Reader Rant: Fan Mail & MarkyMark Stuff?


Here’s the latest reader rant, along with my comments!

Adam writes: Heard you on Real News (here). Great site; wanted to shout out, great info on how they are taking our cars away, man what a nightmare – our only hope is flying cars like Fifth Element maybe, lol? What’s up with the Marky Mark stuff on the right lol??!?!?!?  Anyways, bookmarked you; will be back.

My reply: Well, thanks for the kind words! I am to please; or at least, to piss off the Clovers among us who are sucking every last bit of joy out of life. It is time to weed the patch… .

On the other: MarkyMark is the handle of one of our regular posters and a good dude on top of that. Lots of similar Freaks and Weirdoes here – including me. We welcome you aboard!

I loved the Fifth Element, by the way; quirky, fun flick – and very hot Fifth Element, too!

. . .

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