and actually admits that “suspicion” isn’t a statutory offense. He then goes on about how “it’s a dangerous world we live in now”… something not on the statute books, of course. The “lieutenant”goes on about it being ok to film… except you “have to do in a way with regard to an officer’s safety.”

Which is as counterfactual as the “lieutenant’s” bars.

The AGWs let the man go, eventually.

But no false arrest charge for the AGW.

The Thick Blue Double Standard prevails, again.

. . .

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