Reader Question: A 7 Liter Hemi for 2020?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Bill asks: I have heard rumors of a 7 liter, 426 Hemi for the 2020, or now 2022, Ram 1500 line up. Only thing is, I cannot seem to confirm it. Have you heard anything?

My reply: Yes – and there is good and bad news. The bad news is that it appears the 5.7 Hemi is going away, with the 6.4 becoming the optional V8. This is good in that the 6.4 is bigger – and more powerful – than the 5.7 V8. But also bad in that I suspect the price of the 6.4 V8 option will go up substantially (vs. the current 5.7)  to discourage buyers – and steer as any as possible to the 3.6 V6, for CAFE reasons.

The 7 liter V8 looks like it’s going to be a high-performance option, with the usual price uptick for that. The Hellcat 6.2 (supercharged) will apparently be available in the 1500 Rebel TRX.

Overall, though, it’s happy news – because no turbo fours or V6s appear to be in sight for the foreseeable future!

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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